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Mission: Surprise Attack


Halgrims scout packs have discovered the location of what seems to be the Eldar
command outpost, in the valley between some heavily forested hills. Quickly he sets
about infiltrating a small force in an attempt to dispatch the enemy leadership.

Tathlen and her seer council take refuge in their Waveserpent in the SW, while the
avengers serpent take cover by the NE woods, and the foot Avengers take the NW woods.

The Wolf Scouts infiltrate into the woods behind the Avengers serpent.

Wolves 1:


Hargrimm leads both packs of Grey hunters and a pack of wolves from the south. The
Predator rumbles on from the east, and a final pack of wolves approach from the north.

The Scouts close in on the Avengers Serpent.


The Predator opens fire on the Avenger serpent with no effect.

Squad Beta open fire on the Seer Serpent with long range Meltas with no effect.

Both packs of Wolves and Hargrimms Squad Fleet.


The Wolves in the north were out of range due to difficult terrain from the woods,
however Hargrim and the southern wolves managed to engage the Scorpions.

Scouts engage the Avenger Serpent, exploding it and killing 3 scouts and 4 Avengers in
the process. The Avengers are pinned.

3 Scorpions vs Hargrims squad, Exarch vs Hargrim, and 2 Scorpions vs Wolves

7 Wolves and entire of Hargrims squad able to fight.

Hasrgrim hits twice but fails to wound. The Scorpions kill one Grey Hunter.

The Grey Hunters kill two scorpions

The Exarch kills Hargrimm!! The Wolves drag down another Scorpion, leaving the
combat a draw.

Wolves 1, Eldar 0

Eldar Turn 1


Tathlen fortunes the Seers, then disembarks and heads north around the woods.

Serpent glides east towards the hill.

Avengers move north in the central woods.


Seers Fleet.

Serpent hits Predator but does nothing.

Avengers open fire on northern wolves, slaying 5 and causing the rest to flee.


Seers attack wolves.

Tathlen kills 1 wolf.

Seers kill 6 wolves, Scorpion kills 1 wolf but grey hunter saves a wound.
Grey Hunters kill 1 scorpion
Exarch kills 2 Grey hunters
Hunters loose by 9 and the wolves are wiped out, whilst the hunters take a further 9
wounds 2 of which are unsaved.

Wolves 1, Eldar 6

Space Wolves Turn 2


The northern wolves flee the Battle.

The Scouts move to surround the Avengers.
The Predator rumbles forwards.
The Grey hunters move to engage the Serpent.

The Scouts open fire on the Avengers with their Bolt Pistles, killing 1.
The predator fires at the Serpent, but does nothing
The Hunters open fire with melta guns at long range but do nothing


The Scouts assault the avengers, killing 1 and slaughtering the remainder in a sweeping

The Seers kill 1 hunter, the exarch kills another, and a third dies to combat resolution.

Wolves 2, Eldar 6

Eldar turn 2


Tathlen Fortunes the seers.

Serpent moves east to keep in predators side arc.
Avengers move up positions to defend against the Scouts.


Avengers lay down a hail of shuriken, killing 4 scouts.

Serpent opens fire and destroys the Predators turret autocannon.


The Scorpion kills a Hunter, and the Exarch kills the last one.
The seers consolidate towarss the remaining hunters, whilst the Scorpions withdraw into

Wolves 2, Eldar 7

Wolves Turn 3


Hunters move into the woods to engage the Seers.

Predator turns to face the Avengers.
Scouts move deeper into cover.


Scouts run further into cover.

Predator opens up on Avengers with Heavy Bolters, but they are to entrenched in cover to
take damage.

Grey Hunters open fire on the Seers, killing 1.


Hunters assault the Seers (Tathlen is unable to engage).

Seers kill 2 Hunters, Hunters kill 2 Seers.

Wolves 2, Eldar 7

Eldar turn 3

Tathlen Fortunes Seers

Serpent moves round Predator.
Scorpions move forwards.


Serpent destroys Predator


Scorpions Join the Assault

The Hunters kill 1 Seer in exchange for 2 hunters, then turn and break from combat.
The seers stay close to stop regrouping.

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