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Prioritizing Patient Needs

The student will refer to their concept map or care plan for patient care then categorize the

identified patient needs using the following criteria (, n.d.). They should then explain

their rationale.

1. First order priority need – immediate threat to health, safety, or survival.

2. Second order priority need – actual problem for which immediate help has been

requested by the patient or family.

3. Third order priority need – actual or potential issue that the patient or family is not aware


4. Fourth order priority need – actual or potential issue that is anticipated in the future and

for which help will be needed.

First Priority Needs with Rationale

Second Priority Needs with Rationale
Third Priority Needs with Rationale
Fourth Priority Needs with Rationale

©2015, Linda Caputi, Inc.


Grading Rubric for Prioritizing Patient Needs

Performance Criteria S NI U

Prioritizes patient needs Prioritization of needs is correct. Prioritization is correct in Unable to accurately
some but not all prioritize patient needs.
identified patient needs.

Provides rationales Rationales are clear and accurate. Rationales are superficial Unable to provide any
and do not clearly explain correct rationales.

©2015, Linda Caputi, Inc.

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