Population Divergence in Growth Rate and Antipredator Defences in Rana Arvalis

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Oecologia (2006) 147: 585–595

DOI 10.1007/s00442-005-0301-3


Anssi Laurila Æ Susanna Pakkasmaa Æ Juha Merilä

Population divergence in growth rate and antipredator defences

in Rana arvalis

Received: 6 April 2005 / Accepted: 1 November 2005 / Published online: 2 December 2005
 Springer-Verlag 2005

Abstract Growth and development rates often differ affected by predator treatments, but tadpoles meta-
among populations of the same species, yet the factors morphosed later and at larger size in the predator
maintaining this differentiation are not well understood. treatments. G tadpoles survived better in the presence of
We investigated the antipredator defences and their free-ranging predators than U tadpoles. These results
efficiency in two moor frog Rana arvalis populations suggest that in these two populations, low growth rate
differing in growth and development rates by raising was linked with low activity and increased hiding,
tadpoles in outdoor containers in the nonlethal presence whereas high growth rate was linked with high activity
and absence of three different predators (newt, fish, and less hiding. The differences in behaviour may
dragonfly larva), and by estimating tadpole survival in explain the difference in survival between the popula-
the presence of free-ranging predators in a laboratory tions, but other mechanisms (i.e. differences in swim-
experiment. Young tadpoles in both populations ming speed) may also be involved. There appears to be
reduced activity in the presence of predators and considerable differentiation in antipredator responses
increased hiding behaviour in the presence of newt and between these two R. arvalis populations, as well as with
fish. Older tadpoles from the slow-growing Gotland respect to different predators.
population (G) had stronger hiding behaviour and lower
activity in all treatments than tadpoles from the fast- Keywords Growth rate Æ Inducible defences Æ
growing Uppland population (U). However, both pop- Plasticity Æ Population differentiation Æ Predation
ulations showed a plastic behavioural response in terms
of reduced activity. The populations differed in induced
morphological defences especially in response to fish. G Introduction
tadpoles responded with relatively long and deep body,
short tail and shallow tail muscle, whereas the responses Many organisms exhibit adaptive intraspecific differen-
in U tadpoles were often the opposite and closer to the tiation in growth and development rates, which is often
responses induced by the other predators. U tadpoles related to large-scale climatic variation (Endler 1977;
metamorphosed earlier, but at a similar size to G tad- Conover and Schultz 1995; Arendt 1997). While these
poles. There was no evidence that growth rate was differences appear common in nature, their interplay
with other important fitness-related traits remains ob-
Communicated by Roland Brandl scure (Arendt 1997; Blanckenhorn 2000; Mangel and
Stamps 2001; Angilletta et al. 2003). For example, as
A. Laurila (&) Æ S. Pakkasmaa high growth rate is generally considered to increase fit-
Population Biology/ Department of Ecology and Evolution, ness, the occurrence of submaximal growth rates in
Evolutionary Biology Center, Uppsala University,
Norbyvägen 18d, 75236 Uppsala, Sweden many populations is perplexing and suggests that high
E-mail: Anssi.Laurila@ebc.uu.se growth rates must incur costs in other fitness compo-
Fax: +46-18-4716424 nents. However, although several hypotheses have been
put forward to explain these costs, they are not well
Present address: S. Pakkasmaa
National Board of Fisheries, Institute of Freshwater Research, understood (Arendt 1997).
17893 Drottningholm, Sweden One important cost of high growth rate may be in-
creased predation risk. Predator–prey interactions often
J. Merilä involve plastic modifications in prey behaviour,
Ecological Genetics Research Unit, Department of Bio- and
Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 65,
morphology, and life history (Lima 1998a, b; Tollrian
00014 Helsinki, Finland and Harvell 1999). Evolution of differences in growth

and development rates may be accompanied by changes other from Uppland (hereafter U) on the Swedish
in antipredator defences and, consequently, vulnerability mainland. We have previously found that these popu-
to predation (Sih 1987). Indeed, there is evidence that lations differ in growth and development rates, G
individuals with high growth rates are more vulnerable showing slower growth and development rates than U
to predation, and this seems to be connected with dif- (Laurila et al. 2002; P. -A. Crochet et al., unpublished).
ferentiation in traits fundamentally associated with Two of the predators we used, Aeshna dragonfly larvae
predation avoidance (activity and swimming speed; and smooth newts Triturus vulgaris, are common in both
Gotthard 2000; Billerbeck et al. 2001; Lankford et al. areas. The third predator, threespine stickleback Gast-
2001; Munch and Conover 2003). erosteus aculeatus is a common littoral fish in the Baltic
If antipredator defences are costly, environmental Sea. Sticklebacks are common in G ponds which are
heterogeneity in predator regimes is expected to cause close to the coast and often connected to the sea by small
differentiation in these defences. While the plastic de- streams. However, they are absent in U ponds which are
fences are likely to have evolved in response to spatial situated far (ca. 80 km) from the coast and are not
and temporal variation in predation risk, geographical connected to the sea. The predators differ in their
variation in these defences is not well known. Several hunting mode: dragonfly larvae are mainly ambush
studies have reported population differentiation in predators, sticklebacks pursue tadpole prey, whereas
behavioural or morphological antipredator responses newts are active predators, but do not usually pursue the
(e.g. Riechert and Hedrick 1990; Spitze 1992; De Me- tadpoles after an unsuccessful first attack. While all
ester 1993; Huntingford et al. 1994; Magurran 1998; these predators prey most effectively on small tadpoles,
Storfer and Sih 1998; Lardner 1998; Relyea 2002). sticklebacks and newts are more strongly gape-limited
However, these studies do not usually consider how than dragonflies.
antipredator responses are affected by variation in other We addressed four main questions. First, are the
fitness-related traits, and there are few studies exploring population differences in growth and development rates
the link between inducible defences and adaptive varia- reflected in the antipredator defences of the tadpoles?
tion in other traits over environmental gradients Specifically, do the fast-growing U tadpoles show
(Lardner 1998; Relyea 2002). weaker antipredator defences than the slow growing G
Another source of variation in antipredator defences individuals. Second, do the populations differ in survival
is the structure of predator communities. Predator when exposed to free-ranging predators? If high growth
communities typically consist of multiple species, and as rate is associated with weaker antipredator behaviour,
predators differ in their hunting strategies, natural we expect U to have higher mortality than G. Third, do
selection should favour different defences against dif- the tadpoles show different responses against different
ferent predators (Sih et al. 1998). There are several predators? We expect to find the strongest differences
examples that prey animals can differentiate between between the responses to dragonfly and stickleback as
different predators and respond in an adaptive manner the difference in the hunting mode is largest between
(e.g. Tollrian and Dodson 1999; DeWitt et al. 2000; these predators. Finally, do the populations differ in
Relyea 2001, 2003; Van Buskirk 2001; Jones et al. 2003; their responses to specific predators? We mainly ex-
Teplitsky et al. 2005), but only few studies have com- pected to find a difference in response to stickleback, as
pared several populations to several different predators it only occurs in G ponds.
(Tollrian and Dodson 1999). As predator communities
differ, so also may the strength of selection imposed by
different predators, opening a possibility to quantitative Methods
or qualitative variation in the expression of inducible
defences. Such variation is likely to be stronger with Rana arvalis is a relatively small brown frog that has a
predators that show strong spatial variation in their wide palearctic distribution from Western Europe to
distribution. Eastern Siberia (Gasc et al. 1997). It breeds in a wide
Many larval amphibians have well-developed anti- range of freshwater habitats, but avoids the most
predator defences in terms of inducible behaviour (re- ephemeral ponds. At the onset of the breeding season in
duced activity and spatial avoidance) and morphology April, we collected adult R. arvalis from breeding sites in
(changes in shape of tail and body; McCollum and Van Valar, Gotland (5700¢ N, 1813¢ E), and in Stora Almby
Buskirk 1996; Lardner 1998; Relyea 2001; Van Buskirk (5952¢ N, 1724¢ E) in the province of Uppland on the
2002). In this study, we compared larval growth and Swedish mainland. The tadpoles originated from crosses
development rates, as well as behavioural and morpho- performed in the laboratory following Laugen et al.
logical defences in two geographically separated popu- (2003). For both populations, five pairwise crosses were
lations of the moor frog Rana arvalis in outdoor tanks in performed on the same day producing five full-sib
the presence and absence of three different predators. In families for both populations. The use of artificial
addition, we compared survival of the tadpoles in the crosses ensured that the tadpoles were of equal age and
presence of free-ranging predators in a separate labo- had no prior experience with predators. The eggs from
ratory experiment. One of the populations originates each family were divided into six 1 l containers and
from the Baltic island of Gotland (hereafter G) and the reared in room temperature in laboratory until hatching.

After hatching, the tadpoles were pooled into two pop- predator treatments would indicate that the tadpoles are
ulation-specific containers and 600 seemingly healthy reacting to the predators rather than to cues from preyed
tadpoles from both populations were randomly taken in conspecifics.
the experiment.
Late-instar larvae of the dragonfly Aeshna cyanea and
adult smooth newts were captured in ponds around Response variables
Uppsala. Adult threespine sticklebacks were captured in
the littoral zone of the Baltic in southern Gotland. Be- Tadpole behaviour was recorded twice per day (between
fore the experiment, the sticklebacks were gradually 09 and 12 a m) during day 3–6 and 27–32. The con-
habituated to freshwater in the laboratory, and no fish tainers were approached carefully and the numbers of
losses occurred during that time. When not in the active (judged by moving tail) and visible tadpoles were
experiment, the sticklebacks were kept in circular plastic scored.
pools (diameter 150 cm, depth 30 cm) outdoors and fed Eight tadpoles were sampled from each container on
R. arvalis and R. temporaria tadpoles and aquatic days 13 and 33 and stored in 10% formalin for mea-
invertebrates daily. The newts were kept outdoors in surements. Body length (from the tip of the nose to the
covered plastic tanks filled with 20 l of well water and end of the body wall), maximum body depth, tail length
fed tadpoles ad libitum. The dragonflies were kept in (from the body terminus to the tip of the tail), maximum
individual 0.25 l plastic vials outdoors and fed two tail-muscle depth (at the base of the tail), and maximum
tadpoles every third day. tail depth were later measured with a digital calliper to
the nearest 0.01 mm. The same person conducted the
measurements blindly with respect to the treatments.
Experimental design When the tadpoles were approaching metamorphosis
(emergence of at least one forelimb; Gosner 1960) the
The experiment was conducted in a field at Segelbo, containers were checked daily. Metamorphosed tadpoles
Heby municipality, 50 km northwest from Uppsala. 40 were removed from the containers, blotted dry, weighed
large plastic containers (80·40·35 cm), arranged in five to the nearest 1 mg with an electronic balance and the
spatial blocks, were used as experimental units. On April length of larval period (from the start of the experiment)
11, the containers were filled with 80 l of well water. In was determined for each individual.
addition, 2 l of pond water were added to each container
to provide an inoculum of phyto- and zooplankton.
Each container received 6 g of rabbit pellets and 10 g of Statistical analyses
dried aspen (Populus) and birch (Betula) leaves to pro-
vide nutrients for the system. Leaves also acted as We used a 2·4 randomised block design with a combi-
structural complexity and provided shelter for the tad- nation of four predator treatments and two population
poles, which was further increased by adding four 8 cm origins replicated over five spatial blocks. All the vari-
pieces of plastic pipe (diameter 2.5 cm) in each con- ables were considered as fixed. Behavioural and larval
tainer. The containers were covered with plastic mos- life history data were analysed with MANOVAs fol-
quito net to prevent insects from colonising the lowed by univariate ANOVAs using type III sums of
containers. A cylindrical predator cage (diameter 11 cm, squares. Due to the change in density and composition
height 21 cm) made of transparent plastic film with a of individual tadpoles between the sampling periods we
double net bottom (mesh size 1.5 mm) was hung 7 cm preferred to use a normal MANOVA instead of a re-
above the tank floor in each experimental unit. peated-measures MANOVA in the behavioural analy-
The experiment was initiated on April 29 (day 0 of ses. Since values of morphological traits are dependent
the experiment), when tadpoles were at developmental on general body size, tadpole morphology was analysed
stage 25 (Gosner 1960). 30 tadpoles from either U or G with principal component analyses (PCA) with correla-
population were released in to each container. The tion matrices to reduce variation in initial morphological
predators were introduced into the cages on day 1. Each measurements into composite variables of size and
container received no predator (control; empty cage) or shape. In all analyses, all traits loaded strongly and
one stickleback, newt, or dragonfly larva. positively on the first axis, revealing this axis to be a size
An additional 4 g of rabbit pellets were added to each component. To obtain size-corrected measurements of
container on day 22. Otherwise, the tadpoles relied on the morphometric traits, we regressed the traits against
tree leaves and periphyton as food. The predators were PC1 scores and analysed the residuals (shearing method;
fed ca. 300 mg of R. arvalis tadpoles every second day. Bookstein 1991). PC1s from the analyses were used as an
The present experimental design cannot differentiate index of larval growth. Finally, we performed MANO-
whether the tadpoles respond to visual or chemical (i.e. VAs on all the morphological variables followed by
kairomones) cues from the predator, or to chemical univariate ANOVAs. The analyses were conducted with
alarm cues released by the captured prey (e.g. Laurila Systat 10 statistical package (Wilkinson 2000). Tadpole
et al. 1998; Schoeppner and Relyea 2005). However, any mortality was analysed with type III general linear
difference in the response variables between the three models with a logit link function and binomial error

structure as implemented in the GENMOD procedure were conducted for each treatment combination. The
of SAS (Allison 1999). total length (from tip of the snout to the tip of tail) of ten
Analyses on behavioural variables were conducted on randomly selected tadpoles from each container was
arcsin-squareroot transformed container-specific pro- measured before the start of the experiments: There was
portions, whereas the ANOVAs on morphology and life a nonsignificant tendency for the U tadpoles [mean
history traits were performed on container means. One length 29.32±0.50 (SE)] to be larger than G tadpoles
experimental unit (U population, newt treatment) suf- (mean length 28.16±0.29; t10= 1.98, P=0.076).
fered sudden heavy mortality around day 20 and was We analysed tadpole survival with generalised linear
excluded from all subsequent analyses. models in Proc GENMOD in SAS. Population origin,
predator type and induction treatment were used as
fixed factors and predator length as a covariate. The
Survival in the presence of free-ranging predators three-way interaction among the factors was not signif-
icant and was removed from the final model.
Five fresh spawn clumps of R. arvalis were collected in
April at the same two localities as in the previous
experiment and brought into laboratory. The egg clumps Results
were allowed to develop until Gosner stage 25 in family-
specific 3 l vials in room temperature. Thereafter, the Behaviour
tadpoles from each population were pooled and 90
tadpoles were randomly allotted to each of the plastic MANOVA showed significant effects of population
tanks (80·40·35 cm3) filled with 70 l of aged tap water (Wilk’s k=0.176, F4,24=28.06, P<0.001), predator
(day 0). For both populations we used six tanks, two of (Wilk’s k=0.063, F12,63=9.80, P<0.001) and popula-
which were control (predator-free) tanks, two had a tion · predator interaction (Wilk’s k=0.259, F12,63=
caged stickleback in a similar setting as in the previous 3.54, P<0.001). Examination of univariate ANOVAs
experiment, and two had a caged dragonfly larva. The indicated that early in the experiment (days 3–6) both
tadpoles were raised indoors under constant (16L: 8D) population and predator treatments had significant
photoperiod in room temperature (mean water temper- effects on the numbers of tadpoles visible (Table 1,
ature during the experiment 19.025±0.089 (SE) C, Fig. 1). In general, tadpoles were hiding more in newt
n=23 days) and fed slightly boiled spinach ad libitum. and stickleback treatments, whereas there was no differ-
The predators were fed 300 mg of R. arvalis tadpoles ence between control and dragonfly treatments. How-
every second day. ever, the difference between treatments was much larger
The trials with free-ranging predators were conducted in G than in U tadpoles explaining the significant pop-
between days 18 and 21. Due to differences in breeding ulation · predator interaction (Table 1, Fig. 1). Predator
phenology, the tests with G tadpoles were started eigh- treatments had a strong effect on activity in both popu-
teen days before those with U tadpoles. For both pop- lations with tadpoles in the predator treatments being less
ulations, naı̈ve and induced tadpoles were tested both in active than those in control (Table 1, Fig. 1).
the presence of a free ranging stickleback and in the During the latter observation period (days 27–32) U
presence of a dragonfly larva. Induced tadpoles were tadpoles were more often visible than G tadpoles
tested only with the predator species they had been (Table 1, Fig. 1). While the predator main effect was not
raised with. The experimental arenas were plastic con- significant, there was highly significant popula-
tainers (49·26·25 cm3) filled with aged tap water to the tion · predator interaction (Table 1). This was due to
depth of 10 cm. Ca. 40 dried aspen leaves were added in the fact that G tadpoles were most visible in stickleback
each container to provide structural complexity. The treatment, whereas in U, the opposite was true (Fig. 1).
containers were arranged in a single row on a shelf in a In both populations, tadpoles tended to hide somewhat
laboratory room illuminated with natural light. more in newt and dragonfly treatments than in the
At the start of each experimental run, ten randomly control treatment, but this difference was not significant
selected tadpoles from one population and predator (Table 1, Fig. 1).
treatment were added to each container. After one hour, U tadpoles were much more active than G tadpoles
one predator (a stickleback or a dragon fly larva) was during the latter observation period (Table 1, Fig. 1).
added to each container. As survival of R. arvalis tad-
poles is very good under laboratory conditions, we did Table 1 Univariate ANOVA F-values for behaviour of R. arvalis
tadpoles during days 3–7 (P1) and 27–31 (P2)
not conduct control trials without predators. The trial
was terminated after 23 h, the number of surviving Source df Activity P1 Visible P1 Activity P2 Visible P2
tadpoles was recorded, and the total length of each
predator was measured. We also carefully examined all Population 1,27 1.58 11.48*** 69.67**** 82.71****
the tadpoles for injuries, which are indicative of predator Predator 3,27 19.72**** 24.35**** 6.49*** 2.35*
Pop. · Pred. 3,27 1.76 4.1** 7.34*** 12.84****
hunting activity even in the absence of killed tadpoles Block 4,27 0.95 1.71 1.16 1.07
(Morin 1985). Each predator and prey were used only
once in the experiment. Trials ranging between 8 and 10 *P<0.10; **P<0.05, ***P<0.01; ****P<0.001

Fig. 1 Proportion of tadpoles Control Stickleback

visible and active in the two
Newt Dragonfly
populations and four predator
treatments. The values 1 0.3
represent least square
means ± SE

Proportion visible

Proportion active



0 0
Gotland Uppland Gotland Uppland Gotland Uppland Gotland Uppland

Days 3-6 Days 27-32 Days 3-6 Days 27-32

Predator treatments reduced activity in dragonfly and stickleback treatment in G, whereas it was deeper in the
newt treatments (Table 1, Fig. 1). U tadpoles decreased presence of newt in U causing a significant popula-
activity also in the presence of sticklebacks, whereas in tion · predator interaction. However, MANOVA found
G activity did not differ from the control, causing the no significant population · predator interaction in tad-
significant population · predator interaction. In gen- pole morphology on day 13 (Wilk’s k=0.449,
eral, U tadpoles were more active in the presence of F15,66=1.49, P=0.133).
predators than G tadpoles were in control treatment Also on day 32, the strongest response was in tail
(Fig. 1). depth with strongest effect in dragonfly treatment,
somewhat weaker in the presence of newt and only a
weak response in stickleback treatment (Table 2, Fig. 2).
Morphology In other traits, the interpretation of predator effects was
complicated by population · predator interactions,
MANOVA showed no significant effects of population which were also indicated by MANOVA (Wilk’s
origin on morphology on day 13 (Wilk’s k=0.721, k=0.408, F15,63=1.64, P=0.089). G tadpoles had rela-
F5,24=1.86, P=0.14). However, MANOVA was close to tively longer and deeper body in the presence of stick-
significance on day 32 (Wilk’s k=0.649, F5,23=2.49, leback, whereas body shape was not affected in other
P=0.061), and univariate ANOVAs indicated that G predator treatments (Table 2, Fig. 2). U tadpoles had
tadpoles tended to have relatively deeper tail than U shorter body in stickleback and dragonfly treatments
tadpoles (Table 2, Fig. 2). and shallower body in all predator treatments as com-
MANOVAs indicated significant effects of predator pared to control. Presence of stickleback also induced a
treatments on tadpole morphology on day 13 (Wilk’s decrease in tail length in G, and tail muscle tended to be
k=0.066, F15,66=7.45, P<0.001) and on day 32 (Wilk’s shallowest in stickleback treatment in G but deepest in
k=0.116, F15,63=5.03, P<0.001). In general, tadpoles U (Table 2, Fig. 2).
had shorter body and deeper tail in the predator treat-
ments (Table 2, Fig. 2). There was some heterogeneity in
response to different types of predators on day 13: the Larval survival and life history
response in tail depth was weaker in stickleback treat-
ment, and body was shallower in newt treatment (Ta- The proportion of G tadpoles surviving until meta-
ble 2, Fig. 2). In addition, tail muscle was shallower in morphosis (0.925±0.027) was significantly higher than

Table 2 Univariate ANOVA

F-values for morphology Source df Body length Body depth Tail length Tail depth Tail muscle depth
(residual values, see text) of
R. arvalis tadpoles on days 13 Day 13
and 33 Population 1,28 0.19 0.85 0.03 5.44* 0.46
Predator 3,28 8.79**** 3.01** 2.53* 40.03**** 3.24**
Pop. · Pred. 3,28 0.77 0.99 0.08 2.22 3.27**
Block 4,28 1.02 2.14 1.30 2.64* 2.83**
Day 33
Population 1,27 0.51 0.89 0.99 7.66*** 1.29
Predator 3,27 3.12** 2.01 4.42** 18.86**** 0.02
Pop. · Pred. 3,27 4.48** 3.15** 3.26** 0.54 3.08**
*P<0.10; **P<0.05; Block 4,27 3.43** 2.66* 1.64 2.03 2.05
***P<0.01; ****P<0.001

Fig. 2 Body shape (residual 0.75 0.3

body length, body depth, tail
length, tail depth and tail
0.5 0.2
muscle depth) of tadpoles on

Residual body length

Residual body depth

day 13 and 32 in the two
populations and four predator 0.25 0.1
treatments. The values
represent least square 0 0
means ± SE
-0.25 -0.1

-0.5 -0.2

-0.75 -0.3

0.8 0.4

Residual tail length 0.6

0.4 0.2

Residual tail depth

0 0
-0.4 -0.2
-0.8 -0.4
Gotland Uppland Gotland Uppland
0.15 Day 13 Day 32
Residual tail muscle depth

Control Stickleback
0.05 Newt Dragonfly



Gotland Uppland Gotland Uppland
Day 13 Day 32

in U population (0.845±0.028; v21,27=4.27, P=0.039). Survival under predation risk

Predator treatments did not influence tadpole survival
(P>0.8). In seven of the total of 72 trials, the predator did not
MANOVA indicated significant population (Wilk’s show any hunting behaviour (i.e., all the tadpoles sur-
k=0.063, F4,24=88.94, P<0.001) and predator effects vived unharmed, always in the stickleback treatments)
(Wilk’s k=0.364, F12,63=2.48, P=0.01) in growth and and these trials were excluded from the analyses. In an
development, whereas population · predator interac- additional ten stickleback trials, all the tadpoles survived
tion was not significant (P=0.335). Larval growth but one or more of the tadpoles showed signs of stick-
(indicated as PC1 scores) was significantly faster in U leback hunting activity (usually tail injury). These trials
than in G population, and U tadpoles metamorphosed were included in the analysis. Hence the final sample size
earlier than G tadpoles (Table 3, Fig. 3). However, there was 65 (Fig. 4). G tadpoles survived better than U
was no difference between the populations in metamor- individuals in the presence of free-ranging predators
phic mass. Tadpoles in the predator treatments meta- (v2=5.44, df=1, P=0.019, Fig. 4). Dragonfly larvae
morphosed later and at larger mass than control caused more mortality than sticklebacks (v2=23.83,
individuals (Table 3, Fig. 3). The block had significant df=1, P<0.001, Fig. 4), and induced tadpoles raised in
effects on larval growth and developmental rates (Ta- the presence of predators had higher survival than naı̈ve
ble 3), possibly because of temperature-related envi- tadpoles (v2=4.51, df=1, P=0.034, Fig. 4). None of the
ronmental variation among the blocks. interactions was significant (P>0.24), but increasing

Table 3 Univariate ANOVA

F-values (produced by Source df PC1 at day 13 PC1 at day 32 Mass at Age at
MANOVA) for larval life- metamorphosis metamorphosis
history traits of R. arvalis
tadpoles Population 1,27 124.91**** 122.85**** 0.76 113.54****
Predator 3,27 1.22 0.96 3.65** 4.06**
Pop. · Pred. 3,27 0.95 0.67 0.75 1.86
**P<0.05, ***P<0.01, Block 4,27 8.34**** 6.91**** 2.22 2.85**

Fig. 3 Tadpole body size (PC1) Control Stickleback

on day 13 and 32, mass at Newt Dragonfly
metamorphosis and length of
larval period in the two 1 1
populations and four predator
treatments. The values
represent least square 0.5 0.5
means ± SE PC1 at day 13

PC1 at day 32
0 0

-0.5 -0.5

-1 -1
0.6 65
Mass at metamorphosis (g)

Larval period (d)

0.5 60

0.4 55

0.3 50
Gotland Uppland Gotland Uppland

predator size increased tadpole mortality (v2=5.44, high growth rates have been put forward (Arendt 1997).
df=1, P=0.019). Empirical studies testing the hypotheses are few, but
include examples showing that fast growing individuals
may have lower starvation endurance (Gotthard et al.
Discussion 1994), competitive ability (James and Partridge 1998),
pathogen resistance (Smoker 1986; Brommer 2003) or
We found significant differentiation between the two R. rate of skeletal ossification (Arendt and Wilson 2000).
arvalis populations in growth and development rates, We found that irrespective of predator treatment, the
behaviour, morphological defences and survival under fast-growing U population had higher mortality than
predation risk. Both populations showed induced re- the slow-growing G population, possibly suggesting that
sponses to predators, which varied during ontogeny and high growth rate per se may include a mortality cost.
in response to specific predators. In the following, we Any of the mechanisms mentioned above may be func-
will discuss these findings in more detail. tioning, although we did not see any signs of disease or
starvation in the tadpole, and the difference could also
be due to some unknown factor.
Growth rate, antipredator behaviour and survival U tadpoles had significantly higher mortality in the
presence of free-ranging predators, suggesting the
As growth rate is considered to be ultimately linked with intriguing possibility that high predation risk may be a
individual fitness, the occurrence of submaximal growth cost of high growth rate in R. arvalis. Few other studies
rates is intriguing, and several hypotheses on the costs of have measured the trade-off between high growth rate

Non-induced Induced predation risk for fast-growing U individuals. Detailed

1 6 8 studies on both tadpole and predator behaviour are
5 9 needed to disentangle the mechanisms of higher mor-
Proportion surviving

0.9 tality in U tadpoles.

9 10
0.8 The reason for the difference in growth and devel-
8 10 opment rates between the populations is currently un-
0.7 clear, and many factors can potentially affect these traits
(see Arendt 1997 for a review). Ponds in both areas
harbour diverse and dense populations of predators (A.
0.5 Laurila et al., personal observation), rendering it un-
Dragonfly Stickleback Dragonfly Stickleback likely that large differences in predation pressure would
Uppland occur between the populations. A more likely explana-
tion is selection imposed by climate, especially season
Fig. 4 Survival of R. arvalis tadpoles in the two populations in the length and/or temperature. For example, length of
presence of a free-ranging dragonfly larva or stickleback. The growth season is about 219 days in G and 184 days in U
values represent means ± SE. Sample sizes are indicated on the (Odin et al. 1983) indicating that growth and develop-
top of the bars ment in U population are more time-constrained. We
found low growth and development rates and strong
antipredator behaviour in the southern population (G),
and predation risk. Gotthard (2000) showed that whereas the northern (U) population had high growth
experimentally time-constrained, fast-growing Pararge and development rates and higher activity, suggesting
butterfly larvae suffered higher mortality due to preda- that variation in seasonal time constraints may be a
tion. In the Atlantic silverside Menidia menidia, the fast driving force behind population-level variation. While
growing northern population had higher mortality than only studies using more populations can definitely re-
the slow growing southern population when exposed to solve the role of climate in population differentiation,
predatory fish (Billerbeck et al. 2001; Lankford et al. our view is supported by the fact that increasing growth
2001; Munch and Conover 2003). It is clear that our and development rates towards higher latitudes have
study based on two populations cannot provide a been found in other Rana species living along latitudinal
definitive answer on the question how growth rate af- gradients including Rana temporaria in Scandinavia (e.g.
fects predation mortality. However, in accordance with Berven and Gill 1983; Laugen et al. 2003; Lindgren and
Menidia studies, we found that a fast-growing high lat- Laurila 2005). Similarly, studies on insects have found
itude population had a higher predation risk, possibly that larval growth and development are faster in U than
suggesting that increased predation risk may be a com- in G, further supporting the role of climate in creating
mon character of populations with high individual this variation (Nylin et al. 1996).
growth rates.
We are only beginning to understand the mechanisms
behind the higher vulnerability of fast growing individ- Variation in antipredator responses
uals. High activity rate is likely to increase predation risk
(e.g. Sih 1987), and if high intake rate is linked to high In line with some earlier studies (Arnqvist and Johans-
growth rate, active foraging may render the fast-growing son 1998; Van Buskirk 2001, 2002), we found consid-
individuals more vulnerable. The relationship between erable ontogenetic variation in the antipredator
activity level and predation risk is especially well estab- defences. Furthermore, the responses differed between
lished in amphibian larvae (e.g. Skelly 1994; Anholt and the populations suggesting a role for local selection
Werner 1995), and activity and growth appear to be pressures in shaping them. The most striking difference
positively genetically correlated in anurans (Relyea between the populations in behaviour was increased
2005). We found that U tadpoles maintained higher hiding and low activity level in G late in the experiment.
activity rates even in the presence of predators, and We suggest that the relatively high early activity levels
it seems possible that increased predation risk in found in the absence of predators in both populations
U tadpoles is mediated by their high activity level. may reflect the fact that rapid growth is especially
However, other mechanisms may also be involved in the important for small tadpoles in order to gain a headstart
higher vulnerability of U tadpoles. In several fish species in competition, or to avoid gape-limited predators. After
(Kolok and Oris 1995; Gregory and Wood 1998; passing the most vulnerable early stages, less time lim-
Billerbeck et al. 2001), as well as in tadpoles (Arendt ited G may afford the lower activity level and slower
2003), fast-growing individuals have relatively lower growth and development rates, whereas U increases
sprint-swimming speed, which increases their vulnera- activity further as development proceeds. Another po-
bility to predation (Lankford et al. 2001). On the other tential explanation for the difference in activity between
hand, tadpoles sprint speed generally increases with the populations is that mortality of older tadpoles due to
body size (Van Buskirk and McCollum 2000; Arendt predation is invariably higher in G than in U popula-
2003; Teplitsky et al. 2005), which is likely to decrease tion, which might have selected for low activity levels.

Several studies have shown that prey animals can protect the G tadpoles from stickleback attacks and give
dynamically balance their behaviour during ontogeny to them enough time to find a shelter (see also Kishida and
minimize the risk of being eaten. For example, Van Nishimura 2004). Intriguingly, body form in G tadpoles
Buskirk (2001) showed that only small R. temporaria did not change in response to dragonflies and newts
tadpoles avoided Triturus alpestris newts, which are possibly reflecting the differences in the hunting strate-
strongly gape-limited and can only feed effectively on gies. On the other hand, the increase in tail muscle in U
small tadpoles. is similar to the changes in R. dalmatina, which were
R. arvalis tadpoles showed differential behavioural demonstrated to be of survival value under stickleback
responses to different predators suggesting that they predation (Teplitsky et al. 2005). In a comparison of six
were able to differentiate between the predators. For tadpole species, Relyea (2001) found that the responses
example, young tadpoles showed reduced activity in induced by the mudminnow (Umbra limi) varied widely
response to all three predators, whereas they showed among the species and the traits. The variation among
increased hiding behaviour only in response to newt species and populations may suggest that there are sev-
and stickleback. Both newts and stickleback are active eral potential morphological responses to fish predators.
predators moving in the water column, and hiding in Tadpoles in the predator treatments metamorphosed
pond bottom is probably an efficient antipredator later but at a larger size than those from the control
tactic against them. On the contrary, dragonfly larvae treatment. There was no evidence that tadpole growth
are hiding sit-and-wait predators. Young tadpoles in rate was influenced by predator treatments; instead
dragonfly treatment avoided hiding in tank bottom tadpole development was negatively affected by predator
and instead stayed immobile on tank walls. However, presence. Similar results have been obtained in several
later in the experiment, such behaviour was not evi- studies of ranid frogs (e.g. Laurila et al. 1998; Altwegg
dent suggesting that the tadpoles relied more on 2002; Van Buskirk and Saxer 2002). Late metamor-
inactivity and morphological defences later in their phosis may have a negative influence on later fitness
development. (Smith 1987; Berven 1990). However, the possible neg-
The responses in induced morphology to the two ative effects of later metamorphosis may be largely
common predators were broadly similar in the two compensated by the larger body mass at metamorphosis.
populations and in accordance with previous studies on Indeed, Altwegg and Reyer (2003) found that the posi-
this and other amphibian species (increased relative tail tive effects of increased metamorphic size on terrestrial
depth and decreased body size; e.g. McCollum and Van survival of juvenile pool frogs (Rana lessonae) were al-
Buskirk 1996; Relyea 2001; Van Buskirk 2001). How- ways stronger than the negative effects of late meta-
ever, the responses of older tadpoles to sticklebacks morphosis. If similar relationship holds true for R.
differed between the populations. G tadpoles had rela- arvalis, the direct fitness costs of antipredator defences
tively longer and deeper bodies, shorter tail, shallower are likely to be small.
tail muscle and slightly deeper tail fin in the presence of In conclusion, we found considerable differentiation
stickleback, whereas the response in U was more similar in antipredator defences between two R. arvalis popu-
to the dragonfly treatment except that tail muscle tended lations differing in growth and development rates. The
to be deeper in the presence of stickleback, and tail fin slow-growing population with stronger antipredator
depth was not different from control. These differences behaviour also exhibited significantly higher survival in
may reflect adaptation to stickleback predation as G the presence of free-ranging predators. Our results sug-
tadpoles commonly co-occur with sticklebacks, but U gest that variation in activity levels and behavioural
tadpoles do not. However, despite the differences in defences may have an important role in mediating life
morphological defences, the population difference in history differentiation among populations. However, the
survival was not dependent on the predator type, and mechanisms of differential predation mortality need to
survival was generally improved by the induction treat- be investigated further.
ment in both populations.
While several studies have studied morphological Acknowledgments We thank Pierre-André Crochet, Katja Enberg,
plasticity of anuran larvae in response to insect preda- Maria Järvi-Laturi, Beatrice Lindgren, Outi Pihlajamäki and Katja
Räsänen for field and laboratory assistance, and Nina Peuhkuri,
tors, morphological responses to fish have received less Miguel Tejedo, Celine Teplitsky and an anonymous reviewer for
attention (but see Relyea 2001; Teplitsky et al. 2003). In helpful comments on the manuscript. The study was performed
R. dalmatina, a closely related species to R. arvalis, the with the permission C 72/1 from Uppsala county ethical committee
morphological responses induced by sticklebacks in- for animal experiments. Our research was funded by the Swedish
Research Council (AL) and the Academy of Finland (SP, JM).
cluded deeper tail muscle and longer tail fin. Deeper tail
muscle increased swimming speed and the plastic chan-
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tion on morphology by free-ranging sticklebacks
(Teplitsky et al. 2003, 2005). Sticklebacks are gape-lim-
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