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ePortfolio Requirement: Signature Assignment


1. Make connections between what you studied in this nutrition course with what you’ve
learned in other courses at SLCC or before.

That the lifestyle choices that you make from exercise to food to sleep to vitamins all has a
huge amount of impact on your mental and physical well-being.

2. Make specific references to your work in this class and in the other courses.

Health 1020
HLAC 1096

3. How did what you learn in the other courses enhance what you learned in nutrition, and
vice versa?

Both Health and Nutrition play a huge part in life especially if you are trying to live a healthy

4. Reflect on how you thought about nutrition before you took this course and how you think
about it now that the course is over.

I used to just eat whatever and do whatever and never really took any of it serious but now
I know how important it is in our everyday life.

5. Have any of your assumptions or understandings changed? Why?

Yes, a lot, why? Because I use to not care much about it but now that I understand it my
point of view has completely changed.

6. What assignments/activities/readings were influential in this process?

Honestly, I would say all of them were very helpful.

7. How will you approach (course topic) differently in the future?

Definitely more cautious on any and everything especially what I decide to put into my body.

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