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Part 3


Principles of Management of
Odontogenic Infections
Thomas R. Flynn, DMD

The incidence, severity, morbidity, and by remaining abreast of current develop- accomplished the first three steps listed
mortality of odontogenic infections have ments in the microbiology and antibiotic above. A careful history and a brief but
declined dramatically over the past 60 years. therapy of odontogenic infections. thorough physical examination should
In 1940 Ashbel Williams published a series The late Dr. Larry Peterson, who allow the treating surgeon to determine the
of 31 cases of Ludwig’s angina in which brought the first edition of this text to anatomic location, rate of progression, and
54% of the subjects died.1 Only 3 years fruition, articulated the principles of man- the potential for airway compromise of a
later, he and Dr. Walter Guralnick pub- agement of odontogenic deep fascial space given infection. The host defenses, includ-
lished the first prospective case series in infections. These are eight sequential steps ing immune system competence and the
the field of head and neck infections, in that, if followed with thoroughness and level of systemic reserves that can be called
which the mortality rate of Ludwig’s angi- good judgment, will ensure a high level of upon by the patient to maintain homeosta-
na was reduced to 10%.2 This dramatic care for these increasingly uncommon, yet sis, are largely determined by history. Given
reduction in mortality from 54 to 10% was occasionally life-threatening infections. this initial database the surgeon must then
not due to the first use of penicillin in the These principles outline the structure decide upon the setting of care, which will
treatment of these infections. Rather, Dr. of this chapter. The eight steps in the have a great influence on the outcome.
Guralnick applied the principles of the ini- management of odontogenic infections The clinical presentation and relevant
tial establishment of airway security, fol- are as follows: surgical anatomy of infections of the vari-
lowed by early and aggressive surgical ous deep fascial spaces of the head and neck
1. Determine the severity of infection.
drainage of all anatomic spaces affected by have been well described in other texts.4,5
2. Evaluate host defenses.
cellulitis or abscess. Since then, with the The borders, contents, and relations of the
3. Decide on the setting of care.
use of antibiotics and advanced medical various anatomic deep spaces that are like-
4. Treat surgically.
supportive care, the mortality of Ludwig’s ly to be invaded by odontogenic infections
5. Support medically.
angina has been further reduced to 4%.3 are described in Tables 15-1 and 15-2.
6. Choose and prescribe antibiotic
Dentistry has made great progress in Three major factors must be consid-
the prevention and early intervention of ered in determining the severity of an
7. Administer the antibiotic properly.
odontogenic infections. Oral and maxillo- infection of the head and neck: anatomic
8. Evaluate the patient frequently.
facial surgeons, as noted above, have made location, rate of progression, and airway
great strides in managing and preventing This chapter will examine each of compromise.
mortality in severe odontogenic infec- these principles in order and discuss and
tions. These accomplishments, however, relate current knowledge to them. Anatomic Location
impose upon the oral and maxillofacial The anatomic spaces of the head and neck
surgeon the obligation to remain intellec- Step 1: Determine the Severity can be graded in severity by the level to
tually prepared for the always unscheduled of Infection which they threaten the airway or vital
occurrence of severe odontogenic infec- Within the first few minutes of the presen- structures, such as the heart and medi-
tions by keeping one’s knowledge of the tation of a patient with a significant odon- astinum or the cranial contents. The buccal,
relevant anatomy and surgery fresh, and togenic infection, the surgeon should have infraorbital vestibular, and subperiosteal
278 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections

Table 15-1 Borders of the Deep Spaces of the Head and Neck

Space Anterior Posterior Superior Inferior Superficial or Medial* Deep or Lateral†
Buccal Corner of mouth Masseter m., Maxilla, Mandible Subcutaneous Buccinator m.
pterygomandibular infraorbital space tissue and skin
Infraorbital Nasal cartilages Buccal space Quadratus labii Oral mucosa Quadratus labii Levator anguli oris m.,
superioris m. superioris m. maxilla
Submandibular Ant. belly Post. belly Inf. and med. Digastric tendon Platysma m., Mylohyoid,
digastric m. digastric, surfaces of investing fascia hyoglossus
stylohyoid, mandible sup. constrictor mm.
stylopharyngeus mm.
Submental Inf. border of Hyoid bone Mylohyoid m. Investing fascia Investing fascia Ant. bellies
mandible digastric m.†
Sublingual Lingual surface of Submandibular Oral mucosa Mylohyoid m. Muscles of tongue* Lingual surface of
mandible space mandible†
Pterygomandibular Buccal space Parotid gland Lateral Inf. border of Med. pterygoid Ascending ramus of
pterygoid m. mandible muscle* mandible†
Submasseteric Buccal space Parotid gland Zygomatic arch Inf. border of Ascending ramus Masseter m.†
mandible of mandible*
Lateral pharyngeal Sup. and mid. Carotid sheath Skull base Hyoid bone Pharyngeal Medial pterygoid m.†
pharyngeal and scalene fascia constrictors and
constrictor mm. retropharyngeal
Retropharyngeal Sup. and mid. Alar fascia Skull base Fusion of alar and — Carotid sheath and
pharyngeal prevertebral fasciae lateral pharyngeal
constrictor mm. at C6-T4 space†
Pretracheal Sternothyroid- Retropharyngeal Thyroid cartilage Superior Sternothyroid- Visceral fascia over
thyrohyoid fascia space mediastinum thyrohyoid fascia trachea and thyroid
Adapted from Flynn TR.5
ant. = anterior; inf. = inferior; lat. = lateral; m. = muscle; mm. = muscles; med. = medial; mid. = middle; post. = posterior; sup. = superior.
Medial border; †lateral border.

spaces can be categorized as having low sublingual). Infections that have high tively.6 Table 15-3 lists the severity score for
severity because infections in these spaces severity are those in which swelling can each of the various deep fascial spaces.
do not threaten the airway or vital struc- directly obstruct or deviate the airway or Thus, a patient with cellulitis or abscess of
tures. Infections of anatomic spaces that threaten vital structures. These anatomic the right buccal (SS = 1), right pterygo-
can hinder access to the airway due to spaces are the lateral pharyngeal and mandibular (SS = 2), and right lateral pha-
swelling or trismus can be classified as hav- retropharyngeal, the danger space, and the ryngeal (SS = 3) spaces would have a total
ing moderate severity. Such anatomic mediastinum. Cavernous sinus thrombosis severity score of 6, which is the sum of the
spaces include the masticatory space, and other intracranial infection also have values assigned to each of the three
whose components may be considered sep- high severity. In 1999 Flynn and colleagues anatomic spaces. Flynn and colleagues
arately as the submasseteric, pterygo- devised a severity score (SS) that assigned a were able to explain by correlation analysis
mandibular, and superficial and deep tem- numerical value of 1 to 4 for involvement 66% of the length of hospital stay with a
poral spaces, and the perimandibular of each of the low, moderate, severe, or model that used the initial SS and the white
spaces (submandibular, submental, and extreme severity anatomic spaces, respec- blood cell count on admission. 6
Principles of Management of Odontogenic Infections 279

Table 15-2 Relations of Deep Spaces in Infections

Neighboring Approach for
Space Likely Causes Contents Spaces Incision and Drainage
Buccal Upper bicuspids Parotid duct Infraorbital Intraoral (small)
Upper molars Ant. facial a. and v. Pterygomandibular Extraoral (large)
Lower bicuspids Transverse facial a. and v. Infratemporal
Buccal fat pad

Infraorbital Upper cuspid Angular a. and v. Buccal Intraoral

Infraorbital n.

Submandibular Lower molars Submandibular gland Sublingual Extraoral

Facial a. and v. Submental
Lymph nodes Lateral pharyngeal

Submental Lower anteriors Ant. jugular v. Submandibular Extraoral

Fracture of symphysis Lymph nodes (on either side)

Sublingual Lower bicuspids Sublingual glands Submandibular Intraoral

Lower molars Wharton’s ducts Lateral pharyngeal Intraoral-extraoral
Direct trauma Lingual n. Visceral (trachea and
Sublingual a. and v. esophagus)

Pterygomandibular Lower third molars Mandibular div. of Buccal Intraoral

Fracture of angle of trigeminal n. Lateral pharyngeal Intraoral-extraoral
mandible Inf. alveolar a. and v. Submasseteric
Deep temporal

Submasseteric Lower third molars Masseteric a. and v. Buccal Intraoral

Fracture of angle of Pterygomandibular Intraoral-extraoral
mandible Superf. temporal

Infratemporal and Upper molars Pterygoid plexus Buccal Intraoral

deep temporal Internal maxillary a. and v. Superf. temporal Extraoral
Mandibular div. of trigeminal n. Inf. petrosal sinus Intraoral-extraoral
Skull base foramina

Superfical temporal Upper molars Temporal fat pad Buccal Intraoral

Lower molars Temporal branch of facial n. Deep temporal Extraoral

Lateral pharyngeal Lower third molars Carotid a. Pterygomandibular Intraoral

Tonsillar infection in Internal jugular v. Submandibular Intraoral-extraoral
neighboring spaces Vagus n. Sublingual
Cervical sympathetic chain Peritonsillar
Adapted from Flynn TR.4
a = artery; div. =division; inf. = inferior; n = nerve; superf. = superficial; v = vein.
280 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections

Table 15-3 Severity Scores of Fascial Space Infections This is probably because patients with
more severe and rapidly progressive infec-
Severity Score Anatomic Space
tions were frightened enough to seek hos-
Severity score = 1 Vestibular pital care early on.
(low risk to airway or vital structures) Subperiosteal Odontogenic infections generally pass
Space of the body of the mandible through three stages before they resolve,
Infraorbital the characteristics of which are listed in
Table 15-4. During the first 1 to 3 days the
Severity score = 2 Submandibular swelling is soft, mildly tender, and doughy
(moderate risk to airway or vital structures) Submental in consistency. Between days 2 and 5 the
Sublingual swelling becomes hard, red, and exquisitely
Pterygomandibular tender. Its borders are diffuse and spread-
Submasseteric ing. Between the fifth and seventh days the
Superficial temporal center of the cellulitis begins to soften and
Deep temporal (or infratemporal)
the underlying abscess undermines the
Severity score = 3 Lateral pharyngeal skin or mucosa, making it compressible
(high risk to airway or vital structures) Retropharyngeal and shiny. The yellow color of the underly-
Pretracheal ing pus may be seen through the thin
Severity score = 4 Danger space (space 4) epithelial layers. At this stage the term fluc-
(extreme risk to airway or vital structures) Mediastinum tuance is appropriately applied. Fluctuance
Intracranial infection implies the palpation of a fluid wave by one
The severity score for a given patient is the sum of the severity scores for all of the spaces involved by cellulitis or abscess, hand as the abscess is compressed by the
based on clinical and radiographic examination. other hand. The final stage of odontogenic
infection is resolution, which generally
occurs after spontaneous or surgical
Rate of Progression toms of swelling, pain, trismus, and airway
drainage of an abscess cavity. The swelling
Upon interviewing the patient with an compromise. In their study of hospitalized then begins to decrease in size, redness, and
infection, the surgeon can appraise the odontogenic infections, Flynn and col- tenderness. The resolving swelling may stay
rate of progression by inquiring about the leagues found that the number of days of firm for some time, however, as the inflam-
onset of swelling and pain and comparing swelling prior to admission correlated matory process is involved in removing
those times to the current signs and symp- negatively with the initial severity score.6 necrotic tissue and bacterial debris.

Table 15-4 Stages of Infection

Characteristic Inoculation Cellulitis Abscess

Duration 0–3 days 3–7 days Over 5 days
Pain Mild–moderate Severe and generalized Moderate–severe and localized
Size Small Large Small
Localization Diffuse Diffuse Circumscribed
Palpation Soft, doughy, mildly tender Hard, exquisitely tender Fluctuant, tender
Appearance Normal coloration Reddened Peripherally reddened
Skin quality Normal Thickened Centrally undermined and shiny
Surface temperature Slightly heated Hot Moderately heated
Loss of function Minimal or none Severe Moderately severe
Tissue fluid Edema Serosanguineous, flecks of pus Pus
Level of malaise Mild Severe Moderate–severe
Degree of seriousness Mild Severe Moderate–severe
Predominant bacteria Aerobic Mixed Anaerobic
Adapted from Flynn TR.29
Principles of Management of Odontogenic Infections 281

A special note should be made of an a direct surgical approach to the airway by

especially rapidly progressive infection cricothyroidotomy or tracheotomy is more
called necrotizing fasciitis. Occasionally predictably successful. In such extreme cir-
found in the head and neck, frequently due cumstances the presence of infection over-
to odontogenic sources, necrotizing fasci- lying the trachea is less important than the
itis is a rapidly spreading infection that fol- absence of ventilation. Therefore, infection
lows the platysma muscle down the neck in the region of surgical airway access is
and onto the anterior chest wall. Diabetes not a contraindication to an emergency
and alcoholism have been shown to be sig- cricothyroidotomy or tracheotomy.
nificant predisposing factors, whereas In partial airway obstruction, abnor-
medical compromise, delay in surgery, and mal breath sounds will be evident, consist-
FIGURE 15-1 Necrotizing fasciitis. Large granu-
mediastinitis are associated with increased ing of stridor or coarse airway sounds sug- lating skin defect extending from the inferior
mortality.7 It can rapidly result in necrosis gestive of fluid in the upper airways. The border of the mandible to the clavicle, 2 weeks
of large amounts of muscle, subcutaneous patient may assume a special posture that after débridement. Reproduced with permission
tissue, and skin, resulting in severe recon- straightens the airway, such as the “sniffing from Flynn TR.15
structive defects (Figure 15-1). Similar position,” in which the head is inclined for-
processes may be involved in descending ward and the chin is elevated, as if one were tonsillar pillar will usually be edematous
necrotizing infections of the neck, which sniffing a rose. Other such postures include and reddened, and it will displace the uvula
frequently progress to the mediastinum. a sitting patient with the hands or elbows to the opposite side (Figure 15-4). If the
The earliest signs of necrotizing fasciitis are on the knees and the chest inclined for- suspected site of infection is touched with
small vesicles and a dusky purple discol- ward with the head thrust anterior to the the mirror or tongue blade, acute pain may
oration of the involved skin (Figure 15-2). shoulders, which also straightens the air- be elicited, especially as compared to the
Soon thereafter the skin may become anes- way and may allow secretions to drool out- opposite side. The patient’s report of pain
thetic. Thereafter frank necrosis occurs.8 ward onto the floor or into a pan. Occa- should be distinguished from the gagging
A suspicion of necrotizing fasciitis is sionally a patient with a lateral pharyngeal that is likely to occur.
a surgical emergency, requiring broad- space infection will incline the neck toward Various clinical tests have been pro-
spectrum antibiotics, repeated surgical the opposite shoulder in order to position posed with the aim of predicting difficult
drainage, antiseptic wound packing, and the upper airway over the laterally deviated intubation. The Mallampati test has been
intensive medical supportive care, includ- trachea (Figure 15-3). correlated with difficult intubation by its
ing fluids, calcium, and possibly blood Trismus is an ominous sign in the
transfusion.8 Repeated surgical débride- patient suspected of odontogenic infection.
ment is the rule, not the exception. A maximum interincisal opening that has
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy may also be decreased to 20 mm or less in a patient with
of benefit. 9 acute pain should be considered an infec-
tion of the masticator space until proved
Airway Compromise otherwise. Infections of the pterygo-
The most frequent cause of death in mandibular space are sometimes missed
reported cases of odontogenic infection is because trismus hinders the examiner’s
airway obstruction. Therefore, the surgeon view of the oropharynx. Therefore, it is
must assess current or impending airway important for the examiner to position the
obstruction within the first few moments patient’s occlusal plane parallel to the plane
of evaluating the patient with a head and of vision and to orient a light coaxial to that
neck infection. plane of view. Then the patient is asked to
FIGURE 15-2 Necrotizing fasciitis. Early stage,
Complete airway obstruction is, of maximally open the mouth in spite of pain, with swelling extending from the inferior border
course, a surgical emergency. In such cases and the tongue is depressed with a mirror of the mandible onto the anterior chest wall in a
insufficient or absent air movement in or tongue blade. This should allow the 7-year-old boy. The chalky material on the neck
spite of inspiratory efforts will be apparent. examiner to get at least a glimpse of the is calamine lotion that his mother used to treat
the vesicles of presumed contact dermatitis due to
In highly skilled hands one brief attempt at position of the uvula and the condition of poison ivy. Reproduced with permission from
endotracheal intubation may be made, but the anterior tonsillar pillars. The affected Flynn TR.15
282 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections

able to the oral and maxillofacial surgeon

is the pulse oximeter.12
An oxygen saturation of below 94% in
an otherwise healthy patient is indeed an
ominous sign because it indicates insuffi-
cient oxygenation of the tissues due to
hypoperfusion or hypooxygenation. Given
the patient with clinically apparent partial
airway obstruction, an abnormally low oxy-
gen saturation is an indication for immedi-
ate establishment of a secure airway.
Soft tissue radiographs of the cervical
FIGURE 15-3 Left lateral pharyngeal space airway and chest can be quite valuable in
abscess. Note the swelling just anterior to the
sternocleidomastoid muscle above the level of identifying deviation of the airway laterally
the hyoid bone and the deviation of the head on a posteroanterior film or anterior dis-
toward the right shoulder, in an attempt to placement of the airway on a lateral view.
place the upper airway directly over the deviat- These films can be taken fairly quickly, FIGURE 15-5 Axial computed tomography
ed trachea. Reproduced with permission from image at the level of the hyoid bone, demonstrat-
Flynn TR et al.29 which can be an advantage for radiographic
ing a cellulitis of the left lateral pharyngeal space
examination of the patient with a significant that is deviating the airway to the opposite side
cervical swelling. During prolonged periods and spreading into the retropharyngeal space.
in the supine position, as required by the Reproduced with permission from Flynn TR.5
older generation of computed tomography
(CT) scanners, an infected swelling may
obstruct the airway. On the other hand, the essential to the maintenance of host
newer high-speed CT scanners can obtain a defense against infection. Diabetes is list-
computerized CT examination within sec- ed first because it is the most common
onds to minutes, which, if available, would immune-compromising disease. Diabet-
make conventional soft tissue radiographs ics have the combination of a white
obsolete (Figure 15-5). In a prospective blood cell migration defect, which
study Miller and colleagues found 89% inhibits successful chemotaxis of white
accuracy, 95% sensitivity, and 80% specifici- blood cells to the infected site from the
FIGURE 15-4 Right pterygomandibular space ty in identifying “drainable pus” by the com- blood stream, and a vascular defect that
abscess. Note the swelling of the anterior tonsillar bined use of contrast enhanced CT and clin- impairs blood flow to small vessel tissue
pillar and the deviation of the edematous uvula to
the opposite side. Reproduced with permission from
ical examination.13 By “drainable pus,” the beds, especially in end organs such as the
Flynn TR and Topazian RG.30 authors meant a collection of 2 mL or more foot. Orally, diabetics have an increased
of pus. The high diagnostic yield therefore susceptibility to periodontal infections.
of contrast-enhanced CT and clinical exam-
initial proponent, as have trismus of less ination makes this combination the method
than 20 mm and decreased thyromental dis- of choice for evaluation of potential airway Table 15-5 Factors Associated with
tance.10,11 These results, however, have not obstruction, as well as characterizing the Immune System Compromise
been confirmed by independent examiners, location and quality of infections in the Diabetes
although the combination of an abnormal head and neck.13 Steroid therapy
Mallampati test and a thyromental distance Organ transplants
of less than 5 cm has been correlated with Step 2: Evaluate Host Defenses Malignancy
difficult intubation in one study.11 Chemotherapy
In airway obstruction, the respiratory Immune System Compromise Chronic renal disease
rate may be increased or decreased; yet one Table 15-5 lists the medical conditions Malnutrition
functional method of assessing the effec- that can interfere with proper function of
End-stage AIDS
tiveness of respiratory efforts readily avail- the immune system, which is, of course,
Principles of Management of Odontogenic Infections 283

This disease also appears to decrease host with acquired immunodeficiency syn- temic diseases in conjunction with direct
resistance to more severe odontogenic drome (AIDS) and pre-AIDS. Although management of the infection.
infections such as necrotizing faciitis and patients with HIV seropositivity may
deep fascial space infections. suffer a more intense and/or prolonged Step 3: Decide on the
The iatrogenic use of steroids has hospital course than other patients, HIV Setting of Care
increased over recent years with the use of seropositivity does not seem to increase Table 15-6 lists the indications for hospi-
these medications to treat asthma, skin con- the incidence of severe odontogenic tal admission of the patient with a severe
ditions, autoimmune diseases, cancer, and infections.14 odontogenic infection. As previously
other inflammatory conditions. Cortico- stated, an elevated fever increases meta-
steroids appear to stabilize the cell mem- Systemic Reserve bolic needs and fluid losses, which can
branes of immunocompetent cells, thereby The host response to severe infection can lead to dehydration. In addition to the
decreasing the immune response. Patients place a severe physiologic load on the clinical signs of dry skin, chapped lips,
with organ transplants are often treated body. Fever can increase sensible and loss of skin turgor, and dry mucous
with corticosteroids, as well as other insensible fluid losses and caloric require- membranes, dehydration can be assessed
immunosuppressive medications such as ments. A prolonged fever may cause dehy- in the presence of normal serum creati-
cyclosporine and azathioprine, to suppress dration, which can therefore decrease car- nine by an elevated urine specific gravi-
organ rejection reactions. diovascular reserves and deplete glycogen ty (over 1.030) or an elevated blood urea
It has been postulated that every stores, shifting the body metabolism to a nitrogen (BUN), which indicates prere-
patient with malignant disease has some catabolic state. The surgeon should also nal azotemia.
defect of the immune system. The mecha- be aware that elderly individuals are not Infections in deep spaces that have a
nisms of immune compromise in malig- able to mount high fevers, as often seen severity score of 2 or greater (see Table 15-
nancy are variable and not well identified, in children. Therefore, an elevated tem- 3) can hinder access to the airway for intu-
but the surgeon treating the patient with perature at an advanced age is not only a bation by causing trismus, directly com-
ongoing cancer should assume that there sign of a particularly severe infection, but press the airway by swelling, or threaten
is some defect of the immune system. also an omen of decreased cardiovascular vital structures directly. Thus, an odonto-
Cancer chemotherapy directly suppresses and metabolic reserve, due to the genic infection involving the masticator
the immune system along with rapidly demands placed on the elderly patient’s space, the perimandibular spaces, or deep-
dividing cancer cells. Therefore, all physiology.15 er spaces indicates hospital admission.
patients who have received cancer In several studies, the white blood cell Occasionally general anesthesia is
chemotherapy within the past year should count at admission has been a significant required for patient management due to
be considered immunocompromised. predictor of the length of hospital stay.6,16 inability to achieve adequate local anesthe-
Other conditions that impair Therefore, evaluation of leukocytosis is sia, the need to secure the airway, or the
immune function include malnutrition, important in determining the severity of inability of the patient to cooperate, as in a
alcoholism, and chronic renal disease. infection as well as in estimating the young child. Sometimes concurrent sys-
The role of human immunodeficiency length of hospital stay. temic disease indicates hospital admission
virus (HIV) infection in diminishing The physiologic stress of a serious and may even delay surgery, as in the need
host resistance to odontogenic infections infection can disrupt previously well- to reverse warfarin anticoagulation.
is somewhat unclear and paradoxical. established control of systemic diseases
HIV infection first and primarily dam- such as diabetes, hypertension, and renal
ages the T cell. On the other hand, most disease. The increased cardiac and respira- Table 15-6 Indications for Hospital
odontogenic infections are due to extra- tory demands of a severe infection may
cellular bacteria, which are attacked by B deplete scarce physiologic reserves in the Temperature > 101˚F (38.3˚C)
cells, the white blood cells that elaborate patient with chronic obstructive pul- Dehydration
antibodies. Although HIV infection may monary disease or atherosclerotic heart Threat to the airway or vital structures
damage B cells early in the course of the disease, for example. Thus, an otherwise Infection in moderate or high severity
disease, its most devastating effects are mild or moderate infection may be a sig- anatomic spaces
seen on the T cells, which explains the nificant threat to the patient with systemic Need for general anesthesia
Need for inpatient control of systemic
increased rate of cancers and infections disease, and the surgeon should be careful
by intracellular pathogens in patients to evaluate and manage concurrent sys-
284 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections

In deciding whether to admit the tions that are not amenable to profound Surgical Drainage
patient with a serious odontogenic infec- local anesthesia. An infection that is rapid-
In general, surgery for management of
tion, it is generally safer to err on the side ly progressing through the anatomic fas-
severe odontogenic infections is not diffi-
of hospital admission. The inpatient set- cial planes, as in necrotizing fasciitis, indi-
cult. Given a thorough knowledge of the
ting affords the patient with continual cates the prompt establishment of a secure
anatomy of the deep fascial spaces of the
professional monitoring, supportive med- airway, even if for anticipatory reasons, as
head and neck, the surgeon should be able,
ical care, the availability of radiologic and well as the possible need to extend the
by using appropriate anatomic landmarks,
medical consultative services, and, most anatomic dissection into regions that had
to use small incisions and blunt dissection
importantly, a team that can rapidly not been contemplated preoperatively.
without direct exposure and visualization
secure the airway should it become com- Sometimes general anesthesia is required
of the entire infected anatomic space. Fig-
promised. for patient management reasons alone,
ure 15-6 illustrates the appropriate loca-
especially in the patient who is not able to
Step 4: Treat Surgically cooperate, such as a young child or men-
tions for extraoral incision placement for
drainage of the various anatomic deep
tally handicapped individual.
Airway Security Successful airway management in dif-
spaces. In addition a vertical incision over
The dramatic reduction in the mortality the pterygomandibular raphe can be used
ficult situations requires a team
of Ludwig’s angina from 54 to 10% in approach. Preoperatively the surgeon to drain the pterygomandibular space as
only 3 years, afforded by Williams and should communicate with the anesthesi- well as the anterior compartment of the
Guralnick, was made possible by their ologist to establish the airway manage- lateral pharyngeal space, as illustrated in
changed surgical policy of immediate ment plan. The anesthesiologist should Figure 15-7. Lest the surgeon crush a vital
establishment of airway security by early be interested in understanding the structure within the beaks of a hemostat
intubation or tracheotomy, followed by anatomic location of the infection, as well during blunt dissection, it is crucial to
aggressive and early surgical inter- as its implications for airway manage- insert the instrument closed, then open it
vention.2 No antibiotics were used in their ment. The anesthesiologist will value the at the depth of penetration, and then with-
patients, except sulfa drugs in some cases. opportunity to see any effacement, dis- draw the instrument in the open position.
In the antibiotic era mortality has been placement, or deviation of the airway as A hemostat should never be blindly closed
further reduced to about 4%.3 It is there- demonstrated on clinical examination while it is inside a surgical wound. Anoth-
fore apparent that immediate establish- and CT. The airway management plan er important principle of surgical incision
ment of airway security and early aggres- should include the projected initial man- and drainage is the need to dissect a path-
sive surgical therapy are the most agement, as well as secondary procedures way for the drain that includes the loca-
important intervention steps in the man- should the initial approach fail. tions where pus is most likely to be found.
agement of severe odontogenic infections. An infrequently used surgical tech- This can be guided by the preoperative CT
Table 15-7 lists the indications for an nique that may aid in protecting the air- examination and by knowledge of the
operating room procedure. The para- way during intubation or tracheotomy is pathways that odontogenic infection is
mount indication is of course to establish needle decompression. In this technique, most likely to take. For example, in
airway security. The involvement of mod- under local anesthesia an abscess of the drainage of the submandibular space, if
erate or high severity anatomic spaces gen- pterygomandibular, lateral pharyngeal, incisions are placed over the anterior and
erally necessitates a more complicated air- submandibular, or sublingual space is posterior bellies of the digastric muscle at
way management procedure, as well as aspirated with a large-bore needle in order the submandibular, submental, and sub-
surgical intervention in anatomic loca- to decompress the surrounding tissues. lingual location and at the submandibular,
This maneuver may decrease the risk of sublingual location as shown in Figure 15-
abscess rupture through taut, distended 6, then the dissection must pass superiorly
Table 15-7 When to Go to the
Operating Room oropharyngeal tissues during instrumen- and medially until the medial (lingual)
tation of the airway. Additional benefits of plate of the mandible is contacted. The
To establish airway security this procedure are the redirection of pus most likely pathway for odontogenic
Moderate to high anatomic severity drainage into the oral cavity or onto the infections to enter the submandibular
Multiple space involvement
skin, where it can easily be removed, and space is through the thin lingual plate of
Rapidly progressing infection
obtaining an excellent specimen for cul- the mandible, which also approximates the
Need for general anesthesia
ture and sensitivity testing. root apices of the lower molar teeth. By
Principles of Management of Odontogenic Infections 285

infected wounds as they accumulate. Simi-

larly the use of bulky occlusive dressings
has not been shown to substantially alter
the outcome of cases of odontogenic infec-
tion. Nonetheless the use of such a dress-
Superficial and deep
temporal, submasseteric
ing, as illustrated in Figure 15-10, may be
more comfortable over the long run than a
dressing that is taped to the skin, and it cer-
tainly helps to prevent the contamination
of the hospital by pathogenic organisms.
The need for this type of hygiene is bound
to increase in coming years, as both antibi-
otic-resistant organisms and critically ill,
sometimes immunocompromised patients
increasingly inhabit hospitals.
Submandibular, sublingual
pterygomandibular, submasseteric Drains should be discontinued when
the drainage ceases. They may be advanced
submental, sublingual gradually or removed all at once. There is
Lateral pharyngeal, no evidence in favor of either technique.
Pus usually stops flowing from surgically
Lateral pharyngeal,
retropharyngeal drained abscesses in 24 to 72 hours, but
carotid sheath this process may take somewhat longer
when only cellulitis has been encountered.
It should be kept in mind however that
latex Penrose drains can be antigenic, and
FIGURE 15-6 Incision placement for extraoral drainage of head and neck infections. Incisions at the after several days they may cause exuda-
following points may be used to drain infections in the indicated spaces: superficial and deep tempo- tion due to foreign body reaction alone.
ral, submasseteric; submandibular, submental, sublingual; submandibular, sublingual, pterygo-
mandibular, submasseteric; lateral pharyngeal, retropharyngeal; lateral pharyngeal, retropharyngeal, Timing of Incision and Drainage
carotid sheath. Adapted from Flynn TR.31
Much of the surgical literature on the man-
agement of deep fascial space infections of
exploring this location, the surgeon may pathways for the egression of pus, place-
find a collection of pus that would other- ment of the incisions in healthy tissue in
wise have been missed. In order to pass a cosmetically acceptable areas, and the abil-
drain through the submandibular space ity to irrigate the infected wound with uni-
effectively, the surgeon should therefore directional flow from one incision to the
pass a large curved hemostat from one other. Wound irrigation is facilitated espe-
incision upward to the medial side of the cially by the use of a Jackson Pratt–type
mandible and then down to the other inci- drain, which is noncollapsible and perfo-
sion. A Penrose drain can then be grasped rated. Such unidirectional superior-to-
in the tip of the hemostat and pulled inferior drainage of the pterygomandibu-
through the dissected pathway from one lar space using intraoral and extraoral
incision to the other, thus draining the incisions and a Jackson Pratt drain is illus-
entire submandibular space. The resulting trated in Figure 15-9.
pathway for a through-and-through drain There is little evidence to indicate that
in the submandibular space is illustrated frequent wound irrigation hastens the res- FIGURE 15-7 Intraoral incision placement for
drainage of the anterior compartment of the lat-
in Figure 15-8. olution of infection. However, it does make
eral pharyngeal space (curved arrow) and the
The advantages of through-and- clinical sense to remove by irrigation bac- pterygomandibular space (straight arrow).
through drainage are the provision of two teria, pus, clots, and necrotic tissue from Adapted from Flynn TR.31
286 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections

the head and neck advocates an expectant

approach to surgical drainage of deep neck
infections. The overall strategy of this
approach is to use parenteral antibiotic
therapy as a means of controlling, localiz-
ing, or even eradicating the soft tissue
infection. Failure of the medical approach
is determined by patient deterioration,
impending airway compromise, and the
identification of an abscess by CT or clini-
cal examination or both. Only then is sur-
gical drainage undertaken.17–19 The expec-
Swelling in the tant approach to management of severe
submandibular space
odontogenic infections has not been sup-
ported by empiric investigation.
digastric muscle The alternative strategy, successfully
demonstrated by Williams and Gural-
Posterior nick, is the immediate establishment of
digastric muscle airway security as necessary, and aggres-
sive early surgical intervention.2 Identifi-
cation of an abscess is not required before
surgical intervention. The approach by
FIGURE 15-8 Pathway of a through-and-through drain of the submandibular Williams and Guralnick is predicated on
space. Note that the drain passes deep to the medial surface of the mandible, the concept that early incision and
below the attachment of the mylohyoid muscle. Adapted from Flynn TR.31
drainage aborts the spread of infection
into deeper and more critical anatomic
spaces, even when it is in the cellulitis
stage. In a prospective case series of
34 patients hospitalized with severe
odontogenic infections, Flynn and col-
leagues performed surgical drainage on
all patients as soon as possible after
admission.6 In none of their cases did
incision and drainage seem to hasten the
spread of infection. The need for reoper-
ation was not significantly different
between those patients in whom abscess
and those in whom cellulitis was found.6
Jackson Pratt drain
passes through the Culture and Sensitivity Testing
pterygomandibular space
Infections that present in the low severity
anatomic spaces (see Table 15-3) are not in
an anatomic position that is likely to
threaten the airway or vital structures. In
the absence of immunologic or systemic
compromise, such infections are very
unlikely to become serious or life threaten-
FIGURE 15-9 Jackson Pratt irrigating drain placed from an intraoral inci-
sion through the pterygomandibular space to an extraoral incision, allowing ing. Straightforward treatments, such as
unidirectional irrigation and drainage. Adapted from Flynn TR.31 removal of the involved teeth, intraoral
Principles of Management of Odontogenic Infections 287

When an infection involves anatomic interpretable results. Therefore, specimens

spaces of moderate or greater severity, or should be sent for culture and sensitivity
when there is significant medical or testing even when pus is not obtained.
immune system compromise, culture and
sensitivity testing as early as possible in the Step 5: Support Medically
course of infection is important because Medical supportive care for the patient
the final result of antibiotic sensitivity test- with a severe odontogenic infection is
ing can be delayed for as much as 2 weeks composed of hydration, nutrition, and
when fastidious or antibiotic-resistant control of fever in all patients. Mainte-
organisms are involved. nance or reestablishment of electrolyte
Culture and sensitivity testing is also balance and the control of systemic dis-
justified when the surgeon is dealing with eases may also be a crucial part of the
infections that have been subjected to necessary supportive medical care for
multiple prior courses of antibiotic thera- some cases, and the reader is referred to
py or in chronic infections that are recalci- appropriate texts for a more comprehen-
trant to therapy. Immunocompromised sive discussion of these matters.
patients also tend to harbor unusual Initial temperature has been shown
pathogens, such as Klebsiella pneumoniae to be a significant predictor of the length
in diabetes, methicillin-resistant Staphylo- of hospital stay with severe odontogenic
coccus aureus in intravenous-drug abusers, infections.6,20 Fever below 103˚F (39.4°C)
FIGURE 15-10 A properly placed Barton dress-
ing, which avoids taping of the skin. It can and intracellular pathogens, such as is probably beneficial. Mild temperature
occlude and absorb the drainage of a maxillofa- mycobacteria in HIV/AIDS. In summary, elevations promote phagocytosis,
cial infection. Reproduced with permission from culture and sensitivity testing should be increase blood flow to the affected area,
Flynn TR.15 performed in unusual infections, the med- raise the metabolic rate, and enhance
ically and immune compromised, and cer- antibody function. Above 103°F, howev-
tainly in all cases severe enough to require er, fever can become destructive by
incision and drainage, and empiric antibi- hospitalization. increasing metabolic and cardiovascular
otic therapy, are almost always successful. Proper culture technique involves the demands beyond physiologic reserve
In this setting it can be hard to justify the harvesting of the specimen in a manner capacity. Energy stores can be rapidly
increased cost of routine culture and that minimizes contamination by normal depleted and the loss of fluid is signifi-
antibiotic sensitivity testing. Furthermore, oral or skin flora. Ideally the skin or cantly increased.
since most odontogenic pathogens are mucosa should be prepared with antisep- Adequate hydration is perhaps the best
slow-growing species, identification can tic and isolated, and the culture should be method for controlling fever. Daily sensible
become an expensive and time-consuming obtained by aspiration from the point of fluid loss, consisting primarily of sweat, is
task for the microbiology laboratory. This maximum inflammation, where abscess is increased by 250 mL per degree of fever.
expense is hard to justify, given the fact most likely to be found. If this is not pos- Insensible fluid loss, consisting mainly of
that at least until recently, the oral flora is sible, then at surgery a swab and culturette evaporation from lungs and skin, is
routinely sensitive to penicillin. Therefore, system can be used, although the surgeon increased by 50 to 75 mL per degree of
most microbiology laboratories, when must be careful to avoid contamination of fever per day. Therefore, a 70 kg patient
given a specimen that grows out α- the specimen by saliva or skin flora. Fur- with a fever of 102.2°F would have a daily
hemolytic streptococci mixed with short, thermore the culture transport system fluid requirement of about 3,100 mL. This
anaerobic, weakly gram-negative rods, will should be designed to maintain the viabil- would translate to a required intravenous
report the growth of normal oral flora, ity of anaerobic organisms, which do not infusion rate of approximately 130 mL per
thus avoiding the necessity for species survive in commonly available aerobic hour, assuming no oral intake and no other
identification and subsequent antibiotic culturette systems. Even though the sur- extraordinary fluid losses.21
sensitivity testing. For these reasons rou- geon may not encounter pus during aspi- The next approach to controlling fever
tine culture and sensitivity testing for ration attempts or surgical drainage, fluid is usually taken by the administration of
minor oral infections does not appear to aspirates and swab cultures of infected acetaminophen or aspirin. Fevers are often
be justified. sites do yield valid cultures with readily exaggerated in children and decreased in
288 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections

the elderly. Thus, an older patient with a

Table 15-8 Empiric Antibiotics* of Choice for Odontogenic Infections
relatively mild elevation of temperature
may have a fairly significant infection. At Severity of Infection Antibiotic of Choice
the same time the surgeon may wish to Outpatient Penicillin
control fever in the elderly at a lower tem- Clindamycin
perature level than in the younger patient Cephalexin (only if the penicillin allergy was not the
because of a fever’s increased cardiovascu- anaphylactoid type; use caution)
lar and metabolic demands.21 Fever can be Penicillin allergy:
controlled or reduced by a variety of other Clindamycin
methods when necessary. These include Moxifloxacin
cool water or alcohol sponge baths, chilled Metronidazole alone
drinks when practical, or even an immer-
Inpatient Clindamycin
sion bath using tepid water.
Ampicillin + metronidazole
Fever also increases metabolic Ampicillin + sulbactam
demand by 5 to 8% per degree of fever per
day.21 Therefore, it may be necessary to Penicillin allergy:
supplement the infected patient’s oral Clindamycin
Third-generation cephalosporin IV (only if the penicillin
intake, which is likely to be significantly
allergy was not the anaphylactoid type; use caution)
inhibited by the local effects of the infec-
Moxifloxacin (especially for Eikenella corrodens)
tion and surgery, by using supplementary Metronidazole alone (if neither clindamycin nor
feedings or even enteral nutrition via a cephalosporins can be tolerated)
feeding tube. *Empiric antibiotic therapy is used before culture and sensitivity reports are available. Cultures should be taken in severe
infections that threaten vital structures.
Step 6: Choose and Prescribe IV = intravenous.
Antibiotic Therapy
It is beyond the scope of this chapter to therapy. Incision and drainage was per- become the empiric antibiotic of choice for
discuss the topic of antibiotic selection for formed as necessary. Therefore, penicillin odontogenic infections that are serious
head and neck infections comprehensively. continues to be a highly effective antibiot- enough to warrant hospital admission.
This matter has been recently covered in ic for uncomplicated odontogenic infec- Most resistance to penicillin that
detail elsewhere.22 The empiric antibiotics tions, owing to its low cost and low inci- occurs among the oral pathogens is due to
of choice for odontogenic infections are, dence of unwanted side effects. synthesis of β-lactamase. Approximately
however, listed in Table 15-8. For severe infections warranting hos- 25% of the strains of the Prevotella and
These antibiotic choices are separated pital admission the antibiotics of choice for Porphyromonas genera are able to synthe-
by severity of infection. Mild or outpatient odontogenic infections do not include size this enzyme. β-Lactamase can also be
infections have been shown in a number penicillin. In 1999 Flynn and colleagues found in some strains of Fusobacterium
of studies to respond well to the oral peni- found a 26% failure rate of penicillin when and Streptococcus species. Importantly,
cillins. There was no significant difference used empirically in a series of 34 hospital- however, the oral strains of streptococci
in pain or swelling at 7 days of therapy ized cases of odontogenic infection.6 Of the that synthesize β-lactamase are generally
between penicillin and various other 31 patients who were placed on penicillin among the S. mitis, S. sanguis, and S. sali-
antibiotics, including clindamycin, amoxi- (3 were allergic), 8 experienced clinical varius species. These species are members
cillin, amoxicillin-clavulanate, and cephra- therapeutic failure of penicillin, which was of the Streptococcus viridans group that are
dine, although these parameters improved determined by failure of improvement in responsible for many cases of endocarditis.
more rapidly during the first 48 hours of swelling, temperature, and white blood cell They are not frequently found in odonto-
therapy with the alternative antibi- count after adequate surgical drainage was genic abscesses. Streptococcus anginosus,
otics.23–25 In one pediatric study pain and verified by postoperative CT. This high S. constellatus, and S. intermedius are the
swelling were significantly better at 7 days clinical failure rate of penicillin in hospital- viridans streptococci that comprise the
with amoxicillin.26 In all of the above ref- ized odontogenic infections is clinically Streptococcus milleri group. The S. milleri
erenced studies the involved tooth or teeth unacceptable because of the seriousness of group is most commonly found in odonto-
were treated with extraction or root canal these cases. Therefore, clindamycin has genic abscesses, and fortunately it remains
Principles of Management of Odontogenic Infections 289

sensitive to the natural and semisynthetic otics he or she uses. Metronidazole has a organisms involved, then maximum killing
penicillins, such as penicillin V and amoxi- disulfiram-like reaction with alcohol, and power will be achieved. These are examples
cillin. Therefore, it is reasonable to use should be used with caution in pregnancy. of concentration-dependent antibiotics.22
penicillin plus a β-lactamase inhibitor such With time-dependent antibiotics,
as ampicillin-sulbactam or a penicillin plus Step 7: Administer the such as the β-lactams and vancomycin,
metronidazole as alternative antibiotics for Antibiotic Properly antibiotic effectiveness is determined by
serious odontogenic infections. The peni- The tissue level of antibiotics determines the duration for which the serum concen-
cillins and metronidazole have the advan- their effectiveness. Those tissue levels are tration of the antibiotic remains above the
tage of crossing the blood-brain barrier of course dependent on the antibiotic’s MIC. With time-dependent antibiotics, it
when the meninges are inflamed. Clin- level in serum, through which the antibi- is necessary to know the serum elimina-
damycin, on the other hand, does not cross otic must pass in order to achieve thera- tion half-life (t1/2) of the antibiotic in
the blood-brain barrier. Therefore, it is peutic levels in soft tissues, bone, brain, order to determine its proper dosage inter-
appropriate to use penicillin plus metro- and abscess cavities. Administration of val. The dosage interval can then be
nidazole or ampicillin-sulbactam when antibiotics by the oral route requires that designed in order to maintain the serum
there is a risk of an odontogenic infection the drug successfully navigate the vagaries concentration above the MIC for at least
entering the cranial cavity.22 of the highly acidic stomach, the chemical 40% of the dosage interval.22
Few cephalosporins are able to cross qualities of ingested foods, and the basic Fortunately, the mathematics involved
the blood-brain barrier. Some third- intestinal tract. Once an antibiotic is in these calculations have already been
generation cephalosporins, such as cef- absorbed by the gastric or intestinal determined by the drug manufacturer.
tadizime, can do so. In addition, ceftadiz- mucosa, it may then be subject to first- Dosage intervals should not be changed
ime is effective against the oral strepto- pass metabolism in the liver and subse- from published guidelines by the surgeon.
cocci and most oral anaerobes. Among the quent excretion though the bile. Part of Nonetheless, the surgeon must be aware of
cephalosporins, therefore, ceftadizime is the excreted antibiotic may then be reab- the greater effectiveness of intravenous
the alternative antibiotic of choice. sorbed by the intestine, resulting in antibiotics over their oral counterparts.
A new fluoroquinolone antibiotic, enterohepatic recirculation. For these rea- For example, when penicillin G is given
moxifloxacin has great promise in the sons orally administered antibiotics every 4 hours intravenously, a peak serum
treatment of head and neck infections. Its achieve much lower serum levels at a slow- blood level of 20 µg/mL is achieved. Since
spectrum against oral streptococci and er rate than when they are injected direct- the serum elimination half-life of peni-
anaerobes is excellent. Its absorption is ly into the vascular system intravenously. cillin G is 0.5 hours, after 3 hours (6 half-
virtually complete via either the oral or Some antibiotics, however, are equally lives) the serum concentration will be
intravenous routes, and it penetrates well absorbed intravenously and orally. The approximately 0.3 µg/mL. Since the MIC90
bone readily. Therefore, this new antibi- fluoroquinolones, such as ciprofloxacin and of Streptococcus viridans is 0.2 µg/mL, the
otic may become a significant addition to moxifloxacin, are the best examples of this. serum concentration of penicillin G after
the oral and maxillofacial surgeon’s For this reason the fluoroquinolones are an intravenous dose of 2 million units will
armamentarium. not given intravenously unless use of the remain above the MIC90 for approximate-
Even though metronidazole is active oral route is contraindicated. ly 75% of the dosage interval. Therefore,
only against obligate anaerobic bacteria, its The minimum inhibitory concentra- penicillin G, 2 million units given intra-
use alone in the treatment of odontogenic tion (MIC) is the concentration of an venously every 4 hours, should be highly
infections, when combined with appropri- antibiotic that is required to kill a given effective against the viridans group of
ate surgical therapy, may be effective. In one percentage of the strains of a particular streptococci, especially the abscess-
study, ornidazole, a member of the nitroim- species, reported as 50% or 90% of strains forming S. milleri group.
idazole family, was effective when used (MIC50 or MIC90, respectively). The effec- By the same method the peak serum
alone in the management of odontogenic tiveness of some antibiotics is determined level that can be achieved with an oral
infections.27 Thus, the use of metronidazole by the ratio of the serum concentration of dose of 500 mg of amoxicillin is
alone may be an appropriate stratagem the antibiotic to the MIC required to kill a 7.5 µg/mL, and its t1/2 is only 1.2 hours.
when all of the other appropriate antibiotics particular organism. For example, with the Since amoxicillin’s MIC90 for viridans
are contraindicated. As with all antibiotics, fluoroquinolones and the aminoglyco- streptococci is 2 µg/mL, the serum con-
the surgeon should be aware of the side sides, if the serum concentration achieved centration of amoxicillin will fall below
effects and drug interactions of the antibi- is three to four times the MIC for the the MIC90 at approximately 2 hours after
290 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections

the peak serum level has been achieved, symptoms allowing the next treat- 15-11B, there is continued oropharyngeal
which is only 25% of the 8-hour dosage ment decisions to be made. swelling surrounding the endotracheal tube
interval. Therefore, oral amoxicillin, even at 5 postoperative days. On the other hand
though it is considered by many to be a For odontogenic deep fascial space the infection has progressed from the suc-
more effective antibiotic, is less likely to be infections that are serious enough for hos- cessfully drained left pterygomandibular
effective against the viridans streptococci pitalization, daily clinical evaluation and space to the left and right lateral pharyngeal
than intravenous penicillin G. wound care are required. By 2 to 3 postop- spaces, as well as the retropharyngeal space.
Another practical matter that must erative days the clinical signs of improve- This patient was taken back to the operating
always be considered in administering ment should be apparent, such as decreas- room for repeated drainage of all of the
antibiotics is their cost, especially their ing swelling, defervescence, cessation of infected spaces.
cost to the patient. When a patient does wound drainage, declining white blood It should be noted, however, that in
not have prescription drug insurance cov- cell count, decreased malaise, and a this author’s experience the use of CT
erage, such as in the working poor and the decrease in airway swelling such that extu- scanning to determine whether a patient
elderly, the retail cost of the antibiotic can bation can be considered. Also at this time can be extubated gives a late positive sig-
be a significant factor in whether the pre- preliminary Gram’s stains and/or culture nal. The best available clinical test for the
scribed antibiotic is indeed followed. In reports should be available, which may ability to extubate in the case of upper air-
2003 the retail cost of 1 week’s supply of provide some guidance as to the appropri- way swelling is the air leak test (Figure 15-
penicillin V 500 mg taken 4 times per day ateness of the empiric antibiotic therapy. 12). The air leak test is performed in the
was US$12.09 at a large pharmacy chain in If the above signs of clinical improve- following manner in the spontaneously
the northeastern United States. The retail ment are not apparent, then it may be nec- ventilating patient:
cost of 1 week’s supply of clindamycin essary to begin an investigation for possi-
300 mg taken 4 times per day was US$58.59. ble treatment failure. The causes of 1. The endotracheal tube and trachea are
These prices reflect generic medications, treatment failure in odontogenic infec- suctioned.
not brand name antibiotics, which are sig- tions are listed in Table 15-9. One of the 2. The oxygen supply is reconnected and
nificantly more expensive. Thus, an indi- best methods of reevaluation is the post- any coughing that was stimulated by
gent patient may not be able to pay for a operative CT. A postoperative CT can the tracheal suctioning is allowed to
more expensive antibiotic, and therefore identify continued airway swelling that subside.
he or she may be forced to either take may preclude extubation, or further 3. The oropharynx and oral cavity are
reduced amounts of the antibiotic, to spread of the infection into previously suctioned free of debris, hemorrhage,
extend the dosage interval, or to forgo tak- undrained anatomic spaces, or it may con- and secretions.
ing the antibiotic entirely. Accordingly the firm adequate surgical drainage of all the 4. The cuff of the endotracheal tube is
astute clinician will take the cost factor involved anatomic spaces by the visualiza- deflated while the oxygen supply is
into account. When appropriate, a frank tion of radiopaque drains in all of the maintained.
discussion of the cost of the antibiotic as involved fascial spaces. 5. After waiting for any coughing to sub-
compared to the patient’s means appears Sometimes it is difficult to determine side, the oxygen supply is disconnected
to be the best policy. whether the inability to extubate a patient is
due to antibiotic resistance or inadequate
Step 8: Evaluate the Patient surgical drainage. Figure 15-11 illustrates
Frequently Table 15-9 Causes of Treatment Failure
two such cases in which a postoperative CT
In outpatient infections that have been treat- was able to identify the most likely cause for Inadequate surgery
ed by tooth extraction and intraoral incision the lack of clinical improvement. In Figure Depressed host defenses
and drainage, the most appropriate initial 15-11A, oropharyngeal swelling surrounds Foreign body
Antibiotic problems
follow-up appointment is usually at 2 days the endotracheal tube in spite of the pres-
Patient noncompliance
postoperatively for the following reasons: ence of surgical drains in all of the infected
Drug not reaching site
spaces. This lack of improvement at 4 post- Drug dosage too low
1. Usually the drainage has ceased and the operative days was due to therapeutic failure Wrong bacterial diagnosis
drain can be discontinued at this time. of penicillin, which was treated by changing Wrong antibiotic
2. There is usually a discernible improve- this patient’s antibiotic to clindamycin. Sub- Adapted from Peterson LJ.32
ment or deterioration in signs and sequently the patient improved. In Figure
Principles of Management of Odontogenic Infections 291

endotracheal tube is re-inserted over

the tube changer into the trachea.
9. The endotracheal tube cuff is re-
inflated, the tube changer is with-
drawn, and oxygen is reconnected.
After extubation, the patient is closely
monitored clinically and with pulse oxime-
try. Arterial blood gases may be drawn
1 hour after extubation in order to verify
adequate oxygenation and ventilation.
Occasionally, the infecting flora, espe-
cially in a particularly severe infection
with a prolonged course, will change dur-
ing the course of treatment. This may be
due to the selection pressure exerted by
intensive antibiotic therapy, or it may be
A B due to the subsequent introduction of
hospital-acquired pathogens, resulting in a
FIGURE 15-11 A, Four-days postoperative computed tomography (CT) image of a patient with a right
pterygomandibular and lateral pharyngeal space abscess. Note the intraoral drains in the pterygo- nosocomial infection. Therefore, in pro-
mandibular and anterior compartments of the lateral pharyngeal space, and the extraoral drain in the longed treatments and in especially severe
posterior compartment of the lateral pharyngeal space (arrow). B, Five-days postoperative axial CT of cases it may be prudent to reculture infect-
a patient with a previously placed drain in the left pterygomandibular space (arrow). Note the exten- ed sites, so that any new or previously
sion of the infection into the right and left lateral pharyngeal spaces and the retropharyngeal space, with
constriction and deviation of the airway. Reproduced with permission from Flynn TR.31 undetected pathogens can be identified.
In cases where there is continued
chronic drainage from an infected site,
and the surgeon’s thumb is placed to 2. The endotracheal tube and trachea are such as in diagnosed or suspected
occlude the opening of the endotra- suctioned. osteomyelitis, the surgeon’s mnemonic
cheal tube. 3. Five milliliters of 1% lidocaine with- for the causes of a fistula can be used.
6. The patient is then instructed to out epinephrine is administered via “FETID” stands for foreign body, epithe-
breathe spontaneously around the the endotracheal tube, followed by lium, tumor, infection, and distal
endotracheal tube, and if this can be oxygenation and then repeated tra- obstruction. In the maxillofacial region,
done, a positive air leak test is cheal suctioning.
obtained. If the patient cannot breathe 4. The oral cavity and oropharynx are
around the occluded endotracheal suctioned free of debris, hemorrhage,
tube, then a negative result is obtained, and secretions.
and extubation should be delayed. 5. The oxygen supply is disconnected
and a tube changer then is intro-
Given a positive air leak test result, the
duced into the trachea via the
best method for patient extubation
endotracheal tube.
involves extubation over a stylet or prefer-
6. The cuff of the endotracheal tube is
ably an endotracheal tube changer. Con-
deflated and the endotracheal tube is
sideration may be given to performing the
withdrawn over the tube changer until
extubation procedure in an operating
its tip is in the oropharynx.
room, where the best facilities for handling
7. If the patient is able to breathe around
an airway emergency are available. One
the tube changer as it remains in the FIGURE 15-12 Air leak test, performed by
method for extubation over a tube chang-
trachea, then extubation can be com- occluding the endotracheal tube with a finger, to
er is described as follows: determine whether the patient can breathe
around the outside of the endotracheal tube.
1. The patient is preoxygenated for 3 to 8. If the patient is not able to breathe Reproduced with permission from Bennett JD
5 minutes. around the tube changer, then the and Flynn TR.33
292 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections

this mnemonic can be used to provide a occur by an alternate pathway, such as Table 15-10 Criteria for Changing
differential diagnosis for the chronic proximal fistulization of the sub- Antibiotics
drainage of pus. Foreign bodies may be mandibular salivary duct due to a salivary
Allergy, toxic reaction, or intolerance
represented by bone plates and screws, or stone blocking the natural opening of
dental or cosmetic facial implants. Wharton’s duct. Culture and/or sensitivity test indicating
Epithelium may cause chronic drainage If a thorough search for previously
simply because an epithelialized fistulous undetected pathogens turns up negative or Failure of clinical improvement, given
tract has not been completely excised or or if another cause for treatment failure Removal of odontogenic cause
Adequate surgical drainage (suggest
because an epithelium-lined cyst has cannot be found, then the surgeon should
postoperative imaging)
drained externally. Tumors (especially consider the possibility of antibiotic fail-
Other causes for treatment failure
malignant ones) that become infected do ure, such as microbial resistance to empir-
ruled out
not heal, which may result in chronic ic antibiotic therapy or the use of an incor- 48–72 h of the same antibiotic therapy
drainage. Infection can of course drain rect dosage or route of administration for
chronically, which should alert the sur- the antibiotic. The criteria for changing
geon to suspect osteomyelitis or a chron- antibiotics are listed in Table 15-10.
nosis, antibiotic resistance, and previously
ic periapical abscess that is draining onto Because of the necessary time delay in
undiagnosed medically compromising
the skin, as in Figure 15-13. Distal obtaining culture and sensitivity reports, it
conditions. Although adherence to these
obstruction classically refers to intestinal is occasionally necessary to change from
principles cannot always guarantee a suc-
obstructions, but the concept can still be one empiric antibiotic to another. Ideally
cessful result, it can assure the oral and
applied to the salivary ducts and to the the surgeon should consider another of
maxillofacial surgeon that he or she is
natural sinus drainage pathways, such as the empiric antibiotics of choice listed in
practicing at the highest standard of care.
the ostium of the maxillary sinus. When Table 15-8. The input of an infectious dis-
these openings for natural drainage of ease consultant may also be valuable in Acknowledgment
saliva or mucus become obstructed, then this situation.
The author wishes to thank Lisa Lavargna for
infection may result and drainage may
Summary her expert assistance in the preparation of this
Severe odontogenic infections can be the
most challenging cases that an oral and References
maxillofacial surgeon will be called on to 1. Williams AC. Ludwig’s angina. Surg Gynecol
treat. Often the patient with a severe odon- Obstet 1940;70:140.
togenic infection has significant systemic 2. Williams AC, Guralnick WC. The diagnosis
or immune compromise, and the constant and treatment of Ludwig’s angina: a report
of twenty cases. N Engl J Med 1943;
threat of airway obstruction due to infec-
tions in the maxillofacial region raises the 3. Hought RT, Fitzgerald BE, Latta JE, Zallen, RD.
risk of such cases incalculably. Further- Ludwig’s angina: report of two cases and
more, the increasing rarity of these cases review of the literature from 1945 to January
and the ever-changing worlds of microbi- 1979. J Oral Surg 1980;38:849–55.
4. Flynn TR. Anatomy and surgery of deep fascial
ology and antibiotic therapy make staying space infections. In: Kelly JJ, editor. Oral
abreast of this field difficult for the busy and maxillofacial surgery knowledge
surgeon. Therefore, the eight steps in the update 1994. Rosemont (IL): American
treatment of severe odontogenic infec- Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Sur-
geons; 1994. p. 79–107.
tions, first outlined by Dr. Larry Peterson,
5. Flynn TR. Anatomy of oral and maxillofacial
remain the fundamental guiding principles infections. In: Topazian RG, Goldberg MH,
that oral and maxillofacial surgeons must Hupp JR, editors. Oral and maxillofacial
use in successful management of these infections. 4th Ed. Philadelphia (PA): WB
cases. The application of the eight steps Saunders Company; 2002. p. 188–213.
FIGURE 15-13 A draining sinus tract onto the face 6. Flynn TR, Wiltz M, Adamo AK, et al. Predict-
must be thorough and the surgeon’s mind ing length of hospital stay and penicillin
resulting from an untreated periapical abscess.
Reproduced with permission from Flynn TR and must always remain open to the possibility failure in severe odontogenic infections. Int
Topazian RG.30 of treatment failure, an error in initial diag- J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1999;28 Suppl 1:48.
Principles of Management of Odontogenic Infections 293

7. Umeda M, Minamikawa T, Komatsubara H, et 16. Dodson TB, Barton JA, Kaban LB. Predictors of of acute dentoalveolar abscess. Br Dent J
al. Necrotizing fasciitis caused by dental outcome in children hospitalized with max- 1993;175:169–74.
infection: a retrospective analysis of 9 cases illofacial infections: a linear logistic model. 26. Paterson SA, Curzon ME. The effect of amoxy-
and a review of the literature. Oral Surg J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1991;49:838–42. cillin versus penicillin V in the treatment of
Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 17. Gidley PW, Ghorayeb BY, Stiernberg CM, et al. acutely abscessed primary teeth. Br Dent J
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necrotizing fasciitis: report of three cases Surg 1997;116:16–22. to phenoxymethylpenicillin in the treat-
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illofac Surg Clin North Am 1991;3:311–29. mentin) versus penicillin V in the treatment (PA): WB Saunders Co.; 2002. p. 439–55.

Sinus Infections
Rakesh K. Chandra, MD
David W. Kennedy, MD

Chronic sinusitis is a disease with high computed tomography (CT) have demonstrated that even small anatomic
prevalence in the American population, enhanced diagnostic accuracy, treatment variations or inflammatory processes in
affecting up to 13.4% of the population planning, and surgical capabilities. Prior this location may impair ventilation and
and accounting for almost 2% of all to these developments, management pri- drainage of the adjacent sinuses, with sub-
ambulatory diagnoses rendered.1 This marily consisted of antibiotic therapy, sequent development of significant
condition is important not only because of with surgery (often performed via facial inflammatory disease in these regions.
its frequency but because complications of incisions) reserved for complications. This observation led him to employ endo-
sinusitis may carry severe neurologic, oph- Endoscopy and CT have permitted elective scopes for the surgical management of
thalmologic, and systemic consequences. management of sinusitis for symptomatic sinusitis such that disease processes affect-
Therefore it is incumbent on all practi- improvement and the prevention of com- ing the natural sinus drainage pathways
tioners, particularly those who manage plications. Advances in our understanding could be addressed. Particularly, he
structures of the maxillofacial complex, to of microbiology, allergy, and pharmacolo- showed that even limited surgical proce-
be familiar with the features of sinonasal gy have complemented these modalities. dures directed toward the OMC and ante-
disease. Technologic advances in diagnos- The first fiber-optic nasal examination rior ethmoid sinuses can result in
tic imaging, endoscopy, and surgical was performed by Hirshman using a mod- improvement of ventilation and drainage
instrumentation have revolutionized the ified cystoscope. Instrumentation was of the frontal and maxillary sinuses.
diagnosis and treatment of sinusitis. Fur- then refined after World War II, permit- During the 1980s Stammberger, also
thermore, both clinical experience and ting the development of smaller scopes of Graz, and Kennedy, in the United
basic science knowledge have modified with improved illumination. Hopkins States, further refined and popularized
our perspective of sinusitis such that we designed a series of rigid endoscopes in these techniques.3 Since that time nasal
now understand it as an inflammatory dis- the early 1950s. They were relatively small endoscopy has been employed in the sur-
order, rather than a purely infectious in diameter and had wide field high- gical management of sinonasal neoplasms
process. This chapter attempts to synthe- contrast optics and bright illumination. as well as a multitude of both skull base
size a framework for understanding the This technology was used by Professor W. and orbital pathologies. Although indica-
etiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, Messerklinger of Graz, Austria, for system- tions do exist for external approaches to
medical treatment, and surgery for atic nasal airway evaluation. Importantly, the paranasal sinuses, endoscopic
sinonasal inflammatory disease. These ele- Messerklinger observed that primary approaches are typically first line in the
ments are discussed in the context of our inflammatory processes of the lateral nasal surgical management algorithm. Recent
current knowledge base and the latest wall, particularly the middle meatus, advances in surgical instrumentation have
technologic innovations. resulted in secondary disease of the maxil- included the development of angled for-
The diagnosis and management of lary and frontal sinuses.2 This led to the ceps, drills, and telescopes. Additionally,
sinusitis has traditionally been based on definition of the osteomeatal complex the availability of stereotactic navigation-
patient symptomatology and plain film (OMC; Figure 16-1) as the site of common al imaging has permitted more compre-
imaging. The advent of sinonasal drainage for the maxillary, frontal, and hensive surgery to be performed safely.
endoscopy and the wide availability of anterior ethmoid sinuses. Messerklinger The practices of optimal medical therapy,
296 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections

itself. This is described in greater detail

below under “Diagnosis.” It also deserves
clarification that fever is only considered a
major factor in the setting of acute sinusi-
tis but is otherwise a minor factor.
Nasal septum Although the term sinusitis is commonly
Ethmoid bulla
in use, the process may more accurately be
described by the term rhinosinusitis
Infundibulum because the nasal and sinus mucosal sur-
Concha bullosa faces are contiguous and it would be
impossible to have sinusitis without a
Uncinate process
coexisting rhinitis. The terms are used
Infraorbital ethmoidal cell interchangeably in the present chapter.
Rhinosinusitis is classified as either
acute, subacute, recurrent acute, or
chronic. The distinctions are based solely
upon the time course or temporal pattern
in which the patient has symptoms.
Patients may also have episodes of recur-
rent acute sinusitis superimposed on a
baseline state of chronic sinusitis. A diag-
nosis of acute sinusitis requires that crite-
ria satisfying a strong history for sinusitis
are present for 1 to 4 weeks. Patients
FIGURE 16-1 Diagram of coronal section through the region of the osteomeatal complex. Note the
should exhibit signs and symptoms for at
uncinate process, ethmoid bulla, infundibulum, nasal septum, infraorbital ethmoidal cell, and concha
bullosa. (Courtesy of Tina Bales, MD, resident, Department of Otorhinolaryngology—Head and Neck least 1 week before sinusitis is diagnosed
Surgery, University of Pennsylvania [with adaptations]) because sinusitis typically involves a bac-
terial process, and the vast majority of
both pre- and postoperatively, and metic- ered a “strong history for sinusitis.” Of patients with symptoms for < 1 week
ulous postoperative care have further note, purulent nasal drainage alone is con- have simple viral upper respiratory infec-
improved our treatment success. The sidered diagnostic for sinusitis. This find- tions. Strictly speaking, however, a viral
remainder of this chapter highlights the ing is clearly visible on nasal endoscopy upper respiratory infection is synony-
state of the art in the diagnosis and man- and may manifest as purulence in the mous with an acute viral rhinosinusitis.
agement of sinusitis. middle meatus or within a sinus cavity Subacute sinusitis requires that these

Clinical Presentation
Sinusitis is a clinical diagnosis that is con-
Table 16-1 Factors Associated with a History of Rhinosinusitis*
firmed by physical examination, including
nasal endoscopy, and radiographic imag- Major Factors Minor Factors
ing. The Task Force on Rhinosinusitis Facial pain/pressure Headache
sponsored by the American Academy of Facial congestion/fullness Maxillary dental pain
Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery Nasal drainage/discharge Cough
has established criteria to define a history Postnasal drip Halitosis (bad breath)
consistent with sinusitis.3 These are based Nasal obstruction/blockage Fatigue
on patient signs and symptoms and are Hyposmia/anosmia (decreased or absent sense of smell) Ear pain, pressure, or
grouped into major and minor criteria, as Fever (acute sinusitis only) fullness
Purulence on nasal endoscopy (diagnostic by itself) Fever
outlined in Table 16-1. The presence of
*Either two major factors, or one major and two minor, are required for a diagnosis of rhinosinusitis. Purulence on nasal
two or more major factors, or one major endoscopy is diagnostic. Fever is a major factor only in the acute stage.
plus at least two minor factors, is consid-
Sinus Infections 297

criteria have existed for 4 to 12 weeks, and bones in the superior portion of the poste- wall that hangs just superior to the
in chronic sinusitis the criteria are pre- rior nasal cavity (see Figure 16-2). infundibulum. The drainage tract from
sent for at least 12 weeks. In recurrent The remaining discussion details the the frontal sinus courses inferiorly from
acute sinusitis, episodes last < 4 weeks, anatomy of the middle meatus and the the sinus medial to the medial orbital wall,
but the patient is asymptomatic between OMC, for this is the critical region in the lateral to the middle turbinate, and anteri-
episodes. Rhinosinusitis may also have development of sinusitis. These structures or to the ethmoid bulla. This tract, known
significant fungal components and may are mainly derived from the ethmoid as the frontal recess, is highly variable and
be influenced by environmental, general bone, a T-shaped structure, of which the is often lined with variant anterior eth-
host, and local host factors (see below). vertical part contributes to the nasal sep- moid air cells. It is apparent that even min-
tum, middle (and superior) turbinate, eth- imal inflammatory disease in the OMC
Etiology moid air cell system, and the lateral nasal can impair sinus ventilation and drainage
wall (see Figure 16-1). The horizontal por- of the adjacent ethmoid, maxillary, and
Anatomy and Physiology of the tion forms the cribriform plate of the skull frontal sinuses.
Nose and Paranasal Sinuses base. The uncinate is a sickle-shaped The paranasal sinuses and the majori-
The pathophysiology of sinusitis must be process of ethmoid bone that lies along the ty of the nasal cavity itself are lined with
understood in the context of the normal lateral nasal wall. The cleft-like space later- pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithe-
anatomy and physiology of the nose and al to this structure is known as the lium (respiratory type). The cilia suspend
paranasal sinuses. The paranasal sinuses infundibulum, and this is the region into a mucous blanket, which is secreted by
are formed early in development as which the maxillary sinus drains. The goblet cells in the mucous membrane (Fig-
evaginations of respiratory mucosa from medial opening of the infundibulum, ure 16-3). The cilia propel this blanket in a
the nose into the facial bones. Cavity for- where it opens into the middle meatus, is predetermined direction (Figure 16-4), in
mation begins in utero, and pneumatiza- known as the hiatus semilunaris. The eth- a manner similar to the “mucociliary esca-
tion continues into early adolescent life. moid bulla is a prominence of anterior lator” of the tracheobronchial tree. This
The ethmoid sinus develops into a bony ethmoid air cell(s) along the lateral nasal phenomenon is important because in the
labyrinth of 3 to 15 small air cells on each
side. In contrast, the other sinus cavities
develop as a single bony cavity on each
side of the facial skeleton, although vari-
ations may exist. The ostium of each
sinus represents the point at which out-
pouching initiated.
The lateral nasal wall on each side is
lined by three turbinate bones designated
as inferior, middle, and superior (Figure
16-2). The space under each is known as Superior
either the inferior, middle, or superior
meatus, respectively. The OMC is a space
within the middle meatus into which the Middle
maxillary, anterior ethmoid, and frontal turbinate

sinuses drain (see Figure 16-1). It is this

region where pathology such as anatomic Inferior
variation or inflammatory disease is most
likely to impair sinus ventilation and
drainage, resulting in the development of
sinusitis. The posterior ethmoid sinuses
drain into the superior meatus. The sphe-
noid sinus drains into an area known as
FIGURE 16-2 Structures of the lateral nasal wall. Note the position of the inferior, middle,
the sphenoethmoidal recess, which lies at and superior turbinates. (Courtesy of Tina Bales, MD, resident, Department of Otorhino-
the junction of the sphenoid and ethmoid laryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, University of Pennsylvania [with adaptations])
298 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections

flow with subsequent bacterial coloniza-

blanket tion and inflammation. Variations of the
ethmoidal air system may also obstruct
mucociliary outflow. Such examples
include the infraorbital cell (Haller cell)
and pneumatized middle turbinate (con-
cha bullosa; see Figure 16-1).
Sinonasal tumors and polyps may also
promote sinusitis by impairing the out-
flow of secretions. A discussion of
sinonasal neoplasia is beyond the scope of
this chapter. Nasal polyps by themselves
are not a disease but a manifestation of
advanced sinonasal inflammation. The
FIGURE 16-3 Histology of the sinonasal mucosa. Note the pseudostratified ciliated cells and the goblet origin of nasal polyps is therefore multi-
cells. The cilia suspend and propel the mucous blanket. (Courtesy of Tina Bales, MD, resident, Depart- factorial and may include any combina-
ment of Otorhinolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, University of Pennsylvania [with adaptations])
tion of the infectious, allergic, immuno-
logic, metabolic, and/or genetic conditions
paranasal sinuses cilia propel mucus (2) defects in ciliary capability to propel described below.
toward the natural ostium. This means the mucous blanket, and (3) abnormal The presence of accessory ostia,
that in the maxillary sinus cilia must pro- quantity or quality of secretions. A combi- either congenital or iatrogenic, may pro-
pel mucus against gravitational forces. Any nation of these factors results in the devel- mote the development of chronic sinusi-
surgical procedures intended to promote opment of sinusitis by allowing stasis of tis by the mucus recirculation phenome-
sinus drainage must, however, be secretions, resulting in bacterial coloniza- non. This is most apparent in the
addressed to the natural ostium. tion and infection with associated inflam- maxillary sinus. Mucus is physiologically
One or more of the following local fac- mation.4 In turn, this results in further propelled around accessory ostia and
tors may create a predisposition for sinusi- ostial obstruction, stasis, and exacerbation toward the natural ostium (see Figure 16-
tis: (1) mechanical obstruction of mucocil- of the inflammatory process. Furthermore, 4). However, the presence of an accessory
iary flow, particularly in the OMC region, impairment of sinus ventilation creates ostium allows mucus reentry into the
acidic anaerobic conditions that cause cil- sinus lumen. Earlier surgical techniques
iary damage and ineffective mucus clear- attempting to augment sinus ventilation
Right frontal Left frontal ance.5 A variety of local and systemic dis- and drainage included the creation of a
sinus sinus
ease processes may promote sinusitis by “nasoantral window” in the inferior mea-
influencing mucociliary clearance at the tus, with the rationalization that this
anatomic, histologic, immunologic, and would permit drainage in a gravity-
biochemical levels (Figure 16-5). dependent manner. This approach, how-
Left maxillary ever, is suboptimal because cilia attempt
Right maxillary
sinus Anatomic Factors to direct mucus around the iatrogenic
Post-traumatic, congenital, or iatrogenic ostium to the natural one.
conditions involving the craniofacial In children adenoid hypertrophy is a
skeleton may physically obstruct sinus frequent underlying cause of sinus infec-
ostia, contributing to the development of tions. This impairs the outflow of secretions
Accessory sinusitis. These may include abnormalities from the posterior nasal cavity into the
of the nasal septum, such as spurs and nasopharynx. The diagnosis is suspected in
FIGURE 16-4 Cilia beat in a predetermined deviations, or variants of the middle children presenting with nasal obstruction,
manner to direct mucus flow to the natural turbinate including turbinate pneumatiza- mouth breathing, and rhinorrhea. A nasal
ostium and around accessory ostia. (Courtesy of tion (concha bullosa) or hypertrophy. foreign body may also be observed in chil-
Tina Bales, MD, resident, Department of
Otorhinolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, These entities may narrow the middle dren with these findings and may either
University of Pennsylvania [with adaptations]) meatal cleft, thus impairing mucus out- mimic or be the cause of rhinosinusitis. The
Sinus Infections 299

Chronic inflammatory disorders

Host factors Environmental factors
affecting the respiratory mucosa appear to
(allergy, anatomy, genetics) (allergens, viral infections) correlate with sinusitis. Patients with aller-
gic rhinitis frequently exhibit sinus
mucosal disease, and, conversely, a large
proportion of patients with chronic
Sinus ostial obstruction Mucosal inflammation
sinusitis have positive responses to allergy
skin testing. This is thought to be an
immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated (type
I) immediate hypersensitivity, with cell-
mediated late-phase responses. Our
Stasis of secretions
Hypoxia Immunologic reaction understanding of the mechanistic rela-
Ciliary dysfunction tionship between allergy and sinusitis is
far from complete, however, and the exact
concordance between the disorders is
unknown.10 Nonetheless, it appears that
atopic patients have an underlying predis-
Bacterial colonization
Fungi? position for mucosal inflammation. Ostial
and infection
obstruction and impaired mucociliary
flow from allergen exposure may result in
FIGURE 16-5 Sinusitis is a multifactorial process, of which bacterial infection is a component. bacterial overgrowth and exacerbation of
the inflammatory process. The effect of
allergic disease persists even after surgical
classic finding in these patients is unilateral the maxillary sinus ostium secondary to procedures that enlarge the natural sinus
foul-smelling rhinorrhea. tissue edema.7 Mucociliary clearance is ostia. In fact, surgery may increase mucos-
Miscellaneous anatomically related also impaired secondary to destruction al inflammation by enhancing allergen
conditions that may increase the risk for and shedding of ciliated epithelial cells. exposure to susceptible mucosa within the
developing sinusitis include the presence Influenza virus appears to be the most sinus, despite anatomic improvements in
of nasotracheal or nasogastric tubes and destructive in this regard.8 Rhinovirus is the drainage pathway.
barotrauma. Nasal intubation may impair the most common cause, with over 100 Patients with asthma are also predis-
sinonasal drainage, but other mechanisms serotypes identified, and respiratory syn- posed to sinusitis secondary to a general-
may be involved as studies have observed cytial virus, parainfluenza virus, and coro- ized reactivity of the respiratory mucosa.
sinusitis on the side opposite tube place- navirus may also be implicated. Regardless Again, the exact relationship between
ment.6 Barosinusitis results from tissue of the offending virus, conditions of ostial these entities is unclear. However, there is
edema induced by rapidly changing air obstruction and impaired mucociliary evidence that asthma symptoms may
pressures during diving, air travel, or flow permit bacterial overgrowth. even improve after surgical management
hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Any preexist- Dental conditions may cause maxillary of comorbid chronic sinusitis.11,12 One
ing anatomic narrowing of the OMC pre- sinusitis secondary to direct extension of atopic syndrome that deserves discussion
disposes to barosinusitis as air pressure infectious or inflammatory processes is the Aspirin-sensitivity triad (Samter’s
within the sinus cannot effectively equili- through the apices of maxillary teeth into triad). These patients develop asthma in
brate with the ambient pressure during the sinus. Infection following a sinus lift association with sinusitis and nasal poly-
ascent or descent. procedure appears to be more likely when posis, and Aspirin precipitates acute
there is preexisting osteomeatal inflamma- bronchospasm. Overall, it is estimated
Inflammatory Conditions tion. Dental implant and root canal materi- that up to 25% of patients with nasal
The most common inflammatory condi- als may also extrude into the sinus, initiating polyposis develop bronchoconstriction in
tion that predisposes to sinusitis is a viral inflammation via a foreign body reaction response to Aspirin administration.13
upper respiratory infection, or the com- or by acting as a nidus for bacterial colo- Aspirin-sensitivity triad is a defect of
mon cold, during which approximately nization. Specifically, paraformaldehyde- arachidonic acid metabolism and may
80% of patients have decreased patency of containing pastes have been implicated.9 have a genetic basis.14
300 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections

Over 100 chemicals have been found to including the immune or metabolic status troversial as these organisms are known to
cause nasal irritation, many of which are of the host, the duration of the disease colonize the anterior nose and are less fre-
found in cigarette smoke. Pollutants may process, whether the infection is commu- quently isolated when the anterior nose is
contribute to sinusitis through several nity or hospital acquired, and antibiotic disinfected.25 Most authors agree, howev-
mechanisms. Deposition of irritant parti- resistance patterns. In uncomplicated er, that S. aureus is a significant pathogen
cles in the mucous blanket during respira- acute sinusitis, Streptococcus pneumoniae and should be treated when identified.26,27
tion can increase the relative concentration and Haemophilus influenzae are the most Gram-negative organisms that may be iso-
to which the mucous membrane is commonly isolated pathogens; Moraxella lated include Pseudomonas, Klebsiella, and
exposed, resulting in direct chemical and catarrhalis may also be a significant Proteus. Viridans streptococci, organisms
physical irritation, which subsequently pro- organism, particularly in the pediatric commonly found among oral flora, are
motes the inflammatory process.15 The irri- population. Staphylococcus aureus, Strep- observed in up to one-third of cases.24
tant effects of these chemicals may also tococcus pyogenes, coagulase-negative Interestingly, one study identified anaer-
induce neurogenic inflammation through staphylococci, anaerobes, and gram- obes in 93% of specimens in children with
vasodilation, tissue edema, and leukocyte negative organisms are found in varying chronic sinusitis.28 However, because the
influx. Specifically, neuropeptides such as proportions. The pathogenic roles of upper aerodigestive tract is highly colo-
substance P from unmyelinated sensory staphylococcal species in acute sinusitis are nized with anaerobes,29 their role in the
fibers have been implicated.16 Pollutants unclear as these are found near the maxil- infectious process is unclear. Postsurgical-
may also impair mucociliary clearance lary ostium in 60% of healthy asympto- ly, the sinonasal mucosa is frequently colo-
through alterations in mucus viscosity, matic adults.21 Anaerobes, when isolated, nized or infected with Pseudomonas
inhibition of ciliary function, and increases are typically a component of a mixed bac- and/or S. aureus, and patients may still be
in epithelial permeability. The typical terial infection and may be the result of an susceptible to acute exacerbations by the
chemical components of outdoor pollution extension of a dental abscess.22 It should pathogens involved in acute sinusitis.
have been shown to increase neutrophil also be noted that up to 50% of patients
counts in nasal lavage specimens.17 A study diagnosed clinically with acute sinusitis Role of Fungi
in Finland also correlated the increase in have sterile sinus aspirates. The reason for Much has evolved in our understanding of
nasal polyposis and frontal sinusitis with air this is unclear, but it may reflect viral or the role of fungi in sinusitis, and different
pollution. These studies provide circum- allergic processes diagnosed as bacterial patterns of fungal sinusitis exist. Fungal
stantial but objective evidence that pollu- sinusitis. Nosocomial acute sinusitis may disease can be classified as noninvasive or
tants play a significant role in the increasing be caused by nasal intubation, nasal pack- invasive. Both fungal balls and allergic
prevalence of chronic sinusitis.18 ing, patient immobility, chronic debilita- fungal sinusitis are part of the noninvasive
Recently there has been investigation tion, and/or immunosuppression. The group, although recently it has been sug-
into a possible role for gastroesophageal most common species isolated in these gested that fungus has a wider role as an
reflux disease (GERD) in sinonasal cases is Pseudomonas, although S. aureus is active factor in the pathogenesis of
inflammation, particularly in the pediatric also frequently isolated, and the bacteriolo- eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis. Inva-
population.19,20 In fact, GERD has been gy may be unpredictable. sive fungal disease is typically a fulminant
associated with a multitude of inflamma- Patients with chronic sinusitis typical- disease in immunocompromised individ-
tory processes of the upper aerodigestive ly represent a population with several uals but can also occur occasionally as an
tract including esophagitis, pharyngitis, months to years of symptoms who have indolent disease in patients who are
and laryngitis. Evidence for its role in received multiple antibiotic courses. Thus immunocompetent. Fungal balls are typi-
sinusitis, however, is circumstantial, and the bacterial profile in these patients dif- cally seen in immunocompetent individu-
many feel that it is not a significant predis- fers from that of acute sinusitis. Polymi- als with chronic (or recurrent acute)
posing factor.20 Nonetheless, GERD crobial infections and antibiotic-resistant symptomatology that is often subtle and
should be suspected in children whose organisms are often found. In general, a restricted to a single sinus. Patients may
inflammation appears refractory to med- higher proportion of S. aureus, coagulase- complain about the perception of a foul
ical and surgical management. negative staphylococci, gram-negative odor and occasionally report expelling
bacilli, and streptococci are isolated in fungal debris with nose blowing. Most
Bacteriology of Sinusitis addition to the typical pathogens of acute commonly, a fungal ball consisting of
The type of bacteria involved in a sinus sinusitis.23,24 The roles of S. aureus and Aspergillus fumigatus is found in the max-
infection depends on multiple factors, coagulase-negative staphylococci are con- illary sinus with scant inflammatory cell
Sinus Infections 301

infiltration in the surrounding mucosa.30 course is unusually refractory to medical Aspergillus flavus is the most common
The condition is indolent, and cure is therapy. Additionally, advanced nasal organism encountered. Symptoms of
often achieved after surgical removal of polyposis with inspissated mucin and chronic sinusitis are initially present, but
the fungus ball and assurance of patency fungal debris may cause thinning of bone these progress to cause visual and neuro-
of the natural sinus ostium. of the adjacent orbit and skull base. The logic signs. Nasal endoscopy may reveal
Allergic fungal sinusitis (AFS) is a goals for treatment of AFS are to eliminate granulomatous inflammation.31 Bone
form of noninvasive fungal sinusitis seen the fungal antigenic load and to reestab- destruction ultimately occurs. Treatment
in immunocompetent patients, who lish sinus ventilation, drainage, and includes surgical removal of fungal debris
exhibit a hypersensitivity reaction to fun- mucociliary clearance. Surgery has a and affected tissues, as well as systemic and
gal organisms in the nose and sinuses. The prominent role in these regards but must local antifungal therapy.
disease typically presents with unilateral be complemented with medical therapies
nasal polyposis and thick tenacious secre- to both reduce inflammation and elimi- Genetic Disorders
tions.31 The most commonly implicated nate the fungal load. Little is known regarding genetic influ-
fungi are those of the Dematiaceae fami- Immunocompromised patients are at ences on the risk of developing sinusitis,
ly,32 but Aspergillus species are also seen. risk for developing fulminant invasive fun- and the exact contribution of hereditary
The exact pathophysiology is controversial gal sinusitis. This patient population is variables is difficult to quantify given the
but is thought to involve IgE-mediated composed of diabetics, transplant patients, multifactorial nature of the disease. How-
(type I) responses. IgE-sensitized mast those receiving cancer chemotherapy, burn ever, recently the ADAM33 gene has been
cells are activated by exposure to fungal victims, the elderly, and patients with con- identified as being associated with the
antigens resulting in degranulation, influx genital or acquired immunodeficiency. In closely related disease asthma. Many of the
of eosinophils, and exacerbation of addition to the typical symptoms of sinusi- predisposing inflammatory conditions
inflammation via the release of major tis, patients with invasive fungal disease discussed previously, particularly those
basic protein. Immune complex (type III) may present with severe pain, fever, prop- involving an atopic response, also tend to
reactions involving IgG have also been tosis, visual impairment, cranial neuropa- cluster in families, suggesting a genetic
identified. Patients have a severe inflam- thy, other focal neurologic findings, component. Additionally, several defined
matory reaction with nasal polyposis and seizures, and altered mental status. Invasive congenital syndromes are associated with
inspissated “allergic mucin” consisting of fungal sinusitis may begin as a noninvasive sinusitis. These include defects of metabo-
eosinophil breakdown products (Charcot- form with subsequent tissue invasion in a lism, ciliary structure/function, and the
Leyden crystals) and fungal forms. AFS- susceptible patient. Aspergillus and fungi of immune system. Some of the more com-
like conditions have also been described in the Mucoraceae family are often implicat- mon pathologies with a primary genetic
which mucin is observed, but fungal forms ed, with the latter being more common in basis are outlined below.
are not identified microscopically or by diabetics. Black necrotic eschars of the Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal
culture.33 Recent studies by Ponikau and nasal mucosa are noted during nasal recessive disorder affecting epithelial trans-
colleagues and Taylor and colleagues, how- endoscopy, with bone destruction on CT port of chloride and water via mutations in
ever, revealed that fungi can be demon- scans. Biopsy of the border of the eschar is the CFTR gene. This results in abnormally
strated with increased sensitivity using essential to confirm the diagnosis. Biopsy is viscous secretions, which become inspis-
novel culture and staining techniques.34,35 also necessary when pale insensate mucosa sated in the lung, pancreas, and sinonasal
In fact, this group showed that fungi are is discovered in a patient with a strong his- tract, ultimately leading to chronic inflam-
present in 93% of 101 patients with chron- tory and risk factors for invasive fungal mation and fibrosis. In the sinonasal tract,
ic sinusitis.34 This has led to the hypothesis sinusitis. Treatment requires aggressive patients exhibit florid polyposis and colo-
that the fungi, themselves, may induce an surgical débridement of infected and devi- nization with Pseudomonas. A sweat test to
eosinophilic response, and that fungi may talized tissues, topical and systemic anti- detect elevated chloride levels is diagnostic
play a prominent role in chronic sinusitis, fungal medications, and management of and should be performed on any child pre-
even in the absence of frank AFS. This area predisposing conditions. senting with nasal polyposis. Recent data
of research is progressing rapidly. The chronic indolent form of invasive also suggest that heterozygous carriers may
Patients with AFS may present with fungal sinusitis is more commonly be at increased risk for developing chronic
the typical signs and symptoms of chron- observed in immunocompetent patients sinusitis.36 Aggressive medical manage-
ic sinusitis. Underlying AFS must be sus- and is endemic in Sudan, but it has also ment against Pseudomonas is necessary;
pected in a chronic sinusitis patient whose been observed in type II diabetics. treatment also includes surgery to remove
302 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections

polyps and chronically infected tissue and tified.42–44 The particular type of immun-
to provide sinus ventilation. Pulmonary odeficiency involved may dictate the
disease is typically the life-limiting mani- nature of the superinfecting organism.45
festation of CF, but in the era of lung trans- For example, complement defects are
plantation, patients may live well into the associated with gram-negative infections.
fourth or fifth decade. Difficult-to-manage sinus disease should
Inherited disorders of ciliary struc- inspire an investigation into this area,
ture or function also are associated with including the quantitative measurement of
chronic sinus disease. Kartagener’s triad immunoglobulins and possibly comple-
is a syndrome involving sinusitis, ment levels.
bronchiectasis, and situs inversus.37
Sinus, middle ear, and pulmonary dis- Diagnosis
eases are observed in nearly all cases, and
male patients are usually infertile sec- Roles of Endoscopy and CT
ondary to sperm immobility. These man- Sinus infections are typically diagnosed
ifestations are a consequence of structur- based on clinical criteria described previ- FIGURE 16-6 Purulent discharge from the

al defects in the dynein arms of cilia. middle meatus draining into the nasopharynx
ously (see Table 16-1). Symptom severity adjacent to the eustachian tube orifice. Repro-
Light microscopy reveals a reduction in and effect on quality of life can be scored duced with permission from Joe SA, Bolger WE,
ciliary beat frequency, and structural on multiple different scales.46,47 Acute Kennedy DW. Nasal endoscopy: diagnosis and
abnormalities can be observed under sinusitis is frequently diagnosed and man- staging of inflammatory sinus disease. In:
Kennedy DW, Bolger WE, Zinreich SJ, editors.
electron microscopy. Primary ciliary aged by the primary care practitioner Diseases of the sinuses: diagnosis and manage-
dyskinesia (or immotile cilia syndrome) largely based on history, but recurrent ment. Hamilton: BC Decker Inc; 2001. p. 120.
is twice as common as Kartagener’s syn- acute sinusitis, chronic sinusitis, or that
drome and has similar sinopulmonary which has failed medical management
manifestations without situs inversus.38 requires endoscopic evaluation and radi-
These patients often live a normal life ographic imaging. This is important
span with timely management of because over two-thirds of patients who
sinopulmonary infections and prophylac- meet the criteria for rhinosinusitis have
tic measures such as avoidance of envi- negative results on endoscopy, and over M
ronmental pollutants. 50% have negative results on CT scans.46
Young’s syndrome is also associated Sinusitis can be diagnosed regardless
with chronic sinusitis, lung disease, and of symptomatic criteria if pus is noted in
male infertility.39 The etiology of male the middle meatus during nasal
infertility, however, is secondary to endoscopy (Figure 16-6). In patients who I
obstruction of the epididymis, and sperm have had surgical antrostomy, pus may be S P
motility is normal. There is no association seen within the maxillary sinus. This can
with situs inversus. Sinus and lung disease be cultured during the examination, with
usually do not progress beyond childhood, the results being useful in antibiotic selec-
and few require sinus surgery.40 tion. In addition to purulence, nasal
Multiple inherited immunodeficiency endoscopy can detect mucosal inflamma-
disorders may be associated with sinusitis. tion, edema, polyposis (Figure 16-7), and
These typically involve defects of antibody- anatomic variations such as a deviated FIGURE 16-7 View into left nasal cavity demon-
mediated immunity, particularly IgG sub- septum. A recent study demonstrated that strates a polyp (P) extending from the middle
meatus. S = septum; M = middle turbinate; I =
class deficiency, for which the inheritance the findings of purulence, polyps, or inferior turbinate. Reproduced with permission
pattern is unknown.41 Common variable mucosal edema correlate with sinusitis by from Joe SA, Bolger WE, Kennedy DW. Nasal
immunodeficiency (dominant or reces- CT, but anatomic variation was not a sig- endoscopy: diagnosis and staging of inflammato-
sive), IgA deficiency (dominant), X-linked ry sinus disease. In: Kennedy DW, Bolger WE,
nificant predictor. Also, negative
Zinreich SJ, editors. Diseases of the sinuses: diag-
agammaglobulinemia, and complement endoscopy was a good predictor for CT nosis and management. Hamilton: BC Decker
deficiencies are among the disorders iden- scan results that were normal or indicated Inc; 2001. p. 123.
Sinus Infections 303

minimal disease.46 Overall, these results

underscore the need for endoscopy in the
diagnostic evaluation of cases other than
isolated episodes of uncomplicated acute
Approximately one-third of randomly
selected asymptomatic people have some
mucosal changes on CT scans, but patients
with symptoms and some endoscopic
findings do not necessarily have positive
findings on CT scans.48 Thus, although CT
is a good predictor of moderate mucosal
thickening, it probably should not be con-
sidered a gold standard for diagnosis. The FIGURE 16-9 Examples of fungal balls of the maxillary sinus. Note the fungal debris and
mucosal edema. Reproduced with permission from Dhong HJ, Lanza DC. Fungal rhinosi-
decision to treat medically may be based nusitis. In: Kennedy DW, Bolger WE, Zinreich SJ, editors. Diseases of the sinuses: diagno-
rationally on endoscopic findings because sis and management. Hamilton: BC Decker Inc; 2001. p. 181.
such normal findings are associated with
normal or near-normal CT results in over
75% of cases.46 CT is necessary, however, bullosa (pneumatized middle turbinate) Special Considerations
when surgery is anticipated, complications can be also detected. Scans can additional-
are suspected, or when there is a signifi- ly be obtained in the axial plane, and
Fungal Sinusitis Fungal sinusitis, as out-
cant discrepancy between history and images may be reconstructed in three
lined previously, may manifest in a spec-
endoscopic examination. In these situa- planes: coronal, axial, and sagittal. This
trum of both invasive and noninvasive
tions CT not only helps to confirm the technology allows for precise anatomic
forms. Endoscopically, with noninvasive
diagnosis but also aids in surgical plan- localization of disease processes and intra-
or chronically invasive disease, fungal
ning. The coronal plane provides the best operative stereotactic navigational imag-
forms may be evident (Figure 16-9), along
view of the OMC (Figure 16-8) and can be ing (see “Surgery,” below). It should be
with mucosal edema and/or polyposis. In
used to detect opacification, mucosal noted that although plain films are widely
allergic fungal sinusitis the allergic mucin
thickening, and neo-osteogenesis, all of available and inexpensive, much more pre-
cise data is obtained with a coronal CT, that is inspissated among the nasal polyps
which are indicative of chronic inflamma-
whose use has comparable costs and radi- and fungal debris has a peanut butter–like
tion. Anatomic variations such as a concha
ation exposure. Although plain films may quality. Histologically this contains fungal
detect complete sinus opacification or air- forms, eosinophils, and Charcot-Leyden
fluid levels, chronic inflammatory disease crystals (breakdown products of
correlates with as little as 2 mm of mucos- eosinophil granules; Figure 16-10). The
al thickening, which cannot be identified mucous membranes of invasive fungal
on plain films.49 sinusitis typically contain black necrotic
In an effort to reduce both costs and eschars but may be pale or gray in earlier
radiation exposure, protocols have been phases. These findings are secondary to
designed involving lowered radiation doses. ischemic necrosis induced by fungal inva-
These allow adequate bony detail and do sion of the mucosal vasculature and may
not appear to cause diagnostic errors,50 extend to the gingivae and palate. Suspi-
FIGURE 16-8 Coronal computed tomography cion of invasive fungal sinusitis requires
although soft tissue contrast is slightly
scan of the sinus through the osteomeatal com-
reduced. For diagnostic purposes and for biopsy confirmation (Figure 16-11), fol-
plex. An infraorbital ethmoid cell (Haller cell; H)
is demonstrated. Also, see Figure 16-1. Repro- routine elective sinus surgery, images in the lowed by aggressive débridement of infect-
duced with permission from Zinreich SJ, Got- coronal plane alone are sufficient. These ed and devitalized tissues.
wald T. Radiographic anatomy of the sinuses. In: should be obtained at 3 mm cuts, although Typically, noninvasive fungal disease
Kennedy DW, Bolger WE, Zinreich SJ, editors.
Diseases of the sinuses: diagnosis and manage- some centers attempt to further reduce appears on CT scans as areas of increased
ment. Hamilton: BC Decker Inc.; 2001. p. 24. costs by using thicker sections.51 density within the sinuses (Figure 16-12).
304 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections

mucus retention. Bone thinning or inflammation of the intraconal contents

destruction may be observed from the resulting in ophthalmoplegia, proptosis,
expansile nature of the inflammatory and chemosis secondary to obstruction of
process or owing to tissue invasion. venous outflow via the ophthalmic veins.
Subperiosteal abscess (Figure 16-14) is
Complications of Sinusitis Because of a collection of purulent material between
the proximity of the paranasal sinuses to the bony orbital wall and the orbital
the eyes and brain, complications of periosteum, usually from direct spread of
sinusitis are divided into two broad cate- acute infection in the ethmoid sinuses
gories: orbital and intracranial. Infection through the lamina papyracea. Depending
extending into the orbit and associated on the size of the abscess and the associat-
soft tissues usually originates from the eth- ed mass effect, and the degree of inflam-
moids and occurs through one of two mation, ocular muscles and visual acuity
FIGURE 16-10 Allergic mucin of allergic fungal mechanisms: (1) direct extension through are variably affected. Progression of this
sinusitis. Microscopic evaluation reveals eosino- the orbital wall or (2) retrograde spread subperiosteal process may subsequently
phils and Charcot-Leyden crystals (×400 original
through veins between the sinuses and the result in an abscess of the orbital tissues.
magnification; stained with hematoxylin-eosin).
Reproduced with permission from Dhong HJ, orbit. Lymphatic spread is not a significant An orbital abscess may also occur with
Lanza DC. Fungal rhinosinusitis. In: Kennedy DW, factor because lymphatics are absent in the progression of orbital cellulitis. At this
Bolger WE, Zinreich SJ, editors. Diseases of the orbit. The spectrum of orbital complica- stage, restriction of extraocular mobility,
sinuses: diagnosis and management. Hamilton: BC
Decker Inc; 2001. p. 186. tions of sinus infections has been classified proptosis, chemosis, and visual loss are
in five categories (Figure 16-13).53 often observed. When orbital cellulitis or
Preseptal cellulitis, or periorbital cel- subperiosteal or orbital abscesses are sus-
This may be secondary to the affinity of lulitis, is edema and inflammation of the pected, contrast-enhanced CT examina-
fungi for magnesium, calcium, manganese, skin and muscle anterior to the orbital tion is necessary.55
or ferromagnetic elements,52 although the septum secondary to impairment of Cavernous sinus thrombosis is a grave
exact mechanism for this finding is venous drainage from these tissues.54 complication that occurs from direct
unclear. CT images may also reveal exten- There are no visual symptoms, restrictions extension or retrograde thrombophlebitis
sive soft tissue thickening or opacification of extraocular movement, or signs of (via the ophthalmic vein) of ethmoid or
secondary to polyposis or postobstructive chemosis as the infection has not invaded sphenoid infections.56,57 In addition to
the intraconal soft tissues. In contrast, restriction of extraocular mobility, prop-
orbital cellulitis indicates edema and tosis, chemosis, and visual loss, cranial
neuropathies and signs of meningitis may
be observed. Given the frequency of ocular
findings, this entity is often categorized
with the orbital complications of sinusitis,
but if this or another intracranial compli-
cation is suspected, magnetic resonance
imaging must be performed. Lumbar
puncture may also be indicated.
FIGURE 16-12 Pre-and postoperative comput-
Intracranial complications occur less
ed tomography of the paranasal sinuses in this frequently than do orbital complications
middle-aged woman with Bipdaris specifera and are most commonly related to the
allergic fungal rhinosinusitis. Note the hyper- frontal or sphenoid sinuses (Figure 16-
FIGURE 16-11 Silver-stained histopathologic plastic mucosa with the hyperdensities seen on
section revealing tissue invasion in invasive fun- the bone windowing of the sinuses and the pre- 15).58,59 These complications may occur
gal (Aspergillus) sinusitis (×400 original magni- operative absence of turbinates. Reproduced via either direct spread or retrograde
fication). Reproduced with permission from with permission from Dhong H-J, Lanza DC. thrombophlebitis. Pott’s puffy tumor is a
Dhong HJ, Lanza DC. Fungal rhinosinusitis. In: Fungal rhinosinusitis. In: Kennedy DW, Bolger
collection of pus under the forehead
Kennedy DW, Bolger WE, Zinreich SJ, editors. WE, Zinreich SJ, editors. Diseases of the sinuses:
Diseases of the sinuses: diagnosis and manage- diagnosis and management. Hamilton: BC periosteum with inflammatory changes
ment. Hamilton: BC Decker Inc; 2001. p. 182. Decker Inc; 2001. p. 185. of the overlying skin and soft tissues.
Sinus Infections 305


c c acc

FIGURE 16-13 Orbital complications of sinusitis: A, preseptal cellulitis (c); B, orbital cellulitis (c); C, orbital subperiosteal abscess (a); D, orbital abscess (a);
E, septic thrombosis of the cavernous sinus (t). Adapted from Lusk RP, Tychsen L, Park TS. Complications of sinusitis. In: Lusk RP, editor. Pediatric sinusitis. New
York: Raven Press; 1992. p. 127–46.

This develops secondary to the spread of sure. This complication may be surpris-
infection through emissary veins into ingly indolent because there are no focal
the cranial bone marrow, and thus neurologic signs and examination of the
essentially represents osteomyelitis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is often nor- f
the frontal bone. mal.59 In a manner analogous to the g
An epidural abscess develops from orbital abscess, subdural and brain
osteitis of the posterior table of the frontal abscesses can occur from the direct spread
sinus extending into the space between the of an epidural abscess or from retrograde
frontal bone and the dura. Patients present thrombophlebitis. Increased intracranial
with low-grade fever and worsening pressure is significant in these cases and e
headache from elevated intracranial pres- may lead to herniation and death. Subdur-
b a
al abscess may cause septic venous throm- d
bosis and venous infarction.60 Brain
abscess is associated with brain necrosis.
In contrast to the above intracranial Frontal
sinus c
conditions, which usually arise from the
frontal sinus, meningitis typically arises
from infection of the ethmoid or sphenoid b
sinus.61 The typical presenting symptoms
and signs are high fever, headaches,
seizures, and delirium. Lumbar puncture
is necessary to establish the diagnosis and
obtain culture results.
FIGURE 16-14 Axial computed tomography scan FIGURE 16-15 Intracranial complications of sinusitis.
demonstrating a subperiosteal abscess adjacent to Treatment These include osteomyelitis (a), periorbital abscess (b),
the right medial orbital wall secondary to acute epidural abscess (c), subdural abscess (d), brain abscess
infection in the ipsilateral ethmoid sinuses. (e), meningitis (f), and septic thrombosis of the superi-
Reproduced with permission from Choi SS, Medical Management or sagittal sinus (g). Adapted from Choi SS, Grundfast
Grundfast KM. Complications in sinus disease. KM. Complications in sinus disease. In: Kennedy DW,
The principle of therapy for sinusitis is
In: Kennedy DW, Bolger WE, ZinreichSJ, editors. Bolger WE, ZinreichSJ, editors. Diseases of the sinuses:
Diseases of the sinuses: diagnosis and manage- to break the cycle of impaired mucocil- diagnosis and management. Hamilton: BC Decker Inc;
ment. Hamilton: BC Decker Inc; 2001. p. 170. iary clearance, stasis, infection, and 2001. p. 172.
306 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections

inflammation. Treatment for uncompli- ing factor, antihistamines may be indicat- be considered. Recent trends have included
cated acute sinusitis is primarily med- ed. Topical steroids, although useful in the use of antibiotic-containing irrigations
ical, with antibiotics representing the chronic rhinosinusitis, have no proven and nebulized aerosols, particularly in con-
mainstay of therapy. In most primary efficacy in the treatment of acute sinusitis junction with endoscopic sinus surgery.65
care settings, it is acceptable to initiate but may have a prophylactic effect in pre- Steroids are also a mainstay in the
antibiotic therapy when the criteria for venting recurrent acute episodes. Oral treatment of chronic sinusitis. Steroids
acute sinusitis are met. First-line drugs steroids (eg, prednisone or methylpred- decrease inflammation nonspecifically via
for acute rhinosinusitis recommended by nisolone) are not typically prescribed for a variety of mechanisms. Primarily they
the Agency for Health Care Policy and acute sinusitis when a significant bacterial inhibit cell-mediated immunity by block-
Research Institute include amoxicillin component is expected because the ing lymphocyte migration and prolifera-
(500 mg PO tid) and trimethoprim/ immunosuppressive effects may promote tion.66,67 Eosinophil and basophil counts
sulfamethoxazole (double strength tablets, the development of complications. How- are reduced,68 and the release of histamine
one PO bid). It has been further recom- ever, oral steroids are useful in the man- and leukotriene from basophils is inhibit-
mended that cephalosporins, macrolides, agement of acute exacerbations of chronic ed. Also, steroids decrease both vascular
penicillinase-resistant penicillins, and sinusitis to control the baseline inflamma- permeability and the secretory activity of
fluoroquinolones should be reserved for tory tendencies of the sinonasal mucosa. submucosal glands.69
failures of first-line therapy or for com- Nasal saline irrigations and mucolytics Topical nasal steroids are effective in
plications. However, some have ques- (eg, guaifenesin 600 mg PO bid–qid) may reducing mucosal inflammatory changes
tioned whether, given the high incidence have a role in the treatment of both acute and are considered safe for long-term use.70
of pneumococcal and H. influenzae resis- and chronic sinusitis by assisting the With initiation of the medication, sympto-
tance in many areas, this graduated mobilization of secretions. matic improvement is not realized until
antibiotic response is really appropriate. Antibiotic therapy is also a major com- > 1 week of use.71 Patients must be coun-
Treatment duration should be at least 10 ponent in the treatment of chronic (and seled in this regard because most patients
to 14 days, and antibiotic doses must be subacute) sinusitis. The principles of treat- expect the immediate relief provided by
adjusted for patient weight (in children) ment, however, differ from those for acute topical decongestants, which cannot be
and for hepatorenal function, where sinusitis. First, the appropriate duration of used long-term without rebound vasocon-
appropriate. Recent trends have included therapy may be as long as 3 to 6 weeks.27,63 gestion. Potential risks associated with nasal
the use of culture-directed therapy, Additionally, empiric therapy requires reg- steroids include epistaxis and septal perfo-
which, at least theoretically, allows long- imens with coverage of Staphylococcus and ration. The complications of systemic
term cost effective management. This can anaerobes in addition to the common steroid use, although possible, are rare with
be performed safely and accurately using pathogens of acute sinusitis (S. pneumoni- topical nasal steroids. Studies have demon-
a middle meatal swab under endoscopic ae, H. influenzae, and M. catarrhalis).26 strated increased risk of acute open-angle
guidance.62 Culture-directed therapy is essential as glaucoma and ocular hypertension with
Oral decongestants such as pseu- antibiotic resistance is a significant prob- inhaled but not intranasal steroid use.72
doephedrine and topical decongestants lem in this patient population. Virtually all Suppression of the adrenocortical axis has
such as phenylephrine and oxymetazoline strains of M. catarrhalis and over 50% of been observed with higher-than-recom-
may be useful by decreasing tissue edema those of H. influenzae are penicillin resis- mended dosages,73 but other studies have
by α-adrenergic vasoconstriction. This tant.64 Commonly employed regimens shown that routine daily use is not associat-
allows sinus ventilation and symptomatic include clindamycin (150 mg PO qid) plus ed with axis suppression.74
relief. Topical decongestants must be used either trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole or a Oral steroid therapy can be used inter-
judiciously, however, as continuance of fluoroquinolone. Amoxicillin-clavulanate mittently in patients with chronic sinusitis
these medications beyond 3 to 5 days is and selected oral second- and third- to manage acute exacerbations. Several
associated with reduced duration of action generation cephalosporins may be useful different steroid compounds are available,
and rebound vasodilation, a condition as single-agent therapy. New-generation and each has its own relative potencies and
known as rhinitis medicamentosa. The macrolides (clarithromycin, azithromycin) side effects. Most often either prednisone
roles for antihistamines and topical nasal and other cephalosporins may be effective, or methylprednisolone is used. Doses usu-
steroids in the management of acute infec- depending on culture and sensitivity ally begin at 30 mg daily (or equivalent)
tions are controversial. If allergy is thought results.26 Each antibiotic has a unique pro- and are tapered over 2 to 3 weeks. Tapering
to be a significant predisposing or coexist- file of toxicities and side effects that must doses are required after 5 to 7 days of ther-
Sinus Infections 307

apy secondary to suppression of the Surgery sory ethmoid air cells, such as the infraor-
adrenocortical axis. Severe acute exacerba- bital cell or concha bullosa, and anatomic
Indications for surgery include (1) acute
tions may require higher dosages, and anomalies such as maxillary sinus hypopla-
sinusitis with a pending or evolving com-
some patients with recalcitrant chronic sia are noted. Triplanar reconstructions of
plication, (2) chronic sinusitis that has
rhinosinusitis may necessitate long-term thinly cut CT scans are used as part of a
failed maximum medical management
steroid regimens. Often, protracted steroid stereotactic imaging protocol (Figure 16-
including at least 3 weeks of broad-
courses are necessary for management of 16). This is useful to assess anatomy and
spectrum antibiotics, and (3) most forms
coexisting asthma in this patient popula- pathology in the axial, coronal, and sagittal
of fungal sinusitis. In cases of complicated
tion.12 Systemic steroid therapy is poten- planes both preoperatively and intraopera-
acute sinusitis and invasive fungal disease,
tially associated with serious side effects. tively, where the surgeon can correlate
surgery should be performed on an urgent
Long-term use may result in osteopenia or endoscopic and CT findings during dissec-
or emergent basis.
osteoporosis, which may be reversible in tion. Use of this technology is indicated
In uncomplicated chronic sinusitis the
early phases.75 Patients on long-term oral when normal anatomic landmarks have
goals of surgery are to eliminate mechani-
steroids should therefore undergo bone- been altered, as in patients who have had
cal obstruction of mucociliary flow,
density studies regularly. Steroid use is also previous surgery and in cases of massive
remove chronically inflamed mucosa and
associated with cataracts, hyperglycemia, polyposis. Patients with advanced chronic
glaucoma, sodium retention, fat accumu- bone, manage/prevent complications, and inflammatory disease, particularly those
lation, and psychosocial changes. rule out other disorders such as neoplasia. with nasal polyposis, are treated with oral
Patients with chronic sinusitis with sig- The determination that “maximal medical steroids for up to 2 weeks before surgery.
nificant atopic components may be difficult management” has failed must be individu- Courses of oral and occasionally intra-
to manage. The most important strategy in alized. It should be noted that the indica- venous antibiotics are required in selected
this population is avoidance. Antihistamine tions for surgery are more stringent in the cases preoperatively.
use should be limited to those with docu- pediatric population, for whom some Surgery is performed under the visu-
mented allergy by testing or clear allergic advocate 3 weeks of intravenous antibiotic alization of endoscopes (Figure 16-17),
stigmata such as frequent sneezing or itchy therapy prior to consideration of surgery.77 often with angled lenses, and with a vari-
watery eyes. Antihistamines may cause dry- Children with severe chronic sinusitis ety of forceps and punches (Figure 16-18).
ing and thickening of nasal secretions should first have thorough work-up and Powered tissue shavers similar to those
resulting in impaired mucociliary flow; appropriate treatment for conditions used in arthroscopic surgery are also used
therefore, they must be used judiciously. A such as allergy, GERD, CF, and immun- (Figure 16-19). The goals of surgery are to
full discussion of allergy management is odeficiency. Simple measures such as remove chronically inflamed tissue and to
beyond the scope of this chapter, but it may avoidance of pollutants (eg, secondhand restore sinus ventilation, drainage, and
include topical and oral steroids, antihista- cigarette smoke78) and environmental mucociliary clearance. Evidence exists that
mines, and mast cell stabilizers. There is allergens may avert the need for surgery. in chronic sinusitis the inflammatory
also mounting evidence supporting the use One study demonstrated allergies in 80% process involves the underlying bone.82,83
of immunotherapy, particularly in cases of children with sinusitis.79 Children in Thus, it is especially important to resect
with an allergic fungal component.76 day-care centers may be prone to upper the bony ethmoid partitions underlying
Antifungal agents may also have a role respiratory infections and consequently chronically inflamed mucosa. Diseased
in the treatment of sinusitis. Invasive forms chronic sinusitis.80 Other series have mucosa is resected, whereas normal
often require intravenous therapy with shown that medical treatment of GERD mucosa is preserved. It is critical to avoid
amphotericin B. Use of this medication is may eliminate the need for sinus surgery stripping of normal mucosa because
limited by renal toxicity. Chronic sinusitis in 90% of children otherwise considered denuded bone results in delayed healing,84
with an allergic fungal component may surgical candidates.81 and the regenerated mucosa does not
also be treated with antifungal agents Prior to surgery it is important to eval- regain normal ciliary density.
including itraconazole (200 mg PO bid). uate the CT scan to assess the extent of In performing maxillary antrostomy,
Topical nasal irrigation with solutions con- inflammatory disease and the patient’s the uncinate process is completely resected
taining amphotericin B or nystatin has also anatomy. A mental checklist is developed and the natural ostium (see Figure 16-19)
been employed in the treatment of fungal to assess the depth of the ethmoid skull is identified and subsequently enlarged.
sinusitis. The efficacy of these treatments is base and the position and integrity of the The opening must communicate with the
an area of active research. medial orbital walls. The presence of acces- natural ostium in a manner that permits
308 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections

frontal sinus surgery. Intraoperative stereo-

tactic navigational imaging is useful in per-
forming more comprehensive surgery in
these regions (see Figure 16-16).
Prior to the widespread use of endo-
scopes, ethmoidectomy was performed
with a headlight, surgical loupes, or a
microscope. Endoscopic technology has
greatly improved our ability to perform
ethmoidectomy safely and comprehen-
sively. In addition, external approaches
including the Caldwell-Luc operation,
external ethmoidectomy, and frontal sinus
trephination were performed more com-
monly. The Caldwell-Luc operation, origi-
nally described in the late 1800s, is an
approach to the maxillary sinus through
the labiogingival sulcus and canine fossa
(Figure 16-20). In the classically described
operation to treat chronic maxillary
sinusitis, mucosa of the maxillary sinus
FIGURE 16-16 A and B, Devices for intraoperative stereotactic navigation. A selected point is identified was curettaged, and an inferior meatal
in the coronal, sagittal, and axial planes using reconstructed computed tomographic data. Reproduced antrostomy was created. Our knowledge of
with permission from Kennedy DW. Functional endoscopic sinus surgery: concepts, surgical indications,
and instrumentation. In: Kennedy DW, Bolger WE, Zinreich SJ, editors. Diseases of the sinuses: diagno- the mucociliary clearance patterns and our
sis and management. Hamilton: BC Decker Inc; 2001. p. 206. ability to now address the natural ostium
have made the classic Caldwell-Luc proce-
dure obsolete in the primary surgical
physiologic mucociliary clearance patterns. plications, special care is necessary during management of chronic maxillary sinusi-
The bone of this structure frequently the removal of diseased tissue along the tis. Occasionally a sublabial approach is
exhibits osteitis. To avoid intracranial com- skull base as well as during sphenoid and still required to the maxillary sinus in
unusual circumstances; however, given
our current understanding of the ability of
the mucosa to respond to medical therapy
and the long-term problems associated
with mucosal stripping, only a very limit-
ed mucosal resection is performed when
this is required. Overall, external
approaches may have a limited role in the
management of complicated sinusitis, but
endoscopic surgery is preferred when
technically possible to address the impli-
cated pathology.
Major complications specific to sinus
FIGURE 16-17 Nasal endoscope shown with its FIGURE 16-18 Surgical forceps of various sizes,
associated sheath used for irrigation. Reproduced angles, and cutting action are available for endo- surgery occur in 0 to 5% and include bleed-
with permission from Kennedy DW. Functional scopic surgery. Reproduced with permission from ing, CSF leak and visual problems.85 Intra-
endoscopic sinus surgery: concepts, surgical indica- Kuhn FA. Surgery of the frontal sinus. In: Kennedy operative blood loss may range from 20 to
tions, and instrumentation. In: Kennedy DW, Bolger DW, Bolger WE, Zinreich SJ, editors. Diseases of 500 cc, depending on the extent of disease
WE, Zinreich SJ, editors. Diseases of the sinuses: diag- the sinuses: diagnosis and management. Hamil-
nosis and management. Hamilton: BC Decker Inc; ton: BC Decker Inc; 2001. p. 294. and surgery. Hemostasis is usually achieved
2001. p. 203. in surgery with local vasoconstrictors
Sinus Infections 309

rior ethmoid. If blindness is encountered matic, they may also contribute to ostial
postoperatively, initial management is to stenosis and obstruction and, ultimately,
remove any nasal packing and perform the need for revision surgery. Postopera-
orbital massage to evacuate any bleeding. tively, the surgically opened sinus cavities
Emergent ophthalmologic consultation are débrided under endoscopic visualiza-
should be obtained, and lateral canthoto- tion in the office setting. Patients are asked
my or endoscopic orbital decompression to use nasal saline sprays and/or irriga-
may be required. Another complication of tions to reduce crusting and facilitate the
sinus surgery affecting the eye is naso- débridement process. Recalcitrant cases
lacrimal duct injury. Postoperatively, the may benefit from the addition of antibi-
patient presents with epiphora, or tearing. otics to these irrigation solutions.87
The nasolacrimal duct courses anterior to Postoperative medical management
the natural ostium of the maxillary sinus and long-term follow-up care is critically
and can be injured when the antrostomy is important. Patients are usually put on a
FIGURE 16-19 A powered tissue shaver is used to enlarged anteriorly. course of oral antibiotics to prevent bacte-
resect the inferior portion of the uncinate process,
The most common complication after rial proliferation in the blood and mucus
exposing the natural ostium of the maxillary
sinus. Reproduced with permission from Parsons endoscopic sinus surgery is the formation that may collect in the sinus cavities post-
DS, Nishioka G. Pediatric sinus surgery. In: of synechiae, observed in approximately operatively. Antibiotic selection and the
Kennedy DW, Bolger WE, Zinreich SJ, editors. 8%.86 Although these may be asympto- duration of treatment are individualized
Diseases of the sinuses: diagnosis and manage-
ment. Hamilton: BC Decker Inc. 2001. p. 275.

and/or cautery. Although a small amount

of bleeding is typical in the first few days
following surgery, excess bleeding is rare
and, if it does occur, seldom reaches trans- A
fusable quantities. The incidence and
severity of postoperative hemorrhage may
be increased in patients with acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome, diffuse
polyp disease, and revision cases.86
CSF leak is a risk of surgery performed
on the ethmoid bone. This occurs in 0.01 Infraorbital foramen
to 1.4% of cases.85,86 If recognized intraop- and nerve
eratively, a CSF leak should be repaired in Bony canine fossa
the same operative setting. Patients diag-
nosed with an iatrogenic CSF leak postop-
eratively may present with meningitis,
which requires medical treatment and sur- B
gical repair. The risk of orbital penetration
during endoscopic sinus surgery is 2 to
4%, and in one-third of these cases, orbital
FIGURE 16-20 Caldwell-Luc approach.
emphysema is also observed. Fortunately
The maxillary sinus is entered through
the risk of blindness is low, approaching its anterior wall in the canine fossa. Intrasinus portion of
zero in several series.85,86 This devastating Adapted from Mabry RL, Marple BF. infraorbital nerve
complication is usually secondary to an Open maxillary sinus procedures. In:
Kennedy DW, Bolger WE, Zinreich SJ, Medial wall of
expanding intraorbital hematoma, maxillary cavity
editors. Diseases of the sinuses: diagnosis
although optic nerve injury is possible and management. Hamilton: BC Deck-
during surgery of the sphenoid and poste- er Inc. 2001. p. 387.
310 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections

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Osteomyelitis and Osteoradionecrosis

George M. Kushner, DMD, MD
Brian Alpert, DDS

Osteomyelitis with multiple systemic diseases including Pathogenesis

diabetes, autoimmune states, malignan-
Osteomyelitis is defined as an inflamma- In the maxillofacial region, osteomyelitis
tion of the bone marrow with a tendency to cies, malnutrition, and acquired immun- primarily occurs as a result of contiguous
progression. This is what differentiates it in odeficiency syndrome.1 The medications spread of odontogenic infections or as a
the jaw from the ubiquitous dentoalveolar linked to osteomyelitis are steroids, result of trauma. Primary hematogenous
abscess, “dry socket” and “osteitis,” seen in chemotherapeutic agents, and bisphos- osteomyelitis is rare in the maxillofacial
infected fractures. It involves adjacent cor- phonates.1–3 Local conditions that adverse- region, generally occurring in the very
tical plates and often periosteal tissues. ly affect the blood supply can also predis- young. The adult process is initiated by an
In the preantibiotics era, osteomyelitis pose the host to a bony infection. inoculation of bacteria into the jawbones.
of the mandible was not uncommon. With Radiation therapy, osteopetrosis, and bone This can occur with the extraction of teeth,
the advent of antibiotics, it became a rare pathology can alter the blood supply to the root canal therapy, or fractures of the max-
disease. In recent years antimicrobials have area and provide a potential foothold for illa or mandible. This initial insult results in
become less effective and there has been a osteomyelitis to set in (Figure 17-1). a bacteria-induced inflammatory process
re-emergence of the disease, presenting
major diagnostic and therapeutic chal-
lenges for practicing surgeons. Despite
modern therapy it can still remain a major
source of morbidity to the patient, requir-
ing multiple surgeries and resulting in
prolonged treatment with loss of teeth
and/or jawbone.
The incidence of osteomyelitis is much
higher in the mandible due to the dense
poorly vascularized cortical plates and the
blood supply primarily from the inferior B
alveolar neurovascular bundle. It is much FIGURE 17-1 A, Panoramic view of cemento-
less common in the maxilla due to the ossifying fibroma of the right mandible, a poorly
excellent blood supply from multiple nutri- vascularized bone tumor. The patient had a
ent feeder vessels. In addition the maxillary transoral biopsy to establish the diagnosis. After
the biopsy, the patient had repeated episodes of
bone is much less dense than the mandible. swelling and drainage. B, Close-up of panoramic
Diminished host defenses, both local view. Note the area of osteomyelitis seen within
and systemic, can contribute significantly the center of the pathologic lesion. C, Three-
dimensional computed tomography scan recon-
to the emergence and clinical course of the struction showing multiple bony sequestrum from
disease. Osteomyelitis has been associated C
low-grade osteomyelitis within bony pathology.
314 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections

or cascade. In the normal healthy host, this ture. The clinician must begin empiric facial region will present with classic
process is self-limiting and is a component antibiotic treatment based on the most symptoms:
of healing. Occasionally, however, in the likely pathogens. This could include peni-
• Pain
normal host, and certainly in the compro- cillin and metronidazole as dual-drug
• Swelling and erythema of overlying
mised host, there is the potential for this therapy or clindamycin as a single-drug
process to progress to the point where it is treatment. Definitive antimicrobial ther-
• Adenopathy
considered pathologic. With inflammation apy should be based on the final culture
• Fever
there is hyperemia and increased blood and sensitivities for optimal medical
• Paresthesia of the inferior alveolar
flow to the affected area. Additional leuko- management results.
cytes are recruited to this area to fight off
Classification • Trismus
infection. Pus is formed when there is an
• Malaise
overwhelming supply of bacteria and cellu- Over the years many ways of classifying
• Fistulas
lar debris that cannot be eliminated by the osteomyelitis have been presented. A
body’s natural defense mechanisms. When rather complex classification system was The pain in osteomyelitis is often
the pus and subsequent inflammatory proposed by Cierny and colleagues. 7 described as a deep and boring pain,
response occur in the bone marrow, an ele- Osteomyelitis was classified as being which is often out of proportion to the
vated intramedullary pressure is created either suppurative or nonsuppurative by clinical picture. In acute osteomyelitis it is
which further decreases the blood supply to Lew and Waldvogel.8 This classification very common to see swelling and erythe-
this region. The pus can travel via haversian was modified by Topazian.9 Additional ma of the overlying tissues, which are
and Volkmann’s canals to spread through- authors classified osteomyelitis as being indicative of the cellulitic phase of the
out the medullary and cortical bones. Once either hematogenous or secondary to a inflammatory process of the underlying
the pus has perforated the cortical bone and contiguous focus of infection.10 Another bone. Fever often accompanies acute
collects under the periosteum, the system proposed by Hudson essentially osteomyelitis, whereas it is relatively rare
periosteal blood supply is compromised divided the presentation of osteomyelitis in chronic osteomyelitis. Paresthesia of
and this further aggravates the local condi- into acute and chronic forms.11 With the the inferior alveolar nerve is a classic sign
tion. The end point occurs when the pus multitude of classification systems, the of a pressure on the inferior alveolar
exits the soft tissues either by intraoral or controversy involved in adequately clas- nerve from the inflammatory process
extraoral fistulas. sifying osteomyelitis is clearly evident. within the medullary bone of the
However, for simplicity’s sake, the mandible. Trismus may be present if
Microbiology classification system offered by Hudson there is inflammatory response in the
More than 500 bacterial taxa have been is the most advantageous to the clinician. muscles of mastication of the maxillofa-
identified in the mouth.4–6 The mouth Osteomyelitis is divided into acute or cial region. The patient commonly has
and the anus are opposing ends of the chronic forms based on the presence of malaise or a feeling of overall illness and
same alimentary tube, and many clini- the disease for a 1-month duration.11 fatigue, which would accompany any sys-
cians consider them to be the most high- temic infection. Lastly both intraoral and
ly contaminated areas of the human 1. Acute osteomyelitis
extraoral fistulas are generally present
a. Contiguous focus (Figure 17-2)
body. In the past, staphylococcal species with the chronic phase of osteomyelitis of
b. Progressive
were considered the major pathogen in the maxillofacial region.
c. Hematogenous
osteomyelitis of the jaws. However, with Often these patients will have a labo-
2. Chronic osteomyelitis
refinements in the collection and pro- ratory work-up as part of their initial
a. Recurrent multifocal (Figure 17-3)
cessing of microbiologic specimens, we examination. In the acute phase of
b. Garré’s (Figure 17-4)
are able to get a true picture of the osteomyelitis it is common to see a leuko-
c. Suppurative or nonsuppurative
disease-causing organisms. As with most cytosis with left shift, common in any
(Figure 17-5)
oral infections the prime pathogenic acute infection. Leukocytosis is relatively
d. Sclerosing (Figure 17-6)
species are streptococci and anaerobic uncommon in the chronic phases of
bacteria. The anaerobes responsible are osteomyelitis. The patient may also exhib-
generally bacteroides or peptostreptococ- Clinical Presentation it an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation
ci species. Often, the infections are mixed, Very often, as with any infection, the rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP).
growing several pathogens on final cul- patient with osteomyelitis of the maxillo- Both the ESR and CRP are very sensitive
Osteomyelitis and Osteoradionecrosis 315

indicators of inflammation in the body FIGURE 17-2 A, Panoramic view of extraction

and they are very nonspecific. Therefore, site of tooth no. 32 in an otherwise healthy
32-year-old patient. The patient experienced
their main use is to follow the clinical multiple episodes of pain and swelling in the
progress of the osteomyelitis. right posterior mandible after tooth no. 32 was
Nearly all patients will have some removed. B, Close-up of the panoramic view of
form of maxillofacial imaging. The A the no. 32 site. C, Axial computed tomography
scan of the no. 32 site. D, Coronal computed
orthopanoramic view is indispensable in tomography scan of the no. 32 site. Note the
the initial evaluation of osteomyelitis. moth-eaten bone and bone sequestrum.
This view is easily obtainable in most E, Transoral débridements of the right posterior
mandible. F, Bone débrided and adjacent tooth
dental offices and can yield valuable no. 31 removed. Tissue eas sent for culture and
information as to the radiographic sensitivity and histopathology.
changes with osteomyelitis, potential
sources of the disease, and predisposing
conditions such as fractures and underly-
ing bone disease. One must bear in mind
that radiographic images lag behind the B
clinical presentation since cortical
involvement is required for any change to
be evident. Therefore, it may take several
weeks before the bony changes appear
radiographically. Hence, it is possible to
see a patient with acute osteomyelitis that
has a normal-appearing orthopantomo-
gram. However, one can often see the
appearance of “moth-eaten” bone or
sequestrum of bone, which is the classic
appearance of osteomyelitis.
Computerized tomography (CT)
scans have become the standard in evalu-
ating maxillofacial pathology such as
osteomyelitis. They provide three-
dimensional imaging not available on an
orthopanoramic view. The CT scan can
give very detailed images as to early cor-
tical erosion of bone in ostemyelitis. One
can often see the extent of the lesion and
bony sequestra along with pathologic
fractures. CT scanning, like plain films,
requires 30 to 50% demineralization of D F
bone before changes can be seen, thus
presenting an essential delay in diagnosis
of osteomyelitis.12 the bone appears. Thus, MRI may benefit very sensitive in highlighting areas of
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in identifying the earlier stages of increased bone turnover; however, the
is generally considered more valuable in osteomyelitis.12 scan is not very specific to areas of infec-
the evaluation of soft tissue lesions of the Nuclear medicine has evolved to aid in tion. With the addition of gallium 67 or
maxillofacial region. However, MRI can the diagnosis of osteomyelitis. Technetium indium 111 as contrast agents, one can dif-
assist in the early diagnosis of osteo- 99 has been the workhorse of nuclear ferentiate areas of infection from trauma
myelitis by loss of the marrow signal medicine imaging of the maxillofacial or postsurgical healing as these agents
before cortical erosion or sequestrum of region. The technetium 99 bone scan is specifically bind to white blood cells.
316 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections




FIGURE 17-3 A, Panoramic view taken of a 55-year-old female before extraction of symptomatic tooth no. 17. The patient had a history of unusual infections and
recurrent infections without a specific diagnosis. The patient began having pain and swelling in the left mandible after tooth no. 17 was extracted. B, Panoramic view
of no. 17 site postoperatively. C, Panoramic view after intraoral débridements of the left mandible and extraction of teeth no. 18, 29, 20. Histopathology confirmed
diagnosis of osteomyelitis. The patient was treated with antibiotics based on culture and sensitivity reports. D, Panoramic view shows radiographic worsening of dis-
ease. Note the classic appearance of moth-eaten bone and impending pathologic fracture of the left mandible. Medical work-up revealed hypogamma globulinemia, a
chronic immunocompromised state. E, Bone specimen showing osteomyelitis resected. F, Panoramic view after left mandible resection of osteomyelitis with pathologic
fracture. Rigid internal fixation with a reconstruction plate allowed maintenance of space and facial form with continuous jaw function and mobility. G, The patient
was asymptomatic for 2 years before having pain and swelling in the anterior mandible. Débridement revealed necrotic moth-eaten bone. H, The patient eventually
required removal of the remainder of the right mandible due to uncontrollable osteomyelitis. The patient was hospitalized and received intravenous antibiotics based
on multiple specific culture and sensitivity reports. She also received intravenous gamma globulin to correct hypogammaglobulinemia. Hyperbaric oxygen treatments
were also used to treat refractory osteomyelitis. The patient had a prolonged in-patient hospital course with multiple surgeries. I, Panoramic view with subtotal
mandibulectomy for osteomyelitis. Only the left ramus and condyle remain intact. The patient is currently on daily antibiotic immunosuppressive therapy for life, as
well as monthly infusions of gamma globulin. Despite aggressive medical management by infectious disease experts, she still has bouts of recurrent pneumonia.

Treatment Clearly the first step in the treatment of be sent for Gram stain, culture, sensitivity,
The management of osteomyelitis of the osteomyelitis is diagnosing the condition and histopathologic evaluations. The clini-
maxillofacial region requires both medical correctly. The tentative diagnosis is made cal response to the treatment of any patient
and surgical interventions. In rare cases of from clinical evaluation, radiographic eval- will be compromised unless altered host
infantile osteomyelitis, intravenous antibi- uation, and tissue diagnosis. The clinician factors can be optimized. Medical evalua-
otic therapy alone may eradicate the dis- must be aware that malignancies can mimic tion and management in defining and
ease. Antibiotic therapy is rarely curative the presentation of osteomyelitis and must treating any immunocompromised state is
in later-onset cases, and the overwhelming be kept in the differential diagnosis until indicated and often helpful. For example,
majority of osteomyelitis cases require ruled out by tissue histopathology (Figure glucose control in a diabetic patient should
surgical intervention. 17-7). Tissues from the affected site should be stabilized for best response to therapy.
Osteomyelitis and Osteoradionecrosis 317

Empiric antibiotic treatment should

be started based on Gram stain results of
the exudate or the suspected pathogens
likely to be involved in the maxillofacial
region. Definitive culture and sensitivity
reports generally take several days or
longer to be obtained but are valuable in
guiding the surgeon to the best choice of
antibiotics based on the patient’s specific
causative organisms.13 Infectious disease
consultation may illustrate the most cur-
rent antimicrobials and/or regimens. B

Surgical Options
Classic treatment is sequestrectomy and
saucerization. The aim is to débride the A
necrotic or poorly vascularized bony
sequestra in the infected area and improve
blood flow. Sequestrectomy involves
removing infected and avascular pieces of
bone—generally the cortical plates in the
infected area. Saucerization involves the
removal of the adjacent bony cortices and
open packing to permit healing by sec-
ondary intention after the infected bone
has been removed. Decortication involves
removal of the dense, often chronically C D
infected and poorly vascularized bony cor- FIGURE 17-4 A, Facial view of a 13-year-old male, otherwise healthy. Note the swelling of the right mandible
tex and placement of the vascular perios- posterior body. B, Close-up of the panoramic view of the right mandible. Note the proliferative periostitis at the
teum adjacent to the medullary bone to inferior border that is characteristic of Garré’s osteomyelitis. C, Close-up of the right mandible inferior border
allow increased blood flow and healing in with classic “onion skin” appearance. D, Occlusal view of the right mandible showing “onion skin” appearance.
(Courtesy of Dr. Mark Bernstein)
the affected area. The key element in the
above procedures is determined clinically
by cutting back to good bleeding bone. ture. Indeed, we have primarily grafted ment method works by increasing tissue
Clinical judgment is crucial in these steps such areas when the sequestrectomy and oxygenation levels that would help fight
but can be aided by preoperative imaging saucerization have been deemed adequate. off any anaerobic bacteria present in
that shows the bony extent of the patholo- Some authors have proposed adjunc- these wounds. The widespread use of
gy. It is often necessary to remove teeth tive treatment methods that deliver high HBO treatment of osteomyelitis still
adjacent to an area of osteomyelitis. In doses of antibiotic to the area using remains controversial.
removing adjacent teeth and bone the antibiotic impregnated beads or wound Resection of the jaw bone has tradi-
clinician must be aware that these surgical irrigation systems.14–16 This therapy tionally been reserved as a last-ditch effort,
procedures may weaken the jaw bone and works on the premise that high local lev- generally after smaller débridements have
make it susceptible to pathologic fracture els of antibiotics are made available and been performed or previous therapy has
(see Figure 17-6). the overall systemic load is very low, thus been unsuccessful or to remove areas
Supporting the weakened area with a reducing the possible side effect and involved with pathologic fracture. This
fixation device (external fixator or recon- complication rate. resection is generally performed via an
struction type plate) and/or placing the Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) treatment extraoral route, and reconstruction can be
patient in maxillomandibular fixation is has also been advocated for the treatment either immediate or delayed based on the
frequently used to prevent pathologic frac- of refractory osteomyelitis. This treat- surgeon’s preference. Rigid internal fixation
318 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections

has simplified the postoperative course by

providing a means for immediate function
of the jaws.
We believe that early resection and
B reconstruction shorten the course of treat-
ment. Once the patient develops paresthe-
sia in mandibular osteomyelitis, resection
and immediate reconstruction are indicat-
ed. At this point preservation of the
mandible is highly unlikely and one
should attempt to shorten the course of
the disease and treatment (Figure 17-8).

Radiation therapy is a valuable treatment
modality in treating cancer of the maxillo-
facial region. Radiation therapy can be
used alone or as adjunctive therapy in
C combination with surgery and chemother-
apy. Radiation therapy like any treatment
modality has deleterious side effects,
including mucositis and xerostomia. One
of the most dreaded side effects is osteora-
F dionecrosis (ORN). Historically, ORN was
felt to represent a radiation-induced
osteomyelitis. However, Marx has shown
that osteoradionecrosis represents a
chronic nonhealing wound that is hypox-
E ic, hypocellular, and hypovascular.17 In
years past, the radiation therapist used
H orthovoltage therapy and there was a high
incidence of ORN. However, the modern
FIGURE 17-5 A, Panoramic view taken of a radiation therapists use megavoltage,
42-year-old male with pain and swelling of the left which is felt to be kinder to the bone and
mandible. Problems started after failed root canal
soft tissues. In addition, collimation and
treatment on tooth no. 18. Teeth no. 18 and 17 were
extracted. The left mandible was débrided and oral shielding of tissues in conjunction with
antibiotic treatment was prescribed. Note the gener- careful dental evaluation preoperatively
alized osteolysis of the left mandible with dissolution have greatly decreased the incidence of
of the inferior border. B, Technetium 99 bone scan
ORN. The effects of radiation last a life-
“lighting up” the left mandible. C, Patient with
extraoral fistula, paresthesia, and painful dysesthesia time and do not decrease over time.
of the left mandible that was scheduled for resection. ORN is generally caused by trauma to
D, Specimen showing bony destruction of the left the radiated area, usually by dental extrac-
mandible. Tissue was sent for culture and sensitivity
tion, but it can also occur spontaneously.
and histopathologic diagnoses. E, Surgical site show-
ing defect and normal bleeding bone margins. F, Left The clinical picture of ORN is most com-
hemimandible with reconstruction plate in place to monly seen with pain and exposed bone in
maintain space and facial form and provide imme- the maxillofacial region (Figures 17-9 and
diate function. The patient’s mandible was to be
17-10). ORN is more common in the
reconstructed in a second-stage procedure. G, Post-
operative anteroposterior view of the mandible. mandible than in the maxilla for reasons
G H, Postoperative panoramic view of the mandible. described earlier in this chapter. A dosage of
Osteomyelitis and Osteoradionecrosis 319




FIGURE 17-6 A, Panoramic view taken of a 70-year-old male with pain and swelling in the right
mandible. Note the sclerotic lesion in the right mandible. B, Close-up of a panoramic view showing
sclerotic lesion in the right mandible. Incisional biopsy revealed osteomyelitis. C, Axial computed
tomography (CT) scan showing sclerotic lesion of the right mandible. D, Axial CT scan showing
lesion of the right mandible. E, Coronal CT scan showing sclerotic lesion of the right mandible with
areas of “moth-eaten” bone. F, Panoramic view of the right mandible after débridement back to good
bleeding bone. G, Close-up of a panoramic view showing a weakened area of the right mandible. H,
Panoramic view of the mandible 3 months postoperatively. The patient had heard a “pop” while
J chewing. I, Close-up of a panoramic view showing pathologic fracture of the right mandible. J, Open
reduction and rigid internal fixation of pathologic fracture of the right mandible.

radiation above 5,000 to 6,000 rads is gen- The treatment of ORN is aimed at débridements of exposed bone may work
erally felt to make the mandible susceptible removing the nonviable (necrotic) tissue in the most minor cases of ORN. Current
to ORN. Radiographically, the appearance and allowing the body to heal itself. The therapy calls for augmentation of tissue
on the orthopantomogram or CT scan clinician must always be aware that tissue healing response by the use of HBO. HBO
resembles conventional osteomyelitis with removed in a prior cancer patient should therapy consists of 100% oxygen delivered
areas of osteolysis and bony sequestrum. be sent to pathology to rule out occult or in a pressurized manner. Tissues treated
Often there is an appearance of moth-eaten recurrent malignant disease that is mas- with HBO have increased levels of oxygen,
bone present on these films. querading as a bony infection. Minor which has a negative effect on bacteria and
320 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections

a positive effect on angiogenesis and

increased blood flow to the area. HBO has
been used effectively to treat ORN and as
an adjunctive treatment with maxillofacial
reconstructive procedures such as dental
extractions, dental implants, and jaw
reconstruction in the radiated patient.
HBO treatment consists of dives or
treatment sessions for 90 minutes based at
B 2.4 atm of pressure. Twenty to 30 dives are
given preoperatively before any surgical
intervention is performed. The area of
ORN is then débrided and followed with
10 additional HBO treatments. Recon-
struction of the maxillofacial region is
based on the patient’s response to the
treatment protocol. HBO treatments are
expensive and facilities are often scarce,
available only in larger cities with medical
centers or academic health science centers.
With the addition of microvascular
surgery to the surgical armamentarium,
there now exists an excellent surgical
option in treatment of the patient with
ORN. Microvascular surgery (free flaps)
allows the surgeon to bring in hard and
soft tissues that have their own indepen-
dent blood supply. The fibula, iliac crest,
scapula, and radius are all considered
E F applicable donor sites.18,19 The fibula is
very popular in maxillofacial reconstruc-
FIGURE 17-7 A, Malignancy masquerading as tion as the surgeon can bring an excellent
osteomyelitis. Panoramic view taken from a
17-year-old male. Pain, swelling, and paresthesia
length of bone which can be osteotomized
developed around erupting wisdom tooth no. 17. and fabricated into a new mandible.20,21
Note the bony changes at the left mandibular angle. There is an excellent skin paddle to pro-
B, Close-up of a panoramic view. Note the osteoly- vide soft tissue coverage (see Figure 17-7).
sis, moth-eaten bone, and dissolution of the inferi-
or border. C, Axial computed tomography scan The microvascular flap is plugged into the
G shows osteolysis and swelling of adjacent tissues. facial vessels or the carotid artery and
Exploration and biopsy revealed Ewing’s sarcoma. jugular vein system for blood supply and
The patient underwent aggressive chemotherapy drainage. The clinical advantage of
and radiation therapy. D, Panoramic view 2 years
post-treatment. Pathologic fracture of the left microvascular surgery is that the surgeon
mandibular angle with osteoradionecrosis. Biopsies does not have to rely on a compromised
revealed no recurrent malignancy. E, Fibula being host bed from radiation therapy or a lack
prepared for free tissue transfer after resection of the
left mandibular angle region. F, Fibula with
of soft tissue, which very often occur in
osteotomies to create mandibular contour. Note the ablative cancer surgery. In addition HBO
healthy soft tissue skin paddle attached. treatments are not necessary with
G, Panoramic view of the free fibula flap recon- microvascular surgery. Lastly dental
struction of the left mandible.
implant reconstruction has been used with
free tissue transfer techniques and has
Osteomyelitis and Osteoradionecrosis 321




FIGURE 17-8 A, Panoramic view taken of a 64-year-old female with symptomatic tooth no. 32 scheduled for extraction. B, Close-up of a panoramic view
showing decay in partially impacted tooth no. 32. C, Panoramic view of the mandible with pain, swelling, and paresthesia of the right mandible. D, Close-
up of a panoramic view showing pathologic fracture with bone sequestrum at the right mandibular angle region. E, Right angle débrided via an extraoral
approach. F, Rigid fixation applied to a “defect fracture.” No bony contact is present after osteomyelitis is débrided to normal bleeding time. G, The patient
receives an autogenous bone graft as part of primary surgery. H, Panoramic view of débridements and reconstruction as a one-stage procedure.


FIGURE 17-9 A, Panoramic view of the mandible post-radiation in a patient with oral squamous cell carcinoma. Note the large bony sequestrum. B and
C, Intraoral views of the right and left mandible showing exposed bone. (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE)
322 Part 3: Maxillofacial Infections


FIGURE 17-9 (CONTINUED) D, Transoral débridements of osteoradionecrosis. E, Specimen of

the mandible, essentially “lifted out” of the tissue bed. F and G, Lateral and frontal views after
removal of the mandible involved with osteoradionecrosis. The remaining deformity is com-
monly known as “Andy Gump” deformity.

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