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MYSTERIUM SIGILLORUM, Herbarum & Lapidum. CONTAINING A Compleat Cure of all Sickneffes and Difeafes of Mind and Body, by means of the Influences of the Seven Planets. Adorned with Copper lates & Figures, fhewing the Foundation of this 4/fronomi- cal and Caleftial Science. Writsen Originally in Saxon by the Ingenious and Learned (cael ibner, of eneburgh, Profefor of the Mathematicks i rhe Ancient Univerfity of Erffurd. Now Tiranflated into Englift for 8s Clayton, A.M. Philo-Chym. Med, Printed by (UL, Dotwnitny, and'are to be Sold by S. Smith, at the Princes-drms in St. Paul's Church. Yard 5 A. Roper, at the Black-Boy, and P. Buck, near the Inner> ‘Temple-Gate in Fleet-Sereets W. Battersby. at Thava-Inn over-againft Haston-Garden 3 S. Herrickat Grayt-Inn Gate in Hotbornns W% Feltham, at the Parlament-Stairs; and by moft Book(ellers about Loudon and Wejtminfler, 1698, : LONDON, | He Renaissance Astrology Facsimile Editions To the moft Illuftrious and High Born Prince and Lord, | ‘AUGUSTUS. Prince of Anhalt, Earl of Afcania, Lord of Zerb? & Bernbergh, MY MOST Gracious Prince & Lord, Is this moft Humbly Dedicated by the AUTHOR, Trae) Hibner. THE “AUTHORS -PREFACE HE Difeafes incident to Humane Bodies (and which by Divine Provi- dence are inflided on Mankind by the Influence of the Seven Planets) pro~ ceed chiefly from our cor- rupt Nature, iz. from our Ignorance in difcerning Good and Bad Seafons,which Knowledgeisfoncbleand pre= | The Author's Preface. precious, that it was given: to Man as a great Trea~ fure; but by his own too greedy thirft after Pleas fure, he hath altogether loft this Gift, which hath lain buried in the Ruines of Time for near SixThow= fand Years, and now (God be praifed) it is raked from under the Rubbifh again ; fo that thereneeds no other Care, than that wife and prudent Men make it their Study to preferve it for the future; ut if this Study can inno wife be profecuted, with out

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