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1. FatherOf(jon, claire) 
 1. father(claire)=jon

2. FatherOf(jon, melanie) 
 2. father(melanie)=jon

3. Taller(claire,melanie) 3.Taller(claire,melanie)

4. claire = claire 4. claire = claire

5. melanie=melanie 5. melanie=melanie

6. jon=jon 6. jon=jon

into atomic sentences of relational language:

7. father(melanie) = jon
 7. FatherOf(melanie, jon) 

8. father(melanie) = father(claire) 8. We cannot translate these sentences(8,9)

9. Taller(father(claire),father(jon)) because our binary predicate FatherOf need two

10. claire = claire 10. claire = claire

11. melanie=melanie 11. melanie=melanie

12. jon=jon 12. jon=jon

1.16 Your translation preserves the meaning but uses a relation symbol rather than a function
symbol as requested 0.5/1

favorite(x,y)- function symbol, refer to an y’s favorite actor x.

BetterActor(x,y)- one person’s(x’s) actor is a better actor than another’s(y’s).

1. favorite(Harrison,nancy) favourite(nancy)=harrison
2. BetterActor(nancy,sean) BetterActorThan(nancy,sean)
3. BetterActor(nancy,max)
4. BetterActor(claire,brad)
5. favorite(sean,sean)

English FOL Comment
AIDS aids
Influenza influenza
Abe abe
Stephen stephen
Sunday sunday The name of a day
Monday monday The name of a day
Sean sean
Brad brad
Meryl meryl
Harrison harrison
Daisy daisy
River Dee riverDee The name of a place
Polonius polonius

x is less contagious than y LessContagious(x,y)
x is more deadly than y MoreDeadly(x,y)
x fooled y on day z Fooled(x,y,z)
x admires y Admire(x,y)
x is a jolly miller Jolly(x)
x lives at the place e Lives(x,e)
x was a borrower Borrower(x)
x was a lender Lender(x)
x is the eldest son of y EldestSon(x,y)

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