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Applied Energy 159 (2015) 108–116

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Is climate change-centrism an optimal policy making strategy to set

national electricity mixes?
Ian Vázquez-Rowe a,b, Janet L. Reyna c, Samy García-Torres a, Ramzy Kahhat a,⇑
Peruvian LCA Network, Department of Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 1801 Avenida Universitaria, San Miguel, Lima 32, Peru
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Santiago de Compsostela, Rúa Lope Gómez de Marzoa s/n, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain
School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering, College Avenue Commons, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA

h i g h l i g h t s

 The impact of climate-centric policies on other environmental impacts is uncertain.

 Analysis of changing electricity grids of Peru and Spain in the period 1989–2013.
 Life Cycle Assessment was the selected sustainability method to conduct the study.
 Policies targeting GHG reductions also reduce air pollution and toxicity.
 Resource usage, especially water, does not show the same trends as GHG emissions.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In order to combat the threat of climate change, countries have begun to implement policies which
Received 22 April 2015 restrict GHG emissions in the electricity sector. However, the development of national electricity mixes
Received in revised form 12 August 2015 should also be sensitive to resource availability, geo-political forces, human health impacts, and social
Accepted 27 August 2015
equity concerns. Policy focused on GHG goals could potentially lead to adverse consequences in other
Available online 9 September 2015
areas. To explore the impact of ‘‘climate-centric” policy making on long-term electricity mix changes,
we develop two cases for Peru and Spain analyzing their changing electricity grids in the period
1989–2013. We perform a Life Cycle Assessment of annual electricity production to catalogue the
Electricity production
GHG emissions
improvements in GHG emissions relative to other environmental impacts. We conclude that policies tar-
Life Cycle Assessment geting GHG reductions might have the co-benefit of also reducing air pollution and toxicity at the
Peru expense of other important environmental performance indicators such as water depletion. Moreover,
Spain as of 2013, both countries generate approximately equal GHG emissions per kWh, and relatively low
emission rates of other pollutants compared to nations of similar development levels. Although
climate-centric policy can lead to some positive environmental outcomes in certain areas, energy
policy-making should be holistic and include other aspects of sustainability and vulnerability.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction include environmental degradation, negative social impacts,

energy security, and economic stability. Laurent and colleagues
Climate change constitutes a major threat to the stability and discuss the limitations of carbon footprint as an indicator for
existence of both anthropogenic and ecological systems, and nec- decision-making since decreasing GHG emissions could lead to
essarily, countries have shaped a wide range of policies focused negative consequences in other important areas such as impacts
on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions [1,2]. Beyond GHG related to toxic emissions [4]. On the other hand, reductions in
emissions, however, there are many other significant goals that GHG emissions have been shown to have environmental
should not be ignored in energy decision-making. Foremost of co-benefits [5,6], such as reducing ocean acidification [7], and
these is human health and safety concerns, such as exposure to may even increase energy security [8]. A central question to be
pollutants during energy production [3]. Other important concerns explored in this article is whether these ‘‘climate-centric” policy
decisions in the energy sector lead to adverse outcomes in other
⇑ Corresponding author. realms, or whether there are substantial co-benefits.
E-mail address: (R. Kahhat).
0306-2619/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
I. Vázquez-Rowe et al. / Applied Energy 159 (2015) 108–116 109

GHG emissions are closely linked to the production and use of energy resiliency strategies. We study the changes in electricity
energy, and changing primary sources of energy will be critical to mixes of Spain and Peru between 1989 and 2013 in order to quan-
the decarbonization of modern economies [9]. Energy consump- tify mix sensitivity to policy and market pressures as well as to
tion worldwide is a leading driver of climate change through heavy look at the environmental consequences of mix changes from a
reliance on fossil fuels. The energy sector contributed over 31 mil- life-cycle perspective. While previous studies have included
lion tonnes of CO2 in 2011 alone, with 18% of total world energy time-series environmental analyses of electricity production, most
being used to produce electricity [10]. Therefore, electricity decar- lack a holistic perspective by focusing on a limited number of envi-
bonization has been cited as being a major key to stabilizing GHG ronmental dimensions. A series of studies by Greening et al. in the
emissions [11,12]. As part of this, most countries will need exten- late 1990s analyzed long-term electricity mix trends with a focus
sive modifications to their existing electricity mixes. Multiple stud- on the carbon-intensity of the manufacturing sector [27].
ies have explored decarbonization of the electricity sector as a Additionally, Steenhof & Fulton [28] investigate the drivers of elec-
potential path toward climate change mitigation with varying tricity mix change in the provinces of the People’s Republic of
conclusions on the feasibility and cost. Studies in California and China, lining up changes with political and economic conditions,
Germany show that electricity decarbonization will have to occur with a focus on developing future scenarios. There are multiple
if policy goals of 80% reduction below 1990 GHG emission levels reasons that our chosen case studies provide a unique prospective
are to be met [10,13,14]. From an energy return on investment to climate policy and electricity mix change. Peru and Spain, in
(EROI) standpoint, renewable energy sources fall much lower than many ways are stark contrasts, providing diverse examples of
traditional petroleum-based sources. For example, corn ethanol system complexity, timing of economic development, resource
hovers around an EROI of 1:1 or potentially even negative (indicat- availability, energy independence, and Kyoto compliance stipula-
ing energy loss from using this source) [15]. EROI is a fundamental tions. The two countries also have distinct energy development
metric for evaluating the feasibility of renewable energy sources, goals and policies which reflect their unique circumstances.
as sources with lower EROI consume a higher percentage of energy Altogether, this allows us to cover an important knowledge gap
in the production phase. Investing in these sources could mean when it comes to understanding the evolution of electricity pro-
potentially increasing GHG emissions or other negative environ- duction in these two countries from an environmental perspective,
mental impacts above alternate source scenarios, especially given as well as draw extrapolate recommendations for a wide-range of
that energy policy decisions have far-reaching and long-term countries under varying conditions.
impacts. A minimum EROI of 3:1 for sustainable development
has even been suggested [16]. Some policies have already began
2. Materials and methods
to subsidize renewable technologies, such as wind and solar
power, which show higher mean EROI values than other renewable
2.1. Methodology and scope
sources of energy [15,17]. Nevertheless, countries such as New
Zealand, which plan to expand their electricity system by 100%
A life cycle perspective was selected in this study to monitor the
in 2050 using renewables exclusively, plan a reduction in EROI of
inter-annual change in the environmental profile of the electricity
nearly 45% [18].
sector at a national level. Therefore, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), an
National electricity mixes obtain unique characteristics in
internationally standardized environmental assessment methodol-
response to resource availability, geo-political conditions, and
ogy was selected to study the changes in the environmental perfor-
long-term resiliency of the supply within each country-context.
mance of the electricity grids in Peru and Spain [29,30]. The
The specific definition of energy security has many interpretations
functional unit (FU), which is the mathematical quantification of
[19], but generally it can be thought of as retaining or quickly
the service delivered by the production system [29], was fixed as
restoring essential system functionality during perturbations such
1 kWh produced in one year of operation based on the electricity
as disruptions in primary energy supply. As part of this, previous
mix of the specific year under analysis.
studies have stressed the importance of system diversity, both in
The system boundaries for both case studies include the pro-
origin and type of supply [12,20,21]. Japan presents an interesting
duction and delivery of high voltage electricity to the grid, includ-
case study of energy system resiliency, given its extreme scarcity of
ing the extraction of fuels and raw materials, the processing and
natural resources and dependence on foreign imports [22]. This has
transportation of these fuels/materials, the operation of power
led to a high reliance on nuclear power as well as government
plants and wind/solar farms, the construction/decommissioning
incentives to invest in solar power [23]. Across the world, concerns
of power plants and supporting infrastructure, and waste disposal.
have been raised about the long-term availability of petroleum
In addition, it is important to recognize that the energy production
supply [24], and there is speculation as to whether oil production
technologies and fuels varied considerably in the analyzed period,
has ‘‘peaked” [25]. These supply concerns have also led countries
so some technologies have been newly implemented through time
to diversify electricity production beyond conventional fossil fuel
while others have been phased out.
sources. Much of the world’s oil supply comes from regions that
are politically unstable, creating vulnerability for countries that
use petroleum from these areas as the majority of their supply. 2.2. Selection of case studies
Diversifying countries of origin is one strategy for mitigating the
impact of prospective political disruptions to oil supply. Becoming Peru and Spain were selected as case studies based on criteria
self-sufficient in energy production is an alternate route toward which make them sufficiently distinct for a comparative environ-
energy stability [26]. mental and policy assessment. First, Peru and Spain have had sim-
The primary goal of this study is to analyze the evolution of ilar economic growth patterns, but occurring nearly two decades
national electricity mixes in response to resource availability, apart (see Fig. S1 in the Supplementary Material – SM). For
renewable energy goals, and other political considerations, with instance, Spain’s economic expansion and corresponding demand
the secondary goal of cataloguing improvements (or digressions) for electricity occurred in two stages, first during the 1980s when
in GHG emissions compared to other environmental impacts, such it entered the European Union, and second in the period 1996–
as human respiratory impacts, typically ignored in policy-making. 2008, ending with the World Financial Crisis (WFC) which plunged
We do this via two case studies with differing levels of resource Spain into a deep recession that is still on-going. Peru experienced
abundance, commitment to renewable energy, as well as unique a similar economic expansion at the turn of the millennia, and the
110 I. Vázquez-Rowe et al. / Applied Energy 159 (2015) 108–116

hydroelectric power system was insufficient to meet the growing ecosystems (Ec) and resources (Re). Both midpoint and endpoint
electricity demand. Secondly, while Spain depends on foreign impact categories were used and the hierachist perspective was
countries for over 70% of its energy supply, Peru has an energy grid used for both [40]. The selection of the hierarchist method was
with a low dependence on external energy sources [31,32]. used to provide weighted single score environmental values for
Although Spain has mitigated its divestment in fossil fuel electric- each year of assessment, thereby identifying their overall environ-
ity production through strong investments in the renewable mental profile. Moreover, this perspective considers the main pol-
energy sector, its performance in other energy-intensive sectors, icy approaches linked to time horizons (e.g. 100-year horizon for
such as transport, still depends heavily on petroleum-sources. climate change – CC), which appears to be suitable for the purpose
Finally, Spain, as a developed country, has been obliged to comply of the current study. Therefore, it is based on consensus, and is
with the Kyoto Protocol since the mid-1990s, whereas Peru, an foreseen in many environmental standards, such as ISO 14040. A
emerging nation, still has a flexible roadmap in terms of GHG emis- list of all impact categories included in the assessment can be
sions mitigation [31]. viewed in Table S3 of the SM.

2.3. Data collection 2.6. Assumptions and limitations

Primary data regarding the composition of the electricity mix in The individual electricity mixes per nation for each year of the
Spain were obtained from the annual report published by the assessment were obtained from governmental agencies. However,
Ministry of Industry1 and Red Eléctrica Española (Fig. 1) [33,34]. In it was not possible to obtain this level of resolution for the changes
the case of Peru, the data were retrieved from the Ministry of Energy in electricity-production technology throughout the period ana-
and Mining and from the US Energy Information Administration lyzed. Therefore, technological improvement and improvements
[35,36]. In both cases, the electricity mix was analyzed between in efficiency were not accounted for in this study, a limitation that
1989 and 2013. This time period was selected based on the fact that is further deliberated in the discussion section. In fact, all the elec-
it was the longest timeframe for which the two nations had a com- tricity production technology is referred to those provided by the
parable high level of data quality and availability. In addition, for the ecoinventÒ datasets, and is thus more reflective of current produc-
case of Peru, the production of electricity in thermal plants did not tion technologies. This limitation is expected to be the main source
specify the source fuel in the national statistics (see Fig. 1). Hence, of uncertainty in the study and may affect different energy sources
the proportion of electricity production from natural gas, coal and in a heterogeneous manner. For instance, this issue could affect
diesel was estimated based on the installed power across the coun- results for photovoltaics, a sector that has seen an important tech-
try. Regardless, natural gas is by far the main driver of thermal elec- nological race in the past few years.
tricity in the entire nation. Finally, it should be noted that the energy Beyond the limitations linked to not accounting for technologi-
mix for France and Portugal were also modelled due to the import- cal improvements in the analyzed period, we are aware of numer-
export exchanges between Spain and these neighboring countries ous additional sources of random and epistemic uncertainties that
[34]. may skew to some extent the accurateness of the results presented
in this study. For instance, the uncertainties underlying the LCA
2.4. Life cycle Inventory assessment method (i.e., ReCiPe), as well as those linked to the
quality and depth of the inventory should all be considered. How-
The overall electricity production for both nations is depicted in ever, given the policy-making orientation of this study, we focus in
Fig. 2 for the period analyzed. In addition, the main energy and this dissertation on offering alternative scenarios for decarbonizing
material inputs in terms of variable energy sources are shown in the electricity sector in these two nations based on the current and
Table S1 in the SM, referred to the selected FU. Moreover, future energy potentials observed as a way to push forward policy
Table S2 in the SM refers to the specific unit processes used from formulation. Nevertheless, we do acknowledge that delving further
the ecoinventÒ database to model the different energy sources. into the uncertainties of the gathered data would constitute valu-
Medium voltage electricity used in the electric system was mod- able future research as a stimulus to improve the sustainability of
elled as proposed by Dones and colleagues by adding the following the electricity sector and promote continuous evaluation and
processes: transformation from high voltage, direct SF6 emissions improvement of the methods proposed.
to air and electricity losses due to transportation [37]. Background
data were used mainly from ecoinvent 3.01 [38].
3. Results
2.5. Life cycle impact assessment
3.1. Comparative electricity mix changes
This research intentionally includes multiple environmental
indicators beyond climate change in order to offer an integrated Electricity production for Spain has gained complexity
perspective on the changing environmental impacts of electricity throughout the timeframe analyzed, responding to the demands
mixes, and thus utilized ReCiPe, an assessment method which sup- of an expanding economy through most of the period. In the
ported this goal. ReCiPe was the chosen assessment method based 1980s Spain met marginal energy demand through the construc-
on the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) cri- tion of nuclear power stations, to complement an essentially
teria to assess best practices in individual impact categories in coal-based sector; the 1990s were characterized by stronger
terms of characterization modelling [39]. While its overall scoring European Union (EU) limitations on the use of lignite and hard coal,
was not significantly higher than other assessment methods, it prompting a rapid increase in the use of natural gas. This strategy
presented a solid rating throughout impact categories, as well as was structured based on the necessity of providing a quick
a comprehensive inclusion of major environmental dimensions response to increases in electricity demand, while maintaining
through the use of three damage categories: human health (HH), energy security despite external dependence [41]. Consequently,
throughout the period 1996–2006, Spain consistently decreased
It should be noted that the Ministry of Industry in Spain has changed name
the use of coal, maintained production in the nuclear sector,
several times since the beginning of the time period assessed in this study. Its current and increased thermal power through natural gas as the main
name translates to ‘‘Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism”. carrier. However, EU and national policy-making on renewable
I. Vázquez-Rowe et al. / Applied Energy 159 (2015) 108–116 111

320000 7000


kWh per capita





0 0

Peru Spain Peru (per capita use) Spain (per capita use)

Fig. 1. Annual electricity production per country and per capita use (1989–2013).







Coal Oil and Natural Gas Hydropower Nuclear

Photovoltaic Wind power Other







Fig. 2. Relative contribution of different energy sources to annual electricity production in Spain and Peru (1989–2013).

energy, energy independence and GHG emissions mitigation, in had been developed throughout the 20th century [43]. In 2001,
combination with the vast availability of land in Spain, fostered a Peru entered a period of strong economic growth, resembling, in
large-scale expansion of certain renewable energies, namely wind certain aspects, the economic growth of Spain in the 1980s and
power and, to a lesser extent, photovoltaics, in the past decade 1990s, with an expanding domestic market, growing population
[42]. and a boom in the construction sector. These circumstances, which
Peru in the late 1980s was a nation with low household income are still applicable as of today, have led to an electricity grid that is
and electricity use per capita nearly 10 times lower than in Spain, currently supplying 300% of the levels in 1990 and 200% of those in
although climatic differences via increased heating/cooling loads 2000. Interestingly, the same energy carrier, i.e., natural gas, has
partially account for the gap [35]. Internal violence and economic been the energy source used in the Peruvian context to supply
fragility in the region contributed to a period of stunted economic increasing energy demand, to the point that by 2013 natural gas
growth until the late 1990s. During this time, electricity demand was supplying 47% of the total electricity consumed in the nation
was mostly met through the extensive hydropower system that [44].
112 I. Vázquez-Rowe et al. / Applied Energy 159 (2015) 108–116

3.2. Environmental profile of the Spanish electricity sector (1989– GHG emissions suffered a fivefold increase in the period analyzed,
2013) which translates into 11.9 million t of additional CO2 eq. emissions
per year. Most of the remaining impact categories, except for WD,
Despite the substantial shift in the portfolio of the electricity also experience an increasing trend during the time period ana-
mix during the 1990s, the environmental impacts linked to the lyzed. However, only the depletion of fossil fuels has an increase
production of 1 kWh remained fairly constant until 2005 (Fig. 3), comparable to that of CC.
with main variations attributable to changes in contribution from
the different energy sources. The reductions in environmental
impacts linked to a lower reliance on coal were off-set by an 4. Discussion
increase in production from natural gas. However, starting in
2006 a steady and intense reduction in most environmental This comparative study presents two distinct approaches taken
impacts began which can be linked to multiple factors. First, the by nations with different overall political, economic and energy
increase in wind power to comprise close to 20% of total electricity characteristics. Peru, an emerging economy with an abundant
production (from 0% in 1996) has contributed to a substantial hydropower potential and domestic natural gas reserves, virtually
reduction in GHG emissions, water use and all the impacts linked unexploited new-generation renewable resources (i.e., solar and
to air pollution, such as photochemical oxidant formation (POF) wind power), and no binding international commitments on GHG
and particulate matter formation (PMF). Secondly, a series of poli- emissions mitigation, has elected to use fossil fuels to support
cies at a European and national level have restricted the type and growing domestic demand of electricity. Overall, this current sce-
quality of coal that can be used in power plants, especially in terms nario results in increasing environmental consequences in a wide
of sulfur content, which has significantly reduced emissions linked range of impact categories, although still somewhat mitigated by
to POF and PMF. The steady growth of other renewable sources, the carbon-free hydropower sector. On the other hand, Spain, a
mainly photovoltaics, has created a solid network of decarbonized developed country with compulsory GHG emission commitments
energy sources that also contribute modestly to a lower aggregate in international treaties, and with primary energy deficit and inse-
environmental impact. Finally, it should be noted that the World curity, has lowered its overall electricity environmental profile in
Financial Crisis (WFC), which hit Spain considerably in the period the past decade through the diversification of its energy matrix
2008–2014, also allowed shifts in energy production sources to and primary energy importations.
be more noticeable thanks to dwindling electricity demand The advancement of Spain toward a more environmentally
[33,34]. The combination of these factors lead to a reduction of sustainable electricity mix has been achieved through numerous
the environmental profile from 53.4 mPt in 2005 to 33.9 mPt in policies in the late-1980s and mid-1990s. These policies expanded
2013 (a 37% decrease), which is most noticeable in impact cate- the sources, reduced energy insecurity and, ultimately, complied
gories such as terrestrial acidification ( 43%) or PMF ( 42%), while with current Kyoto and EU GHG emission thresholds [45].
climate change ( 39%) figures in a mid-range. Conversely, as dis- Nevertheless, these substantial changes in the way Spain meets
cussed in more detail in the discussion, the use of resources, espe- electricity demand have taken several decades to materialize and
cially water (+66%) and metals (+59%), does not display this have been accompanied by higher electricity tariffs and customer
decreasing trend (see Fig. 4). prices [33]. Despite the strong improvement in the environmental
From a global environmental perspective, the combination of profile of electricity generation in Spain, there are still important
stagnant electricity demand, as well as the higher presence of questions on future production scenarios. A potential period of
renewables in the grid, has managed to actually reduce the overall renewed economic expansion as well as recent policies limiting
environmental impacts of electricity generation. For instance, in the subsidies that should be injected into the renewable energy
2013, 55.2 millions t of CO2 eq. were avoided with respect to sector are just some of the variables that create uncertainty in
2007, despite the fact that overall electricity consumption was the future improvement of the environmental performance of
approximately 275.000 GWh in both years. While the scope of this Spanish electricity production [42].
study was limited up to 2013, the evolution of the electricity grid In contrast to the long-term Spanish energy plan, Peruvian
in 2014 suggests that avoided emissions would be even higher in energy governance has been highly dependent on changing politi-
the latter period [34]. cal views and interests, rather than on a long term national strat-
egy [46]. This is visible in Fig. 5, where a comparison between
3.3. Environmental profile of the Peruvian electricity sector (1989– the two countries is provided based on the sustainability of the
2013) marginal increase in electricity production/demand. While Spain
has managed to reduce the carbon emissions of additional electric-
Peruvian electricity production in the 1990s was characterized ity production into the grid in the past decade, Peru has met
by an extremely low normalized environmental impact per kWh increased demand through the proliferation of fossil fuels. In addi-
produced. For example, in years of heavy rainfall, such as 1994 or tion, Peruvian public policies have tended to emphasize, in a dis-
2001, in which hydropower accounted for over 85% of the total jointed manner aspects related to energy equity, security, and
electricity produced, the single score endpoint impacts were 13.2 profitability rather than environmental performance. Nevertheless,
and 15.8 mPt per 1 kWh produced, respectively. However, around in 2010 the Peruvian government voluntarily signed onto the
the turn of the millennia, in line with strong economic growth, Copenhagen Accord in order to commit to take action in three
the environmental profile of the electricity mix started to increase specific issues of Annex B of the Kyoto Protocol: zero deforestation
rapidly until a value of 39.7 mPt was reached in 2013, mainly due by 2021, one third of total energy arriving from renewable sources
to a higher use of fossil fuels (i.e., natural gas), which have higher in 2020 and to lower GHG emissions from solid waste [47]. While
impacts in terms of resource use (except water) and emissions in only one of these commitments is directly related to the energy
terms of climate change (CC), POF or PMF. For instance, GHG emis- sector, this portfolio coincides with national legislation that
sions per kWh were up to 331 g CO2 eq. by 2013 compared to 183 g intends to set the general structure to ‘‘satisfy the national [energy]
CO2 eq. in 1989, whereas the water depletion (WD) impact cate- demand in a trustful, regular, continuous and efficient manner,
gory decreased from 0.023 m3 in 1989 to 0.016 m3 in 2013. promoting sustainable development” [48]. However, bearing in
When evaluating the total impacts of the electricity production mind that renewable energy currently represents approximately
sector in Peru, the shifts in the environmental profile imply that 25–28% of the energy matrix, reaching one third of total energy
I. Vázquez-Rowe et al. / Applied Energy 159 (2015) 108–116 113

Endpoint Score (mpt)

Fig. 3. ReCiPe endpoint single score results per damage category and nation for annual electricity production (1989–2013). Data referred to the functional unit: 1 kWh.

(a) Climate Change (CC)

1.8E+08 700

1.6E+08 600

g CO2 eq
t CO2 eq

6.0E+07 200

4.0E+07 100















1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013

Peru (total impact) Spain (total impact) Peru (per FU) Spain (per FU)

(b) Water Depleon (WD)

1.0E+04 0.03


1.0E+02 0.02






1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2013

Peru (total impact) Spain (total impact) Peru (per FU) Spain (per FU)

Fig. 4. Comparative environmental impacts between countries for selected impact categories (1989–2013): (a) climate change; (b) water depletion. Data referred to the
functional unit: 1 kWh.

arriving from renewables (including hydropower) does not appear analyzed for both nations is better than in other countries with
as a very ambitious target [49]. similar income or human development profiles. In the case of
In addition, the Peruvian case also underlines the importance of Spain, CO2 eq. emissions per FU were found to be considerably
social consensus in defining a sustainable energy matrix [50]. For lower than those for Portugal (611 g CO2 eq.) or Italy (634 g CO2
instance, the development of Peru’s hydropower potential has eq.), which demonstrates essentially a higher level of decarboniza-
been weakened, in a similar way to mining, by an increasing social tion in the sector. The Peruvian electricity mix, on the other hand,
concern on the environmental and socio-cultural impacts associ- shows a better environmental profile than that of Mexico (571 g
ated with hydropower construction and operation such as the dis- CO2 eq. per kWh), which is mainly attributable to the high
placement of people, difficulties in river navigation, and alteration fossil-dependence in Mexico [52]. Paradoxically, the Energy
of traditional customs [51]. Interestingly, the increase of natural Sustainability Index (ESI) developed by the World Energy Council
gas-fired power plants has not shown comparable level of social ranks the environmental sustainability (one of the three assessed
opposition. dimensions leading to ESI) of the Peruvian energy sector 43rd
Despite the distinct development paths and generation profiles globally, while Spain sits slightly higher at 23rd, but still behind
of Peru and Spain’s respective electricity grids, both systems have a countries that have higher GHG emissions per unit of electricity
relatively low environmental impact per unit of electricity produced, such as Portugal or Brazil [53]. This raises the question
produced. The GHG emissions in the final years of the time period of whether the index is sufficient to understand the state of
114 I. Vázquez-Rowe et al. / Applied Energy 159 (2015) 108–116

1000 of CC, these changes are expected to be minor as compared to

water scarcity and insecurity. This situation suggests that countries
such as Peru (important risks have also been identified in Brazil, Sri
1989-2013 1989-1995 1996-2003 2004-2013
Lanka or China), in a similar way to the infrastructure developed by
Spain in the past decade (and recently implemented by other
Δ g CO2 eq./ΔkWh

nations, such as Germany or the United States), should benefit
from available land space to develop an electricity production
-1500 infrastructure based on diversification, as well as on low-carbon
-2000 and low-water use in order to maintain its high energy security fig-
ures [58].
Furthermore, Spain’s wind power potential is yet to be fully
-3000 developed, although over 23.000 MW is currently in use across
Spain Peru
the country (REE, 2014). Despite Peru’s lack of investment in wind
250 power, its total potential is estimated in 22.000 MW, which could
potentially meet the majority of the current electricity demand
in the nation [35].
Current hydropower installations in Peru already account for an
Δ g CO2 eq./Δ $ GDP

100 important source of electricity generation, which may constitute to

50 a certain extent a barrier, together with the abundance of natural
gas yet to be exploited, in the definition of new energy sources
1989-2013 1989-1995 1996-2003 2004-2013 for which technology and in situ qualified labor are still lacking.
-50 However, according to the Stern Review [59], Peru’s climate is clas-
-100 sified as one of the most vulnerable across the globe, an issue that
could affect the energy security that the hydropower sector had
provided for decades, based on forecasts for more erratic and dwin-
-200 dling rainfall. Furthermore, besides climatic vulnerability, strategic
vulnerability of gas supply from the Amazon remains an unat-
Fig. 5. Average change in environmental impact per (a) additional unit of electric tended issue, since the existence of one single pipeline toward
energy produced (i.e., 1 kWh) and (b) additional monetary unit in terms of GDP, in
different time frames for climate change. Please note that in this case, 1 kWh of
the populated and productive areas of the country implies elevated
increase in production is not equivalent to the production of 1 kWh, which is the FU risks in terms of energy security [60].
in the current study. Regardless of the specific level of advancement in different
nations, society as a whole is currently facing a transition in its
environmental sustainability within a nation and motivate advanc- energy matrix. While reducing reliance on fossil fuels is desirable
ing energy efficiency measures and the implementation of best for many countries, there are still technological, economic, and
practices, or whether a life-cycle quantitative perspective would social barriers to overcome. A clear example has been the expan-
actually provide the index with a more holistic picture of the envi- sion of biofuels in many nations, which were initially expected to
ronmental sustainability of energy in each country and informa- translate into GHG emission savings, but subsequent research
tion on which environmental consequences are the most severe. proved through time that the indirect land use changes of these
Although a climate change-oriented approach offers many ben- new systems were actually worsening GHG emissions and causing
efits, it may be fair to state that it could be myopic for disregarding food-scarcity issue in most cases [61–64]. The implications on all
other important environmental dimensions. To address this, our dimensions of energy and electricity-related shifts, which have
LCA demonstrates that climate-centrism is also useful in lowering only been discussed marginally in this article, should be analyzed
the impacts of other dimensions; mainly those related to air qual- in depth to evaluate the risks in terms of energy equity and
ity and toxicity (see Fig. S2 in the SM). In contrast, other impact increasing electricity rates. For instance, a recent Intergovernmen-
categories, mainly linked to land use or resources other than fossil tal Panel on Climate Change report showed that global atmo-
fuels (i.e. water and metals), have shown slight increases under spheric carbon dioxide emissions experienced a major increase in
climate-centric policy. 2013, forecasting a rapid growth to the 450 ppm threshold by
Water, a resource that is usually underrepresented in many LCA 2030 [65,66]. This result intensifies the pressure on society to
studies [54], is one of the major concerns for international energy lower its carbon emissions. In fact, practically all nations of the
authorities or observers, such as the WEC, the International Energy world have committed by signing the Lima Call for Climate Action
Association (IEA) or the World Bank [55–57]. In the case of Latin in late 2014 to mitigate their GHG emissions through intended
America, for instance, the IEA forecasts a fivefold increase in energy nationally determined contributions (iNCDs) which will be pre-
consumption in the region, which would translate into three times sented at the COP21 in Paris. The intended future enforcement of
as much water needed, increasing pressure on water resources these iNCDs is expected to become an important milestone in the
[55,56]. In addition, most countries worldwide are expected to suf- battle against global warming, by engaging a wide majority of
fer the consequences from changes in rainfall patterns, adding to nations in examining the most appropriate opportunities to gener-
water insecurity through prolonged droughts, reduced potential ate changes in human society that may trigger high GHG emissions
of water transport and desalination plants and increased average mitigation potential [67]. However, future applications of geo-
temperatures, which implies an augmentation in the amount of engineering2 or climate engineering are stimulating academic and
energy needed to meet energy demand for cooling. policy discussions, a situation that could trigger what is known as
Reliance upon water for electricity generation in hydroelectric ‘‘carbon lock-in”, reducing the relative importance of the balance
or steam-turbine systems introduces an inherent vulnerability to of carbon emissions [68].
water scarcity. While water is an essential resource in most energy
generation processes, wind power and photovoltaics present min- 2
Geo-engineering was defined by the United Kingdom Royal Society in 2009 as the
imal impacts in terms of the energy–water conundrum. Although ‘‘deliberate large-scale manipulation of the planetary environment to counteract
wind and solar irradiation are bound to suffer the consequences anthropogenic climate change” [69,70].
I. Vázquez-Rowe et al. / Applied Energy 159 (2015) 108–116 115

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