Iceberg Observation 1

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Name: Giselle Pereira

Date: 10/10/18

Iceberg Observation Sequence

 Complete the first box describing the type of lesson you are observing. Right
click the boxes to check.
 For each layer of the IOS, watch the video or live lesson, take notes, and make a
brief summary statement within the Notes box. The box will expand as you type.

1. Check the type of class being observed:

General Music Class
Small Group

2. Check the level of the students:

Elementary (K – 5)

3. Indicate time/length of the lesson being observed:

4 minutes

4. Indicate if the observation is a video or live:


5. Include any other description of the lesson, students, and teacher you are
observing that would help to situate the observation:
A general music class for first graders
1) The Tip of the Iceberg - Focus on the Teacher
a. Voice level, clarity of speech, articulation of words
i. Is the teacher’s voice clear and are they easily understood?
ii. Do they vary their pitch and speak expressively?
iii. How does this affect the instructional delivery and the learning

b. Posture and body language

i. What does the teacher’s posture and body language convey?
ii. How does this affect the instructional delivery and the learning

c. Eye contact with the students and visual focus

i. Where is the teacher’s visual focus?
ii. Do they scan the room? Focus on one spot or student?
iii. Is eye contact used to direct or instruct students, and if so, how?
iv. What is the teacher trying to convey in their visual focus?
v. How often does the teacher’s visual focus shift or change?

d. Energy level, intensity, magnitude in front of the classroom

i. Describe the teacher’s energy level in front of the class.
ii. Is the teacher interesting to watch?
iii. Does the energy level change at all over the course of the class?
iv. If so, can you ascertain why it changes, if it was intentional on the
part of the teacher, and the effect on the classroom environment?

e. Pacing
i. Write down each change in activity and note the time, i.e. 10:00 –
teacher calls the class to attention; 10:03 students begin singing
“Row Row Your Boat” etc. What do you learn from doing this?
ii. Is the lesson moving forward at a pace that is keeping the students
iii. Compare the amount of time the teacher is talking to the amount
of time the students are doing something. How does this ratio
contribute to/detract from the pace of instruction?

f. Use of physical space

i. Where is the teacher physically positioned in the classroom in
relation to the students?
ii. Does the teacher move around the classroom, and if so, why? If
not, why not?
iii. How do these choices affect the classroom dynamic and learning

• Does a review for the class of what largo and presto is
• Calls up a volunteer to demonstrate if her movement is largo or presto
• Asks the class for a show of thumbs up if they agree or thumbs down if they
• Uses a guitar to demonstrate largo or presto
• Asks a volunteer to come up and show movement based on what she was playing
on guitar
• Now uses music and asks students what largo and presto was
• Focused and engaged with students
• Calm voice
• Always facing the kids and open body language
• Leaned in a lot and created eye contact
• When a volunteer comes in the center of the circle, she sits down to be a part of the
circle and creates comfort
• Gives positive compliments to each students process (acknowledgement)
Changes activities frequently due to the attention span of the children
2) Sea Level - Focus on the Students
a. Describe the students’ behavior.
b. Do the students look engaged? How do you know?
c. What can be learned about the instruction from observing the students’
d. How do the students respond to the physical environment of the
classroom? E.g. Are they in groups, at desks, spread out, etc. and how
does this change their behavior/attitude/focus?
e. Does the instruction require the students to utilize different spaces or
move around in the classroom? If so, how is this tied to instruction and
learning? If not, what are the reasons?
f. Student behavior
i. What behavior questions arise? How did the teacher respond?
ii. What student behaviors did the teacher miss or choose to ignore?
iii. If ignored, can you tell why the teacher chose to ignore the
iv. How did the students respond to cues from the teacher?
v. What in the students’ behavior tells you that the lesson was
successful? Unsuccessful? How do you know?

• Positive reinforcement
• Children were joking and she steers their energy her way by staying calm and
giving positive comments to those on task next to them
Engages entire class by asking each student to assess their peer’s answer

3) Just under the surface – Focus on the teaching sequence and instruction
a. Was the lesson sequenced in a way that led to student success? How do
you know?
b. What procedures contributed to/detracted from student learning? Why?
How do you know?
c. Did the choices of activities, materials, resources, etc. successfully and
sequentially lead to student learning? Did they match the age and
development of the students? What made these choices successful or not,
and how do you know?
d. Did the teacher depart from the lesson plan, and if so, why? Did this
decision seem necessary, and if so, why? How do you know?
e. How do you know the students met the objectives/outcomes of the class?
How did the teacher assess their learning formatively? Summatively?
f. In what ways did the teacher differentiate for different types of learners?
What applications of Universal Design or other inclusive practices were
g. How did the teacher use questioning? How did the teacher encourage
critical thinking?

• She starts off small by using movement to define largo and presto
• She adds on by using in-class resources (guitar) to connect the definition more with
• She goes broader with demonstrations of largo and presto by using complex music
on her computer
She transfers her knowledge of the musical terms by adding movement

4) 10 feet under – Focus on content and pedagogical content knowledge

a. How did the teacher apply his/her musicianship in this class?
b. What content knowledge did the teacher need for this class?
c. What performance skills did the teacher use in this class?
d. Did the teacher detect musical errors when they occurred, diagnose the
problem, and help the students solve the problem? How? If not, can you
tell why not?
e. How did musicianship and performance skills add to/detract from the
success of the class?
f. What non-verbal teacher actions were utilized for musical
communication and instruction? Was the conducting gesture used as
non-verbal instruction, and if so, how?
g. Was questioning used to elicit musically performed answers? If so, was
this effective, and how do you know?
h. Was musical modeling used, and if so, how? Was it a successful
instructional choice? Why?
i. What instructional strategies did the teacher use that you might see only
in a music class?
j. What musicianship skills were required to teach the particular class you
observed? What does this tell you about what is required to become a
music teacher, and why it might be important to continue to develop and
maintain your own musicianship skills?

• Teacher presents knowledge of some theory through the use of terms
• Teacher uses guitar to demonstrate presto and largo
• Teacher creates a connection with movement and music
• Teacher demonstrates through other examples of music
It is important to develop or maintain musicianship skills to have a wide range to
teach from
5) The base of the Iceberg - Summarize and comment broadly on the
a. In general, how successful was the lesson?
b. Reflect on the above reviews focusing on different aspects of the teaching
process. What evidence supports the degree of success of the lesson,
based on your observations? (This is the “why was the lesson
successful/not successful” question, the evidence.)
c. Do you see aspects of teaching and learning that you have been studying
in class being applied in this lesson? If so, what are they, and how are
they being applied?
d. Do you see aspects of teaching and learning that are very different than
what you have been studying in class, or perhaps, even counter to what
you have been studying in class? If so, what are they, and what is your
understanding of those aspects in the context of the particular class you
e. If you were teaching this lesson, what might you do differently?

Summary statement:
The lesson was very successful in helping the students understand the material
presented to them. This shows a great example of transferring. A teaching method in
this lesson that was discussed in class was the idea of creating a safe and positive
space for students using positive reinforcement. If I were to teach this lesson, I would
use more music examples that aren’t as obvious to show the students other forms of
presto and largo.

Hirokawa 2013, revised 2016

Incorporating ideas from:
The Chicago Excellence in Teaching Project
Snyder, D.W. (2011). “Preparing for Teaching through Reflection.” Music Educator’s Journal, Vol.
97 No. 3, March 2011.
Hirokawa, J. O. (2013). Evaluating Music Teachers. Dissertation.

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