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Davis 1

Hannah Davis

Prof. Lovitt

SED 322: Classroom Leadership

4 November 2018

Professional Growth Plan

Year 1 Goals

Teaching Areas What do I want to change/enhance about my How will I know if I accomplished my objective?
practices? -In order to ensure that I have met by objectives, I
will keep print outs of these checklists on my desk to
physically check off in the designated time frames

Planning and Preparation  Demonstrate knowledge of students: I want Checklist:

to develop a close relationship with my o Use “Get to Know you Sheets” and projects
students to better my environment and (weekly)
instruction o Use team building and bonding exercises
 Designing Student Assessment: I want to (weekly)
ensure that my assessment is reasonable, o Work with peers work on creating proper
feasible, and would truly help myself and assessments (monthly)
my students enhance their metacognitive o Gather student feedback on what they think of
skills. assessments and self-reflect (monthly)
o Have students make formal assessments
Davis 2

Classroom Environment  Establishing Culture of Learning: I want Checklist:

my students to embrace the practice of o Teach “fixed mindset” vs. “growth mindset”
learning and look past test scores as a main (monthly)
indicator o Have weekly discussions on learning and their
 Managing Student Behavior: Students (and opinions on it (weekly)
the teacher) can’t perform at their best if o Use Class Dojo (daily)
the classroom is in disarray. o Email parents on good and bad behavior in the
classroom (weekly)
Instruction  Engaging Students in Learning: I want to Checklist:
incorporate more technology, group work, o Use Pear Deck for lectures (lecture days)
and discussion within my classroom, o Use “Think-Pair-Share” and group discussions
particularly during lecture days. (daily)
 Communicating with Students: I want to o Incorporate videos, online gaming, and other
communicate with students to ensure that online resources (daily)
everyone is on the same page. Especially o Take frequent “thinking breaks” (like jumping
when it comes to assignment due dates and jacks or rock paper scissors) (daily)
tests. o Use for students (daily)
Professional Responsibilities  Reflecting on Teaching: I thoroughly o Keeping a journal that I reflect in (daily)
believe that the best way to improve one’s o Attend a non-mandatory conference and/or
practice is to reflect. Professional Development course (monthly)
 Growing and Developing Professionally: o Have completed a master’s degree
Especially in my first year of teaching, I Resources:
want to work on my professional self to
make sure that I am on par with my peers,
to better myself, my students, and my
Davis 3

Year 5 Goals

Teaching Areas What do I want to change/enhance about my How will I know if I accomplished my objective?
practices? -In order to ensure that I have met by objectives, I
will keep print outs of these checklists on my desk to
physically check off in the designated time frames

Planning and Preparation  Knowledge of Content: After 5 years, I Checklist:

want to ensure that I know most of my o Attend some courses at local community college
content. (yearly)
o Read historical fiction and non-fiction (monthly)
o Search for new opinions and materials (monthly)
Classroom Environment  Organizing Physical space: After seeing o Bring in materials that promote a positive
what does and does not work in my 5 years environment (monthly)
of teaching, I would like to master the o Rearrange desks for new groups (quarterly)
physical space of my classroom to promote o Decorate (for holidays/special occasions)
a positive and welcoming learning o Get a classroom pet
environment. Resources:
Instruction  Questioning and Discussion Techniques: I o Practice Socratic Seminars (weekly)
want to focus my teaching more on question o Have debates with other classes (quarterly)
and discussing, rather than it all being o Practice “Questioning the Author” with
teaching information. primary sources (per unit)
Davis 4

Professional Responsibilities  Growing Professionally: After 5 years of o Doctorate?

teaching, I want to shift my mindset into o Department head/administrative position?
that of a leader. o Have a student teacher/intern

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