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Training needs analysis

I. Definition of Training

Training is a process that tries to improve skills or add to the existing knowledge so that the
employee is better equipped to do his present job. Training bridges the gap between what the employee
already knows or is able to do and what the job demands.

II. What is Training Needs Analysis?

Conducting training needs analysis assures that training is the most appropriate intervention to
address a performance problem. In every institution, it is important to assess the people who are working
for the said institution. How good do they perform, what skills are they lacking, what can still be developed
in them so that they’d perform even better than before, is there a new technology that is being
implemented in the institution?

As it was defined a while ago, training is a process and training needs analysis is the first step in
the training process model.

Training needs analysis will directly influence the other steps in the training process. The information
that is gathered will greatly influence how training is designed, developed, implemented and evaluated.

III. Three types of Training Needs Analysis

a. Organizational Analysis
b. Task Analysis
c. Person Analysis

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