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Lesson Topic: Monopolies Teacher: Ryan Hooton

Grade: 12 Date: 10/16

Duration of the lesson: 50 Minutes
a. Content standards
Strand 5 Concept 2 PO 2: Describe how markets function:
e. comparison of monopolistic and competitive behaviors

b. ELL Standards
 Listening and Speaking: Standard 1: HI-5: summarizing main ideas/concepts and key points/details
of presentations.
 Reading: Standard 3: HI-2: reading grade-level text silently with 90% comprehension
 Writing: Standard 4: HI-3: writing with an identifiable purpose for a specific audience.


Pear Deck presentation (


Slides also printed for reference

Student electronic devices (phones, laptops, or tablets)

Key Vocabulary: Monopoly
Economies of scale
Natural Monopoly
Government Monopoly
Price Discrimination

Content and Language Objectives:

a. Content objectives:
SWBAT distinguish between a franchise and a license
SWBAT define economies of scale
SWBAT describe two examples of price discrimination
SWBAT compare natural monopolies and government monopolies
SWBAT explain why some markets are best served by a single firm

b. Language objectives:
 Listening and Speaking: Students will be able to discuss in small groups and with the entire class
what industries benefit from economies of scale
 Reading: Students will be able to analyze two pieces of research to determine the effects on the
market of government policies toward monopolies
 Writing:
Students will be able to evaluate the pros and cons of monopolies in a persuasive essay
Students will be able to explain why price controls have different effects on a natural monopoly than a
competitive market
Assessment (At least three assessments)
Individual: Homework assignment: 1-2 page essay. Prompt:

Monopolies can often be harmful for consumers if left unregulated. However in some cases they can be the
most efficient way to supply a market. What stance should the government take towards monopolies and
why? Include two sources that show the effects of different governmental policies on the market. These may
be historical examples or written arguments from prominent economists. Address potential counter-arguments
for the side that you take.

Group: Small group (3-4 students) and then full-class discussion.

“In your table groups come up with at least four examples of markets that might benefit from economies of
scale. In five minutes each group will share their answers with the whole class and we’ll determine together
whether or not your examples are true examples of economies of scale”

Written: Ticket out the door: In 2-4 sentences, explain the difference between a natural monopoly and a
government monopoly

Lesson Sequence
Warm up: (How will you get students started as they enter the room? What will be the first task they must
engage into capture their interest? Or initiate their background knowledge or past learning?)

“Do you remember last year in your American history classes when you learned about industrialization? List
some of the robber barons that you learned about and what industries they led. Were these industries

Main Lesson:
I do: Introduction to new content (How will you express to students what the learning goals for the lesson

Information presented in lecture format with frequent breaks for checking understanding (see slides)

We do: Guided Practice (How will you show students what you want them to engage in?/ What will you
model in terms of learning content and target language?)

Small group, followed by full class discussion:

“In your table groups come up with at least four examples of markets that might benefit from economies of
scale. In five minutes each group will share their answers with the whole class and we’ll determine together
whether or not your examples are true examples of economies of scale”

You do: Independent practice

Multiple choice quiz: Which of the following organizations could be considered monopolies?
A: Amazon, B: Walmart, C: Standard Oil (before 1911), D: Standard Oil (after 1911), E: NASA in the year
2000, F: NASA today, G: The US army, H: The only convenience store in the desert for miles, I: SRP, J:
Comcast, K: Medicare

Individual quick write: Explain why price controls have a different effect on natural monopolies than
competitive markets

Closing: (what will you do invite students to share back what they did or learned during the lesson?)
Ticket out of the door: In 2-4 sentences, explain the difference between a natural monopoly and a government

SIOP Features
___Adaptation of Content; ___Links to Background; ___Links to Past learning; ___Strategies

Integration of Process
___Reading; ___Writing; ___Speaking; ___Listening

___Modeling; ___Guided practice; ___Independent practice; ___Comprehensible input

___Hands-on; ___Meaningful; ___Linked to objectives; ___Promotes engagement

Grouping Options
___Whole class; ___Small groups; ___Partners; ___Independent

___Individual; ___Group; ___Written; ___Oral

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