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Intake of carbohydrate-protein
supplements by recreational users at gyms:
Body composition improved?
Consommation de compléments en protéines et glucides chez
les pratiquants non professionnels de musculation :
composition corporelle améliorée ?

O. Saidi a,∗, I. Bezrati-Ben Ayed b, A. Benzarti c, P. Duché a,

R. Serairi c

EA 3533, laboratory of the metabolic adaptations to exercise under physiological and pathological
conditions (AME2P), Clermont-Auvergne University, Aubière cedex, France
Research laboratory sport performance optimization, National Center for Medicine and Sciences of
Sports, Tunis, Tunisia
El-Manar University, High School of Health Sciences, Tunis, Tunisia

Received 1st February 2017; accepted 5 February 2018

Energy balance; Objectives. — The purpose of this study was to investigate the spontaneous use of protein and
Dietary supplement; carbohydrate supplements (PCS) in amateurs practicing resistance training in gyms, and deter-
Body composition; mine whether the intake of this type of supplement in practice can have beneficial effects on
Nutrition; energy balance and body composition.
Training Equipment and methods. — Sixty-seven men followed the same resistance training for 8 weeks.
They were assigned to two groups: (i) 27 consuming protein and carbohydrate supplements
(GC), and (ii) 40 not consuming dietary supplements (GNC). All the participants attended four
experimental sessions, underwent anthropometric measurements and bioelectrical impedance
analysis, and kept dietary and physical activity diaries. The GC group also recorded their
spontaneous intakes of protein and carbohydrate supplements.
Results. — Both groups significantly gained body mass (P < 0.001), GC more than GNC (P < 0.001 at
week 8). These gains were explained by increased fat mass in GC, while the GNC lost fat mass. No
significant differences in lean body mass were found between the two groups. PCS energy seems
to raise the energy balance in the GC group relative to the GNC group (P < 0.001). Moreover,

∗ Corresponding author. Clermont Auvergne University, laboratory of Adaptations to Exercise under Physiological and Pathological Condi-

tions (AME2P), Center for Research in Human Nutrition Auvergne, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France.
E-mail address: (O. Saidi).
0765-1597/© 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Saidi O, et al. Intake of carbohydrate-protein supplements by recreational users at
gyms: Body composition improved? Sci sports (2018),
SCISPO-3180; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 O. Saidi et al.

the change in fat body mass in GC was positively correlated with energy balance (P < 0.01),
and energy balance was positively correlated with PCS energy intake (P < 0.01). Spontaneous
intake of protein and carbohydrate supplements by this population was thus strongly associated
with an increase in body fat mass over the course of the training period, without any beneficial
change in the gain of lean body mass. This might be because protein requirements were already
largely covered by diet without supplementation.
Conclusion. — The spontaneous use of protein and carbohydrate supplements (PCS) by recre-
ational users practicing resistance training at gyms induced no positive effects on body
composition. We advocate more nutritional education to enhance nutritional status and learn
how to use protein and carbohydrate supplements in the light of dietary needs and food intake.
© 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

MOTS CLÉS Objectif. — Le but de cette étude a été de déterminer si l’utilisation spontanée des suppléments
Balance énergétique ; commercialisés de protéines et de glucides par les pratiquants amateurs de musculation dans
Complément les salles de sports a eu des effets bénéfiques sur la balance énergétique et la composition
alimentaire ; corporelle.
Composition Matériels et méthodes. — Soixante-sept hommes pratiquant la musculation en salle de sport ont
corporelle ; été sélectionnés pour suivre un entraînement en résistance pendant 8 semaines et ont été répar-
Nutrition ; tis en 2 groupes : 27 consommant habituellement des compléments de protéines et de glucides
Entraînement (GC) et 40 ne consommant aucun complément alimentaire (GNC). Il a été demandé au groupe
GC de continuer sa consommation habituelle de compléments de protéines et de glucides pen-
dant l’étude. Tous 15 jours, les sujets ont participé à des séances d’évaluation de leurs apports
alimentaires et de leur niveau d’activité physique, et des mesures anthropométriques et de
composition corporelle (bio-impédancemétrie) ont été réalisées. La consommation journalière
des compléments de protéines et glucides des sujets du groupe GC a été mesurée.
Résultats. — À la fin des 8 semaines d’entraînement, les deux groupes ont présenté un gain
de poids significatif (p < 0,01). Ce gain plus important pour GC (p < 0,001) est associé à
l’augmentation de masse grasse alors que cette dernière diminue chez GNC. Une augmentation
significative (p < 0,01) de la masse maigre a été observée pour les deux groupes mais aucune
différence significative n’a été constatée entre GC et GNC. L’apport calorique des suppléments
consommés a entraîné une balance énergétique positive chez GC. Le déséquilibre de la bal-
ance énergétique est associé à l’augmentation de masse grasse chez GC (p < 0,01) et à l’apport
calorique des suppléments consommés (p < 0,01). En revanche, cette consommation spontanée
n’a pas entraîné d’augmentation de la masse maigre. Ceci pourrait être expliqué par le fait
que les besoins en protéines étaient largement couverts par l’alimentation.
Conclusion. — L’utilisation spontanée de compléments de protéines et de glucides par les ama-
teurs pratiquant la musculation n’induit aucun effet positif sur la composition corporelle. Une
information nutritionnelle leur permettrait de mieux utiliser les suppléments de protéines et
de glucides, par rapport à leurs besoins et leurs apports alimentaires.
© 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.

1. Introduction their diets with available protein and carbohydrate supple-

ments (PCS) based on the belief that these products promote
Dietary supplement use has increased dramatically, partic- lean tissue accretion.
ularly by men training in gyms often in search of a perfect These supplements are considered to be catalysts for
body image. Alongside top athletes, this population is cur- increasing muscle mass and strength through carbohydrates,
rently a major commercial target for dietary supplements. protein, and branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) content.
Several types of dietary supplements are claimed to improve They contain a variety of carbohydrates (e.g., glucose,
muscle response to resistance training [1—3]. However, pro- disaccharides and iso-maltulose) that allow better replen-
tein and carbohydrate formulations are among the most ishment of glycogen due to the different absorption rates
common dietary supplements used in gyms. Available in var- of each type [4,5]. Besides high calorie content, these sup-
ious flavored powders, these supplements are dissolved in plements have a high nutritional value because they also
milk or water and consumed throughout the day as shakes. contain a mixture of protein types such as whey and casein
Men practicing resistance training in gyms often supplement enriched with BCAAs and calcium [6]. Several studies show

Please cite this article in press as: Saidi O, et al. Intake of carbohydrate-protein supplements by recreational users at
gyms: Body composition improved? Sci sports (2018),
SCISPO-3180; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
Effect of carbohydrate-protein supplements on body composition 3

that both protein and BCAAs enhance skeletal muscle pro- and physical activity diaries during the test period, and con-
tein synthesis in response to exercise [7—9]. In addition trol sessions were held every 2 weeks (on days 14, 28, 42 and
to macronutrients, these supplements contain a blend of 56) to check the data recorded by the participants during the
electrolytes (e.g., sodium glycerophosphate and potassium previous 14 days and assess changes in body composition.
glycerophosphate) that ensure proper cell hydration [9]. The Ethics Committee of the Abderrahmen-Mami hospital
Classified as osmotically active substances, these supple- approved this study. All measurements on human subjects
ments draw water into muscle cells and favor muscle growth were in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of
by enhancing the uptake of amino acids into the muscle cell Helsinki, and every participant agreed to participate in this
and protein synthesis. This results in greater positive nitro- study.
gen balance, which leads to better prevention of catabolism
and an improved anabolic response [10].
Morrison et al. reported that most people frequenting 2.2. Population
gyms took supplements [11]. Although they did not indicate
the amount and frequency of use, it seems that the use of Two groups of resistance-trained men (3 months, 3 times per
these products does not follow expert guidance. PCS are week for 90 min) paired by age, anthropometric measures,
sold in gyms, drugstores or via the internet without advice similar training history, and level of physical activity were
from a nutritionist or physician [12—14]. Further, neither the selected to follow the same resistance exercise program for
diet of recreational users nor their consumption of these 8 weeks. One group comprised 27 men already consuming
supplements seem to comply with recommendations. The PCS (GC) and the other comprised 40 men not consuming a
use of supplements most often results from suggestions in dietary supplement (GNC). Table 1 presents details of the
magazines, on websites, or through conversations with other two groups.
people attending gyms [13,14]. The use of any other type of dietary supplement or
Most studies testing the effect of protein and carbohy- anabolic substances was an exclusion criterion. The par-
drate powders have neglected energy balance data, and ticipants undertook not to practice any other resistance
do not take into account participants’ usual dietary intake activities during the test period.
or physical activity outside of resistance training. However,
many studies have supported the efficacy of PCS in improving 2.3. Food consumption and habits
muscle protein synthesis in response to resistance train-
ing under controlled settings in different study protocols
Subjects recorded all food consumed. The diet records were
[15—17]. Even so, no studies have tested the efficacy of
analyzed using a professional computerized nutrient analy-
these products under simulated applied conditions taking
sis program (Bilnut 4.0 SCDA Nutrisoft software) and food
into account pattern of use, dietary intake, physical activity
composition tables published by the Tunisian National Insti-
level and energy balance of users in real life. We therefore
tute of Statistics.
do not yet know whether men practicing resistance training
in gyms truly benefit from using protein and carbohydrate
shakes that they self-prescribe. The aim of this study was 2.4. Dietary supplement use
to compare the evolution of body composition in men self-
prescribing PCS with that in non-users practicing the same GC volunteers were asked to maintain their routine supple-
resistance training during an 8-week period while keeping mentation habits during the study protocol and to fill out
their spontaneous dietary and physical activity habits. the food diary to record any additional use of PCS. Partici-
pants recorded their supplementation habits, and during the
control session interview each GC member listed the supple-
2. Materials and methods ment products they used and the amount they took per day
in the course of the test period. Using the table of composi-
2.1. Study design tion on each product, we calculated the average nutritional
intake exclusively provided by PCS every 2 weeks during the
At baseline, men who had already been practicing resis- test period.
tance activities in gyms for at least 3 months and who were
attending the gym 3 times per week for at least 90 minutes
were selected and invited to attend the National Center of Table 1 Participants characteristic at baseline.
Medicine and Sports Sciences for a more detailed explo-
ration of their anthropometrics, dietary intake, level of Characteristics GNC GC
physical activity, and body composition. Two groups were
Age 21.7 ± 2.8 21.4 ± 2.6
subsequently selected to participate in the study.
Height (cm) 176.8 ± 5.2 178.9 ± 4.0
After inclusion, we conducted an interview to inform the
Weight (kg) 68.8 ± 6.3 70.7 ± 5.4
participants about the study protocol and familiarize them
BMI 22 ± 1.6 22.03 ± 1.4
with it. We handed out food and physical activity diaries and
FM (kg) 9.2 ± 2.4 9.8 ± 1.78
explained their use. A certified trainer conducted a train-
FFM (kg) 59.6 ± 4.9 60.9 ± 4.0
ing session to demonstrate the resistance-training program
PAL 1.50 ± 0.10 1.53 ± 0.11
designed for the study, and which was calibrated to meet
the average routine training session energy expenditure of Values are expressed as means ± SD; BMI: body mass index;
the selected participants. The volunteers filled out the food FM: fat mass; FFM: fat free mass; PAL: physical activity level.

Please cite this article in press as: Saidi O, et al. Intake of carbohydrate-protein supplements by recreational users at
gyms: Body composition improved? Sci sports (2018),
SCISPO-3180; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
4 O. Saidi et al.

2.5. Anthropometry and body composition calculated based on the equation of Black [20]. The energy
expenditure corresponding to the training was added to the
We measured weight using a digital scale, the participant TEE value according to McArdle [21].
standing in minimal clothing. We measured barefoot height
using a graduated non-deformable measuring rod. With the
participants in a supine position, we performed bioelectrical 2.8. Statistical analysis
impedance analysis (BIA) using a single frequency (50 kHz)
tetrapolar technique (BIA 101S analyzer from AKERN-RJL, Statistical analysis of the data was performed by using SPSS
Italy). software version 19.0 package (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
We estimated body composition every 2 weeks using All data are expressed as group means ± standard devia-
the manufacturer’s computer software (Bodygram 1.31 by tion. One-way and repeated-measures analysis of variance
AKERN-RJL, Italy). Strictly following the recommended mea- (ANOVA) was used to compare energy balance and body
surement conditions, we measured body composition in the composition data. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used
morning after overnight fasting. Participants were required to assess bivariate associations, with P < 0.05 considered sta-
to urinate prior to body composition measurement, and were tistically significant.
instructed to abstain from drinking caffeinated beverages
and alcohol for at least 24 hours before the test and to
refrain from physical exercise for a minimum of 18 hours
before measurements.
3. Results

Table 2 shows the daily energy and macronutrient intake of

2.6. Resistance exercise training
PCS as checked every 2 weeks.
Table 3 presents the daily energy balance data
During the study period, the training volume remained the (mean ± SD) throughout the test period. Concerning nutri-
same. Participants continued to train 3 times a week for ents and energy intake exclusively provided by food, no
90 min per session. The training routine proposed was super- significant group or group × time effects were noted in car-
vised and identical for the two groups. It involved a total bohydrates (CHO) and protein, while a group × time effect
of 24 sessions. One week prior to the study, one-repetition was observed in fat and energy intake (P < 0.01). How-
maximum tests (1-RM) were performed by a certified coach. ever, CHO, protein and total energy intake values were
An individual training sheet based on the Epley formula was increased by supplementation. Our results show significant
then provided for each participant [18]. group differences (P < 0.001). We did not detect any dif-
Each session consisted of 10 exercises: bench press, lat ference between groups with regard to exercise energy
pulldown, shoulder press, upright row, triceps curl, biceps expenditure. Energy expenditure, however, was generally
curl, leg press 45◦ , leg extension, leg curl, and calf press. greater in the GC group than in the GNC group (P < 0.01). It
For each exercise, there were 3 sets of 8—12 repetitions appears that the level of physical activity outside of train-
(70—80% of one-repetition maximum [1RM]), except for the ing sessions was responsible for this difference. Regarding
inclined leg press calf raise for which 15—20 repetitions were energy balance, the GC group was situated below the GNC
performed. The interval between sets was 90 seconds and group during the course of the 8 weeks without considering
between exercises 180 seconds. The coach was on-site with PCS, and a significant difference between groups was found
the participants and helped them do the training exercises (P < 0.05). However, PCS energy raised the energy balance in
properly. the GC group relative to the GNC group; our analysis showed
a significant difference (P < 0.001) (Table 4).
2.7. Energy expenditure Mean changes in body composition values are presented
in Fig. 1. Significant differences between the GC and GNC
To estimate energy expenditure, participants used the phys- groups were noted in the change in body mass and FM
ical activity diary to record their physical activity habits (P < 0.001). However, the gain of FFM was the same in both
during the test period. During every control session, activity groups.
diaries were collected and reviewed with the participants. A strong positive correlation was observed between the
Activity levels were assigned using the metabolic equiva- changes that occurred in fat body mass throughout the test
lents (METs) [19]. Total energy expenditure (TEE) was thus period in the GC group with the energy balance (see Fig. 2).

Table 2 Daily nutritional intakes from proteins and/or carbohydrates supplements among GC.

Group Week 1—Week 2 Week 3—Week 4 Week 5—Week 6 Week 7—Week 8

PCS intake (g) 159.6 ± 36.4 139.6 ± 41.6 154 ± 41.4 142.5 ± 46.6
CHO intake (g) 68.9 ± 33.5 57.3 ± 34.8 66.8 ± 33.1 55.8 ± 31.2
Protein intake (g) 81.8 ± 38.1 73.3 ± 30.6 78.3 ± 33.1 77.7 ± 33.7
Fat intake (g) 8.8 ± 2.1 8.9 ± 2.2 8.8 ± 2.1 8.8 ± 2.11
Energy (kcal) 683.1 ± 163.4 603.5 ± 172.1 660.8 ± 173.6 614.4 ± 192.3
Values are expressed as means ± SD; PCS: proteins and/or carbohydrates supplements.

Please cite this article in press as: Saidi O, et al. Intake of carbohydrate-protein supplements by recreational users at
gyms: Body composition improved? Sci sports (2018),
Effect of carbohydrate-protein supplements on body composition

SCISPO-3180; No. of Pages 9

gyms: Body composition improved? Sci sports (2018),
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Table 3 Macronutrients intakes from food and supplements.

Variable Group Week 1—Week 2 Week 3—Week 4 Week 5—Week 6 Week 7—Week 8 P

(g/kg) (%) (g/kg) (%) (g/kg) (%) (g/kg) (%)

CHO GC (d) 4.92 ± 1.1 48.8 ± 10.25.27 ± 1.1 51.3 ± 8.6 4.99 ± 1.2 47.8 ± 10.0 4.96 ± 1.2 46.7 ± 9.5
GNC 4.88 ± 1.4 45.0 ± 10.95.01 ± 1.1 47.6 ± 9.0 4.88 ± 1.4 46.9 ± 11.1 4.85 ± 1.3 46.9 ± 10.9 GC (d) vs. GNC NS
GC (T) 5.90 ± 1.1 47.23 ± 6.96.08 ± 1.2 49.0 ± 6.6 5.94 ± 1.1 46.5 ± 6.8 5.75 ± 1.2 44.9 ± 6.8 GC (T) vs. GNC < 0.01
Protein GC (d) 1.43 ± 0.2 14.5 ± 3.3 1.45 ± 0.2 14.4 ± 3.1 1.43 ± 0.2 13.9 ± 3.1 1.44 ± 0.2 13.8 ± 3.2
GNC 1.41 ± 0.2 13.3 ± 2.5 1.41 ± 0.2 13.5 ± 2.5 1.41 ± 0.2 13.8 ±2.8 1.41 ± 0.2 13.8 ± 2.8 GC (d) vs. GNC NS
GC (T) 2.60 ± 0.5 20.93 ± 3.62.50 ± 0.4 20.2 ± 2.8 2.55 ± 0.4 20.0 ± 3.0 2.55 ± 0.4 20.0 ± 3.0 GC (T) vs. GNC < 0.001
Fat GC (d) 1.64 ± 0.4 36.63 ± 8.81.54 ± 0.3 34.1 ± 7.2 1.76 ± 0.4 38.1 ± 8.8 1.85 ± 0.4 39.3 ± 8.5
GNC 1.96 ± 0.4 41.6 ± 9.8 1.80 ± 0.4 38.7 ± 8.0 1.79 ± 0.4 39.1 ± 10.1 1.79 ± 0.4 39.2 ± 10.0 GC (d) vs. GNC NS
GC (T) 1.76 ± 0.4 31.83 ± 7.11.67 ± 0.3 30.7 ± 6.7 1.88 ± 0.4 33.4 ± 7.2 1.97 ± 0.4 34.9 ± 7.3 GC (T) vs. GNC NS
Values are expressed as means ± SD; GNC: group non-consumer; GC: group consumer; (d): dietary intake from food; (T): total dietary intake from food and proteins and/or carbohydrates


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gyms: Body composition improved? Sci sports (2018),
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Table 4 Daily energy balance data of GNC and GC.

Variable Group Week 1—Week 2 Week 3—Week 4 Week 5—Week 6 Week 7—Week 8 P

(kcal) (kj) (kcal) (kj) (kcal) (kj) (kcal) (kj)

Energy GC (d) 2828 ± 381 11,833 ± 1483 2871 ± 371 12,015 ± 1553 2720 ± 805 1,1384 ± 3369 2970 ± 318 1,2428 ± 1334
intake GNC 2941 ± 279 1,2305 ± 1169 2883 ± 315 14,540 ± 1320 2829 ± 233 1,1838 ± 978 2820 ± 216 1,1801 ± 907 GC (d) vs. GNC = NS
GC (T) 3511 ± 461 14,691 ± 1731 3475 ± 383 12,066 ± 1603 3583 ± 346 14,992 ± 1449 3584 ± 375 1,4999 ± 1570 GC (T) vs. GNC < 0.001
Energy GNC 2976 ± 233 12,453 ± 977 2900 ± 225 12,136 ± 944 2831 ± 237 11,845 ± 995 2840 ± 260 11,882 ± 1089 GC
expen- GC 2896 ± 246 12,118 ± 1002 3012 ± 217 12,604 ± 939 3037 ± 212 12,707 ± 887 3118 ± 241 13,049 ± 1010 vs.
Energy GC (d) −68 ± 340 −285 ± 1424 −140 ± 339 −589 ± 1419 −114 ± 288 −480 ± 1186 −148 ± 356 −621 ± 1492 GNC
bal- GNC −35 ± 155 −148 ± 649 −16 ± 185 −70 ± 777 −1.7 ± 155 −7 ± 649 −19 ± 150 −81 ± 628 <
(d) vs. GNC < 0.05
ance GC (T) 615 ± 422 2573 ± 1722 462 ± 357 1936 ± 1503 545 ± 394 2284 ± 1652 465 ± 467 1949 ± 1955 GC (T) vs. GNC < 0.001

O. Saidi et al.
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Effect of carbohydrate-protein supplements on body composition 7

Figure 2 Linear relationship between (A)  fat body mass

(baseline-week 8) and energy balance, (B) mean daily proteins
and/or carbohydrates supplements energy intake and energy

out especially as the proposed training volume was designed

to meet our population’s average habitual routine training.
Figure 1 Evolution of body composition parameters over the
PCS intake thus led to overfeeding.
test period. A. Body mass. B. Fat mass. C. Fat free mass for GC
Regarding the effect of supplementation on body compo-
and GNC. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, difference between
sition, Schmitz et al. observed increased lean mass and
GC and GNC groups; †P < 0.05, ††P < 0.01, †††P < 0.001, differ-
decreased fat mass after 9 weeks of multi-nutrient sup-
ence with time.
plementation in conjunction with training [24]. These
supplements, however, included creatine in addition to pro-
Energy balance was also correlated to mean daily protein
tein and carbohydrates, and the amount administered was
and/or carbohydrate energy intake.
far lower than that taken in practice by amateurs training at
gyms. Furthermore, dietary intakes were not reported in this
4. Discussion study. Hulmi et al. also reported increased fat-free mass and
decreased fat mass after 12 weeks of resistance-training and
This investigation of the effect of spontaneous use of com- PCS post-workout use [15]. However, in this study dietary
mercially designed PCS on body composition during 8 weeks intakes were much lower than those in our population. In
of resistance-training under applied conditions showed pri- addition, average daily nutritional intakes from PCS by our
marily that such supplementation by men training in gyms subjects were 4 times greater than the dose prescribed
most often exceeds both recommended amount and energy in this protocol. Kreider et al. observed changes in body
requirements. This overuse may negatively affect energy composition similar to ours among sportsmen using high-
balance and body composition. Our results indicate a major calorie supplements [25]. Further, Spillane and Willoughby
body mass gain in the GC group. However, the analysis found that overfeeding with PCS in 21 men following
of body composition revealed that a gain of body fat was resistance-training for 8 weeks did not improve body compo-
responsible for this significant difference. The GC group sition or muscle protein synthesis, and resulted in fat mass
gained fat mass while the GNC group lost fat mass. In gain [26]. The divergence of results is certainly due to the
the evolution of lean body mass, there was no significant differences between experimental protocols (e.g., training
difference between the two groups. Many studies on supple- and measures), supplementation dosage (e.g., amount, tim-
mentation practices in athletes have shown widespread use ing, duration, and type), and also to differences in dietary
of dietary supplements, and a discrepancy between medi- intake and physical activity level outside of training sessions.
cal advice and actual practice in athletes’ supplement use Energy balance data were most often neglected in previous
[13,22]. However, for amateurs training in gyms, fewer stud- studies. Nonetheless, all of these studies were conducted
ies have reported on the frequency, type, and amount of in different conditions from those in practice. The major
supplements used [11,14], but it seems that the recom- difference between our investigation and previous studies
mended doses are often exceeded [23]. Our results bear this is that we took into account both the spontaneous dietary

Please cite this article in press as: Saidi O, et al. Intake of carbohydrate-protein supplements by recreational users at
gyms: Body composition improved? Sci sports (2018),
SCISPO-3180; No. of Pages 9 ARTICLE IN PRESS
8 O. Saidi et al.

intake and the real pattern of PCS use by men training in on energy balance and body composition compared with a
gyms. non-user group under real applied condition. Although it
Concerning dietary intake, our results show that com- presents some limitations such as BIA and diaries, which
pared with recommendations, the diet of both groups was are not the most accurate measures of energy balance
unbalanced, and consumption of fat was higher than the and body composition, these methods enabled us to collect
recommended amount [27]. The calorie intake was accep- data in an outpatient setting and from a large sample. The
table in both groups, and the use of PCS did not seem same person strictly under the same conditions underwent
to be needed, especially when the amount taken was bioelectrical impedance measurements, and the device
self-prescribed, and exceeded energy requirement. On the has been used and validated in a population of athletes
contrary, positive energy balance occurring due to exces- [36]. Furthermore, investigators interviewed participants
sive supplement intake in PCS users seemed to alter body every two weeks to double-check diary data to reduce the
composition by promoting fat storage. Studies have demon- methodological biases. Future studies using more accurate
strated that excess energy is efficiently stored in the body in measurements of physical activity level and body compo-
the case of positive energy balance [28,29]. In any case, the sition are now needed to confirm these results. Timing of
participants’ diet showed an excess fat intake without con- ingestion was not considered in this study because data were
sidering PCS intake. Increased dietary protein intake was lacking: future studies focusing on this point are therefore
probably the origin of the excess fat, because men train- needed.
ing in gyms often consume high protein diets and protein
foods are generally high in fat (e.g., beef, eggs, and nuts).
5. Conclusion
Hence the PCS users’ total dietary intake, which was high
in carbohydrates, fat and calories, seems to be responsible
Good nutritional status plays a key role in promoting
for the development of body fat mass. No difference was
progress for amateur men training at gyms. Providing
noted for fat-free mass. This may be because both groups
a balanced, appropriate diet is directly related to the
had adequate protein intake from food [30,31]. Most ama-
improvement of body composition. The dietary intakes of
teurs training in gyms consume excessive amounts of protein
amateurs in gyms require improvement. Supplement use
owing to mistaken beliefs: our results show that supple-
does not compensate for poor food choices. On the contrary,
mentation increased protein intake above 2.4−1 , yet
self-prescription of PCS by this population seems most often
few studies indicate that the intake of high amounts of
to raise calorie, carbohydrate and protein intake greatly
protein (2—3−1 ) is appropriate even in athletes [32].
above the recommended values, and exacerbate energy and
Newer recommendations to maximize muscle hypertrophy
nutritional imbalance.
and strength are based on the effect of other factors such as
In men practicing resistance-training in gyms, those con-
timing of ingestion, type of protein, and amino acid compo-
suming PCS are at risk of reaching a positive energy balance,
sition [33,34].
leading to an increase in body fat mass. Our results lead
The scientific societies still have diverging opinions on
us to question the efficacy of these supplements combining
the use of PCS. Although many believe that a balanced and
protein and carbohydrates in conjunction with resistance
varied diet, focusing on food with high nutritional density, is
training in improving nutritional status and body compo-
sufficient to meet nutritional needs, and that the use of sup-
sition, when they are overly and unduly used without
plements is justified only in the case of a specific nutritional
guidance. Finally, amateurs training in gyms need more
deficiency, a considerable number of studies support the use
nutritional education to enhance their nutritional status and
of PCS. Most amateurs exercising in gyms, however, are con-
learn how to use protein and carbohydrate supplements,
suming PCS shakes regardless of their food intake. Although
taking into account their dietary needs and food intake.
the US Congress, in framing the Dietary Supplements Health
Nutrition experts must make proactive decisions to stream-
and Education Act defined dietary supplements (DS) as prod-
line behaviors related to dietary supplement use in this
ucts taken orally to resolve a specific nutritional deficiency
[35], it appears that in practice PCS are not considered by
consumers as nutrients, and are consumed without taking
into account food dietary intakes, which leads to overfeed- Disclosure of interest
ing. The increased calorie intake through PCS could not be
offset by the energy expenditure of our amateur men prac- The authors declare that they have no competing interest.
ticing resistance-training in a gym. Supplementation intake
was found to be strongly implicated in the increase of body
fat mass over the course of an 8-week training period, with
no beneficial change in the gain of lean body mass.
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Please cite this article in press as: Saidi O, et al. Intake of carbohydrate-protein supplements by recreational users at
gyms: Body composition improved? Sci sports (2018),
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Please cite this article in press as: Saidi O, et al. Intake of carbohydrate-protein supplements by recreational users at
gyms: Body composition improved? Sci sports (2018),

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