You Hold Me Up by Monique Gray Smith and Illustrations by Chris Danielle Daniel

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You Hold Me Up Text by Monique Gray Smith and Illustrations

by Danielle Daniel
Level: Kindergarten
 Melody
 Singing

Curricular Outcomes:
The child…
 Begins to recognize and respond to elements in music, such as rhythm,
melody, harmony, form and expression including tempo, dynamics and
tone colour.
 Participates in action songs, singing games and poems.

1. Introduce the title of the book to the students and tell them that they
have a special part while you read the book. Teach the students their part
of the book by rote.
2. Sing the book all the way through and gesture to the students when it’s
their turn.

You Hold Me Up
Text by Monique Gray Smith

Arr. Megan Fong

All: Teacher:
You hold me up when you are kind to me, when you

share with me, when you learn with me.

2. You hold me up when you play with me,
when you laugh with me,
when you sing with me.
3. You hold me up when you comfort me,
when you listen to me,
when you respect me.

You hold me up. I hold you up. We hold each oth - er up.

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