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Donald J. Newman A. Problem Seminar wos Springer-Verlag wo) New York Heidelberg Berlin if / Donald J. Newman cpartnient of Mathematics iy Philadelphia, PA 19122 USA Futitor Paul K. Halmos Deparunent of Meiheraaties Jndiana University Bloomington, IN 47408 USA. AMIS Cha caveation (Hct): WAar Hibuary of Contes Cataloging iv Publication Data Newnan, Donald J, 1930. A problem seminar (Problein books in mathewaties) 1. Mathemuaties — Problems, exercises, ete, 2. Problem solving. 1. Lite QAI3N43 1982 S1U,70—83-16729 #7 1982 by Springer-Verlag New York ne. All Fights seserved. No pat of this book may be wanstated or reproduced in any form without written poemission trom Springer-Vetlig, 175 Filth Avenue, New York, New York 10010, US.A. Typeset by Science Typopraphers, Ine, Medford, NY. Prinved and bound by KX. Donnelley & Sons Company, Harrisburg, VA. Printed in the United States of Ametica. 987654321 ISBN 0.387 9076: ISBN 3-540-90765. Verlag New York Hcidelbere Berlin Finger-Verkig Berlin Heidelberg New York There was once a bumper sticker that read, “Remember the goad old days whea air was clean and sex was dirty?” Indeed, some of us are old enough to remember not only shose good old days, but even the days when Math was fun(!), not the ponderous THEOREM, PROG’, THEOREM, PROO! but the whimsical, “I’ve got a good prob- lem.” Why did the mood change? What misguided educational philoso- . phy transformed graduate mathematics from a passionate activity to a form of passive scholarship? In less sentimental term. why have the graduate schools deopped the Probiem Seminar? We therefore offer “A Problem Seminar” to those students who haven't enjoyed the fun and games of problem solving.

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