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 short  biography  

ORCID ID : 0000-0002-0806-8347
Research ID : C-9149-2018 (
Scopus ID : 55747792800
SINTA ID : 6002648

a.  Author  of  15  papers  published  in  interna)onal  journals  

b.  Holder  of  2  Interna)onal  intellectual  property  rights  
c.  Editorial  advisory  boards  in  several  high  impact  journals  
d.  Best  Reviewer  Mediterranean  Journal  of  Social  Sciences  Italy    



Akhmad  Affandi  Mahfudz  

ü Current  state  (  
ü Need  or  want?  
ü Self  prepara)on  
ü Good  ar)cle  published  in  low  quality  journal  
ü Performance  based  culture  
Reputable  Interna)onal  Journal  
•  High  reputa)on  index  with  high  impact  (Scopus,  ISI)  –  40  points  
•  High  reputa)on  index  without  high  impact  (Scopus,  ISI)  –  30  points  
•  Medium  reputa)on  index  (DOAJ,  EBSCO,  PROQUEST)  –  20  points  
Na)onal  Journal  
•  Na)onal  accredita)on  –  25  points  
•  Indexed  by  DOAJ  using  ENGLISH  –  20  points  
•  Na)onal  journal  without  index  and  accredita)on  –  10  points  
•  Local  Journal  –  0  points  
q   Roadmap/Blueprint/Poli)cal  will  
q   Literacy  
q   High  quality  paper  BUT  published  in  low  quality  journal  
q   Human  capital  
q   Academic  worker,  Academic  Scholar  and  professional  Scholar  
q   Bureaucracy  and  procedures  

q   Research  Quality  
q Conferences/seminars  with  Scopus  publica)on  
q   Interna)onal  collabora)on  
q   Performance  of  Islamic  financial  ins)tu)ons  

q  Scopus/OA  
q  ISI-­‐WoK/OA  
q  ERA/OA  
OA=  prac)ce  of  providing  on-­‐line  access  to  scien)fic  
informa)on  that  is  free  of  charge  to  the  end  user  and  
that  is  reusable  
•  The  Ins)tute  for  Scien)fic  Informa)on  (ISI)  
was  founded  by  Eugene  Garfield  in  1960.  It  
was  acquired  by  Thomson  Scien)fic  &  
Healthcare  in  1992  and  became  known  as  
Thomson  ISI.  It  is  now  is  part  of  the  
Intellectual  Property  &  Science  business  of  
Thomson  Reuters.  
•  ISI  offered  bibliographic    database  services    and  its  
specialty  is  on  cita)on  indexing  and  analysis.    
•  Covering  thousands  of  academic  journals,  including  a    
con)nua)on  of  its  long)me  print-­‐based  indexing  
service  the,      
»  Science  Cita)on  Index  (SCI),      
»  Social  Sciences  Cita)on  Index  (SSCI),  and      
»  Arts  and  Humani)es  Cita)on  Index  (AHCI).      
»  All  of  these  are  available  via  ISI's  Web  of  
Knowledge  (part  of  web  of  Science)  database  
a.  Interna)onal  highly  reputable  indexing:  SCOPUS,    
Clarivate  Analy)cs  Web  of  Science  (SCIE  &  SSCI)  

b.  Interna)onal  medium  reputable  indexing:  DOAJ,    CABI,  

EBSCO,  Proquest,  Gale,  Chemical  Abstract    Services,  
ESCI-­‐Thomson/Clarivate  Analy)cs  

c.  Interna)onal  low  reputable  indexing:  Google    Scholar,  

Portal  Garuda  

d.  Group  of  Aggregator  &  Distributor:  EBSCO,  Gale,    

Proquest,  CABI,  IEEE  

Indexa)on  of  a  journal  is  considered  a  reflec)on  

of  its  quality.  Indexed  journals  are  considered  to  
be  of  higher  scien)fic  quality  as  compared  to  
non-­‐indexed  journals.  
•  The journal Impact Factor is the average number of times articles
from the journal published in the past two years have been cited
in the JCR year.

Cites in 2008 to 2006 and 2007 papers

Impact Factor (2008) =
Papers published in 2006 and 2007

•  In simpler terms, it means …

–  An Impact Factor of 1.0 means that, on average, the articles
published one or two year ago have been cited one time.
–  An Impact Factor of 2.5 means that, on average, the articles
published one or two year ago have been cited two and a half times.
•  Higher citations rate means your article has higher
chances of getting cited
•  Higher reading rate means your article get read by
more researchers
•  More recognition in terms of scholarly contribution
•  Understanding  the  scholarly  publishing  process    
»  Before  you  write  or  submit  your  journal  ar)cle  or  book  
  proposal,  it  is  well  advised  to  understand  the  procedures,  
  workflows  and  responsibili)es  of  all  par)es  involved.  
»  Open  any  journal  website  eg.  Any  emerald  journal  
Looking  at  your  paper  through  the  eyes  of  an  
editor  will  help  you  understand  what  to  focus  
or  when  wri6ng  and  submi9ng  the  paper  
Ø How  the  stories  are  presented  in  the  news  and  the  ques)ons  to  ask    
•  Guide  for  authors  
»  Find  it  on  the  journal  homepage  of  the  publisher  
»  Keep  to  the  guide  for  authors  in  your  manuscript  
»  Types  of  manuscripts  
»  Full  ar)cle  
»  substan)al,  complete  and  comprehensive  
piece  of  research  
»  Leiers  or  short  communica)ons  
»  Review  papers  
»  summaries  of  recent  development  on  specific  
»  ojen  submiied  by  invita)on  
•  Innova)on  is  the  future  of  the  world:  Nurture,  
apply  and  protect  your  unique  perspec)ve  and  

•  what  makes  a  strong  manuscript?  
»  Clear  and  useful  message  
»  A  logical  manner  
»  Readers  grasp  the  research  
•  Types  of  manuscripts  
»  Full  ar)cle  
»  substan)al,  complete  and  comprehensive  piece  of  research  

•  Leiers  or  short  communica)ons  

•  Review  papers  
»  summaries  of  recent  development  on  specific  topic  
»  ojen  submiied  by  invita)on  
•  The  power  of  abstract  
•  Relevant  keywords  
•  “Normal”  vs  “tailor-­‐made”  content  
•  Me)culous  –  error-­‐free  

6  of  44  
q  General  structure  of  a  research  ar)cle  
q  Effec)ve  manuscript  )tles  
q  Authorship  
q  Keywords  
q  Abstract  
q  Literature  Review  
q  Methods  
q  Methods  -­‐  ethics  commiiee  approval  
q  Results  
q  Discussion  
q  Conclusion  
q  References  
q airact  readers  aien)on  
q contain  fewest  possible  words  
q adequately  describe  content  
q are  informa)ve  but  concise  
q iden)fy  the  main  issue  
q do  not  use  technical  jargon  and  rarely  used  
Good  lis)ng  principle  
»  First  author  
»  corresponding  author  

Poor  lis)ng  procedure  

»  ghost  authorship  
»  gij  authorship  
»  be  consistent  in  how  you  write  the  name”  
q Are  the  labels  of  the  manuscript  
q Are  used  by  indexing  and  abstrac)ng  services  
q Should  be  specific  
q Should  use  only  established  abbrevia)on  (e.g.  DNA)  

q Pure  abstract  
q Extended  abstract  
a. Background  
b. Issues  
c. Problem  statements  
d. Objec)ves  
Install  mendeley  soEware  

DO   DON’T  
Look  at  the  rela)onship  
Just  write  a  list  or  quote  
between  the  views  and  draw  
authors  without  ci)ng  
up  them    
To  be  discussed  based  on  individual  paper  
•  Sample  of  email  from  editors  
•  Refer  to  emerald  group  publishing  
–  Humanomics  and  IJIMEFM  
Prior  to  submission,  check  the  status  of  scopus  journal  
a.  Data  base  scopus  journal  as  of  2018  
b.  Beall  list  predatory  journal  2018  
c.  Discon)nued  scopus  journal  2018  
•  hip://  
•  The  impact  factor  
»  it  indicates  how  many  )mes  the  more  recent  papers  in  a  journal  are  cited  on  average  
in  a  given  year  
»  it  is  influenced  by  editorial  policies  of  journal  and  turnover  of  research  
•  Short  list  a  handful  of  a  candidate  journal  and  inves)gate  
–  Aims  
–  Scope  
–  Accepted  type  of  ar)cles  
–  Readership  
–  Current  hot  topics  
– hip://­‐access.php  
– hip://  
a.  Convincing  Editorial  Concept/policy   CONTENT  (20%)  
a.  Academic  contribu)on  to  field  
b.  Diversity  in  geographical  distribu)on  of  editors  
c.  Diversity  in  geographical  distribu)on  of  authors   b.  Clarity  of  abstract  
c.  Conformity  with  journal  aims  
d.  All  cited  references  in  Roman  scripts  
e.  English  abstract  available   and  scope  stated  
d.  Readability  of  ar)cle  
f.  Level/type  of  peer  review  process  


a.  Citedness  of  journal  ar)cles  in  Scopus   a.  Full  text  content  available  online  
b.  Citedness  of  editors  in  scopus  (editor   b.  English  language  homepage  
standing   available  
c.  Quality  of  journal  homepage  

§  No  delay  or  interrup)on  in  publica)on  schedule  

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