Assignment2 ANN

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Assignments Artificial Neural Networks (CSA-403)


1. Explain stochastic networks. (2)

2. What do you mean by Synaptic dynamics model? (2)
3. Differentiate between Activation and Synaptic Dynamics Models. (2)
4. Explain Hebbian learning law. (2)
5. Explain Basic Artificial Neural Network Models for Pattern Recognition Problems in detail. (2)
6. In ANN explain Hopfield model of neural network in detail. (2)

1. What are the different categories of learning? (2)
2. What is the basis for Boltzmann learning law? (2)
3. What do you mean by Feedforward neural network? (2)
4. Explain simulated annealing? (2)
5. Describe Hebb’s law in detail. (2)
6. Explain Generalized Delta Rule: Backpropagation learning. (2)

1. In ANN explain the meaning of feature mapping? (2)
2. List the limitations of the Boltzmann learning? (2)
3. Explain Activation dynamics model. (2)
4. What do you mean by Feedback neural network? Explain with example. (2)
5. What do you mean by Boltzmann Machine? Explain Boltzmann learning law of neural network. (2)
6. With definition of Hebbian leaning law, illustrate Differential Hebbian learning. (2)

1. What do you mean by perceptron learning? (2)
2. What do you mean by pattern association? (2)
3. Explain pattern classification? (2)
4. What do you mean by artificial neural network? (2)
5. Explain the following terms (2)
(i) Sparse encoding (ii) Min-Max learning
6. Consider the representation of each of the ten digits (0, 1, ..., 9) by a matrix of 10 x 10 elements,
where each element is either 1 or -1. Design a Hopfield network of 100 units to store these digits.
Study the performance of the network for recall of digits if 10% of the elements are randomly
switched. (2)

1. What is meant by each of the following: (2)
a) Equilibrium state b) Stable states
2. What is meant by global pattern formation in neural networks? (2)
3. Discuss the behaviour of stationary probability distributions of the states at different
temperatures in relation to the energy landscape. (2)
4. Explain how to derive the state transition diagram for a stochastic neural network (2)
5. Describe a bouncing ball analogy for the dynamics of a stochastic neural network. (2)
6. Describe feedforword network.

1. Explain the following: (4)
a) Autonomous and nonautonomous dynamical systems
b) Additive and shunting models of activation models
2. What are the different categories of learning? (2)
3. What does the rank of an input matrix indicate? (2)
4. What is the significance of the Widrow's learning for linear associative networks? (2)
5. What is meant by capacity of a feedback network? (2)

1. What is meant by each of the following: (2)
(a) Transient state (b) Steady state
2. What are the requirements of learning laws for effective implementation? (2)
3. Explain the difference between short-term memory and long-terms memory with reference to
dynamics models. (2)
4. Show the probability function for update of a neuron for different temperatures. Explain the
significance of the temperature parameter. (4)
5. Discuss the behaviour of trajectories of the states during the transient portion when temperature is
changed. (2)

1. Derive the state transition diagram for a stochastic neural network. (3)
2. Bouncing ball analogy for the dynamics of a stochastic neural network. Elaborate (3)
3. Elaborate feedforword network with example. (3)
4. Global pattern formation in neural networks (3)

1. The different categories of learning? (3)
2. Analysis Linear responsibility X-OR problem with example. (3)
3. The requirements of learning laws for effective implementation? (3)
4. Hebb’s law steps with detail (3)

1. Generalized Delta Rule: Backpropagation learning. (3)
2. Different categories of learning? (3)
3. Differentiate between Activation and Synaptic Dynamics Models (3)
4. Basic Artificial Neural Network Models for Pattern Recognition Problems in detail. (3)

1. Hopfield model of neural network in detail (3)
2. Boltzmann Machine? Explain Boltzmann learning law of neural network. (3)
3. Supervised, reinforcement and unsupervised learning? Explain in detail with example (3)
4. The requirements of learning laws for effective implementation? (3)

1. Bouncing ball analogy for the dynamics of a stochastic neural network. Elaborate (3)
2. Limitations of the Boltzmann learning? (3)
3. Requirements of learning laws for effective implementation? (3)
4. Show the probability function for update of a neuron for different temperatures. Explain the
significance of the temperature parameter. (3)
o UID Student Name ON SECTION p Assignment
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