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Assignment 3

Explain how tools such as treaties, institutions, multilateral arrangements, and

technology controls can be used to combat nuclear proliferation among states.

Non-proliferation treaties serve as a permit for a regular inspection in civil facilities, to audit movement
and backed by diplomatic and economic aspect. This also serves as a testimony on how the nuclear
material can be seen as ‘safe’ and ‘secure’. Adhering to the treaties in a way portrays the State’s
subscription towards the idea and the tools needed (reports, structures, standards, guidelines) in order
to protect the public, facility and environment.

Looking from the safeguarding aspect, the tools serve as to verify the compliance by the State not to use
the material to develop nuclear weapons. Gaining high level of confidence of the public and neighboring
countries using this tool is an effective way for a more economic and diplomatic enhancement, other
than ensuring high level of safety maintained.

The adherence to the system also establishes control and provisions to the national (which can later be
used to address the establishment of regulatory body to further manage and control the nuclear
material), in which later can develop guidelines of a safe usage way and future pathway of the material.
To further strengthening this, international collaboration and cooperation can be seen as an immediate
and effective approach which can be achieved by adhering to the tools developed by international

Some treaties and arrangements laid out criteria of process (import export, material transfer,
transportation, spent fuel dumping), by making this as a benchmark will further alleviate level of
confidence of public towards the power system. Enforcement by law can also be seen as a mean to
ensure non-compliance will be looked upon and specific recommendations of actions will be taken as a
response to the action; whether intended or by accident.

This differentiates nuclear treaties and other power system in a sense that all aspects are taken into
account in all phases of actions and planning which further highlights the importance of subscribing to
the motion by signing treaties, arrangements and adhering to the tools developed.

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