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LA400 Senior Integrative Seminar

I. Communication and Problem Solving

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity


Partially Met

Not Met
Use the x While at SHU, I took a tap class, SDA 141 02, during the
expressive arts as Fall 2018 semester. In the class, we worked on various
a mode of inquiry dances, both ones that the professor choreographed and
or expression one that I got to choreograph myself. I was able to
express myself through dancing, even if it was not my
own choreography. Through dancing, I was able to “blow
off some steam”; for example, if I was having a bad day, I
used the dancing as a way to let out all of the bad
emotions. I also used dance to express my happy
emotions as well. I believe that I was able to express
myself through dance in a way that I am not able to with
papers/assignments, and I can see why it’s important to
find a way to express oneself in an unconventional/non-
traditional way, like through dance.

Demonstrate x Throughout my years at SHU, there were many different

leadership, instances where I was called to work with a group,
negotiation, whether it was on a project, a paper, or even just to
relational, and discuss readings/case studies. During this group work, I
consensus skills was able to cultivate and demonstrate leadership,
negotiation, relational, and consensus skills. One specific
assignment comes to mind where I was able to
demonstrate all of these skills. During Fall 2017, I took
Contemporary Catholicism, SRT 270 01. For our final
project, we were to work in groups, read a section of a
book, and prepare a presentation for the class. I feel as
though everyone in the group was able to demonstrate
leadership ability in different areas of the project, but I
recall myself working to create collaborative documents
to share with the group, and taking it upon myself to
reach out to fellow group members outside of class to
ensure that everyone’s various tasks were running
smoothly. This project required negotiation and
consensus skills, as we had to work together as a group
to decide what specific aspects each member wanted to
present, and all come to an agreeance on it. Lastly, the
project required relational skills, as I had to be able to
share with my group members, and the entire class,
what I found to be pertinent from the readings in a way
that they could understand and, hopefully, agree with.

Use technological x Prior to coming to Seton Hill, I hadn’t relied on

skills to access technology in class a whole lot. Most of my classes in
information, high school were pretty old-school, including
organize handwritten notes and actual textbooks. Once I got here,
knowledge, and I had to learn and adjust to the heavy dependence on
communicate technology in the classroom, since we were all given
MacBooks. With my brand new laptop, I was able to
follow along in class and take notes on the PowerPoints
that the professors had shared with us, along with
googling and finding answers to questions in real time.
This was a new way for me to access information for
sure. I was also able to become more acquainted with
and use my technology to better organize knowledge.
Instead of trying to keep loose papers organized in
folders and notebooks, I was able to create folders
online with all of my class resources, which was a new
way to organize knowledge for me. Lastly, my
technology allowed me to communicate with my
professors and students in a much easier and efficient
way. The use of technology opened up so many different
ways of communication, like emailing, messaging on
Canvas, creating and posting voice threads, collaborative
Google Docs, etc. Using my technological skills has
enabled me to learn in a new way than I ever have

Propose new x I only marked this objective as partially met, because I

solutions to feel like I still have a ways to go before I really master
current issues this skill. While at SHU, I haven’t really taken any courses
where I was called to design/create solutions to
problems. I think that my Composition and Culture class
touched on this skill in our second project. For the
project, we were to come up with a creative way to
teach older generations about technology. I definitely
feel like a current issue in this world is the rapid evolving
technology and the older generations who aren’t
keeping up with it, as it can inhibit them in the
workplace. I chose to create a commercial video, where I
presented various problems associated with using pens
and paper instead of technology (like a cluttered desk
full of paper, losing recipes in a messy recipe book, and
hand cramps after jotting things down on paper). I went
on to explain that the use of technology, specifically the
internet, can save everyone a lot of time and heartache.
I feel as though this somewhat silly project does not truly
encompass the idea of proposing solutions to current
issues, but I will continue working on this by always
researching and reading about current issues in the
world. Maybe someday I will present a solution to a
medical problem that I encounter working as a Physician

Express x There are a plethora of assignments that I have had over

arguments or my years at SHU that prompted me to express
main points arguments/main points, clearly, in written and oral
clearly, in written communication. One specific example that comes to
and oral mind is a research paper I wrote for Biochemical
communication Principles during Fall 2017. For the paper, we were all
assigned a vitamin to research, write a paper about, and
present to the class. Obviously, there is so much one
could discuss in a paper about a vitamin, but I narrowed
it down, and wrote about major points, such as its
composition, its role in major pathways within the body,
and where it could be found. I had to work hard to
ensure that I was conveying the points clearly and in a
way that others could understand, as it is often difficult
to read and understand the large scientific words
presented in writings. Furthermore, I had to find a way
to present all of the information aloud to my classmates,
and I surely would not have been able to get my points
across if I didn’t find a way to express all of the
information clearly and concisely. I feel as though this
objective was met with nearly every paper/presentation
combination that I was assigned in my years at Seton
Hill, and each time, I found a way to express main points

Transfer x In order to fulfill my WCT I requirement, I studied abroad

knowledge and in Italy in May 2018. A major focus of the course and our
values into sound trip was the Mediterranean cuisine and culture. Prior to
decision-making the trip, we were required to research and write about
specific areas and typical cuisine and cultures in that
area. Through my research, I was able to learn about
typical dishes in each area, and all about the culture
surrounding the food. I was able to know what kind of
food to order in each place, the way a local Italian
would, and how to behave while out to eat, such as how
tipping works, and how the overall experience works. It
was important that during the trip, I, and my fellow
classmates, acted in a way that was respectful to the
Italian culture, and by researching dining habits ahead of
time, we were able to make sound decisions when it
came time to eat, which is a very important part of life to
Italians. In order to learn the most and best enjoy our
time in Italy, we tried to fully immerse ourselves in the

II. Historical, Cultural, and Global Awareness

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity


Partially Met

Not Met

Communicate in x This objective was met as I took two semesters of Spanish,

a second Elementary Spanish Language & Culture I and II, during the
language at the Spring 2017, and Fall 2017 semesters, respectively. I
introductory performed well in each course, and feel as though I can
college level communicate in Spanish at the introductory college level.

Analyze the x While I feel as though I had a significant experience

impact of history, analyzing another culture across the globe, and how
geography, and Italians interact with other Countries, I don’t think that I
socio-cultural met this objective. I will continue traveling and studying
dynamics on other cultures and global interactions upon graduation. I
global learned while in Italy that I never wanted to travel to
interactions from another Country without first researching about its history
a variety of and culture, as it makes the experience much more
disciplinary enjoyable to know and understand what you’re looking
perspectives at/eating/buying/etc. I have no doubt in my mind that I
will meet this objective throughout the rest of my life.

Analyze current x While at SHU, I took a couple different classes that were
and historical faith-based, so there were many times that I analyzed
events through current and historical events through the lens of
the lens of spirituality and faith. Amongst the assignments/discussions
spirituality and that I did this was a seven-page paper that I wrote for
faith Contemporary Catholicism, in which I reflected on Pope
Francis’s Encyclical, On Care for our Common Home. His
writing examined the need to solve the ecological crisis we
are living in, and as I stated in my reflection paper, Pope
Francis “challenges us Catholics to examine the crisis in
terms of our religion.” I then turned to two biblical quotes,
both from Genesis in order to explain how religion calls us
to care about the earth. Up until this paper, I hadn’t really
thought about the fact that something as scientific as
climate change could be a topic that any church comments
on, but I now realize that there are so many different
issues, past and present, that the church aims to help

Assess privilege x I feel as though many classes have touched on these

and oppression topics, and I often research them on my own, but I don’t
from the think I have fully met this objective yet. Much of The
perspective of Developing World course involves discussions along these
culture, race, lines, but we haven’t gone fully in depth on them/had any
class, and gender projects that encouraged us to dive deeper into the world
of privilege and oppression. I feel as though I also skimmed
the surface with a paper I wrote for Experiencing Music
which discussed influential women in rap music, but as is
the case with The Developing World, I did not get into it on
a deep level. I will continue researching this on my own,
and I am sure that I will continue to see its effects all
throughout my life, especially with all of the different
patients I will see.
III. Multiple Modes of Inquiry

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity


Partially Met

Not Met
Generate and x Being in the PA program, I had to take various science
analyze classes, along with labs, during which I generated and
numerical and analyzed numerical and scientific data. One specific
scientific data instance of this was a lab I completed in Organic Principles
Lab, which involved producing soap from two organic
materials. Throughout the experiment, I had to gather and
analyze a lot of different data, like the molecular weight,
density, and mass of vegetable oil, calculate the moles of
oil used and moles of soap expected, and the theoretical
yield, actual yield, and percent yield. I then had to explain
what all of these numbers meant and put them into
context of the real world.

Locate and x During Fall 2018, I took The Developing World and
analyze completed a film project. For the project we were to watch
expressive media The Mission, a 1986 film. The film portrayed a group of
to gain Jesuits seeking to “make Christians out of” a group of
information or native Indians. The film also depicted the struggle and
comprehend the death associated with colonization, as nearly all of the
significance of an Indians and Jesuits alike were killed by the Spanish and
issue or an event Portuguese in an attempt to colonize/take over the area.
Watching a film about this really allowed me to
understand the monstrosity of these events. While Dr.
Martino had lectured about and explained to us exactly
what happened to Natives during colonization, it opened
my eyes much more as I felt like I understood and related
to the Indians. Prior to watching the film, they were
essentially just statistics on a piece of paper to me, but
actually seeing it made me comprehend just how
significant of an issue/event it was.

Organize and x During Spring 2017 in my Physician Assistant Seminar

manage course we had to create a project that was an interview
resources in a with a fellow classmate in order to get to know one
creative way to another better. I chose to create a video project that I had
achieve impact my father, a radio man, narrate. I had to organize nearly
100 different pictures and facts about my classmate into a
cohesive iMovie, create a script for my father to read,
record him, and edit the video. My video was a lot
different than everyone else’s, so I think I achieved quite
an impact.

Find, evaluate, x For The New Nation course in Fall 2017, we had to create a
and apply timeline of the Boston Massacre. This seems like an easy
information task, but much of the information surrounding the
Massacre is quite convoluted and hard to find. For the
assignment, I had to find all of the information about it,
evaluate it, in terms of which I think really happened and
in what order, and apply it, in terms of creating one
cohesive timeline instead of just spitting out facts about it.
This was one of the first assignments I had that actually
sent me on a mission to find, evaluate, and apply
information because it was difficult to find sources that
presented similar information, and I had to sift through a
lot of different websites to find what seemed like reliable
information. I am used to finding straight-forward answers
in any scientific assignments, so this was really different
for me.

Interpret x During Chemical Principles Laboratory in Fall 2016, we

quantitative and performed a lab in which we determined the pH of various
qualitative liquids, through various tests. We used two different kinds
information to of indicator paper, which just turn a different color in a
present a logical solution, which is then compared to a key and gives a
argument based range of pH’s. We also used a pH meter which measures
on supporting potential across two electrodes to give an accurate pH
data reading. We compared all of the findings to conclude what
the pH of each liquid was.

IV. Self Reflection and Assessment

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity


Partially Met

Not Met

Demonstrate x For my Senior Integrative Seminar course, we completed a

ethical decision- project that presented an ethical issue in our future
making workplace, and prompted us to consider how we will act in
grounded in the situation. I chose to research and present about
philosophical abortions, as I will be working in the medical field. I turned
inquiry to the code of conduct, and my own moral compass to
make a verdict on it. Because of my philosophy course at
SHU, I knew that we are called to help one another, but
not at the risk of hurting ourselves, so I used this thinking
to me make my decision, and will do the same thing when
the time comes and I have to make the decision with a real

Apply Catholic x In Faith, Religion, and Society, our final project required us
social teaching to examine a current issue and how the CST views this
to the analysis of problem, and write a reflective paper on it. I chose to do
contemporary my paper on abortion and explained that the aspects of
social issues Human Dignity and Preferential Option for the Poor helped
to explain the church’s view on abortions and why they
should not be performed, even if it is technically legal.
Turning to the CST in times of difficult decisions can help
one come to an answer, especially in the case of abortion.

Recognize the x Prior to coming to SHU, I didn’t have much experience with
value of diverse religions other than Christianity. In Faith, Religion, and
spiritual and Society, we discussed various different religions and wrote
religious a short journal entry on it. In my journal, I explained that I
perspectives had learned a great deal about Judaism and Islam from the
class, and indicated that I now understood the value of
diverse religious perspectives, saying, “I definitely have a
lot more respect for different religions, as I finally
understand what exactly they worship and why they do so.
I have wholeheartedly enjoyed learning about the religions
and expanding my mind-set.”

Integrate the x In my years at SHU, I have participated in various volunteer

practice of activities that enabled me to integrate the practice of
charity with the charity with the skill of justice. One specific example
skill of justice comes to mind that really exemplified this. In Fall 2017, I
donated to and helped put together blessing bags that
were passed out to homeless shelters and homeless
people. Obviously, donating to and putting the bags
together is an example of charity, but the project also
brought in the concept of justice, as we were seeking to
treat people with respect and equality.

Exercise x Prior to coming to college, I never had any interest in

responsible anything history or politics related (unlike my brother, who
freedom and is currently in his last year of law school), I had always
civic preferred math and science. While at SHU, I didn’t take
engagement any political science classes, or anything of the like. I did
based on an take The New Nation, which explained how the
informed value Government in the United States was formed and thus
system provided me with some information regarding it.
Furthermore, I was always encouraged to vote in any
elections over my years here, from faculty and other
students, but I don’t think I have met this objective. I know
that I need to work to be more informed through my own
researching, and surely will work on it as the years go on.

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