ResearchPaper Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


This chapter deals with the summary of findings conclusion drawn, and

recommendation offered.

Summary of Findings

Based on the analysis and interpretation of data, the following findings are


1. Profile of the Respondents

1.1. The illustration of the frequency and percentage of the respondents in

terms of gender. The table presents that most of the respondents mere

females with the total number of 38 or equivalent to sixty-three percent (63%).

On the other hand, the male group consist of 22 students which is equals to

thirty-seven percent (37%) of the respondents.

1.2.Table two indicates the frequency and percentage distribution in terms

of ages. The respondents with the age of 14 rank first and equals to 6.67% of

the total population. The ages of 14 got the sixty percent of the population.

The ages of 13 got 6.67% of the total population. The ages of 16, 17, 30 and

33 got an equal percentage of 3.33% and lastly, ages of 19, 25 and 26 also

got an equal percentage 1.67% took the last ranked.

1.3.Table three shows the total number of the respondents such as

teacher and students. The ninety percent (90%) of the respondents of the

population are composed of students followed by ten percent (10%) of the

population which are teachers of Baras National High School where the study


2. Status of implementation of DepEd order no. 13 s. 2017 is clearly



Based on the findings the following conclusion are drown.

1. The DepEd order no. 13 s. 2017 was implemented and performed in Baras

National High School according to the DepEd Ordinance.

2. The school promote and sell healthy choices of foods with nutritional value.

3. The respondents are aware about the implementation of DepEd Order no.

13 s. 2017.


1. The existing order should keep on going.

2. The DepEd Order should promote not only in schools but also in the

local government.

3. The said order should also practice in college levels and privates


4. In planning a menu or choice of foods, always consider the preferences

of the clients.

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