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Peer Teaching/MUSE 355

Basic Information

Justin Phillips

Middle School

October 18th, 2018 at 8:00am


Students will need instruments and music to Dorchester Street Songs

Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills for this lesson

Students should be able to play in D major. They also should have understanding of staccato and

slur articulations.

Content and Achievement Standards

2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.

a. Perform on at least one instrument 1 accurately and independently, alone and in small

and large ensembles, with good posture, good playing position, and good breath, bow, or

stick control

5. Reading and notating music

c. Identify and define standard notation symbols for pitch, rhythm, dynamics, tempo,

articulation, and expression

Behavioral Objectives

At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

 Play slurred staccato on a single note, in a scale, and in their music, Dorchester Street


 Answer basic questions related to the music of Dorchester Street Songs.


0:00 Warm Up: Review and scales

 Have students play D Major scale

 Review staccato articulation

 Play D major scale with staccato articulation

 Review slurring

 Play D major scale with slurring (Half notes and then whole notes)

0:04 Introduce slurred staccato

 Model a D major scale playing a half note and two quarter notes per note.

o Tell students to watch me play it again and see if they can spot any


 Model a D major scale playing a half note and two quarter notes per note.

(quarter notes slurred staccato this time)

 Introduce slurred staccato. “It’s like if slurs and staccotos had a baby. You do

both at the same time.”

 Have students play the same rhythm on a single note. “Pretend there are

walls in between each note. If your play a slurred staccato too long, you’ll run

into the wall”

 Have students play the D major scale with slurred staccato rhythm.

0:09 Begin reading Dorchester Street Songs

 Ask students to look in their music to see if they have the slurred staccato


 Ask basses if they have the slurred staccato rhythm. Why not?
 Work with 1st violins on their melody at the beginning. (String crossing and

eighth notes)

 Work with the basses on eighth notes and crescendo/decrescendo (More/less

weight and speed)

 Work with 2nd violins on measure 8. “You are the only one on the third, so

make sure you pronate as the half note goes on so we can hear you”

 Work with cello and viola on slurred staccato rhythm

0:16 Closure

 Reviewing slurred staccato

 Play everything that we rehearsed

0:20 End

Assessment of Objectives

Assessment will be informal and achieved by monitoring the room during the review and final

performance of the song. It will also be informal as they answer questions.

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