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Monday- Intro to Research

1) Do-Now: What is something you wish you knew more about in the world? It could be
any topic that interests you.
2) Around the World: Students will travel to 4 posters in the room with a marker answering
questions about the topic they wish they knew more about:
a. What is the topic you chose?
b. Why do you wish you knew more about it?
c. How could you or someone else be helped by knowing more about your topic?
d. What is someone else’s topic you saw that is also interesting?
3) Intro to Research:
a. Credibility PowerPoint (Credible vs. Non-Credible)
b. Credibility practice handout
i. Find credible websites and non-credible websites
c. Discussion:
i. Why is credibility important?
ii. When has information you’ve received been non-credible?
iii. How did you react to this information?
d. Research topic exercise:
i. Write student topic at the top of the paper
ii. Write 3 sub-questions to find the answer to regarding your topic
iii. What is the one big question you want to answer about your topic?
iv. Take 30 minutes of uninterrupted time to research the topic of your
1. Write the website you found the information from
2. Copy one substantial sentence from your findings
3. Why is this sentence important? What does it help you answer?
4. Do this for 5 different websites
4) Discussion
a. How was this activity for you?
b. What did you learn?
c. How many of you changed your topic?
d. How many non-credible websites did you encounter? What did you do when you
e. If you had to do this again, what would you research instead?
5) Closing: Write in your notebook the most interesting thing you learned from your
research that you would like to share.

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