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Game characteristi cs described in this documentati on may vary on some computers.

Copyright © 1992 by Argonaut Software Limited. Designed and written by Argonaut Software Limited.
Documentation & Packaging Copyright © 1992 MicroProse Software, Inc.
180 Lakefront Drive, Hunt Valley, MD 21030
Th is documentation and accompanying manual and n oppy disks are copyrighted . The ow ner of thi s prod uct is entit led ( 0 use thi s product for hi s or her persona l use. Except for back-up copies of the di sks for
personal use. no onc may transfer. copy. back-up, give or se ll any pan of the manua l or the infonnation on the disks, or transmit in any ronn or by any means, e lectronic. mec hanical, phot ocopyin g. recordin g or
otherw ise without [he prior pennission of the publi sher. Any pe rson or persons reproducing any part of Ihi s program. in any medi a. for any rcason. shall be guilly of copy ri ght violation and shall be subject to 1
civil li abi lity at the discretion of the copyri g ht ho lde r.
For Argonaut Software
Programming and Design Sam Littlewood
Mike Beaton
Additional Programming Mike Day
Thanks to Nick Halstead
Giles Goddard
Chris Humphries

Darren Drabwell
Alistair McNally

Additional ArtworR> " /

Tom Ashton
Scott Butler
Nigel Brownjohn
Brian Humble
Shape Design Danny Emmett
Music and Sound Effects David Whittaker
Management and Design Jon Dean
Rick Clucas

2 ATAC Credits
For MicroProse Limited
Project Managers Steve Perry
Dawn Hickman
Martin Moth
Publisher Paul Hibbard

Deputy Publisher Pete Moreland

Quality Assurance Peter Woods
Testing by Andrew Luckett
Nick Stokes
Philip McDonnell
Richard Bakewell
Manual Written and
Researched by AlRis Alkiviades
Manual Design
and Packaging Joanna Smith
Typesetting Joanna Smith
Sarah Kerr
lllustrations by Blue Chip Tel: 0666 824183

Credits ATAC 3
Introduction ....... ................................................... 9 Lever Arch File: Lntelligence Report ........................ .36
Game Overview ............ ............... ... ................... .9 Door to Hanger-Aircraft Preparation .. ........ .... .......... .37
Sorting the Materials .......................... .......... 10 The Aircraft Available .................................. ..............37
I. Quickstart .................................................... 12 The Pilots ............ .............. ........ .... ..................... ..... .... 37
Introduction .................... ... .............. ... .. ........ ............... 12 Aircraft Selection ....................... ... .............................. 37
Basic Information ..... .... .............. ..... ... ...... .... ... ......... .. 12 The Arming Screen ....... ...... ............................... ....... .. 37
Getting Started ............................ .. .............................. 13 The Clipboard: Edit Waypoints ................................. 38
Overview .......................... .......................... .......... ...... .38
2. First Campaign Tutorial.. ......16
The Set Waypoint Screen .................... .. .......... .... ...... .39
O verview ............. ..... ......................... .. .... ....... ...... ...... 16
Monitor: Campaign Map .......................................... ..40
Getting Started .......................... ... ...... .. ....... ................ 16
The Windows: Begin Today's Mission ................... ..40
Loading the Simulation ................. ... ........ .................. 16
Copy Protection .......................................................... 16 5. Operations ..................................................42
Control Methods ........ ...................... ......................... 16 Introduction .................................. ............... ..... ... .. .... ..42
The Controller .............................. ............................... 16 Notepad: Game Options ....... .... ... .................... ... ...... ..42
The Selector .. ....... ....... ................................................ 17 Windows: Fly Current Aircraft ................................ ..42
Tutorial Guide ..... ....... ............................................... .l7 Monitor: Campaign Map ...................... ..................... .43
Notice Board: Aircraft Status ......... ... ............ ............ .43
3. Getting Started ...................................30 In Operations Base ........................... ......................... ..43
In Flight .................................... .. ................................. 44
Exit: End Today's Mission ............................ .. .......... .45
Eoad a Campaign ................................... ..................... 30

4. Mission Planning ............................. 34

6. The Campaign Against
The Secret Ai rbase ................................. .................. ... 34
the Drug Barons .............................. ..48
Difficulty Levels .................. .......... ....... ......... ... ... '" ... .48
The Start of Day ................................... ... .................... 34
Air Strike Level One ......... ....... ........... .. ............... ..... ..48
The Date ...... ................. ........................ ....... ............. ... 34
Limited Campaign Level Two .................................. .48
The Hot Spots ........................................................... .. 34
Full Campaign Level Three ............................. ..... .... ..48
Notepad: Game Options ................... .......................... 35
The Four Drug Barons .. .......... .................................. ..49
Filing Cabinet: Load/Save a Campaign ..................... 35

4 ATAC Contents
O verview .... .............. ........ ............................. .. ........... .49 G-force g .. ....... .... .. ........... ... .. ... .................. .... ..... ........ 62
Cash ............. .... .......... .... ........... ............................ ...... .49 VVI .................... .......... .................... ... ......................... 62
Skilled Workers ..... ............. ..... .......... ... ..... ....... ....... ...49 Pitch Lines .......... ... .. ............ .. ...................................... 62
Transport of Commodities ..... ........ .................. .... ... .... 50 Flight Path Indicator ............................ ....................... 63
Hostility ....... ........ ..... ...... ........ ..... ..................... ... ........ 50 Stall Speed Indicator .............. .. ..... ....... .......... ............. 63
The Drug Barons' Aircraft .. ....................................... 50 Angle of Attack a .............. ............................ ...... ........ 63
The Campaign ................................................ 52 INS (Waypoint) Direction Indicator .... .. .. .................. 63
Gathering Intelligence ................................................ 52 Current Armament ................ ... .......... .. .. ..... ................ 63
Re-Supplying Agents .................................................. 52 Flight Equipment Indicators .................................... .. .64
Overfl ying ... ........ ...... ......... ................. ..... ...... ... ...... .... 53 Flaps ..... .................................................................... ... 64
Operational Days .......................... ................. ............. 53 UCart ................ .. ............... ... .. .............. ..... ............. ..... 64
End of Day ................... .............. .............. .... ............. .. 53 ABrakes ... .................................. ............. ..... ............... .64
WBrakes ............ ............ ....... .. ................. .......... ...... .... 64
7. The Debriefing Room ............... 56
HUD Modes .............. ........... .... ......... ... .. ......... ............ 64
Mi ssion Results ..... ... .............................. .. ............ .. ..... 56
Missile Targeting .... ................ .................................... 64
Ex it ..... ..................... ............ ....................... .. .. ..... ........ 56
Potential Target Box ................. ........ ... ............ .. ..... .... 64
End Of Campaign ............ .............................. .. ........... 56
Target Designation ........ ................................ .............. 64
8. Aircraft and Weaponry .......... 58 Missile Lock-On 'Box ........ .... ..................................... 65
Control Methods ...... .... .... ......................... .................. 58 Air-to-Ground ....................... ...................... ........... ..... 65
The Controller .......... ......... .. .......... ............. .......... ...... .58 Bombsight. ......................... .... ......................... ......... ... 65
The Selector .... ..... .......................... ..... ......... ... .... ........ 58 Se lect Missile ................ ..... ..... ............... ............... ... (.. 65
The F·22 ............................................................... 59 Fire Mi ssile ..... ............... ........ ... ............. ... .. ............. .. .65
Specifications ............................................... ............... 60 Cannon Fire ......... ............... ............... .................... ...... 66
The HUD ........................................................ ............. 62 The Gunsight. ................. .. ..... ... ........ ... ............... .... .. .. .66
Airspeed .................. ... ... .......... .... ................. ...... ......... 62 Fire Cannon ......... ... ................................................... ..66
Heading ....................................... .. ............................ .. 62 The MFD .............. ........ ......... ................ ...................... 66
Altitude ........................... .... ... ............ .......................... 62 The 3D Radar .. ............... ........ ................................. .... 66
Mach number M ......... ... .... ...... ....................... .... .. .......62 Camera View of T arget .................................... .... ...... 67

Contents ATAC 5
Vi ew fro m front of last fi red weapon ........................ .67 The AH·64A Apache Gunship .......... 75
Threat Warning Radar ....... ........ ..... ........ ...... .............. 67 Specifications ..................... .............. .... .............. ..... .... 76
Aircraft Status ........................ ........... ...... ..... ... ......... .. .67 The Cockpit.. ............................. ............... ..... ...... ..... ...78
Defensive Measures ... ... ... ....... .... ............. ....... ........ .... 67 Chaff and Flare ............................. ............... .. ......... .... 78
Chaff.. ....... ....................................... .......... .. ...... .... ... ... 67 Engine Gauge ................ ........ .. .. .... .. ..... ....... ... ...... .. ... .. 78
Flares ............. ................................................ .. ............ 67 Fuel ............ .......... ............................................... ......... 78
Flying the F·22 Advanced Torque .... ...... ............ ..................... .. ...... .. ..... ......... ...... 78
Tactical Fighter ............................................ 68 Damage Systems ................. ......................... ...... .. ..... .. 78
Flight Views ................. ........................... .................... 68 Threat Display ........... ... .. ................................... ... ... .... 79
F22 Flight Keys .............. .. .................. ............... ...... .. .69 Multi-Function Di splay ................... ... .... .................... 79
The Flight Controllers ............................................. ... 68 3D Radar/Camera View of Target .. .... ... ... ................. 79
Joystick .. ................. ... ..... ...... .. .......... ... .. .... .......... ... ..... 69 Target Heading Indicator ... .......... .... ... ....... .. ...... ..... ....79
Mouse ........... .. ...... ....... ...................................... ....... ... 69 View From Front of Last Fired Weapon ................... 79
Keyboard .. ........ ......... .... ............. ......................... .... .... 69 The HUD (Head Up Display ...... ...... .... ............ ..... ..... 80
Manual Control .................... ...................... .... .............70 Flying the Apache AH·64A ................ 82
The Take Off ............... ................ ........................... .....70 Views ......... ................................. ................................. 82
General Rules .. .... .................................. ..... .......... ....... 82
Straight and Level Aight ................ .... .. .... .................. 71 AH-64 Flight Keys ..... ... ....... .. ... ... ... .. ...... ...... ......... .... 82
Tums ............... ........... ............. ................. ................. ... 71 Getting Airborne ............... ..... ... ....... .. .. ............. .. .... .... 83
Blackout and Redout ............ .. .. .................................. 71 Level Flight Forward .. .. ....................................... ....... 84
General Flight Keys ... .... .. ....... .. ........... .. .... ........ .... .. ... 72 Changing Altitude .... ... ....... ..... ..... ...... .. .. ........... .... .... .. 84
General Cockpit Controls ....... .... ............... ................. 73 Turning ................................. ......... .............................. 84
The Landing ............................... .. ............ .. .......... ....... 73 General Flight Keys .. ..................... ...... ... .................... 85
Auto Landing ...... ... .. ........... ....... .. .............. .... .. ..... ...... 73 General Cockpit Controls ............. .......... ... ............ .... .86
Manual Landing ............... .......... ............... ..... .. .... ....... 73 Navigation ..... ..... ...................... ...... ..... .... .... ....... .... .... .86
The Approach ........ .......... ..... ...................................... 73 Landing ............................ .. .... ....... ...................... ........ 86
The Descent ... ............................................................. 74 Shut Down ....................... .. .. .. .............. ......... .. .. .... .. .... 87
Touchdown .. ....................... ... ....... .... ................... ... .... 74

6 ATAC Contents
9. Combat ............................................................90 10 . K ey G-d
UI e ................................................... 98
The F22 ................................................................ 90 View Keys ............................. .... .................... ........ ... ... 98
Air-to-Air Combat: the Basic Rules ................. .......... 90 The Fli ght Controllers .............. .. ........ ........ ................ 98
Surprise ..................... ................................................ ..90 Joystick ....................... ...... ......... ....... ............. ........ ..... .98
Fire the correct Missile ...................................... ...... ... 90 Mouse ...... ......... ................ .. ....... ..... ............................ .99
Get on the Enemy's Tail. ..................................... ....... 90 Keypad ................................. ... ....... ..... ........................ 99
Stay Higher! Stay Faster! ........................................... 91 General Cockpit Controls ........................ .. ................. 99
The Wingman ............ ......... .... ............ ........................ 91 General Flight Keys ....................... ...... .......... .... ...... . 100
Air-to-Ground: The Guidelines .................................. 91 F-22 Flight Keys ....................................................... 101
Hitting the Targets ...................................................... 91 AH-64 Flight Keys .......... .... ..................................... 102
Fire and Forget ................ ........... ........... .. .... ........... ..... 91 II. The Drug Barons'
Laser Guided Bombs .................................................. 92 Aircrafl .........................................................I04
Free-Fall Bombs ....... ... ... ...... ... ........... ... ................... ..92
M61Al 20 mm Gun ................................................... 93
12. Missiles. Bombs and
Guns ................................................................... 108
AH·64A ................................................................. 94
Air-to-air ... ........................................... ....... ............... .94
llir-to Air ......... .................................................. 108
Aim9M .... ................................................................. I08
Throwing A way the Book .......... ................. .............. .94
Aipl 120A.................................................... .............. 108
The Basic Rules .. ........................................................ 94
Stay Low! ........................................ ............... ............. 94 Surface·to.Air ............... .............................109
FIM-92A Stinger .. .. .................. ......... ... .... ....... .. ....... 109
Take the First Shot.. .................................................... 94 .
AIr-to Ground ......................~................. 109
Range ..... ............................................... ........... ............ 94
Never Lose Sight of the Enemy ................................. 95 AGM 65D Maverick ................................................ 109
Air-to-Ground ................. ................................ ............ 95 Penguin-3 ASM ............ .. ...... .................................... 110
Choose Your Weapons ............................................... 95 AGM-114A ........................ ......................... .. ............ III
Targets ............................................................ ..... ........ 95 BGM-71 TOW ............................ .............................. l1l
AGM 84A .................................. ............... .... ............ 112
GBU 12 ..................................................................... 112

Contents ATAC 7
Unguided Rocket System ............................... I 13
FFAR M-260 ...... ...................................................... 113
Free-Fall Bombs ......................................... ll3
Mk.82 ........................................... .......... ................... 11 3
Cannon ............................................................... 114
The M61AI 20 mm Gun ...... ....... ............................. 114

13. Background Scenarios ......... 116

First Initiative ...... ......................................... 116
UN Meeting ..................................................... 11 8
Columbia/Contrasts .................................. 120

8 ATAC Contents
The year is 2003 and a problem that has plagued the old century is
beginning to strangle the birth of the new one. Drugs. The enemy stalks
the streets of every major city and town, selling small plastic bags of a
white innocuous looking powder called Cocaine. Profits to the
distributors number in millions of dollars every year, profits to the major
manufacturers, the Colombian drug barons, in tens of billions of dollars.
Society is being ripped apart as addiction spreads.
Now is the time to act. A United Nations initiative calls for conce ed
military action to strike at the very heart of the problem, in ~he drug
Cartel's own backyard. A new covert force is created to eradicate the
product, the process and the profits; an elite force whose top-secret flies
are stamped with the letters ATAC. The Advanced Tactical Air
You, as Commander, must co-ordinate the strategy that must bring the
drug barons to their knees, use the eight F-22 Advanced Tactical Fighters
and Apache AH-64s to best effect, plan your own missions, gather intel-
ligence then strike and strike hard; with the resources the drug barons
can call on, you will not get a second chance!
ATAC is no ordinary flight simulation, it is the fust in a new breed of
Strategic Flight Simulations from MicroProse. You get the opportunity
to fly the F-22 and the Apache AH-64A but you will not succeed if you
are merely a good pilot. You must also be the supreme strategist. There
are no pre-set missions in ATAC but if you sit back and choose to do very
little, the drug barons will continue to conduct their operations. Drugs
will reach their destinations, drugs will be exported and money added to

Introduction ATAC 9
the CarteJ ' s coffers. The drug barons will become more and more
powerful until they locate your secret base and, eventually, attack and
destroy you.
The wise Commander will strike where it will do the most damage; if
there is a choice between a lorry load of pure cocaine and a lorry load of
coca leaf harvest, destroy the finished product. The wise Commander
will not try to fly every mission himself, because the computer controlled
pilots are good and will increase in skill the more they succeed in their
missions, take direct control of any attack but, as you progress in the
campaign, you might choose to leave the easier targets to your fellow
ATAC pro ddes three difficulty levels that help to lead you into the full
campaign game; if you wish to fly around in either an Apache or a F-22
and fire missiles at an array of targets then try Level One. If you want to
see what the strategic element is all about (and you are familiar with the
flight controls) try Level Two against one drug baron. If, however, you
want to jump in at the deep end try Level Three; see how long you
manage to survive. We recommend you progress through the levels
before you tackle the full campaign, but this is a strategic simulation and
it's your decisions that count!


Your ATAC package contains this Manual, a Technical Supplement, a
Key Reference Guide and a set of disks to run the simulation.

10 ATAC Sorting the Materials


ATAC can be played on three levels. This Quickstart guide will tell you
how to get the best out of Level One. This is for those of you who may
wish to jump into the nearest F-22 or Apache AH-64 and fly around
Colombia. You can watch out for any likely targets heading across the
3D world and attack them. But be careful! The drug barons will be
defending themselves with the best aircraft, mercenary pilots and
missiles drug money can buy.
Use Quickstart to gain experience of flying the aircraft in conjunction
with the Key Reference Guide and the sections on flying the F-22 and
the AH-64 in this manual. When you attempt the full campaign game
you will find that you 'll spend a lot of your time studying intelligence
reports and jumping from aircraft to aircraft. Level One is designed as
your chance to practise all flight, landing and combat manoeuvres
without thinking about the Campaign game.

Basic Information
• Look over the Aircraft Controls section of this manual.
• Familiarize yourself with Cockpit Controls and HUD modes.
• Have the Keyboard Reference Guide to hand.

12 ATAC Quickstart
Getting Started
1. Install and Load the Simulation as detailed in the Technical
2. Name the Campaign.
3. Select Difficulty Level One.
4. Select the type of aircraft you wish to fly: F-22 or AH-64.
5. Select Game Options to set up your chosen control method:
Joystick, Mouse, Keyboard.
6. Select OK then Load the Campaign named on the raised folder.
You will be placed in the cockpit on the runway (or helicopter pad) in
manual control of your chosen aircraft. Before setting off study the basic
controls again. Find the Pause keys Alt/P; useful if you have to consult
the Key Guide in the middle of air combat.
Power up and take off using the Flying Guide in this manual for your
particular choice of aircraft.
Once you have successfully got into the air the action will begin!
Everything will be thrown at you. Your task is to survive and destroy
everything you see. The rule is if it moves shoot it! Be cautious when
you fly over enemy airbases. SAMs (Surface-to-Air-Missiles) are
known to have been installed there. When you receive a missile-threat
warning use chaffandflare avoidance devices (Key I and Key 2).
You have one aircraft with unlimited weapons. See how long you can
survive out there!

Quickstart ATAC 13

This tutorial will take you through two days of a Level Two campaign
against a single drug baron. It will take you through arming your aircraft,
studying intelligence reports, mission planning, then two full days of
offensive operations. This tutorial will not teach you to fly the F-22 and
the AH-64A. If you wish to get used to the controls of the two types of
available aircraft you can select Difficulty Levelland use the flying
guides in this manual.

'L ' l
Loading the Simulation
Load the game as detailed in the ATAC Technical Supplement.
Copy Protection
The simulation will ask you a manual-related question. Enter the correct
answer using the reference given.
The Controller
ATAC can be controlled using Keyboard, Mouse or a Joystick. For flying
it is recommended you use a Joystick and for Menu Selection it is
recommended you use the Mouse. In this Manual, which is applicable to

16 ATAC First Campaign Tutorial

all computer systems, these three devices will be referred to as the
The Selector
At various times during the game you will be asked to select from a
series of options, fire cannons or mjssiles. Once again you may use any
one of three devices: keys on the Keyboard, left-hand Mouse button or
Joystick fire button. In this Manual these will be referred to as the

Tutorial Guide
After the introduction, the game will begin and you will see the ftling
cabinet, each folder in the cabinet represents a potential saved
Select an empty slot then select New Campaign.
Here you can:
Select OK when you have done thjs.
You will now see details on the folder of your Campaign includi ng:

U First Campaign Tutorial ATAC 17


Select Load Campaign

You will now be taken to Mission Planning. This is, in effect, the left-
hand side of your control base and the preliminary to any operations.
The Mission Planning room looks ordinary enough but if you move
your pointer around a series of legends will pop-up.
Move the pointer to the Notebook on the bottom right of the screen. You
will see the words Game Options appear. Click on this once with your
Selector. The screen will be filled with a picture of the open notebook
showing a number of options as tick boxes.
In this Tutorial you will be told to Choose the flight control method (Keyboard/Mouse/Joystick) that
return to the Mission Planning suits you.
room in order to access other areas
of Mission Planning. This is done so Choose the pointer control method (Keyboard/Mouse/Joystick) that
suits you.
that you may become familiar with
the layout of the room. In the actual If you are using a Joystick (and we recommend that you do for all flight
campaign game you can by-pass this functions), select the type of Joystick you have installed in your machine
procedure and 'jump' from, and to, (2-axis, 3-axis, 4-axis) and then select Calibrate. Follow all on-screen
the Intelligence Report (INT) , the prompts.
Waypoint Editing (WAY), the
Campaign Map (MAP) and Aircraft

Preparation (NC) without returning
to the room screen by selecting the
appropriate option buttons.

18 ATAC First Campaign Tutorial

Once you have completed the calibration, select Save Setup. These
selected Game Options will load automatically and will not change until
you choose to do so.
Exit Game Options by selecting 'Done'. You will now return to the
Mission Planning room.
Now, take note of the date on the calendar sitting on the desk top. A:ll
new campaigns begin on the same date. At the end of every mission, one
day will have elapsed and the date on the desk increased by 1.
At this stage take note of the Filing Cabinet. It is the same as the fillng
cabinet where you originally loaded in your new campaign and it
performs the same function; allowing you to load a new, or saved,
campaign. At the end of each mission day campaigns will automatically
be saved under the mission name and stored in the Filing Cabinet.
Now move your pointer over the file lying on the desk and press your
selector. This is one of the vital sections of ATAC and contains all the
Intelligence Reports received from your agents and reconnaissance
Reports of drug-based activities will begin to be received as soon as you
enter this room and continue to be generated throughout the day. All
your actions will also be noted. You may tum the pages of the folder,
move from day to day or see a summary of the information.
Now, choose one of the events shown in the folder and move your
pointer over the small icon to the right-side of the message.
Click your Selector in the icon.
You will be taken to a map location and a particular area will be marked
with a cursor. This is where the event is taking place.

First Campaign Tutorial AlAC 19

Return to the Intelligence Report file (INT) and select another message
icon. You will be taken to another map position where that event is
taking place. Note that in all map screens in ATAC a Red Flag shows the
location of a drug baron controlled site. The map is the same as all the
other map screens in ATAC and can be scrolled left/right and up/down as
well as zoomed in/out. Leave the map cursor where it is, then exit the
map (INT). Then exit the Intelligence Report (Planning).
You will be returned to the Mission Planning room.
From the summary information in the intelligence report, you must
decide the type of force to send to intercept whatever drug related event
is happening. Do you use one AH-64 or a flight of four? Do you use two
F-22s? The choice will be yours. The aim will be to use the correct
aircraft and ordnance for the job that needs doing.
Position ~our pointer ~:m the door leading to the hangar. This leads to
Airc.raft Preparation where all your available aircraft are housed.
SeleGt Aircraft Preparation.
The first screen you see shows four Current Aircraft boxes (the
maximum number of aircraft you may use on any mission is limited to
four but in any combination). You will also see a list of the eight
available pilots, eight available F-22s (code AA to AH) and eight
available AH-64s (code HA to HH).
Select box number 1, then select a pilot and an F-22.
Repeat the procedure and select two more F-22s in boxes 2 and 3. In the
last box select an AH-64. Remember to assign pilots for all aircraft.
As you progress in ATAC you will realize that the eight pilots are your
most valuable asset. They cannot be replaced.

20 ATAC First Campaign Tutorial

Select Box I again. Now select ARM from the menu options that appear
on this screen.
You will see a picture of the first F-22 showing how much room it has
for ordnance and a list of available rnissileslbombs. Move your pointer
down the list of weapons. Each one will be highlighted in tum, showing
you a picture of the weapon and a summary of its capabilities.
For this Tutorial, you will be carrying a selection of weapons. Select
Sidewinders (4), AMRAAMS (2), Mavericks (2), Paveways (3) and
Slicks (4).
When you have loaded your first F-22, select Done. You will return to
the AircraftlPilot availability screen.
Highlight the second F-22 and repeat the above procedure.
Repeat again for the third F-22.
Finally, select the last box. This is the Apache AH-64. You will see a
picture of the helicopter with its empty weapon bays.
You can select from a vast range of weapons including Mavericks,
Hellfires , and Penguins but in this tutorial mission you must load
Supplies to Agents. When you do this you will have no rOom for
ordnance on that helicopter. Agents, when re-supplied, will give you
good intelligence, for a period of time, over the area in which you land
the supplies. They contribute to the Intelligence Reports you have
already consulted.
Load Supplies to Agents. Then select Done to exit to the previous
screen. Select Done again to return to the Mission Planning room by
selecting Planning.
Briefly, consult the File with the Intelligence Reports. You may notice
that other events have begun since you last looked at the file. This is the

First Campaign Tutorial ATAC 21

essence of the strategy in ATAC: the outside world events will continue
to happen unless YOU do something about it. Even in the space of time
you took to arm your aircraft other shipments may have started. Select
Planning to return to the Mission Planning room.
Now, move the pointer over the clipboard on the wall. Here, you will see
the Edit Waypoints legend. Select Edit Waypoints.
You will see a close-up of a clipboard with tabs on the right hand side
showing the aircraft codes and the names of the pilots you have already
The currently selected aircraft is on the top sheet. By clicking on the
codes you can select the other aircraft to come to the front page,
Select the first F-22 (AA).
On the page you will see the current orders for that aircraft. This will be
the standard Take off and Land.
To add commands and set Way points for the selected aircraft (the first F-
22 AA) click on the MAP button. You will now see the target on the map
chosen from the Intelligence Report with a square yellow cursor
around it.
- Tfi~ Map ~ATAC is the same, from wherever you may access it, and
may be SGr(ill~ed and zoomed in any direction.
The Map; allows you to issue commands to your currently selected
, fJ
', aircraft (code IvA).
S~lect Ground Attack. A red line will be drawn from your base to the
target. Check that the aircraft code (AA) and the pilot name is still
selected, then select WAY to exit back to the clipboard.
Now select the second F-22 (AB) and click on MAP.

22 ATAC First Campaign Tutorial

By using the on-screen options (WAYIINTIMAP/AC) you may jump to
view intelligence reports, pick another target. re-arm your aircraft or set
a different waypointltarget for each of your four available aircraft. But in
this tutorial we will sending three F-22s to the same target flying in
The target will still be highlighted with the previous aircraft mght line
shown. Select Wingman to AA. Exit to the clipboard again.
Select the third F-22 and repeat the above procedure. You have now
issued the commands. The Wingmen in the mght will protect the initial
F-22, take on any opposition that might appear, then return to base with
the leader.
Note that in the MAP screen you may also delete any orders or scroll
through the issued command list. Return to the clipboard and select the
Apache (HA).
The Apache will be sent on a different mission to land agents' supplies
in an area where we might want good intelligence. Zoom ffi,e .Iljlap out.
then move the up arrow until you find the end of the mght liJ;le for <tIle
three assigned F-22s. This is your secret base (Turbado). Z~om in as fa;
as you can then click on the left arrow until you pass a large lake.
Position the cursor on the road to the left of the lake then highlight
Supplies to Agents A flight line will appear from your base to the
waypoint then back again. You can set a number of waypoints to the
target but in this tutorial we will head in straight mght paths.
When all is ready select Planning and exit to the Mission Planning
For your information you can consult the Monitor positioned on the
desk. this will show you the campaign map, waypoints and aircraft

First Campaign Tutorial ATAC 23

You have now completed your Mission Planning. You can now move to
the next phase: Operations.
Move the pointer over the windows and select Begin Today's Mission.
You will now be in the right-half of the control room.
This room allows you to access Game Options (Notepad), Intelligence
Reports (Lever Arch File) and Campaign Map (Monitor) as in the
Mission Planning section but it is essentially the base of all Operations.
One of the most important areas to get to know in ATAC is the Aircraft
Status screen located on the notice board (above the soldier compiling
intelligence information).
A full screen view of the notice board shows a maximum of four files;
one for each of the player's selected aircraft, with the following details:
Damage Status
~ I
jCtllTen~ !\.ction
, (waypointJengaged/fleeing)
k, Rernaining"ordnance
R,emaining fuel
Buttons on the side allow you to jump to the campaign map (MAP)
showing where the aircraft is, take control of the selected aircraft (FLY),
sit in the cockpit (WATCH), edit waypoints (WAY) or re-examine the
intelligence reports (INT).
Select the first F-22 on the list (AA) and then choose to Watch rather
than Fly the F-22s. In this tutorial you will not actually take over flight

24 ATAC First Campaign Tutorial

Initially, you will be in the cockpit view (FI) of your currently selected
aixcraft. Take this 0pPoltunity to try out all the available views.
Select F2 and F3 combined with the cursor keys and the zoom in/out
keys(QI A) to view the flight of three F-22s taking off from your base.
The flight should assemble then make for the ground attack taxget you
have already set.
You may jump into the cockpits of all your aircraft by pressing Shiftl
1,2,3,4, the sequence depending on the order you originally selected the
aircraft as shown on the Aircraft Status noticeboaxd.
Once inside the aircraft cockpit you can view the campaign map by
pressing ShiftIM. From the map screen you can perform all the usual
functions: edit waypoints (WAY), look at intelligence repOlts (INT), or
jump back to the selected aircraft (A/C). If you wish to return to
Operations press the Escape key.
If you have been looking at the map, select (NC) . You will return to
your selected F-22.
Now press Shiftl4.
You will be transferred to the cockpit of the helicopter.
Experiment with all the available outside views ( see the Views section
in thi s manual) and watch the AH-64 pelform its mission.
At any point you can jump to view one of the F-22s (Shiftll ,2,3) or the
updated campaign map (ShiftlM) which should show Icons of all your
aircraft travelling along their set routes and all enemy aircraft in the axea.
You can choose to accelerate time on board the aircraft (S hiftlZ) or
return to normal time (S hiftIX).

First Campaign Tutorial AIAC 25

The R-22s will perform their allotted task. Details will appear on the
updated intelligence report.
The AH-64 wiUJJerforrn its task of landing supplies and improved intel-
lige}1ce reports will be received from the chosen area.
If either flight is challenged by enemy forces they will respond
accordingly, but once they have performed all their tasks, they will turn
for home base, fly home and land. Try to watch the landing procedure for
the F-22 and the Apache.
When all your aircraft have returned to base (or those missing accounted
for) select the Exit door marked End Today's Mission.
Once you have ended the day 's mission you will be debriefed.
You will be taken to Mission Debriefing.
The Debriefing Room shows the number of surviving pilot and a
summary of mission details that can be selected on a blackboard in front
of them.
The amount of financial and or physical damage done to the drug
baron(s) that day is shown in graphical terms. By this method you can
judge daily success.
You should still have all your aircraft and pilots available, and can return
to Mission Planning to begin the next day. Notice that the date on the
desk calendar has been changed. You are now into the next day of your
Now, repeat the Mission Planning and Operations procedure but this .
time when you approach the 'target' take over control of one of the F-22s
(by selecting Fly) and making sure you implemented the correct control
method: AJtJJ for joystick, AltIM for mouse or AltIK for keyboard. Try
to hit the target for yourself. You can always jump back to computer

26 ATAC First Campaign Tutorial

control by selecting Operations then Watch or, alternately, let the
autopilot take over (Key 7).
Jump to view the AH-64 (Shift!4) and take over its controls. Try to fly
back to your base. Don ' t worry! If you get into a muddle tum on the
Autopilot (Key 7).
The campaign will end when, either you run out of available resources
(pilots and planes) or you bankrupt the drug baron . Medal s will be
awarded if you succeed, but if you fail you will be consigned to endless
paperwork in a dark and dismal office.

First Campaign Tutorial ATAC 27



Loading the Simulation
Load the game as detailedin the ATAC Technical Supplement.

Copy Protection
The simulation will ask you a manual-related question. Enter the correct
answer using the reference given.

Loading a Campaign
After the introduction, the game will begin and you will see the filing
cabinet, each folder in the cabinet represents a potential saved campaign.
Select an empty slot then select New Campaign.
Here you can:
Name your Campaign
Choose a Difficulty Level
There are three levels of play in ATAC:
1. The Air Strike: attack and destroy as many drug baron-owned aircraft
and targets.
2. The Limited Campaign: a campaign against one drug baron.
3. The Full Campaign: against four drug barons.

30 ATAC Getting Started

(Once you have chosen a campaign and left the Load Campaign menu,
these options cannot be changed until the campaign is ended
or changed).
Name the Eight Pilots.
Select OK when you have done thjs.
You wiil now see details on the folder of your Campaign including:
Name of the Campaign
Current Date in the Campaign
Mission Day Number
Kills (EnemylFriendly/Civilian)
Pilots Remaining
Equipment Remaining

Select Load Campaign

You will now be taken to Mission Planning. This is, in effect, the left-
hand side of your control base and the preliminary to any operations.

Getting Started ATAC 31




The Secret Air Base
Built under strict security in an area that is least under the control of the
four major drug barons, the airbase looks like one of the numerous
airfields that litter Colombia but it is the nerve centre for all your

The Start of Day

At the beginning of every mjssion 'day ' you will enter the Mission
Planrung section (the left-half of the office). Here you will be able to
choose from a variety of options and plan all mi ssion activities.
Remember that ATAC has no pre-set rrussions. It is the intelligence infor-
mation you receive that you must act on.
Study the Mission Planning room.

The Date
The date on the calendar will be advanced by one complete day if you
are in the rruddle of a eampaign.

The 'Hot-Spots'
There are a number of 'hot spots' around the office that are best accessed
using the mouse pointer. Move the pointer around the office to reveal
several pop-up legends then click on the legend using your Selector.

34 ATAC Mission Planning

Notepad: Game Options
The Notepad in the bottom right of the screen gives you all Game
FIi,ht Oontrol, ..
Options. Kc~tI ..or4 0 Ho;.qso:t 0 .J4,:$1I(:tflJ

Pt;fthr CQntrol ...

Flight Control choose from Keyboard-Mouse-Joystick I(t'llbnrC! 0 f'MI,ISt 2!' J.~~tr<;t 0
Fli,,,, SUlsitiyit\l ...
Lciw D HW,ul1't ~ Hi1il D
Pointer Control choose from Keyboard-Mouse-Joystick
.J• ."tick l'Ip • ...
Joystick Type choose from 2-Axis, 3-Axis, 4-Axis ~Htti". 2J )-Axis D "'-&;1 0

You may also Save the Setup so thatATAC always begins with the same
options loaded, Restore a Setup or Calibrate your joystick.

Filing Cabinet: Load a Campaign

Select the Filing Cabinet. This will give you the option to load a
campaign. The Filing Cabinet drawer will open and reveal a number of
files; either choose a previously named file, or click on an empty file
then select New Campaign. Give your Campaign a name.

Mission Planning ATAC 35

'"Cra.:kdoum' DdJ~~ 3 .... S HGiCh Lever Arch File: Intelligence Reports
• Iff> sr!CJf!t!::
The game is won and lost on the player's ability to react to Intelligence
Reports. These are gathered by various agencies (Agents, Civilians, and
Electronic Surveillance Devices) and filed for your information.
Each intelligence report contains the dateltime it was raised and a
description of the event.
Each day 's activities are shown on a number of pages in the folder.
This includes information gathered before the mission starts and reports
generated during the mission (losses on both sides), after the mission was
concluded, and any activities that were concluded successfully.
Read the reports carefully and select one of the icons next to the report.
You will be taken to a map position showing you where this activity is
taking place.
Choose your highest priority targets. Remember that striking at finished
drugs will hurt the drug barons more than striking at the raw leaf harvest.
When you are studying the map, place the pointer over a target and press
your Selector. The yellow cross will position itself over your target. This
will stay in place and will help you locate the target when you are editing
From any map view you are able to fully edit any chosen waypoints and ,
in this creen, you may jump to Waypoint Editing (WAY), Campaign
Map (MAP) and Aircraft Preparation (A/C) as well as back to the
Mission Planning Room.

36 ATAC Mission Planning

Door to Hangar: Aircraft Preparation
Select thi s option to enter the hangar. You will be shown the current
aircraft, the pilots already selected for the mission and a list of available
pilots, F-22s and Apache AH-64s.
The Aircraft Available
You have a maximum of eight F-22s and eight AH-64s available for the
complete campaign but remember you may only use up to four aircraft
(in any combination) at anyone time.
The Pilots
You have only eight pilots assigned to the campaign, who will be named to
further identify individual aircraft. If they are killed or are 'missing in
action' they will not be replaced, so look after your personnel. All pilots
have attained the same skill level but they will all improve with experience.
Aircraft Selection
Select your aircraft and pilots. You can choose any number between one
and four aircraft. Highlight and select one of the four current aircraft to
arm then select Arm from the menu options.
The Arming Screen
You will see a picture of your aircraft and a list of available weaponry.
Select the correct missileslbombs for your type of offensive mission. It's
important that you know what each armament is capable of, as you do
not want to find yourself hounded by Mig-29s with only Mk. 82 'Slick'
free fall bombs on board. Wise commanders select an array of ordnance
for their pilots. You will always have your cannons but remember that
ammunition for these is limited.

Mission Planning ATAC 37

Arm other aircraft that you wish to fly on the mission(s) in turn.
The Apache AH-64s can also be used to supply agents who will be
working to provide you with more intelligence reports within a 50 km
radius of where they are based. If you choose to send supplies to agents,
you will have no room for any other ordnance. The Apache must land to
drop the supplies and, if you are in manual control you must press Return
to release them.
Load the correct supplies from the list available into the helicopter.
Return to the Mission Planning Room

The Clipboard: Edits Waypoints

You may send any four aircraft to attempt any mission you choose. Each
aircraft can be sent to its own target and will attempt the mission and
return under computer control. You may send aircraft out on their own,
in pairs (with a Wingman), in threes or as a full flight of four. It is your
decision. The set waypoint option on any MAP screen will allow you to
give your orders to all aircraft.
When you select to set waypoint you will see a full screen view of a
clipboard with the chosen aircraft codes marked along the edge. The
command details for the currently selected aircraft will be shown on the
top page. Click on the tabs on the clipboard edge to select any other
aircraft. The newly-selected aircraft sheet will be placed on the top page.
Initial entries are the basic commands to Take off and Land; for obvious
reasons these cannot be changed. You may add extra commands for each
individual plane/heJicopter by selecting from the list at the lower left of
the Map screen.

38 ATAC Mission Planning

The Set Waypoint Screen (Click on Map)
You will see a map with a yellow cross marker indicating the target you
have already chosen from the Intelligence Report file. The map is the
same as all the map screens in ATAC and can be scrolled in every
direction, zoomed-in or zoomed-out.
When you decide upon the mission(s) you wish to attempt you can add
further commands for each aircraft:
Take off
Fly to a marked point
Target Selected
Wait at the point Aircraft
Attack a ground object
Attack an air object
Fly as Wingman to another plane
In addition the AH-64 can be issued with an extra order to re-supply
Set a waypoint by moving the yellow cursor and pressing select. The
cursor will tum to a solid yellow box cursor.
Now, choose an action from the list for the selected aircraft. A red line
will be drawn from your base to the waypoint(s) and target(s) showing
the complete flight plan.
It's important that you fully understand the waypoint editing screen
because that is where you issue all commands to your pilots and is
therefore crucial to your campaign success. Once you move to Flight Path
Operations (right half of room) you can stilI access waypoint editing
functions through any of the Map screens.

Mission Planning AlAC 39

Set the waypoints for each individual aircraft.
If you decide to order the aircraft to Fly to a Point you can set the height
to be flown to that waypoint by adjusting the up/down markers that
appear on the lower part of the screen. You may order your aircraft to
attack separate targets, to act as Wingmen to other aircraft, fly in flights
of three, or to make up a full force of four.
A summary of your orders is shown in a message box. You may scroll
through the order, to delete and replace commands as you see fit.
From this screen you may jump to Intelligence Reports (INT), Campaign
Command Map (MAP) and Aircraft Preparation (A/C) as well as back to the
Summary Mission Planning Room.

Monitor: Campaign Map

The campaign map shows a permanent display of north-west Colombia
including roads , rivers, railways, towns , villages, farms , factories ,
airbases and ports . It also includes the current flight paths set in the
Waypoint Editing screen, with annotations to show your commands at
each point. If the mission is under way the position of friendly aircraft
(blue box) and reported position of enemy air forces (red box) is marked.
From any map view in ATAC you are able to fully edit any chosen
waypoints and, in this screen, you may jump to Waypoint Editing
(WAY), Intelligence Report (INT) and Aircraft Preparation (AlC) as well
as back to the Mission Planning Room.

_----"......~--~:::The Windows: Begin Today's Mission

Seleet this option when you have completed Mission Planning and wish
to enfer Operations (the right-hand side of the room). If you forget to
arm your selected aircraft, you may choose to accept a default load.

40 AlAe Mission Planning


The right-hand side of the airbase building is the place from where all
active operations are carried out. It is also the place to which the player
can drop back while a mission is in progress. Information that was
available during Mission Planning is still available: Intelligence
Reports, Map, Waypoints and Game Options.

Notepad: Game Options

The Notepad in the lower left of the screen gives you all Game Options.
Flight Control: choose from Keyboard-Mouse-Joystick
Pointer Control: choose from Keyboard-Mouse-Joystick
Joystick Type: choose from 2-Axis, 3-Axis, 4-Axis
You may also Save the Setup so that the Campaign is always loaded with
the same options or Restore a Setup and Calibrate your joystick.

Windows: Fly Current Aircraft

Monitor: Campaign Map
The Campaign Map shows a penn anent display of north-west Colombia
including roads , rivers, railways, towns, villages, farms, factories,
airbases and ports. Drug baron controlled sites are marked with a Red
Flag. The map will also include the current flight paths set in the
Waypoint Editing Screen with annotations to show your commands at
each point. If the mission is under way the position of your aircraft and
the reported position of enemy air forces is also'lnark€d. .
From any map view in ATAC you are able to 'fully edit any chbsert
The campaign map will also show the enemy air activity. ~Ol1sult the
map carefully for intelligence of flights of enemy fighters. You may be
able to surprise them before they find you.
From the Campaign Map the player can accelerate time (using the on-
screen buttons « and » ) until something happens. This mode will be
stopped by various events such as receiving an intelligence report, one
of the aircraft completing a leg of its journey, or one of the aircraft
meeting hostile forces. You can get more information about each indi-
vidual aircraft's mission by selecting the appropriate aircraft code

Notice Board: Aircraft Status

In the Operations Base
Along with the Intelligence Report file this is the most important part
of the Campaign game. You will spend a lot of time looking at the status
of all your aircraft, jumping into the pilot's seat to make sure of certain
targets then returning to check on new intelligence reports.

Operations ATAC 43
A full screen view of the notice board shows a maximum of four files ;
one for each of the player's selected aircraft, with the following details:
Pilot's Name
Damage Status
Current Action (waypointlengaged/fleeing)
Remaining ordnance
Remairung fuel
Buttons on the side allow you to jump to the campaign map (MAP)
showing where the aircraft is, take control of the selected aircraft (FLY),
sit in the cockpit (WATCH), edit waypoints (WAY) or re-exarrune the
intelligence reports (INT).
In Flight
You may also jump from aircraft to aircraft once you are watching the
mission from one cockpit. Shiftll,2,3,4 will take you to selected aircraft
1,2,3,4 cockpit views.
You can view the Campaign Map when you are flying with any aircraft
by pressing ShiftiM.

44 ATAC Operations
Exit: End Today's Mission
The current mission for that day can be terminated by selecting this
option. You will be taken to Mission Debriefing to review the day's
events and successes and then to Mission Planning, either to save the
campaign, or continue with new aircraft.
When you leave Operations the day 's mission will end. However,
remember that all intelligence reports and drug baron-related events that
you have not dealt with will be carried through to their natural
conclusion. If you have let through a convoy of drugs, it will reach a port
or airbase and be converted to currency making the owner drug baron
richer and more difficult to beat.

Operations ATAC 45

Difficulty Levels
Air Strike Level One
If you are new to flight simulations or strategy games, you may wish to
jump into the nearest F-22 or Apache AH-64 and fly around Colombia.
You can watch out for any likely targets heading across the 3D world and
attack and destroy them. But you may be attacked by any of the drug
barons aircraft.
Limited Campaign Level Two
A limited campaign with all the elements of strategy but against only one
drug baron. This is a good training ground for the player who wants to
tackle the complex fulJ campaign game but wishes to gain experience of
how the game works. Against one drug baron you will be able to see the
results of your attacks more clearly and there is less chance of major
drug consignments getting through to the ports.
Full, Campaign Level Three
The full blown campaign against the four powerful drug barons. You will
have to manage yoprmen and resources very carefully to succeed
against tf;1ese powerful and dangerous men.

48 AlAC The Campaign against the Drug Barons

The Four Drug Barons
The four drug barons occupy a large part of the country but do not have
excessive influence in the area of your home base. You are in a mainly
civilian controlled area but you must remember that you are in a volatile
situation and power can shift and change easily if you anger the local
The drug barons' basic operation revolves around the following
procedure: a harvest of coca leaves is transported from farm plantations
to factOlies, where the raw material is made into cocaine. The drug is
then transported to a port, or airbase, where the 'sale' takes place. The
money from the sale is added to the drug baron 's coffers. The more
drugs that are exported, the more powerful the barons become.
Drug barons need cash to keep their production sites
running. If workers are not paid, they will defect and
drug production will decline and, gradually, they will
lose all influence in the area.
Skilled Workers
The drug barons will need skilled and unskilled
workers. Sometimes they will transport numbers of
workers to their factories to increase their production
(especially if you have been successful). When you
target a train full of workers try to stop the engine
without harming the people on board.

The Campaign against the Drug Barons AlAC 49

Transport of Commodities
The country is littered with various types of drug
production related sites: farms, factories, warehouses,
airbases and ports. These are linked by roads, rail and
river. Each site can be controlled by one of the four
barons. A farm converts land to crops and crops to
harvest. The rate of conversion depends upon the
available work force. Commodities are transferred
between sites by shipment in trucks, boats or planes. A
site that produces one commodity will always transport
goods to another site that uses that commodity.
Remember that not all factories produce drugs, and not
all farms produce coca leaves, indiscriminate attacks
without proper intelligence will anger the general
civihan population
A drug baron will not be actively hostile until you
begin to di sturb hi s area of influence when thi s
happens hostility will increase.
To progress in the game you must damage sites so that
they cannot be used again or take out key sites and
shipments until the baron runs out of money and his
workforce desert him.
The Drug Barons' Aircraft
The drug barons use an array of weapons and aircraft.
They purchased most of their stock from Eastern
Europe when a vast amount came into the market after
the break up of the Soviet Union . Likely aircraft you

50 AIAC The Campaign against the Drug Barons

may encounter protecting cocaine factories and
transport syste ms are featured at the back of this
manual .
The drug barons also use a variety of other aircraft
including versions of the Hughes-type helicopter for
ground patrol ; DC lOs for bulk air tran sport and
Cessnas for light, and personnel, transport. Use your
intelligence reports wisely before attacking any of
these aircraft. Civilian casualties must be avoided.

MiG-21 Fishbed

The Campaign against the Drug Barons AIAC 51

With every new campaign, the Difficulty Levels are selected and then
fIxed for the duration of that campaign. The campaign begins once you
enter Operations, having already assigned targets and waypoints for
your selected aircraft. At Level Three there are four hostile drug barons
occupying a large chunk of north-west Colombia. You are based in what
is a neutral civilian area. Here, you will initially be safe; unless you begin
to anger the local population by indiscriminate attacks on civilian instal-
Gathering Intelligence
Good intelligence about drug movements is vital to the success of your
campaign. You will have adequate intelligence of the area surrounding
your base and a marginal level of intelligence in the outlying areas. If
you wish to improve your knowledge you will have two options:
Re-supplying Agents
You will have 250 agents dotted around the country who supply your
computer with information. You may activate them by loading heli-
copters with special supplies (see Arming Screen- Mission Planning),
taking the aircraft to the area about which you wish to receive infor-
mation, landing and dropping the supplies. Press the Return key if you
are in manual control. Each supply will cover 50 krn radius but infor-
mation may not last for ever and will deteriorate over time as agents
need re-supplying.

52 AIAC The Campaign against the Drug Barons

Any flight over any part of the map will always improve your intel-
ligence reports. If you particularly want information about outlying areas
that are under drug baron control, you may choose to send various
aircraft on purely reconnaissance flights.
Operational Days
Each operational day of the campaign corresponds to the cycle: Mission
Planning- Operations- End of Mission -Debriefing.
At the start of the day intelligence reports are gathered. Examine the
reports as part of Mission Planning,when you have decided what to do,
move to Operations.
The mission day passes as you conduct operations; sending aircraft out
to perform individual objectives. While you are free to jump into any
aircraft and complete missions yourself, you are advised (if playing the
full campaign) to spend a lot of your time examining the Campaign
Map, reading the up to date Intelligence Reports and checking the
status of your aircraft.
End of Day
During the day intelligence reports are gathered on any losses suffered
by both sides. If all your aircraft are back on the ground, you can choose
to end the day 's activities by leaving Operations. If all the aircraft asso-
ciated with the mission have been destroyed you will have to end that
day 's activities.

The Campaign against the Drug Barons AlAC 53


Mission Results
When you have ended the day's mission you will be debriefed.
The Debriefing Room shows the number of surviving active pilots and
a summary of mission successes. The amount of financial or physical
damage done to the drug barons that day is shown in graphical terms.
By this method you can judge daily success.

If you have lost all your aircraft and pilots, you will be returned to the
main ATAC title sequence and can begin another Campaign.
If, however, you still have aircraft and pilots available, you can return to
Mission Planning and choose to begin the next day. ATAC will update a
campaign and save details to the campaign name when you end any
It is possible to miss a day's operations if the previous mission has run
too long into the night and your base has no time to prepare your
aircraft for another series of sorties.

End of Campaign
Either you will run out of available resources (pilots and planes) or you
will bankrupt a drug baron. Medals will be awarded if you have wiped
out at least one drug baron. If you fai l as commander of the ATAC force
you will have to return home and be consigned to endless paperwork in
a dark and dismal desk job.
If, however, you manage to destroy all four drug barons you have won
the game and made the world a safer place.

56 ATAC The Debriefing Room


The Controller
ATAC can be controlled using Keyboard, Mouse or a Joystick. For flying
it is recommended you use a Joystick and for Menu Selection it is
recommended you use the Mouse pointer. In this Manual, which is
applicable to all computer systems, these three devices will be referred to
as the Controller.

The Selector
At various times during the game you will be asked to select from a
series of option, fIre cannons or missiles. Once again you may use any
one of three devices: keys on the Keyboard, left-hand Mouse button or
Joystick fire button. In this Manual these will be referred to as the

Aircraft and Weaponry

THE F-22
Produced by using a combi-
nation of talents from Lockheed,
General Dynamics (Fort Worth)
and Boeing Military Airplanes,
the F-22 may appear short but in
fact measures several
centimeters longer than the F-15
Strike Eagle. The prime aim of
the design is agility closely
followed by stealth (thus the
front profile) and high speed.
The F-22 has horizontal and
almost vertical tail surfaces as
well as a thrust vectoring system
for engine exhausts which
doubles roll capacity at low
speed. The F-22 can fly at 80kt
(148 kmIh) technically stalled,
pointing upwards at 60° but still
under full control. This is useful
in air combat but breaks one of
the pilots' golden rules: 'never
sacrifice momentum'. A high
angle-of-attack shot at an enemy is gained but at the ti k.,<;>f ,being n
easy target for an enemy wingman.
Sidewinder AAMs are stored close to the sides of air intake du t~.
AMRAAMs are stored in a belly weapons bay.

Aircraft and Weaponry 59


= =

Max Speed with afterhurning: M ach 1.7 at 30,000 feet.
WingSpan: 13.11 m Ceiling: 50,000 feet
Wing aspect ratio: 2.2 g limit: +9
Length: 19.56 m Engines: Two 155 kN class Pratt & Whitney FlI9-PW-
100 advanced technology reheated engines.
Height: 5.41 m
Crew: One, in Webber zerolzero ejection seat wearing
Wing Area: 77 .1 sq.m
upper and lower g suit.
Weight Empty: 13,608 kg
Armament: Intern al lon g-barre l M61 A I 20 mm g un.
Max. Take Off Weight: 26,308 kg Three internal bays for 8 AIM-9 Sidewinder and/or AIM-
Max. level speed at sea level: 800 knots 120 AMRAAM AAMs plus 'new design ' weapon racks
( I ,482 km/h; 921 mph) for extra ordnance.

60 ATAC Aircraft and Weaponry

Flight Heading Nose INS (Waypoint)
Path Indicator Direction Indicator



Lines Non-Joystick
Indicator Threat
Warning Radar

Aircraft Warning Type
Remaining Flaps Indicator
Stores (F6)
Landing Gear
Air Brakes
Wheel Brakes

The F-22 Cockpit

Height Aircraft

Target Heading

Aircraft and Weaponry AlAC 61

This gauge shows your horizontal speed through the air in knots . A
speed of 100 knots is equal to about 114 mph (161 krnph).
The horizontal scale across the top is your heading in degrees. North is
0°, East is 90°, South is 180° and West is 270°.
A barometric altimeter showing true altitude in feet adjusted to
compensate for ground elevation variances. A value of 0 feet is always
ground level.
Mach number M
The ratio of airspeed to the speed of sound.
The fOJ:ce of gravity is equal to +1.0 g. The force is the basic unit of load
~n the-aircraft.

This shows the rate you are changing altitude (ascending/descending). If

the value is zero, you are maintaining a constant altitude.
Pitch Lines
Superimposed on the HUD and vital if your aircraft nose is pitched so far
up or down that the horizon is invisible. Each major line represents 10°

62 ATAC Aircraft and Weaponry

of pitch up (plus+) or down (minus-). If your aircraft is climbing straight
up the pitch line will show +90°.
Roll is shown by the pitch lines relation to the cockpit: if the line angles
to the left or right your aircraft has rolled to the left or right.
Flight Path Indicator
This indicator shows the direction you are flying. Remember tl1at this
can be different from the direction the nose of the plane is pointing in.
Stall Speed Indicator
At times a colored bar rises from the bottom of the scale. This represents
your stall speed. If it rises above the centre tick mark your aircraft has
stalled. A stalled aircraft at low altitude will almost certainly result in a
Angle of Attack a
An aircraft can fly at different angles of attack. This is the angle made by
the direction the aircraft is pointing in and its heading. The larger the AOA
(between 20° and 30°) the more the airflow over the wing surface becomes
disturbed and does not flow smoothly to provide lift and the wing 'stalls' as
drag increases. The F-22 has the ability to fly at a high AOA.
INS (Waypoint) Direction Indicator
The marker on the top of the scale shows the heading to be flown to
reach the currently selected waypoint. To get 'on course' when you are
in manual control either set the Autopilot (Key 7) or tum the aircraft so
that the marker lines up with the centre tick mark on the scale.
Current Armament
Select rnissilelbomblcannon by tapping the Spacebar. Selected ordnance
is shown in the message window.

Aircraft and Weaponry ATAC 63

Flight Equipment Indicators
A value for flap extension from 0 (no flaps) to 52 (full flaps). Press
Function Key F9 to extend flaps and F 10 to reduce flaps.
Landing gear Indicator. Key 6 will raise or lower your gear.
Air brakes Indicator. Key 0 will tum on/off your Airbrakes.
Use the air brakes to slow yourself down before landing or if you wish to
perform a tighter turn in air combat.
Potential Target Box Wbrakes
Wheel brakes Indicator. Key 9 will turn on/off your wheel brakes.

The HUD will change to suit the selected ordnance.
Missile Targeting
Potential Target Box
If a target is available your HUD will pick it up on the F-22's tracking
camera system. A broken box symbol will appear to track the target as
long as it remains within range and the main priority. If, however,
another target appears the PTB will pick up that target.
Target Designation
You may pick a selected target by pressing Key B. The broken box will
change to a solid box. Now the target will remain the priority until you

64 ATAC Aircraft and Weaponry

decide to change it or it goes out of range. You can now access Tactical
View CF4) or Reverse Tactical View CShiftIF4) to see your aircraft and
the target. Once the tracker is locked on to a target, it follows that target
but is only visible on the HUD when the target is directly in front of you.
You may use missiles or cannon against the target.
Missile Lock-on Box (Red)
When the Target Designation Box turns into a red diamond shape with
the legend 'lock' below it, you are locked-on to that target and may
deploy 'fIre-and-forget' weaponry.
Air to Ground
Bombsight (activated when correct ordnance chosen)
If you select free-fall bombs a bombsight will appear tracking the point
at which the bomb will drop if released at that moment. You will
probably have to dive to see the bombsight.
Select Missile/Bomb/Cannon (Spacebar)
Tap the spacebar to select the type of missilelbomb you wish to use or to
access the cannon gunsight. A message will appear in a window
showing your chosen weapon and the number remaining of that type.
Fire Missile/Drop Bomb (Return Key/Joystick Button 2)
Bomb Aiming Point
Tap the Return Key or Joystick Button 2 to fIre a missile/drop a bomb.

Aircraft and Weaponry ATAC 65

Cannon Fire
The Gunsight
Access the Gunsight by tapping the Spacebar until the Cannon message
appears in the message box or simply fire the canon. The gunsight
computer calculates range, flight path and ballistics for you. It then
displays where your shells would be if they were hitting the target now.
The gunsight continually calculates firing, delays the appropriate time
and displays potential hits as they would occur.
Fire Cannon
The cannon on your F-22 will fIre when you press the Fire Button on
Aiming your Selector. The message window in your cockpit will show how
Point many rounds remain and will reduce as you fIre .
Type of Aim Here The MFD (Multi-Function Display)
The central area of the cockpit includes a large CRT used for several
purposes controlled by Function Key F7.
3D Radar
The 3D Radar View keeps your aircraft in the centre and shows the
relative Height of any potential targets. It also shows all friendly aircraft
such as your Wingman. Keys Z will Zoom out the scale, Key X will
Zoom-in the scale. The nearest target (enemy or friendly) is bracketed by
a white marker. Other targets are shown in red. Your aircraft is shown in
A Target Heading Indicator (a red circle with a yellow line indicator in
the top right of your CRT display) gives the heading of your target
relati ve to the nose of your aircraft any air.

66 ATAC Aircraft and Weaponry

Camera view of current target
If there is a selected target on the 3D-radar view you may press Function
Key F7 again to get a camera view of that target which will include
details of height, distance and type.
View from front of last fired weapon (Key F5).
When you have fired a missile at a target you can view from the nose of
that missile as it heads for the target by pressing Function Key F5.
Threat Warning Radar
A 20 top view radar shows nearby targets or missiles (as Red Dots) that
can potentially threaten your F-22. Below it, a small message window
shows the type of the highest threat. Watch out for incoming missiles
and get ready to deploy Chaff or Flare.
Aircraft Status
A small CRT showing damage to the aircraft and remaining stores
(Function Key F6).
Defensive Measures
Chaff(Key 1)
Tap the Key to release one chaff decoy cartridge into the sky behind
your aircraft. For the next two or more seconds most enemy radar-
guided missiles will home in on the chaff instead of your aircraft.
Flares (Key 2)
Tap the Flare key to release a flare decoy cartridge into the sky behind
your aircraft. For the next two or more seconds all enemy Infra-red
guided missiles will home in on the flare instead of your aircraft.

Aircraft and Weaponry ATAC 67


Flight Views
It is important to use all the available flight views in ATAC. You will get
a better idea of what is happening around you.
FI Inside view of the cockpit
F2 Outside view locked to selected aircraft
F3 Unlocked outside view of selected aircraft
F4 Tactical View
ShiftIF4 Reverse Tactical View
F5 View of last weapon flred
Shift IFI Full screen front view with HUD
Change to LeftJRightlBackIFront version of
one of above views
QandA Zoom an outside view in/out
Cursor Keys Smooth pan an outside view
ShiftJI ,2,3,4 Jump to cockpit of selected aircraft 1,2,3,4

68 ATAC Aircraft and Weaponry

F-22 Flight Keys
Key 6 Landing Gear Up/Down
Key 7 Autopilot On/Off
Key 9 Wheel Brakes On/Off
Key 0 Air Bn:uces On/Off
F9 Flaps Up (scale 0°_ 52°)
FlO Flaps Down (scale 52°_0°)

The Flight Controllers

Joystick LeftlRightlDi ve/Climb
AltlJ Re-centre
Delete Key Rudder Left
PgDn Key Rudder Right
Delete & PgDn (together) Centre Rudder
Mouse LeftlRightlDive Climb
Left Button Rudder Left
Right Button Rudder Right
Left & Right Buttons Centre Rudder
Keypad Arrow Keys LeftlRightlDive/Climb
Keypad 5 Re-centre
Pad Home Rudder Left

Aircraft and Weaponry ATAC 69

PadPgUp Rudder Right
Home & Pg Up (together) Centre Rudder
Fire Missiles
'Fad Delete Fire Cannon
Pad Key Plus + Open Throttle (gradually)
Pad Key Minus - Close Throttle
Pad ShiftIPlus + Max Power to Throttle
Pad ShiftlMinus - Min Power to Throttle
AltlJ Joystick Control
AltIM Mouse Control
AltiK Keyboard Control
AltJE Eject

Manual Control
The Take OfT
Add Flaps to 20 0 (FIO)
Release Wheel Brakes (Key 9)
Tum on your engines by tapping the Maximum Power Key (Shift Plus +)
You will accelerate down the runway.
Pull back gently on the Joystick Controller. Watch the altitude scale on
the right side of the HUD. You will start to climb. When you have
sufficient altitude retract the Landing Gear (Key 6).
If you wish to set the Automatic Pilot press Key 7 (press again to

70 ATAC Aircraft and Weaponry

A Light Touch
Use a light touch on your Controller. The most common pilot et;ror is to
throw the aircraft around in heavy-handed abandon. When you move the
stick, be smooth not jerky. Above all, get used to flying the aircraft
before attempting combat during the full campaign.
Straight and Level Flight
Practise straight and level flight. Climb to 2,000 feet and level the
aircraft so the nose of the plane points to the horizon. Reduce the throttle
to achieve an economical cruising speed. Check the VVI to see if you
are climbing or descending and make a slight adjustment with the stick.
Aim to keep the Altimeter steady.
Tap the Airbrakes (Key 0) and watch the effects of slowing down. Speed
and altitude will drop. Release the Airbrakes and adjust again with the
control stick.
Beware of stalls when pulling tight turns. As your roll angle increases
beyond 45°, your stall speed rises from the normal 120 knots to 200
knots. A tight tum can 'bleed off' airspeed and reduce it below stall
speed. Be careful when making a tight tum at low altitude because a stall
will result in a crash. To make a very tight tum, roll to 90° and pull back
on the stick. This will bleed off airspeed faster than a medium banked
tum. To compensate, add more throttle in the tum.
Blackout and Redout
The F-22 can tum very fast but you will experience an increase in G
force. Gs are a measure of the amount of gravity pulling on you and
your plane. If you pull 9 Gs you are experiencing 9 times the pull of
gravity; the blood will flow away from your head and you will begin to

Aircraft and Weaponry ATAC 71

Blackout. If you push 3 Gs when you are levelling out from a climb, for
example, too much blood will flow to your head and you will experience
Redout. In either case, do not panic, simply ease off on the control stick
until you can focus again.

General Flight Keys

Key 1 Chaff
Key 2 Flares
Spacebar Weapon Select
Return Key Fire weapon
Backspace Fire Cannon
KeyB Pick Target
KeyN Next Target
AltlJ Select Joystick Control (and re-centre)
AltIM Select Mouse Control
AltiK Select Keyboard Control
A]tIH HUD colour cycle through
ESC Return to previous screen/mission planning
Al tIE Eject (F-22 only)
AItIP Pause On/Off
AltlQ Quit to Dos
AltID 3 Detail Level (cycle through)

72 ATAC Aircraft and Weaponry

General Cockpit Controls
F6 Secondary (left) Multi-Function
Display toggle
F7 Primary (central) Multi-Function
Display toggle
F8 Head Up Display (HOD) toggle
ZandX Zoom Cockpit Radar (in/out)

The Landing
Auto Landing
The F-22s will return to base if they have been set the correct waypoints
and land themselves perfectly if under computer control or if you have
set the autopilot function (Key 7). In this case sit back and watch the
plane land from as many views as you wish. This procedure may be
useful in learning to land the ATF yourself. Watch the HOD and panel to
get an idea of approach timing, descent, braking. After a while you'll
feel confident about taking on an unassisted landing.
Manual Landings
The Approach
Find the airbase and line up the approach run on a heading of 000° or
180°. Approach at 300 knots in level flight.
Raise the nose slightly to maintain level fligbt. Add Flaps to aid flight

Aircraft and Weaponry ATAC 73

When you can see the airbase reduce throttle (Key Minus -) and drop the
speed down to 230 knots.
Flaps to about 30°.
Lower the landing gear (Key 6).
If you are moving too fast extend the Airbrakes (Key 0) for a brief
period, then retract them.
The Descent
Either reduce power slightly; with less thrust in level flight you will
gradually lose altitude, or reduce the pitch of the nose slightly. Do not
point the nose down and dive for the runway.
Your altimeter will read 0 feet. The easiest and safest method is simply to
continue the descent until you are on the runway, then cut the power
(Shift Minus -) and engage the wheel brakes (Key 9).

74 ATAC Aircraft and Weaponry

The Apache was designed and
built by the Hughes Helicopter
Corp., a subsidiary of McDonnell
Douglas Aircraft. It entered
serv ice in 1986 and quickly
became the supreme helicopter
gunship. Avionics include a full
suite of advanced communication
systems, navigational flight aids
and survivability systems. The
target acquisition/designation
sight (TAOS) is at the heart of the
sys tem and includes auto-focus
thermal imager, la ser
ranger/designator and TV camera
integrated into a helmet mounted
sighting system.

Aircraft and Weaponry AlAe 75


Specifications Width: 5.3 m

Height: 4.7 m
Weight: 9.5 tons Rotor Diameter: 14.6 m
Max. Speed: 162 kts Engines: 2 TIOO-GE-701 turbos haft jets x 1,696 shp
Crew: 2 Service ceiling: 21,000 ft
Rate of Climb: 42 ftlsee Main Gun: 30 mm 1,200 rounds
Length: 17.8 m Weapon load: 3.5 tons

76 AIAC Aircraft and Weaponry

Pitch Lines


Airspeed - -- 1 - - - Non-Joystick
Control Indicator
Flight Path - -+---

TargetType Collective

Target Heading

Threat Warning

Threat Warning
Current Radar
(Highlighted) Torque Engine Your
Gauge Helicopter
Fuel System

The AH-64 Cockpit

Aircraft and Weaponry 77

The Cockpit
Chaff and Flare Indicators:
Two values for the number of defensive stores remaining.
Engine Gauge:
The left and right strips show the rpms of the port (1) and starboard (2)
The gauge marked F shows the amount of fuel remaining in all tanks.
This indicates the amount of torque in the turbine engines. This is
proportional to the amount of collective control and rotor lift. The higher
you set the collective, the higher the torque.

~1r , ~

TRT-Tail Rotor

78 ATAC Aircraft and Weaponry

Threat Display:
This shows nearby targets/missiles fired (as Red Dots on a top down Multi-Function Display
view) that can potentially threaten your helicopter.
The MFD (Multi-Function Display)
The central area of the cockpit includes a large CRT used for several
3D Radar/ Camera View of Current Target (F7 Key)
The 3D Radar View keeps your aircraft in the centre and shows the
relative height of any potential targets. It also shows all friendly aircraft
such as your Wingman etc. Keys Z will Zoom out the scale, Key X will
Zoom-in the scale. The nearest target (enemy or friendly) is bracketed
by a white marker. Other targets are shown in red. Your helioopte is
shown in white.
A Target Heading Indicator (a red circle with a yellow line indicator in
the top right of your CRT di splay) gives the heading relative to tfie nose
of your helicopter of your selected target.
Camera view of current target.
If there is a selected target on the 3D-radar view you may press Function
Key F7 again to get a camera view of that target which will include
details of height, distance and type.
View from front of last fired weapon (Key F5).
When you have fired a missile at a target you can view from the nose of
that missile as it heads for the target by pressing Function Key F5.

Aircraft and Weaponry AlAC 79

The HUD (Head-Up-Display)
The HUD projects bright numbers and symbols in your main view
enabling you to read the display and look ahead.
The left scale shows the Airspeed with a digital summary. This gauge
shows your horizontal speed through the air in knots . A speed of 100
knots is equal to about 114 mph (161 kmph).
The right scale shows the radar Altimeter (probably your most important
instrument). A barometric altimeter showing true altitude in feet adjusted
to compensate for ground elevation variances. A value of 0 feet is always
ground level.
The top scale is your heading: 0° is North; 90° is East; 180° is South;
270° is West
Pitch Lines
Superimposed on the HUD, pitch lines are vital if your aircraft nose is
pitched so far up or down that the horizon is invisible. Each major line
represents 10° of pitch up (plus+) or down (rninus-). If your aircraft is
climbing straight up the pitch line will show +90°.
Roll is shown by the pitch lines relation to the cockpit: if the line angles
to the left or right your helicopter has rolled to the left or right.
Weapons Indicator
Shows the active weapon.

80 ATAC Aircraft and Weaponry

WI (on HUD)
This shows the rate you are changing altitude (ascending/descending) in
feet per minute. If the value is zero, you are maintaining a constant
Flight Path Indicator
This indicator shows the direction you are flying. Remember that this
can be different from the direction the nose of the plane is pointing in.
The Collective Indicator Scale
A graphical and digital indicator of the amount of Collective (Key
HomelEnd) applied on a scale of -1.0 to 7.0
Rudder Indicator Scale
Shows the amount of rudder left/right dependant on keys Delete/PgDn
Non-joystick control indicator.
A joystick emulation device to show cyclic movement relative to a
central box.

Aircraft and Weaponry ATAC 81

FI Inside view of the cockpit
F2 Outside view locked to selected helicopter
F3 Unlocked outside view of selected helicopter
F4 Tactical View
Shift 1F4 Reverse Tactical View
F5 View of last weapon fIred
Shift IFl Full screen front view with HUD
M< / Change to LeftlRightIFront version of
one of above views
QandA Zoom an outside view in/out
Cursor Keys Smooth pan an outside view
Shiftll ,2,3,4 Jump to cockpit of selected aircraft 1,2,3,4
General Rules
Don't overcontrol! Helicopter controls are sluggish: they react slowly. Be
gentle with the controls. After each control movement watch for the
effect before you do anything else. Do not pull or push too hard on the
cyclic (Controller)
AH-64 F light Keys
Minus key- Throttle Down

& Plus key + Throttle Up

82 ATAC Aircraft and Weaponry

Shift Minus - Close Throttle
Shift Plus + Open Throttle
Home Key Collective Up
End Key Collective Down

Delete Key Tail Rotor Left

PgDn Key Tail Rotor Right
(Both keys together to centre)
Key 7 Autopilot On/Off

Getting Airborne
Press the Plus Key + and watch the
torque rise.
When the torque level is at 75 % press collective up (Home Key) until
the helicopter begins to ascend.
The torque gauge rises as you raise the collective.
Press collective down key (End) if ascent is too fast.
Push the cyclic (Controller) left or right to tum the helicopter in that

Aircraft and Weaponry ATAC 83
Level Flight Forward
Add more collective (Home Key) and, as the Apache begins to climb,
push the cyclic (Controller) forward slightly to pitch down the helicopter.
You will move forward .

.. In level fligbt the helicopter is pitched down ("nose down"). The greater
the pitch, the faster the fOlward flight. Move the cyclic forward or back
until you reach a speed of 120 knots. Check the VVI. If you are
descending add more collective (Home), if you are ascending less
collective (End). When VVI is horizontal you are in level flight.
Changing Altitude
When flying level you may descend by pushing the cyclic forward and
pitching the helicopter down into a dive. When you have dropped to the
desired height pull back gently on the cyclic until the VVI stabilizes.
Similarly the easiest way to ascend is to pitch up slightly when you have
attained the correct altitude and pitch down again until the VVI stabilizes.
The second method of ascending/descending is applicable at any speed
and is simply to raise or lower the collective (HomelEnd Keys). When
the correct altitude has been achieved adjust in the opposite direction to
regain level flight.
From a level flight, move the cyclic slightly to the left, your Apache rolls
into a banking left turn. Watch the change in the compass heading. By
moving the cyclic further to the left, the tum can be made tighter but you
will begin to lose lift. Centre the cyclic to return to level flight.
You can maintain altitude in a tight tum by adding some collective before
you start the turn then reducing it just before you come out of the tum.
Alternatively, you can pitch the nose up slightly before the turn and drop
it back just before you come out of the turn.

84 ATAC Aircraft and Weaponry

At speeds below 40 knots, the helicopter will skid (sideslip) in the
direction of the cyclic movement, rather than bank into the tum. When
this happens you are basically flying sideways.

General Flight Keys

Key 1 Chaff
Key 2 Flares
Spacebar Weapon Select
Return Key Fire weapon
Backspace Fire Cannon
KeyN Next Target
KeyB Pick Target
AltlJ Select Joystick Control
AltIM Select Mouse Control
AltIK Select Keyboard Control
AltIH HUD colour cycle through
ESC Return to Previous Screen/Operations
AltIP Pause On/Off
AltID 3 Detail Levels (cycle through)
AltlQ Quit to DOS

Aircraft and Weaponry ATAC 85

General Cockpit Controls
F6 Secondary (left) Multi-Function Display
F7 Primary (central) Multi-Function Display
F8 Head Up Display (RUD) toggle
ZandX Zoom Cockpit Radar (in/out)
ShiftiZ Accelerate time (pop-up indicator on HUD)
INS Direction Indicator ShiftIX Nonnal Time

INS (Waypoint) Direction Indicator
The marker on the top of the scale shows the heading to be flown to
reach the currently selected waypoint. To get on course either set the
autopilot (Key 7) or turn the aircraft so that the marker lines up with the
tick mark on the scale.

Helicopters can land without a proper airstrip but remember that they
cannot land on sloping ground. Any slope greater than 5° will make the
helicopter skid away from the slope making a landing impossible.
For normal landings approach the base, lower your altitude to about 50
feet and reduce your speed to about 60 knots by pulling back on the
cyclic. You will have to reduce your collective to keep the 50 feet
altitude. Slow down to a hover above your correct bay by pulling back

86 AIAC Aircraft and Weaponry

on the cyclic; as your speed drops to 0 your lift will decrease. Add some
collective to maintain altitude. Then, gently reduce collective to begin
your final descent. At about 20 feet you may have to reduce collective
further to achieve touchdown

Wh en you are on the ground (A ltitude 0) reduce th e throttle
(Minus Key -).

Aircraft and Weaponry ATAC 87


88 AlAC

Air-to-Air Combat: The Basic Rules

Surprise is the key element in any air-to-air combat and traditionally
fighter pilots prefer to attack from above to get an 'energy advantage'
in any dogfight. However, missile tactics and the importance of
secrecy make a height advantage less valuable. You may become
visible to enemy radar, therefore it's often wise to approach low and
from behind. Only if your missile fails and you are discoVered should
you go for altitude.
Fire the Correct Missile!
In most cases, an air-to-air battle begins when the enemy has locatea
you and vectors fighters in your direction resulting in a head-to-head
confrontation. Medium range AAMs are usually fired first because of
their increased nnge so be ready with Chaff to deal with the
incoming. Once your medium-range radar missile has been fired,
switch to a Sidewinder, you may need a close range missile shot if the
AMRAAM misses.
Get on the Enemy's Tail!
The essential rule in dogfighting is to get on the enemy's tail. On all
fighters , gun and missile guidance systems face forward, so if you're
stuck on his tail he can't shoot at you. If you can't get on his tail try to

90 ATAC Combat
break off and make space between his aircraft and yours. This will
allow you to increase your firing opportunities.
Stay Higher! Stay Faster!
Maintaining higher speed or altitude is extremely valuable in a
dogfight. The 'Energy Advantage' sought by combat pilots allows
them to trade speed for height (and vice versa).
The Wingman
You will always have the option to use a Wingman in any mission.
He will support the lead aircraft and tackle any threat encountered so
that it can complete the mission. The Wingman will not attack the
assigned target but will escort you there and back again.

Air-to-Ground: The Guidelines

Hitting the Targets
A large number of targets in ATAC will be ground sites: factories ,
plantations, airbases, convoys, boats and trains. It will be the job of
your pilots (or yourself if you are flying) to hit these targets precisely
with minimum loss to civilians if you are to make an impact on the
drug barons' power base. Most of the ordnance available to you will
be for air to ground attacks.
'Fire and Forget'
The Maverick (AGM-65D) an Harpoon (AGM-84A) can be used
against ground or surface targets. Both are 'fire and forget' weapons.
Once your tracking camera is on the right target, it's just a matter of
waiting for it to change to 'Lock-On' in your BUD indicating a hjgh
accuracy firing solution. These missiles are valuable so a wise pilot
will wait for the moment of highest aGcuracy before firing. Whe,n

Combat ATAC 91
launched these missiles start with your course and velocity before the
motors fully ignite and accelerate. Therefore it's wise to not fire below
500 feet, unless you are climbing and extremely unwise to fire them
during a power dive or during a tight turn ; the missiles may slam into
the ground or even smash into your aircraft.
Laser Guided Bombs
The Paveway (GBU-12) is essentially a motorless missile that glides
from your aircraft to a target 'painted' by the PAVE TACK laser
mounted on the bottom of your plane. The tracking box on your HUD
will show your target. Wait for 'lock-on ' indication to give your bomb
a better chance of high accuracy. The standard attack on ground
targets is 'toss bombing' . Approach level, flying full speed at 500 feet.
At between 3 to 6 krn from the target pitch up into a climb and watch
the CRT for ' lock-on' . Launch the bomb and turn away. Avoid being
caught in the blast and keep the underside of your aircraft facing the
target until the bomb hits, in order to keep the target 'spiked' with
your laser designator.
Free Fall Bombs
The Slick (Mk.-82) is a traditional 500 lb bomb that will arc at high
speed toward the target. The easiest method of bombing is to fly
straight over the target at about 3000 feet releasing the bomb
according to the cues on your HUD.
For more details on these and other missiles/rockets see the section on
weaponry in this manual.

92 ATAC Combat
The M6lAI 20 mm Gun
A modern jet fighter could fly between the bullets from a conventional
cannon and gun. Thus modern cannons are constructed as a group of
guns or a multi-barrel gun such as the six-barrel M6lA 1 on your F-22.
The effective range is between 0.5 to 3 km. If you fire within 0.5 km
you may pick up debris and damage your aircraft. The gunsight
computer works out range, flight path and ballistics.
It takes two seconds for the shells to travel the maximum 6 Ian range.
Thus to hit a target you must judge the speed at which the target and
your sight converge. You should fire two seconds before they meet. If
range is less than 6 Ian reduce the time accordingly.
Using the gun against ground targets requires some skill. In a strafing
attack dive low (under 500 feet) then straighten out and fly level, then
' walk' your shell s across the ground. This method will be effective but
will use up a lot of ammunition. At the speed you are travelling jn
your F-22 you will only have a couple of seconds to hit the target
before it passes beneath your guns. Use Airbrakes (Key 0) to slow
your passage over the target.

Combat ATAC 93

Throwing Away 'the Book'.
According to 'the book' AH-64As are intended for ground attacks, not
air-to-air combat but, in combat conditions, experienced pilots often
ignore 'the book' and acquire whatever weapon does the job best. If a
commander anticipates meeting other helicopters, then he's advised to
load a few AAMs. Wiring up Apache weapon wings for Sidewinders
is easily done 'in the field ' and the ATAC base will have a good supply
of capable technicians .
The missile is only truly effective against aircraft targets and is
generally unable to home-in on ground targets .
.. ~

~ Fighter pilots like nothing better than to find a helicopter flying high
enjoying the view. You won't survive. Don't do it!
Take the First Shot
If you can get one in, it will give you the edge. Watch that threat
Fire at the longest range possible, giving yourself a chance to re-
position to take another shot or counter any threat.

94 ATAC Combat
Never Lose Sight of the Enemy!
Get on their tail and stay there. Maintain visual contact using
Left/Right View Keys.

Choose Your Weapons
Use the right weapon for the right job. Consult the ordnance available
for your Apache (details in the weapons section of this manual). If
you choose to get in close, your best all-round weapon is the cannon.
Apaches are designed to destroy tanks and light vehicles. Attacking a
convoy of lorries, a boat or a train transporting drugs can be a turkey
shoot for the gunship; but be accurate and ensure there is no needless
injury to civilians. These targets will be the AH-64s' meat and drink
but don't get complacent! There might be a MiG-29 waiting out of
radar range, waiting just for you to go for that easy attack!

Combat ATAC 95


View Keys
Fl Inside view of the cockpit
F2 Outside view locked to selected aircraft
F3 Unlocked outside view of selected aircraft
F4 Tactical View
Shift IF4 Reverse Tactical View
F5 View of last weapon fired
Shift IFI Full screen front view with HUD
M<>/ Change to Left/RightlBack/Front version of
one of above views.
QandA Zoom an outside view inlout
Cursor Keys Smooth pan an outside view
Shiftll ,2,3,4 Jump to cockpit of selected aircraft 1,2,3,4

The Flight Controllers

Joystick LeftlRightlDive/Climb
AltlJ Re-centre
Delete Rudder Left
PgDn Key Rudder Right
Delete & PgDn (together) Centre Rudder

98 ATAC Key Guide

Mouse LeftJRightIDive Climb
Left Button Rudder Left
Right Button Rudder Right
Left & Right Buttons (together) Centre Rudder
Keypad Arrow Keys LeftJRightIDive/Climb
Keypad 5 Re-centre
Pad Home Rudder Left
Pad PgUp Rudder Right
Home & Pg Up (together) Centre Rudder
Pad Enter Fire Missiles
Pad Delete Fire Cannon
Pad Key Plus + Throttle Up
Pad Key Minus - Throttle Down
Pad ShiftIPlus + Max. Power to Throttle
Pad ShiftlMinus - Min. Power to Throttle

General Cockpit Controls

F6 Secondary (left) Multi-Function
Display toggle
F7 Primary (central) Multi-Function
Display toggle
(3D-Radarrrarget Camera)

Key Guide ATAC 99

F8 Head Up Display (HUD) toggle
ZandX Zoom Cockpit Radar (in/out)
Key 7 Autopilot
ShiftJZ Accelerate time (pop-up indicator on HUD)
Shift/X Normal Time

General Flight Keys

Key 1 Chaff
Key 2 Flares
Spacebar Weapon Select
Return Key Fire weapon
Backspace Fire Cannon
KeyB Pick Target
KeyN Next Target
AltIJ Select Joystick Control (and re-centre)
AltIM Select Mouse Control
AltiK Select Keyboard Control
AltIH HUD colour cycle through
ESC Return to previous screen/Operations
AltIE Eject (F-22 only)
AltIP Pause On/Off
AltlQ Quit to Dos
AltID 3 Detail Level (cycle through)

100 ATAC Key Guide

F-22 Flight Keys
Key 6 Landing Gear Up/Down
Key 9 Wheel Brakes On/Off
Key 0 Air Brakes On/Off
F9 Flaps Up (scale 0°_ 52°)
FlO Flaps Down (scale 52°_0°)
Minus key- Throttle Down
Plus key + Throttle Up
Shift Minus - Min. Power to Throttle
Shift Plus + Max. Power to Throttle
Delete Key Rudder Left 1;r

PgDn Key Rudder Right

(Both keys together to centre)

Key Guide ATAC 101

AH-64 Flight Keys
Minus key- Throttle Down
Plus key + Throttle Up
Shift Minus - Min. Power to Throttle
Shift Plus + Max . Power to Throttle
Home Key Collective Up
End Key Collective Down
Delete Key Tai I Rotor Left
PgDn Key Tail Rotor Right
(Both keys together to centre)
Return Key (when landed) Drop Supplies to Agent

102 ATAC Key Guide



MiG-21 Fishbed


The 'Farmer' is an old but dependable aircraft made with a typically
tough 1950s construction and touting three heavy 30 mm cannons. It has
good manoeuvrability at low speeds but is generally slow and lacking
any serio us avionics. However, it is capable of carrying devastating
weaponry, including radar-homing and heat-seeking AAMs and, if it can
get in range its cannon, will rip lighter, modem aircraft to pieces.
The MiG-21 (illustrated) is an adaptable design and built to be capable of
constant upgrade. Originally in service in 1957, it is still seen as a threat
with its new engine and radar. It cannot be compared in performance to
modem aircraft but is extremely dangerous at low speeds. Any combat
above 0.9 Mach makes it very vulnerable.

104 ATAC The Drug Barons' Aircraft

MiG-23 Flogger

Built in huge numbers in the 70's, this swing-wing fighter was relatively
cheap and easy to produce. It has high performance capabilities carrying
up to 8 AAMs at speeds over Mach 2. The radar and missile system has
a longer distance detection and engagement range than the F-16. When
pitched against modem fighters it is at its best keeping its distance and
using its missiles.

The Drug Barons I Aircraft ATAC 105

MiG-29 Fulcrum

'The last of the great generation of Soviet built aircraft using all the
avionics available in the early 90s. Extremely manoeuvrable, its look-
down, shoot-down radar can detect and lock-on targets beyond visual
range and guide the latest air-to-air missiles onto those targets. The Mig-
29 can also carry a huge load of ordnance for ground attack. Beware, if
you meet this fighter, it may even outperform your F-22!


The drug baron s use a variety of aircraft including versions of the
Hughes-type helicopter for ground patrol; DClOs for bulk air transport
and Cess nas for light and personnel transport. Use your intelligence
reports wisely before attacking any of these aircraft. Civilian casualties
must be avoided.

106 ATAC The Drug Barons I Aircraft

AIM 9M SIDEWINDER (Short Range 10 miles/17 km)
Length: 9ft 7ins
Weight: 1981b
Warhead: 22lb blast fragmentation
Speed: Mach 2+
Seeker: All aspect infra-red
Attack Altitude: 500 ft+
Attack Techrlique: Air to air fire and forget.
The AlM.9M is the best dogfighting missile available. It has the capa-
bility to hang~on to twisting, turning targets. Combat pilots like to use it
when catching enemy fighters from the rear, from above or nose on. The
Sidewinder's main weakness is its short range.

AIM 120A AMRAAM (Medium Range 25 miles/32 km)

Length: 11ft 9ins
Weight: 335lb
Speed: Mach 4+

108 ATAC Missiles, Bombs and Guns

Warhead: 40lb high explosive
Seeker: Active radar
Attack Altitude: 500 ft +
Attack Technique: Air-to-air fire-and-forget.
This missile is one of the best medium-range weapons available. It can
penetrate most defenses and can chase down most fighters, bombers and
transports. It has a range of 32 km so a wise pilot will open fire at long
range with the AIM-120 then switch to Sidewinders if the enemy aircraft
survive to their range.

FIM-92A STINGER (Short range infra-red homing SAM)
Max. Speed: Mach 2
Guidance System: IR-homing (2nd generation all-aspect)
Max. Firing Range: lOkm
Max. Altitude: 20,000 feet.
Entered production in 1981 as a replacement for the 'Redeye', this is a
much more effective missile largely due to its excellent 'intelligent' IR

Air-to- Ground
Length : 8ft 2ins
Weight: 500lb

Missiles, Bombs and Guns AIAC 109

Range: 112 to 14 miles
Warhead: 1251b shaped charge
Seeker: Imaging infra-red
Attack Altitude: 500 ft +
Attack Technique: Air-to-ground fIre-and-forget
Essentially a weapon for destroying ground targets, the Maverick is
unsurpassed in its 'fire-and-forget ' capabilities. Once your tracking
camera is on the right target and you get the red ' lock-on' signal fIre at
once, you will then be free to seek other ground targets. Maverick, once
locked on to a ground target, takes a 'snapshot' of its infra-red image
then simply flies towards its memorized target.

(Medium Altitude infra-red homing anti-ship missile)
Effective Range: 32 km
Max. Speed: Mach 0.8
Attack Technique: Air-ta-surface fire-and-forget launch against ships
Min. Launch Altitude: 500 feet
Max. Launch Altitude: 40,000 feet
A Norwegian design, modestly sized and priced that flies to a designated
point then switches on an infra-red homer that seeks the heat of the ship
against the cool ocean background.

ll O ATAC Missiles, Bombs and Guns

Weight: 43 kg Gil!
Maximum Range: 6-8 km
Guidance System: Semi-active laserIMMW Radar
Primary Target: Heavily armored targets and fortifications
An anti-armor weapon system. The A model requires the target to be
illuminated by a laser source; however, it need not be the launching heli-
copter. The B model has a millimeter wave radar seeker and is a true fire
and forget weapon system.


Weight: 22 kg
Maximum Firing Range: 4 krn
Guidance System: Command to line of sight via wire
Primary target: Heavily armored targets and fortifications.
The TOW system has been utilized as an airborne ATGM. It uses semi-
automatic command to line of sight guidance. All the operator need ao is
keep the cross hairs centered on the target. Commands are transmitted to
the TOW via a thin wire.

Missiles, Bombs and Guns ATAC I II

Range: 60km
Speed: 500 kts
Seeker: radar homing
Attack Altitude: 500 ft +
Attack Technique: air-to-ship fIre-and-forget.
A sea-skimming radar and inertial guided anti-ship missile that flies low
to avoid detection. It can either pop-up, dive or fly straight at a target
depending on the terminal guidance package installed.

Range: l+km
Laser homing
500 ft and climb
toss or level bombing
A laser guided bomb -using the Pave Tack guidance system- whose
weapon weight is almost entirely explosive. Targets: hangars, bridges,
bunkers, depots, missile sites, radar sites.

112 ATAC Missiles, Bombs and Guns

Unguided Rocket System
Weight: 9kg
Maximum Firing Range: 2-3 km
Guidance System: Unguided
Primary Target: Varies by warhead type
The Hydra 70 rnm rocket system is a series of rockets each with a special
purpose warhead. The M261 has a sub-munition multi-purpose warhead.
The M247 has a shaped-charge warhead for use against armored targets.
The M255 has a flechette warhead for use against unarmored targets or

Free Fall Bombs

MK.82 SLICK (5OOlb class general purpose iron bomb)
Length: 7 ft 2 ins
Weight: 5311b
Warhead: 275 lb high explosive
Attack Altitude: 3000 ft+
Attack Technique: Level or dive bombing
Cheap and effective, this general purpose bomb is best used on ground
forces or buildings.

Missiles, Bombs and Guns AIAC 113

A modern jet fighter could
fly between the bullets from
a conventional cannon and
gun . Thus modern cannons
are constructed as a group of
guns or a multi-barrel gun such as the six-barrel M6lAl on your F-22.
The effective range is between 0.5 to 3 krn. If you fue within 0.5 krn you
may pick up debris and damage your aircraft. The gunsight computer
works out range, flj ght path and ballistics.
It takes two seconds for the shells to travel the maximum 6 krn range.
Thus to hit a target you must judge the speed at which the target and your
sight converge. You should fIre two seconds before they meet. If range is
less than 6 krn reduce the time accordingly.
Using the gun against ground targets requires some skill. In a strafIng
attack dive low (under 500 feet) then straighten out and fl y level, then
'walk' your shells across the ground. This method will be effective but
will use tIp a lQt of ammunition. At the speed you are travelling in your
F-22 you will only have a couple of seconds to hit the target before it
passes beneath your guns.

114 ATAC Missiles, Bombs and Guns

BARONS: 1988-1992
The US was always the main destination of the estimated 750 tons of
Cocaine processed each year in Colombia and it fell to the US adminis-
tration to provide assistance in the fight against the Drug Barons. This
first appeared in the form of 'planes, helicopters, supplies, advisers and
support personn€l. The US had to be careful about combat-troop
de~loymellt because this would be resented as interference.
The US administration also took upon itself the prosecution of the Drug
Barons by extraditing them to the States and trying them there, where
they would find it most difficult to use their money and people's fear for
The US was becoming aware that force might be the only definite
response to the Cocaine trade. The Cartels were so obscenely wealthy
that they controlled over 25% of the country and employed thousands of
hired guards in private armies trained by high grade mercenaries.
In 1988 Congress passed the Anti-Drug Abuse Act which made the
Department of Defense responsible for gathering and sharing intel-
ligence about drug trafficking on US soil. The Department reported
directly to the President and its domestic activity was not subject to
oversight by Congress. Intelligence hardware items such as secure
telephone lines and new computers with broad database capabilities were
funded via the Pentagon budget. Any official could tie into the system
and all information could be sifted through the EI Paso Intelligence
Center: a major US drug data network.

116 ATAC Backgound Scenarios

The anti -drug offensive was officially militarizedjn 1991. In April, 90
tons of equipment and 12 military advisers arrived from the BS fOJ the
coca wars. By November, 1 2 US army offiGihls weret§ent t e coca
areas to provide combat training; the equivalent of a 1;?asic nstruction
course for US light-infantry. Financial support of tliee anti-drugs
offensive leapt by 600% during the same period.
The advisors helped set up the FAC (Fuerza Aerea Colombiana) and
provided helicopters for them to fight the drug barons. Most of the
choppers were painted with black, low visibility markings and were
deployed near the drug war hot spots. Most carried 7.62mm miniguns
and rocket pods during missions. Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawks were
used as troop carriers for areas with difficult access. Pilots selected for a
combat squadron had additional training in the USA on USAF T-37s.
The FAC squadrons included A-37Bs and Mirage SCOAs.
The offensive lost momentum by 1992 when the Colombian
government took a particularly anti-US stance. It was clear to Pentagon
advisers that any future initiative would have to be sanctioned by the
United Nations.

Background Scenarios AIAC 117

The UN Building:
February 3rd 2003
The Secretary General of the UN rips open the seal
on a file marked ATAC and pulls out a sheaf of
papers. There are twenty people seated around the
massive oval table, representatives from the world's
major nations. You are sitting opposite the bulky
frame of Frank Penara. You recognize him from the
news broadcasts.
The SG passes a bundle of papers to either side of
"You have all read the three real-life scenarios: The
Drug Baron, Coca Bush planter and New York DEA
officer. They should have given you some idea of the
background to the huge problem that faces us. Now,
it's time for the solution: we intend to strike at the
heart of the Drug Barons' empire and hit them where
it hurts; in production and transportation. The underlying aim will be to
divert the massive peasant labor force towards other markets. It's not
going to be easy, the operation will remain covert at all times, news
blackout and official denials. No identification to be carried."
The SG turns and looks at you. The other delegates all follow his gaze.
"You, as Commander of the force will have the hardest job of all. The
ATAC force is the best we can muster, highly skilled, no family to worry
about but remember, if you lose a pilot, they stay lost.
You and the other operatives have been training in special camps high in
the mountains. Hard training, through mountain and jungle conditions,

118 ATAC Background Scenarios

high altitude stuff. Your operatives have all been trained in the use of the
latest high-tech combat devices and computer reconnaissance satellite
systems. The airbase in Colombia has been converted under the strictest
security. The eight pilots have spent two months practising high accuracy
strikes in the F-22s and the helicopters have been moving huge amounts
of equipment in probably the most hostile terrain you have ever seen.
The force is ready. So are you.
"The drug gangs are destroying our cities and our young people. Two
months ago I even found my nephew using the filthy stuff,". The SG
slammed the table with his fist,"this operation is a desperate measure
because we need to hit them hard and keep on hitting them until we put
them out of business. Remember if you can make it uneconomic for the
peasants to produce the stuff, they'll tum to another crop and the supply
will dry up. Without the basic supply of coca leaf the drug barons'
massive wealth will diminish. If you can succeed, and that's a big IF,
you'll have all the honors a grateful United Nations can heap
upon you."
The SG stands up, walks over and shakes your hand.
"Right, there's no more time to waste. Good luck!"

Background Scenarios ATAC 119


. Caracas
The home to myths, cocaine, emeralds,
orchids and the my sterious EI Dorado. A
name rearranged by many to 'Locambia' - the
mad country. A country whose inhabitants are
an ethnic mix of 50 different tribes that still
live diverse lifestyles. Colombia is a land of
contrasts and paradoxes: poverty and wealth,
tradition and modernity, reality and legend.
Her diverse geographical features are part
reason for her structure; her fragmented
social, political and economic development
another; the gateway to South America
blessed with untapped mineral reserves and
rumors of hidden treasures; ripped apart by
drug running and guerrilla warfare.
The country is about the size of France, Spain
and Portugal combined, making it the fourt'"
largest in South America . Bordered by
Panama, Venezuela Brazil, Peru and Ecuador,
Colombia is unique amongst them in having
both Atlantic and Pacific coastlines.
Her geographical diversity is unparalleled: in
the west, 45 % of the territory is mountainous .

120 AIAC Background Scenarios
The Cordillera de los Andes (8000 km in length, , which crosses the
entire South American continent from north to south, spjjts iota 3 when
it reaches Colombia.
East of the Andes, the country is a vast lowland: Los lanos (a huge
open savannah in the basin of the Orinoko) fills the north while the
Amazon covers the south-east with mostly unexplored and uninhabited
dense tropical jungle, criss-crossed by large rivers.
There is even a desert in the land of contrasts: La Guarjira, in the north-
east peninsular.
Most of Colombia's climate is equatorial, comprising 2 seasons: dry
(verano) and wet (in vierno) . Average temperature does not vary
throughout the year but changes with altitude. The temperature falls by
about 6°C for every 1000 meters climb. At higher altitudes the contrast
between day and night temperatures is greater: in the high mountains
there can be extremely warm days and freezing cold nights.
Colombia's history is dominated by fanatical political extremists who
fought for power from the time the country was freed from Spanish
domination one hundred and seventy-five years ago. An uneasy alliance
between Liberal and Conservative factions lasted until 1986, bringing
peace and steady economic growth, until the return of political compe-
tition was marked by horrendous social unrest and violence.
Against the background of an ever-increasing cocaine trade, Colombia's
politicians struggle to put down guerrilla unrest, appease the growing
outcry from the international community about her involvement in the
supply of drugs, and to maintain the fragile legitimate economy made
viable only by the export of narcotics.
The major part of Colombia's legal exports is coffee, as she maintains
her position as the world 's second largest producer after Brazil Sugar,

Background Scenarios ATAC 121

cotton, bananas, rice, maize, potatoes, tobacco, barley, beans and cocoa
are all produced, making Colombia the most agriculturally self-sufficient
Latin American country. The country is also a major world producer of
flowers, notably carnations; the diversity of her agriculture facilitated by
the range of climate and geography to be found within.
However, Colombia's economy survives thanks to three crops whose
values prove impossible to measure; marijuana, emeralds and cocaine.
All that can be said about the marijuana market is that it is shrinking, as
crop fields are replaced by coca bushes; and although emeralds are a
more visible export it's difficult to assess the value of the sto nes .
Colombia produces 80% of world's emeralds and it is judged that they
are of a particularly high quality.
Colombia's cocaine market isn't quantified by any official government
statistics. Its monetary value can only be guessed, but its influence
within Colombian society is phenomenal.

122 ATAC Background Scenarios


Your ATAC package should contain a manual, this technical

Contents supplement, three 5.25" high density disks and three 3.5" high density
disks, and a registration card.
Computer: The simulation requires an IDM PC, AT, PS/2, or a
Required Equipment computer 100% compatible with one of those models. The computer
must have a high-density floppy-disk drive and a hard disk. The
simulation will run on a 80286 microprocessor but an 80386 or better
is recommended, with at least 640K of RAM.
Controls: The simulation can be run entirely from the keyboard, from
a joystick or a mouse.
Display: The simulation requires a color monitor with an
EGANGAlMCGA graphics system. If you are using a compatible
graphics card/monitor, it must be 100% hardware compatible to one of
the above.
Disk Drives: ATAC must be installed onto a hard disk.
DOS: You must have IDM PC-DOS or Microsoft MS-DOS
version 5.0.
ATAC has no disk copy protection. This means that you can install the
Copy Protection simulation fIles from the original disks to a hard disk. However, the
program asks you a simulation-related question. Use the manual to
answer the question. MicroProse regrets that continuing casual and
organized software piracy requires that we retain this minimal form of
copy protection.
An Installation program is included on theATAC "Disk A" . Insert
Installation on a "Disk A" into your floppy drive (Drive A or B) and designate that
Hard Disk drive (by typing "A: [Return]" or "B: [Return]").
When the new prompt appears, type: "INSTALL [Return]"
Please follow the on-screen text which appears.
Boot your machine if necessary and wait until the "C>"
Loading Instructions prompt appears.
Type "CD MPS [Return]" and then type "ATAC [Return]" to run the
simulation and it will begin to load.
If you have installed the program to another directory you must type
"CD [Name of your directory]" first.
The simulation supports the following sound cards:
Sound IBM Sound
This option supports the internal speaker standard on most m M and
compatible computers.
AdLiblSoundblaster Sound
Use this option if you have an AdLib/Soundblaster or 100%
compatible sound board installed in your computer.
Roland Sound
Use this option if you have a Roland sound board installed in
your computer.
The ATAC manual contains all operating instructions but there are
Simulation several features that have been added since it was printed. These are
Enhancements & Last listed below.
Minute Information
The Campaign Map (Page 61)
The Campaign Map shows the following additional information:
1.The Parachute Icon
This indicates the position of any of your pilots who have ejected
safely from aircraft. If left to their own devices (and in neutral

territory) they will eventually make their way back to base. If,
however, they are in drug baron controlled territory they might be
taken prisoner and you will not be able to rescue them.
2. Rescuing Pilots
You are strongly advised to rescue all your pilots. They are your most
valuable resource and are vital for campaign success.
To recover a pilot select a helicopter, do not load any ordnance, and set
a flight path for the location of the Parachute Icon. It's recommended
you take a well-armed helicopter to act as Wmgman in case of trouble.
When you get to the correct location, you must land for a minimum of
ten seconds to pick-up a stranded pilot successfully. The helicopter
stores inventory (F6) will indicate that the pilot is on-board.
3. Ground Attack Weapon Control
When an aircraft is in Auto mode it will go to the chosen target and
release all appropriate ordnance. If you want to save some of the
weapons for another target you can designate which pylon the
weapons are fired from by clicking on the pylon buttons (with your
seLector) in the Map screen. There are five pylon points on the F-22
and six on the AH-64A.
4. Search for Ground/Air Target
You can choose to set the Waypointffarget (Box) cursor in the Map
Screen on an area instead of a defined target object, then to
actively search for appropriate
targets (ground or air) within a This Official Proof-of-Purchase
radius from 1 to 100 km. can earn you a free backup disk!
Details on Backup Order Form.

Cockpit Information
(pages 83, 99)
1. Threat Warning Lights
Official Proof-of-Purchase
Three threat warning lights have been
added to the cockpits of your aircraft.
Yellow Light- Radar Guided Missile

White Light-Infra Red Missile
Red Light- Enemy Aircraft
In the F-22, they are located on the right of the HUD.
In the AH-64A, they are located at the top of the Multi-Function
Display just below the HUD.
2. Additional HUD information
You will be given updated infonnation on the progress of the mission
while you are in the cockpit (flying or watching) in the fonn of pop-up
messages. These will show if you have got to the waypointltarget and
the distance to the next targetlwaypoint.

Game Options (Pages 57, 64)

The notepad icon in the Mission Planning/Operations Rooms includes
the following extra Game Options:
1. Soundboard
Select your Sound Option from Roland, Adlib/Soundblaster, PC
Speaker or None.
2. Detail Level
Choose between Low, Medium and High detail level.
3. Speed Scale Sensitivity On/Off
This option adjusts flight sensitivity so that the slower the aircraft is

i@ Don't~TaSh!
flying, the more sensitive your controller (Joystick /Mousel Keyboard).
This option can also be accessed via the keyboard by pressing Keys

Key Guide (Page 120)

I Your Official Proof-of-Purchase is I
I located on the reverse side. I The following keys have been added to the simulation:

I The official proof-of-purchase is I 1. TAB Key

I required when ordering a backup copy I
of your game, and when participating Aborts the current mi ssion command from the Campaign Map. This
I in most MicroProse promotions I I functions in auto and manual mode.

"-----------~ 4
2. AltlV
Switches sound on and off.
3. INS Key
Adjusts the sensitivity of your controller to low, medium and
high levels.
4. ShiftlINS
Speed Scale Sensitivity On/Off. This option adjusts flight sensitivity
so that the slower the aircraft is flying, the more sensitive your
controller (Joystick /Mousel Keyboard).

The Read Me File

If there are any further enhancements to the simulation, these can be
found in a Readme File in Disk A. The notes can be read by using
standard DOS commands. In addition, DOS 5.0 allows you to read
this f.tle in a text editor and scroll the document up and down. Type
"Edit Readme.Txt".
In the vast majority of cases a loading problem is not because of faulty
Operating Difficulties software, but either incorrect loading procedure or hardware fault.
and Loading Problems Please ensure that the loading instructions have been correctly
executed. Alternatively, a virus may have transferred into your
hardware from another piece of software. Pirated copies of games are
an incredibly common source of viruses. It always pays to own
Personal Customer original software.
Service and In the unlikely event of a software fault please return the complete
Technical Support package, with your receipt, to the place of purchase. MicroProse
Telephone help is available regrets that goods cannot be replaced unless bought from the
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm company directly.
Eastern Time, at the following
phone number: (410) 771-1151 If you have any difficulty loading ATAC or need help while running
the simulation, call MicroProse Customer Services at (401) 771-1151,
Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. hours, Eastern Time.
Have a pen and paper handy when you call.

MicroProse provides Upcoming New s, Latest Versions, Updates, Product Demos,
Reviews, Technical Support and more on the following Online Services for Modem Users.
All are staffed by an Online Service Representative.

MicroProse Bulletin Board Service (MPS*BBS)

(410) 785-1841, with settings of 8,N,I, and supports up to 9600 baud, 4 Lines, 24 a day 7
days a week.
America Online: Industry Connection, Keyword: "MicroProse", Address: MicroProse
CompuServe: Game Publishers Forum, Keyword: "Go GAMPUB", Address: 76004,2223
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Internet: Address: 76004,2223 @CompuServe.Com
MCI Mail: Address: MicroProse
PC-Link: Computer Forum, Keyword: "MicroProse", Address: MicroProse
Prodigy: Computer Club: Other Games, Keyword: "MicroProse", Address: XHFKI5D
Promenade: Industry Connection, Keyword: "MicroProse", Address: MicroProse
Q-Link: Computer Forum, MicroProse Section, Address: MPSLabs.


Game Design & Program Copyright ©1992 Argonaut Software Ltd.,

Documentation, Packaging & Logo Copyright ©1992 MicroProse Inc.,
180 Lakefront Drive, Hunt Valley, MD 21030. (410) 771-1151
This documentation and accompanying manual are copyrighted. The owner of this product is entitled to use this product for his or her personal use.
Except for back-up copies of the disks for personal use and the quoting of brief passages for the purposes of reviews, no one may transfer, copy,
back-up, give or sell any part of the manual or the information on the disks, or transmit in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or othelWise without the prior permission of the publisher. Any person or persons reproducing any part of thi s program, in
any media, for any reason, sha!1be guilty of copyright violation and shall be subject to civil liability at the discretion of the copyright holder.


THE CONTROLLER Delete Rudder Left

The simulation can be controlled using a Joystick, a Mouse or PgDnKey Rudder Right
the Keyboard Cursor Keys (Left/Right/Up/Down). Delete+ PgDn Centre Rudder
MOUSE Left/RightlDive/Climb
Left Button Rudder Left
The Joystick Fire Button, the Mouse Button or the Space Bar.
Right Button Rudder Right
VIEW KEYS Left + Right Buttons Centre Rudder
Fl Inside view of the cockpit KEYBOARD
F2 Outside view locked to selected aircraft Keypad Arrow Keys Left/RightlDive/Climb
F3 Unlocked outside view of selected aircraft KeypadS Re-centre
F4 Tactical View Pad Home Rudder Left
ShiftJ F4 Reverse Tactical View PadPgUp Rudder Right
FS View of last weapon fired Home+PgUp Centre Rudder
ShiftJFl Full screen front view with HUD Pad Enter Fire Missiles
M<>/ Change to Left/RightlBackIFront version Pad Delete Fire Cannon
of one of above views. Pad Key Plus + Open Throttle
QandA Zoom an outside view in/out. Pad Key Minus - Close Throttle
Cursor Keys Smooth pan an outside view Pad ShiftJPlus + Max Power to Throttle
ShiftJl,2,3,4 Jump to cockpit of selected aircraft 1,2,3,4. Pad ShiftlMinus - Min Power to Throttle
INS Key Controller Sensitivity F6 Secondary (left) Multi-Function Display toggle
TAB Key Aborts the current mission command from the (Damage/Stores)
Campaign Map. This functions in auto and manual mode. F7 Primary (central) Multi-Function Display toggle
ShiftJ INS Speed Scale Sensitivity On/Off (3D-Radar/Target Camera)
JOYSTICK Left/RightlDive/Climb F8 Head Up Display (HUD) toggle
Re-centre Alt/J ZandX Zoom Cockpit Radar (in/out)
Key 7 Autopilot (toggle) F -22 FLIGHT KEYS
ShiftIZ Accelerate time (pop-up indicator on HUD) Key 6 Landing Gear Up/Down
ShiftIX NonnalTime Key 9 Wheel Brakes On/Off
1 Chaff F9 Raps Up (scale 0°- 52°)
2 Rares FlO Raps Down (scale 52°-0°)
Space Weapon Select Minuskey- Throttle Down
Return Fire weapon Plus key + Throttle Up
Backspace Fire Cannon Shift Minus - Close Throttle
B Pick Target Shift Plus + Open Throttle
N Next Target Delete Key Rudder Left
AltlJ Select Joystick Control (and re-centre) PgDnKey Rudder Right
Delete + PgDn Centre Rudder
AltIM Select Mouse Control
AltIK Select Keyboard Control AH-64 FLIGHT KEYS
AltIH HUD colour cycle through Minuskey- Throttle Down
ESC Return to previous screen/mission planning Plus key + Throttle Up
AltIE Eject (F-22 only) Shift Minus - Close Throttle
AltJP Pause On/Off Shift Plus + Open Throttle
AltlQ Quit to DOS Home Key Collective Up
AltN Sound On/Off End Key Collective Down
AltID 3 Detail Level (cycle through) Delete Key Tail Rotor Left
AltIB Blackout & Redout On/Off PgDnKey Tail Rotor Right
(Both keys together to centre)


Game Design & Program Copyright ©1992 Argonaut Software Ltd.,

Documentation, Packaging & Logo Copyright ©1992 MicroProse Inc.,
180 Lakefront Drive, Hunt Valley, MD 21030. (410) 771-1151


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