B.ing Pantai

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Assalamu’alaikum wr.

Good Morning everyone. I want to presentasion about our job last week.
First about red line. Red line is limit area our group. We start in 3º52’25” and finished in
3º53’00”. Second about yellow line. Yellow line is elevation in 60 feet or 20 meters. On the
left of the line is elevations under 60 feer or 20 meters. While on the right of the line is
elevations over 60 feet or 20 meters.
Next about square plot. This is places which we’ll make as a shelter. This whole place can be
reach with walk during 15 minutes. First is SMP Negeri 16 Bengkulu City. Second is
Basarnas Goverment Office.
That’s all for me, thanks.

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