Clay House Lesson Plan Grade 6 Webb PDF

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Lesson Plan

Title: Grade 6 Clay House Length: 4 Class periods with some short sessions as needed

Note: Before you plan and write art experiences; pre-assess your students based on the proposed concepts, enduring understandings, and objectives
of the unit/lesson(s). You may also gather this information from (previous) teachers, by reviewing already completed art work, consulting curriculum
materials, etc., to get a better understanding of what content students already know and what they will need to know to be successful.

This will need to be done prior to teaching your lesson. Outline the method you will use to determine the skill/knowledge level of your students based on the concepts/enduring understandings/objectives of the lesson.
(Hint: turn these into questions.) Be specific in describing what you would recognize as proficient skill/knowledge.

Introduction discussion focused on previous use of ceramic clay for art. The students will be engaged in a dialogue that ranges from the medium of
clay itself to the process by which it becomes permanent ceramic. I will be looking for student knowledge of this medium and its characteristics.
This form of pre-assessment will occur during each phase of instruction, ideation, demonstration, and construction. This information will be
recorded in the form of a graphic organizer as needed for student review and in a reflection and continuation of a discussion.

What will students accomplish as a result of this lesson? This can be presented to students in the form of a story. In this narrative the students take on a role and create a learning product about a specific topic for a
certain audience. (RAFT – Role / Audience / Format / Topic)

Each student artist will create a ceramic object (bird feeder, birdhouse, lantern, or fairy house) according to his or her own design ideas for
decoration or to create a utilitarian object
You are a ceramicist creating a functional and/or decorative sculpture to sell to your customers.

List the big ideas students will be introduced to in the lesson. These ideas are universal, timeless and transferrable. Examples of concepts used in art might include: Composition, Patterns, Technique, Rhythm, Paradox,
Influence, Style, Force, Culture, Space/Time/Energy, Line, Law/Rules, Value, Expressions, Emotions, Tradition, Symbol, Movement, Shape, Improvisation, and Observation Look for concepts in the standards, content
specific curriculum, etc.

Form Planning
Craftsmanship Expression
Technique Ideation

Enduring Understanding (s):

Enduring Understandings show a relationship between two or more concepts; connected with an active verb. The best enduring understandings not only link two or more concepts; but demonstrate why this relationship
is important. Like concepts, they are timeless, transferrable and universal.

Artists engage in a process of ideation and planning to generate ideas made physical using craftsmanship and media specific technique

Standards: (All lessons should address all standards.)
1. Observe and Learn to Comprehend
2. Envision and Critique to Reflect
3. Invent and Discover to Create
4. Relate and Connect to Transfer

Objectives/Outcomes/Learning Targets:
Objectives describe a learning experience with a condition → behavior (measurable) → criterion. Aligned to: Bloom’s – Standards – GLEs - Art learning and, when appropriate, Numeracy, Literacy and Technology.
Should be written as: Objective. (Bloom’s: _____ - Standard: _____ - GLE: _____ -Art learning: _____ -Numeracy, Literacy, and/or Technology)

After instruction, students will be able to describe the difference between implied form and tangible form in art
Bloom’s: Understanding
Standard: Observe and Learn to Comprehend
GLE: The characteristics and expressive features of art and design are used in unique ways to respond to two- and three-dimensional art
Art Learning: Expressive features and characteristics of art
Numeracy, Literacy, Technology:

Upon completion, students will be able to write a written reflection describing their experience and understanding of ceramic hand building technique and media
Bloom’s: Analyzing
Standard: Envision and Critique to Reflect
GLE: Key concepts, issues, and themes connect the visual arts to other disciplines such as the humanities, sciences, mathematics, social studies, and technology
Art Learning: Materials(s)/technique(s)
Numeracy, Literacy, Technology:

After instruction, students will be able to create a functional design plan for the completion of a ceramic object
Bloom’s: Creating
Standard: Invent and Discover to Create
GLE: Plan the creation of a work of art
Art Learning: Conceptual/ideation/personal grounding
Numeracy, Literacy, Technology:

Upon completion of the ceramic project, students will be able to describe how ceramic clay is used in some familiar objects
Bloom’s: Understanding
Standard: Relate and Connect to Transfer
GLE: Critical thinking in the arts transfers to multiple lifelong endeavors
Art Learning: Conceptual/ideation/personal grounding
Numeracy, Literacy, Technology: Science and technology related knowledge

Explain specifically how you have addressed the needs of exceptional students at both end of the skill and cognitive scale. Describe the strategies you will use for students who are already proficient and need growth
beyond what you have planned for the rest of the class, as well as modifications for students with physical and/or cognitive challenges. Students must still meet the objectives.
Differentiation: Access (Resources and/or Process) Expression (Products and/or Performance)
(Multiple means for students to access content and
multiple modes for student to express understanding.) Students may need hands on assistance to ensure proper
construction of their project The product each student produces will reflect the student’s
prior knowledge, individual attributes, and personal
A demonstration video is available, and a new video may be experience. As in most art projects, the process in which the
created as time allows student engages is the more significant aspect of the learning
than the final project produced. Students will be continually
Students who require more detailed instruction and observed and communicated with during the completion of
demonstration will be addressed as individuals and/or as this project. The assessment of the product and performance
small groups will weigh the formative and summative assessment to
reflect the student’s individual experience and challenges.
Extensions for depth and complexity: Access (Resources and/or Process) Expression (Products and/or Performance)
As is typical, this project will provide a relatively open-ended This project will allow students to express themselves at any
opportunity for the student to extend his or her learning point along a long continuum based on the student’s ability
according to the individual’s ability and motivation and motivation

List terms (vocabulary) specific to the topic that students will be introduced to in the lesson and describe how literacy is integrated into the lesson.

Students will be exposed to several media specific terms during this lesson. They are encouraged to use the vocabulary during their written self-
evaluation and reflection process.

Score and slip

Must be grade level appropriate. List everything you will need for this lesson, including art supplies and tools. (These are the materials students will use.) List all materials in a bulleted format.

Buff stoneware ceramic clay

Ceramic tool kits (forks, ribs, spoons, fettling knives, sponges, needle tools, slip, texture rollers and stamps etc.)
Water containers with sponges
Paper towels
Glaze brushes
Handouts: lantern silhouettes, bird feeder and house designs, rubric
Cleaning materials
Plastic bags to cover projects
Tape to label work boards and to wrap paper towels around jars
Glaze jars for cylinder form
Plastic palettes as circle template for rooves
Paper templates for side slabs 10”x4” construction paper

List all visual aids and reference material (books, slides, posters, etc. Be specific; include title, artist, etc. Make reference to where the material can be found. (These are the resources used by the teacher to
support/develop the lesson.) List all resources in a bulleted format.

PowerPoint with examples, instruction, clean up, glazing, and objectives

Project PowerPoint
Glaze PowerPoint
Project Rubric

What do you need to prepare for this experience? List steps of preparation in a bulleted format.

• Complete all lesson materials

• Create examples
• Create PowerPoint presentation
• Create Rubric for lesson
• Roll slabs for each class

• Cut paper templates for side slabs

Be specific about the safety procedures that need to be addressed with students. List all safety issue in a bulleted format.

Students will be using a variety of small tools that may include sharp edges and points. The existence and proper use of these tools will be
described and demonstrated at multiple points throughout the lesson. The cleaning of tools in the sink will be demonstrated. The potential dust
hazard will be described, and students will have the opportunity to use protective masks as needed.

Action to motivate/Inquiry Questions:

Describe how you will begin the lesson to stimulate student’s interest. How will you pique their curiosity and make them interested and excited about the lesson? What inquiry questions will you pose? Be specific
about what you will say and do to motivate students and get them thinking and ready to participate. Be aware of the varying range of learning styles/intelligences of your students. Some ideas might include: telling a
story, posing a series of questions, role-playing, etc.

What have you created that may last thousands of years?

Who likes to come up with their own creative solutions to a problem?

How will you make your ceramic art project a reflection of your interests and ideas?

Ideation is the creative process of generating, developing, and communicating new ideas, where an idea is understood as a basic element of thought that can be visual, concrete or abstract. List and describe inquiry
questions and processes you will engage students in to help them develop ideas and plans for their artwork.

Clay handling activity to learn the characteristics of plastic clay before they begin the project

Variety of options for slab construction to engage the student

How will your ceramic art be used? Who will use it?

Will it be outside? What might you need to consider if it will be in the weather?

Give a detailed account (in bulleted form) of what you will teach. Be sure to include approximate time for each activity and instructional methodology: skills, lecture, inquiry, etc. Include motivation and
ideation/inquiry where appropriate; including what student will understand as a result of the art experience

Day 1 Instruction - The teacher will... (Be specific about what concepts, Learning - Students will... i.e.: explore ideation by making connections, Time
information, understandings, etc. will be taught.) Identify comparing, contrasting; synthesize possibilities for each painting
instructional methodology. KNOW (Content) and DO (Skill) technique; etc. (Be specific about what will be the intended result of
the instruction as it relates to learning.) UNDERSTAND
Students will receive a small ball of clay to handle and manipulate
during the initial instruction

• Project introduced with objectives

• Students learn the basic project parameters but will be
given the option to create something different with the 5
same techniques and materials

• Students see a demonstration of techniques and procedures Material characteristics and technique
and may follow along with the clay ball 10

• Students told some of the characteristics of clay, its origins,

and how it has and is being used Discussion, experimentation, and observation

• Students create a basic drawing of their final project with Student knowledge and skill will be pre-assessed during this process
major characteristics in their sketchbook
• Students may add texture to part of their pre-rolled slab Learn project parameters and expectations

• Students will cut and join their slab around the containers
Planning and ideation 30
• Clean up and wrap up of projects
Practical knowledge and skill
Day 2
• Quick recap of instruction, techniques, and learning 5
Material characteristics and technique 20
• Students work session
Project recap 10
• Mid class slab roof demonstration (time of demo will
depend on progress of majority of students) Problem solving and creative play 20

• Student work attaching roofs and refining project

• Clean up and wrap up Practical knowledge and skill

Day 3 • Students finish initial hand building phase of the project
Problem solving 15
• Work is dried, and bisque fired (Students may be invited to
see the kiln at some point) Develop understanding of firing process and requirements 10

• Clean up and transition to overlapping project Practical knowledge and skill

Day 4 • Glaze demo and discussion
of Problem solving and synthesizing of possibility 10
project • Student work
• Clean up and return to overlapping project
Practical knowledge and skill 10
Day 5 • Students receive glaze fired ceramic art Critique and Analysis 10
of • Students complete the reflective rubric and submit finished 20
project work for assessment Reflection
• Students engage in an informal critique and token 10
assessment Communication and analysis 10
• Clean up and submit artwork and rubric Practical knowledge and skill

Student reflective/inquiry activity:

Sample questions and activities (i.e. games, gallery walk, artist statement, interview) intended to promote deeper thinking, reflection and refined understandings precisely related to the grade level expectations. How will
students reflect on their learning? A participatory activity that includes students in finding meaning, inquiring about materials and techniques and reflecting about their experience as it relates to objectives, standards and
grade level expectations of the lesson.)

Students will complete a reflective rubric as a reflective activity and summative assessment for the project

Students will participate in a gallery walk in order to examine other student work and to see a range of solutions

Post-Assessment (teacher-centered/objectives as questions): Post-Assessment Instrument:

Have students achieved the objectives and grade level expectations specified in your lesson plan? How well have students achieved the objectives and grade level expectations specified in your lesson plan?
Include your rubric, checklist, rating scale, etc.
• Are students able to describe the difference between implied form and  Students able to describe the difference between implied form and
tangible form in art? tangible form in art?
• Can students write a written reflection describing their experience and  Did student write a reflection describing their experience and
understanding of ceramic hand building technique and media understanding of ceramic hand building technique and media
characteristics? characteristics?
• Can students create a functional design plan for the completion of a  Did student create a functional design plan for the completion of a
ceramic object? ceramic object?
• Are students able to describe how ceramic clay is used in some  Can student describe how ceramic clay is used in some familiar
familiar objects? objects?

Rubric attached at the bottom:

After the lesson is concluded write a brief reflection of what went well, what surprised you, and what you would do differently. Specifically address: (1) To what extent were lesson objectives achieved? (Utilize
assessment data to justify your level of achievement.) (2) What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would you make if you were to teach again? (3)What do you envision for the next lesson? (Continued practice,
reteach content, etc.)

I think that this lesson has been very successful in terms of student learning. Students developed some interesting solutions to this basic problem
that indicate that students understand that I want them to come up with creative solutions to the prompts that I put forth during a lesson. For
instance, individual students decided to create a rocket ship, a light house, a castle tower, a Japanese pagoda, a faceted crystal, a human face, etc.
At the same time, I was able to help them develop good foundational skills for working with clay and other 3-D materials. I think that this lesson
combines a good balance between helping students develop the skills needed to be successful (and happy with the result) and the planning and
problem-solving skills that are part of the creative process. The students were excited about the project and eager to come up with different ideas in
their sketchbooks.

Logistically, this project is somewhat demanding. It would be very challenging for a single teacher with no support. Rolling enough clay slabs for
100 clay house sides, bases, and roofs is a lot of work and has to be done on a tight time schedule. I have also been fortunate that this school has
excellent resources and that I have had the help of a student TA, and my mentoring teacher. In addition, I have had enough cart room for 100 6th
grade projects and 60 8th grade projects. I have two kilns to work with, plenty of clay and tools for modeling and texture, and good high fire glazes.
I did have students that wanted to make their projects double tall and relatively wide. We decided to restrict the size of the projects so that we
would be able to efficiently bisque and glaze fire the 100 projects. We did come up with some good compromises, but I wish I had a better option.

I felt good about my instruction during these projects. One thing that I had not accounted for was the enthusiasm of the students for the medium. I
had to extend the cleanup time because it was difficult to get each student to stop working and to transition to the cleanup process in a timely
manner. I think I need to communicate the remaining time as I did, but also help the students understand what they need to do to get to a good
stopping point. Not a huge issue, but total cleanup is better for clay at about 10 minutes as opposed to our typical 3-5-minute window. I have
adjusted the time for cleanup in the step by step portion of this lesson plan but have not adjusted the other times for each phase.

Appendix: Include all handouts, prompts, written materials, rubrics, etc. that will be given to students.

Name: Initials on base (if different from your name): Period:

Clay House 4 points

Assessment Rubric
3 points 2 points 1 points Self- Teacher
Advanced Proficient Partially Proficient Unsatisfactory Grade Grade
Standard 1-6.1 • Lengthy answers that provide thoughtful and • Thoughtful answers to many • Short answers that don’t show depth • Incomplete, only a few
detailed examples to every question, questions. of thought words.
Reflection • Use of new vocabulary.

• The sculpture is extremely sturdy and all • The sculpture is sturdy • The sculpture is somewhat sturdy • Sculpture is falling apart
Standard 3-6.1 connections are extremely smooth • Texture is added • Texture very messy • No texture
• Most areas have neatly done texture • 1-2 additive features • Unclear subject matter • Unclear subject matter
Clay building • Several additive features • Clear subject matter
• Clear subject matter
Standard 3-6.2 • No raw clay shows through at all • All areas painted • Glaze is sloppy • More than half unglazed
• All areas fully painted • Many areas of raw clay show through

Ending Reflection - Be descriptive. Explain with several sentences.

1. Describe one thing you learned about hand building ceramic sculptures?

2. Describe a challenge you encountered. How did you overcome it?


3. Describe a success you feel you about your final sculpture.


Clay House Project


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