Genetic Edition: What Do I Think?

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Genetic edition: What do I think?

What do I think about genetic edition? What is genetic edition? This were two of
the main questions I made to myself as I started to make my essay, as of any good
essay, I would like to introduce with the definition of the topic. According to
Wikipedia, Genetic edition is the act in a living being “In which DNA is inserted,
deleted, modified or replaced in the genome of a living organism.”, but; what is the
function of genetic editing?

Genetic editing has been around since 1970´s with the goal of making better
working living organisms, it has two working process, one called homologous
recombination: works with the combining of two or more genes, and another type
of genetic modification called, conditional targeting, with the deleting of the different
genes, obviously to make a better work.

But, what is my opinion in genetic editing? As of starting all of my investigation to

the making of this essay, I noticed that definitely the creation of the genetic
modification, marked a before and after in the technology era, but is it good or is it
bad, as many of us may think, everything that the human finds, to make more
destructive things could make you better, so looking from that perspective genetic
modification may be bad, nut what´s the real deal for genetic modifications.

Let’s take for consideration, the example of food, food and many types of crops
have been modificated for what now is decades, and we have no repercussion in
the human health. But why is genetic edition saw in a bad way; In the use of my
logic, I could infer that we like more natural products, but we could not really live
the same lifestyles we live right now if we did not follow the actual rhythm of
genetic edition, another example is corn, before corn was genetically modificated, it
was easy to fall apart, with no resistance to almost any pandemic, or any climate
more than heat, and after the practice of modification, corn has turned to one of the
most cropped products in the world.

In conclusion, we could tell that with the appearance of genetic modification we

really bend into better living beings, but also things not being original can make into
failures, I personally think that with it being only in food or crops is good, but it
being in humans can lead to many problems, only for the making of good acts, and
not bad ones.

Mauricio Bravo Guerra 31BB

Wikipedia. (2018). Genome Editing. 7 of october, de Wikipedia Sitio web:

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