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Engineering Procedure

SAEP-28 21 August 2014

Radar Tank Gauging System Verification Requirements
Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Table of Contents
1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations (Mandatory)............. 2
3 References..................................................... 2
4 Definitions and Abbreviations......................... 3
5 Instructions..................................................... 5
6 Responsibilities.............................................. 9
7 Activity Matrix............................................... 14
Appendix A - Procedure for the Factory
Testing of RTG Level Gauges and
Automatic Tank Thermometers.................... 16
Appendix B - Procedure for Manual
Gauging of RTG Systems............................. 17
Appendix C - Procedure for Using an Electronic
Thermometer in ATT Sensor Verification…. 18
Appendix D - Procedure for Initial Setting
of the RTG Level by Manufacturer……........ 21
Appendix E - Procedure for Initial Setting of the
Automatic Tank Thermometer (ATT)............ 22
Appendix F - Procedure for Third Party
Verification of the RTG System……............. 23
Appendix G - Procedure for Subsequent
Verifications of the RTG System by
Operations.................................................... 25

Previous Issue: 3 September 2013 Next Planned Update: 7 September 2016

Revised paragraphs are indicated in the right margin Page 1 of 26
Primary contacts: Hassell, James Clyde on +966-13-8801374
and Al-Torairi, Mohammed Saleh on +966-13-8801376

Copyright©Saudi Aramco 2014. All rights reserved.

Document Responsibility: Custody Measurement Standards Committee SAEP-28
Issue Date: 21 August 2014
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2016 Radar Tank Gauging System Verification Requirements

1 Scope

This procedure defines the responsibilities and requirements during installation and
verification of Radar Tank Gauging (RTG) systems used in royalty and custody transfer.

This procedure is restricted to stilling well mounted RTG systems in atmospheric

upright cylindrical, above ground, liquid storage tanks.

This procedure excludes RTG systems for, transfers from or to ships, truck loading and
truck unloading. RTG usage for transfers from or to ships shall be approved by the
Chairman, Custody Measurement Standards Committee.

2 Conflicts and Deviations (Mandatory)

2.1 Any conflicts between this procedure and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Engineering Standards (SAESs), Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs),
Standard Drawings (SASDs), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be
resolved in writing by the Manager, Process & Control Systems Department of
Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.

2.2 Direct all requests to deviate from this procedure in writing in accordance with
SAEP-302 to the Manager, Process & Control Systems Department of Saudi
Aramco, Dhahran.

2.3 Direct all requests for interpretation of this procedure in writing to the Chairman,
Custody Measurement Standards Committee for resolution. The Chairman,
Custody Measurement Standards Committee shall be solely responsible for
determining whether a proposed request meets the requirements of this procedure.

3 References

The procedures covered by this document shall comply with the latest edition of the
references listed below, unless otherwise noted:

3.1 Saudi Aramco Documents

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure

SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory
Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard

SAES-Y-301 Royalty/Custody Measurement of Hydrocarbon
Liquids using Radar Tank Gauging Systems

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Issue Date: 21 August 2014
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2016 Radar Tank Gauging System Verification Requirements

Saudi Aramco General Instructions

GI-0405.001 Custody Transfer of Liquid Hydrocarbon Products
GI-0405.007 Royalty Measurement of Hydrocarbon Liquids

3.2 Industry Codes and Standards

American Petroleum Institute (API) Manual of Petroleum Measurement

Standards (MPMS)
Chapter 3.1A Standard Practice for the Manual Gauging of
Petroleum and Petroleum Products
Chapter 3.1B Standard Practice for Level Measurement of Liquid
Hydrocarbons in Stationary Tanks by Automatic
Tank Gauging
Chapter 7.3 Temperature Determination - Fixed Automatic Tank
Temperature Systems

4 Definitions and Abbreviations

4.1 Definitions

Automatic level gauge (ATG): An instrument intended to measure

automatically and display the level of the liquid contained in a tank with respect
to a fixed reference. An automatic level gauge includes at least a liquid level-
detecting element, a transducer, if applicable, and an indicating device.

Automatic Tank Thermometers (ATTs): Instruments that continuously measure

temperature in storage tanks. Multi-point ATTs consist of a number of individual
spot temperature sensors (usually three or more) bundled together as a temperature
element to measure the temperature at selected liquid levels in the tank.

Capacity table: A table often referred to as a tank capacity table or calibration

table, showing the capacities of volumes in a tank for various liquid levels
measured from the reference gauge point.

Custody Transfer Measurement: A specialized form of measurement that

provides quantity and quality information used for the physical and fiscal
documentation of a change in ownership and/or responsibility of hydrocarbon
commodities. This includes measurement of hydrocarbon liquid movements
(deliveries or receipts) between Saudi Aramco and its customers, suppliers, joint
ventures and transport contractors including VELA ships.

Datum plate (Dip plate): A level metal plate located directly under the
reference gauge point to provide a fixed contact surface from which liquid depth

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Issue Date: 21 August 2014
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2016 Radar Tank Gauging System Verification Requirements

measurement can be made.

Error (of indication): The indication of an RTG minus a true value of the
corresponding input quantity.

External Floating Roof: A cover over an open top storage tank consisting of a
deck which rests upon the liquid being contained.

Initial Setting of RTG System: The initial setting of the RTG System is the
process by which the RTG level reading is set equal to the average tank liquid
level; determined by the manual reference level measurement (at a single level).
The initial setting also includes verification of the ATT sensors.

Radar Tank Gauge (RTG): An instrument intended to measure automatically

and display the level of the liquid contained in a tank with respect to a fixed
reference. A Radar Tank Gauge includes at least a liquid level-detecting
element, a transducer, if applicable, and an indicating device.

Radar Tank Gauging (RTG) System: RTG system is defined in this

document as the total of the electronic measuring systems consisting of Radar-
based Tank Gauge (RTG) and Automatic Tank Thermometers (ATT).

Rated operating conditions: The conditions of use, giving the range of values
of influence quantities for which the metrological characteristics are intended to
lie within the specified permissible errors.

Reference Gauging Point: A point clearly marked on the principal gauge hatch
located along the vertical axis ascending from the dip-ping datum point to
indicate the reference position to which ullage is measured.

Tank Calibration: The process of determining the capacity of a tank through

field measurements.

Vendor: The party that supplies or sells integrated RTG systems, equipment, or

4.2 Abbreviations
API American Petroleum Institute
ATT Automatic Tank Thermometer
CMU Custody Measurement Unit of Process and Control Systems
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
MINPET Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources

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Issue Date: 21 August 2014
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2016 Radar Tank Gauging System Verification Requirements

MPMS Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards

NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
P&CSD Process and Control Systems Department
RTG Radar Tank Gauge
SA Saudi Aramco
SAEP Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure
SAES Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard
SAMSS Saudi Aramco Material System Specification
SAPMT Saudi Aramco Project Management Team
SAT Site Acceptance Test
SASD Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard Drawing

5 Instructions

This procedure shall be used in conjunction with existing international standards, and is
not intended to replace the standards referenced in Section 3 of this document.

5.1 Verification Stages

The verification of RTG systems used for Royalty/Custody transfer shall be

carried out in six stages:
 Factory verification (prior to RTG installation on the tank).
 Tank evaluation (prior to RTG installation on the tank).
 Installation, setting and initial verification of the RTG system on the tank.
 Third Party Verification of the Installation for Custody/Royalty Transfer
 Subsequent RTG system verification in the field.
 CMU approval of the RTG system for Royalty/Custody transfer service.

5.2 Factory Verification (Prior to RTG Installation on the Tank)

Prior to the installation of an RTG system onto the stilling well of an upright
cylindrical tank, the following pre-installation verifications are required:

5.2.1 The RTG level gauge and ATT shall be checked by the vendor for
conformity with the procedures in Appendix A - Factory Testing
Procedure for RTG Level Gauges and Automatic Tank Thermometers.

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Issue Date: 21 August 2014
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2016 Radar Tank Gauging System Verification Requirements

5.2.2 The vendor shall produce documentation stating the measurement

performance meets custody transfer requirements. This documentation
shall include at a minimum:
 Identification of the test product and details of the maximum and
minimum lengths of the sensor tested.
 Date and manufacturer of the product
 Dates for the beginning and end of each test
 References to the test results and the test methods used.
 Any variants of the test method used
 Maximum permissible error in the product level measurement
 The repeatability of product level measurement
 The maximum permissible error in temperature measurement
 Temperature range applied to sensors
 Whether water detection capability was tested
 The time and accuracy associated with water level detection
 Temperature range applied to the indicator device

5.2.3 The vendor shall verify the rated operating conditions of the RTG
equipment. The rated operating conditions are determined by:
 Minimum and maximum temperatures and densities of the liquid and
the medium above the liquid.
 Minimum and maximum pressures.
 Characteristics of the liquid and of the medium above the liquid.
 Maximum and minimum level reading of the RTG.
 Environmental conditions.

5.2.4 The vendor shall demonstrate the following information is available for
display on the indicator device:
 The identification of the tank
 Product identification for multiple tank systems
 The level and/or volume of the product in the tank and /or available
room with an indicated resolution of 0.1 mm and 1 liter.
 The date and time of the reading

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 Indication of water (if required)

 High water alarm (if required)
 Sensor disconnection indication
 Visual indication of the power on

5.3 Tank Evaluation (Prior to RTG Installation on the Tank)

Prior to installation of the RTG system on the tank the following tank evaluation
activities shall be performed:

5.3.1 The vendor shall perform a tank inspection to determine acceptability of

the tanks for providing custody quality measurement prior to installation
of the system. These requirements are specified in SAES-Y-301.

5.3.2 The vendor must verify and record the tank reference datum points prior
to installation. These points include the tank bottom reference, upper
reference datum and tank reference height. This information will be
used to ensure the sensor level measurement correctly relates to the
capacity table.

5.3.3 The vendor must record the following measurements when the RTG
level sensor is mounted on the tank:
 The distance between the horizontal levels of the tank upper
reference and the top face of the sensor mounting flange.
 A manual measurement through the sensor mounting flange to the
tank datum plate to establish the sensor reference height.

5.3.4 If the sensor has a water detection capability then the vendor shall
perform the following physical checks to ensure water detection is
capable below the tank suction level:
 The lowest repeatable level of water detection above the bottom of
the sensor.
 The distance between the bottom of the tank suction pipe and the
tank bottom should be verified, plus the distance between the lower
end of the sensor and the tank bottom when the sensor is installed.

5.4 Installation, Setting and Initial Verification of the RTG system on the Tank

5.4.1 Operations must ensure a thorough cleaning of the datum plate is

performed directly before the RTG installation. A tank may accumulate

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Next Planned Update: 7 September 2016 Radar Tank Gauging System Verification Requirements

deposits such as rust, wax, and sediment on the inside of the shell and on
the datum plate which may affect determination of the reference height.

5.4.2 The Vendor shall confirm that the installed accuracy of the RTG system
is appropriate for the intended service. This is performed by comparing
the RTG level and temperature measurements against the manual
measurements as specified in Appendix D - Procedure for Initial Setting
of the RTG level by Manufacturer and Appendix E - Procedure for Initial
Setting of the Automatic Tank Thermometer (ATT).

5.4.3 With the tank full of liquid, each temperature sensor shall be verified using
a portable electronic thermometer (PET), in accordance with API Chapter
7.3 and Appendix E. The procedure for the use of the PET for manually
verifying the ATT sensors is included as Appendix C - Procedure for
Using an Electronic Thermometer in ATT Sensor Verification.

5.4.4 The Vendor shall confirm traceability and rated operating conditions of
the RTG system meets the requirements listed in SAES-Y-301.

5.4.5 The Vendor shall perform the installation initial verification of the RTG

5.5 Third Party Verification of the Installation for Custody/Royalty Transfer

The final calibration shall be performed by a Saudi Aramco approved third party
contractor who shall verify the RTG reading at three random test levels in the
top, middle, and bottom third of the gauge travel as described in Appendix F -
Procedure for Third Party Verification of RTG Installations.

5.6 Subsequent RTG Verification in the Field

Operations shall perform a regular verification program consisting of the

following elements. The procedure for subsequent verification activities is
specified in Appendix G - Procedure for Subsequent Verification of the RTG
System by Operations and is required for Custody/Royalty Transfer RTGs:
 All essential components of the RTG installation shall be checked as
recommended by the manufacturer’s instructions.
 Each RTG will be inspected and its level measurement shall be verified at
least three times in the first month, using innage gauging with a certified
gauge tape.
 The RTG shall be inspected and examined to establish that it is in correct
working order.

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Issue Date: 21 August 2014
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2016 Radar Tank Gauging System Verification Requirements

 When the RTG level reading is being verified, the ATT shall be verified
quarterly according to API MPMS Chapter 7 and Appendix F - Procedure
for Third Party Verification of the RTG System.

5.7 CMU Approval of the RTG system for Royalty/Custody Transfer Service

CMU approval is required before a tank RTG level measurement can be used for
Custody/Royalty Transfer Measurement. The following documentation shall be
submitted by the Proponent to CMU to obtain this approval:
 New certified tank capacity tables reflecting revised reference height.
 RTG calibration documentation including field notes.
 Initial and final test verification data for RTG Level and ATT measurement.
 Subsequent RTG Level and ATT verification datasheets for 3 months.
 Certification documentation for master gauge tape and portable electronic

5.8 Test Procedures

The following instructions and test procedures are included in Appendices.

Tests shall be carried out within the rated operating conditions:
 Procedure for the Factory Testing of RTG Level Gauges and Automatic
Tank Thermometers (Appendix A)
 Procedure for Manual Gauging of RTG Systems (Appendix B)
 Procedure for Using Electronic Thermometers in ATT Sensor Verification
(Appendix C)
 Procedure for Initial Setting of the RTG Level by Manufacturer (Appendix D)
 Procedure for Initial Setting of the Automatic Tank Thermometer (ATT)
(Appendix E)
 Procedure for Third Party Verification of the RTG System (Appendix F)
 Procedure for Subsequent Verification of the RTG System by Operations
(Appendix G)

6 Responsibilities

The Saudi Aramco organizations with tank verification responsibilities shall ensure
personnel become familiar with this SAEP.

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Issue Date: 21 August 2014
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2016 Radar Tank Gauging System Verification Requirements

6.1 The Proponent Organization shall:

a) When assuming responsibility for project management (e.g., BI-1900
projects), the Proponent(s) shall be responsible for the requirements
specified by SAPMT.
b) Review the draft FAT Procedure and provide your comments to within
10 working days to SAPMT.
c) Review the results from the RTG system pre-FAT.
d) Participate in the FAT including Field calibration and initial verification of
the RTG System.
e) Confirm exception items from FAT have been satisfactorily completed.
f) Review Vendor’s draft SAT Procedure and provide your comments to
within 10 working days to SAPMT.
g) Assist the vendor with the development of RTG and ATT installation
procedure and drawings.
h) Witness the installation of the RTG system and component on each tank.
i) Participate in the SAT including Field calibration and initial verification of
the RTG System.
j) Confirm exception items from SAT have been satisfactorily completed.
k) Approve that the exception items from the Performance Acceptance Punch
List have been satisfactorily completed.
l) Receive the RTG system from the SAPMT.
m) Develop operation instruction manuals for the verification of the RTG
system including the level gauge and temperature sensor. The procedure
shall be based on the applicable requirements as specified in API MPMS
Chapters 3.1B and 7. Forward completed documents to P&CSD/CMU for
review and approval.
n) Consult with CMU on the approval status of Third Party Inspection
Agencies and obtain CMU’s approval on new inspection agencies.
o) Initiate calibration request for the subsequent RTG installations per the
frequency requirements in GI-0405.001 for custody transfer tanks and
GI-0405.007 for royalty transfer tanks.
p) Witness the installation and 3rd Party field calibration process and also
ensure the instruments and procedures applied are in compliance with

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Next Planned Update: 7 September 2016 Radar Tank Gauging System Verification Requirements

international standards.
q) Witness the first subsequent verifications for the RTG system as performed
by a Third Party Inspector and ensure MINPET (for Royalty systems)
witnessing and approval on verification activities.
r) Ensure subsequent verifications shall occur monthly, unless otherwise
specified by operations. These verifications shall cover the oil level,
reference height, individual submerged temperature sensors and free water
in the presence of MINPET representative (for Royalty systems).
The certified RTG units shall then be re-sealed after verification.
s) Review the verification certificates for the allowable tolerances as stated in
GI-0405.001 for custody transfer tanks and GI-0405.007 for royalty transfer
t) Consult with CMU for technical inquiries about the calibration and/or
documentation process cannot be resolved in-house.
u) Maintain complete records for the calibration and verification results of the
RTG system components.

6.2 Saudi Aramco Project Management Team (SAPMT) shall:

a) Develop the FAT Procedure. Submit draft FAT Procedure and accompanying
documentation to Proponent(s) and CMU for review, and CMU's submittal to
MINPET (for Royalty systems) if required. Forward all comments received
within 15 working days to Proponent or Vendor for implementation.
b) Submit the final FAT Procedure to Proponent(s) and CMU. If applicable,
include an additional copy for MINPET (for Royalty systems) in the
transmittal to CMU.
c) Notify Proponent(s), CMU of the schedule for the FAT.
d) Review the results from the RTG system pre-FAT.
e) Coordinate the FAT and initial verification of the RTG System and inform
CMU of the verification results.
f) Submit approved FAT report to Proponent(s) and CMU.
g) Develop the SAT Procedure. Submit draft SAT Procedure to Proponent(s)
and CMU for review. Forward all comments within 15 working days to
Proponent or Vendor for implementation.
h) Submit final SAT Procedure to Proponent(s) and CMU.

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Next Planned Update: 7 September 2016 Radar Tank Gauging System Verification Requirements

i) Confirm exception items from FAT have been satisfactorily completed.

Advise Vendor that all exception items from the FAT have been completed.
j) Assist the vendor with the development of RTG and ATT installation
procedure and drawings.
k) Monitor the installation of the RTG system and component on the tanks.
l) Coordinate the SAT, Field calibration and initial verification of the RTG
System and inform the proponent and CMU of the test results for
m) Confirm exception items from SAT have been satisfactorily completed.
Advise Vendor that all exception items from the SAT have been completed.
n) Obtain approval from the Proponent that the exception items from the
Performance Acceptance Punch List have been satisfactorily completed.
o) Contract initial RTG system verification to Third Party Inspection Agencies.
p) Close out the project.

6.3 Process and Control Systems Department (P&CSD)/ Custody Measurement Unit
(CMU) shall:
a) Review the draft FAT Procedure and provide comments within 10 working
days to SAPMT.
b) Approve the final FAT document.
c) Review the results from the RTG system pre-FAT.
d) Participate in the FAT including Field calibration and initial verification of
the RTG System.
e) Confirm exception items from FAT have been satisfactorily completed.
f) Approve the FAT report.
g) Review Vendor's draft SAT Procedure and provide comments within 10
working days to SAPMT.
h) Approve the final SAT Procedure.
i) Obtain the final SAT Procedure from SAPMT
j) If requested by SAPMT, assist the vendor with the development of RTG
and ATT installation procedure and drawings.

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Issue Date: 21 August 2014
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2016 Radar Tank Gauging System Verification Requirements

k) Participate in the SAT including Field calibration and initial verification of

the RTG System.
l) Confirm exception items from SAT have been satisfactorily completed.
m) If requested, assist in developing the operation instruction manuals for the
verification of their RTG system including the level gauge and temperature
sensor. The procedure shall be based on the applicable requirements as
specified in API MPMS Chapters 3.1B and 7. Forward completed
documents to P&CSD/CMU for review and approval.
n) Provide the Proponent list of the approved Third Party Inspection Agencies.
o) If necessary, witness one subsequent verification per year for the RTG
system as performed by a Third Party Inspector and ensures MINPET
witnessing (for Royalty systems) and approval on verification activities.
p) Review the verification certificates for the allowable tolerances as stated in
GI-0405.001 for custody transfer tanks and GI-0405.007 for royalty transfer
q) If requested, provide consultation to the Proponent if a technical inquiry
about the calibration and/or documentation process cannot be resolved
r) Provide technical assistance to the Proponent, Operating Department and
SAPMT on matters pertaining to RTG verification.
s) Reviews measurement and engineering requirements in project proposal
and supporting documentation provided by Proponent and SAPMT for the
installation of the RTG system per the requirements in GI-0405.001 for
custody transfer tanks and GI-0405.007 for royalty transfer tanks.
The Technical Director of the Custody Measurement Unit (CMU), Process
and Control Systems Department, will provide approval of the RTG for
Custody/Royalty Transfer use on a tank-by-tank basis.
t) Seek MINPET approval (for Royalty Systems) through the proper channels
after completing the case evaluation if the RTG system is intended for
royalty measurement.
u) Conduct a technical review of the bids and provide approvals. CMU shall
receive notification from the Proponent/SAPMT of the selected RTG
system vendor.
v) Review and approve the Vendor design drawings.
w) Review and approve procedures and test results from the FAT, Field
calibration and initial verification of the RTG System.

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Next Planned Update: 7 September 2016 Radar Tank Gauging System Verification Requirements

7 Activity Matrix

Step Activity/Work Item Perform Review Approve

1 Developing FAT Procedure SAPMT Proponent/CMU (1)
2 Scheduling the FAT SAPMT (1)
3 Conducting FAT Proponent/CMU
Proponent/CMU (1)
Proponent Proponent/CMU/
4 Developing SAT Procedure SAPMT (1)
5 Scheduling the SAT SAPMT (1)
Developing RTG and ATT
6 installation procedure and Vendor SAPMT (1)
Installing RTG system and SAPMT/
7 Vendor
component on the tanks Proponent/CMU
8 Conducting SAT Vendor Proponent/
(1) Proponent
Issuing Performance Proponent/CMU/
9 Vendor SAPMT (1)
Acceptance Certificate MINPET
Developing operation
10 instruction manuals for the Proponent CMU CMU
RTG system
11 Commissioning the system Vendor Proponent/CMU/
Providing list of approved
12 Third Party Inspection CMU
Initiate first calibration request
13 for the first subsequent RTG Proponent
Performing the first calibration Third Party
14 for the subsequent Inspection Proponent CMU//MINPET
verification Agency
Initiate subsequent calibration
15 request for the first Proponent
subsequent RTG installations
Performing the subsequent Third Party
16 calibration for the subsequent Inspection Proponent Proponent
verification Agency
Maintaining the verification
17 Proponent
Note: Required for royalty tank gauging systems only. MINPET involvement is coordinated with CMU.

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Revision Summary
7 September 2011 New Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure.
3 September 2013 Editorial Revision to change the primary contact.
21 August 2014 Minor revision to make improvements to the technology; which will bring accurate
requirements within acceptable custody measurement requirements.

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Issue Date: 21 August 2014
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2016 Radar Tank Gauging System Verification Requirements

Appendix A - Procedure for the Factory Testing

of RTG Level Gauges and Automatic Tank Thermometers

A.1 Level Gauge Performance Tests

Factory testing of RTG level and temperature gauges must meet the latest OIML R85
requirements. An OIML Certificate of Conformity shall be provided to demonstrate the
equipment meets OIML R85 requirements.
A.2 ATT Performance Tests
The ATT shall be calibrated and verified to demonstrate that it meets the accuracy of
the intended service. The Table below (API MPMS Chapter 7.3 Table 4) summarizes
the maximum tolerances that can be met by the ATT for custody transfer applications.

By Component
Resolution Activity Transmitter As a System
Sensor (Conversion
±0.2ºC ±0.15ºC ±0.25ºC
Factory Calibration (FAT)
(±0.4ºF) (±0.3ºF) (±0.5ºF)
0.1ºC (0.1ºF) Initial Field Verification (SAT) ±0.4ºC ±0.25°C
± 0.5ºC
Subsequent Verification ±0.4ºC ±0.25°C

A FAT verification shall include verification of accuracy requirements (above)

throughoutout the operating range of the device.
A SAT verification shall ensure that:
 No damage occurred during transport
 Verification of the ATT type and model. Verify accuracy requirements on the
certificate meet custody transfer requirements.
 Verification of the correct sensor length, and mounting.
Initial and subsequent field verifications are covered in Appendices C and G, respectively.
A.3 Installation Requirements
ATT shall be installed so that they are a minimum distance of 900 mm from the tank shell
and as far as possible from heating coils and swing arms. In order to reduce or eliminate
the effects of turbulence, they should be preferably on the opposite side of the tank from
the inlet and outlet connections and well away from tank mixers. ATT equipment should
be accessible from gage platform.

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Appendix B - Procedure for Manual Gauging of RTG Systems

(Note: This procedure is in accordance with API 3.1A requirements.)

1. The master gauge tape and bob shall conform to the specifications required for innage
gauging identified in API Chapter 3 Section 3.1A.7.1. Cut tapes are not acceptable for
this application.
2. Handling the RTG sending unit and the stilling well shall be done in a way as to ensure
that no damage occurs. When reinstalling the cone insert ensure that it is installed straight
and in-line with the sending unit, prior to screwing down the clamping nut. The RTG
level reading shall be verified to be the same as it was prior to removing the cone.
3. After safely grounding the tape, slowly lower the bob and tape into the tank, pausing
shortly after the bob breaks the liquid surface to allow the turbulence to settle. Stop when
the bob is within a short distance of the bottom as determined by the length unwound
from the reel in comparison to the reference gauge height of the tank.
4. Then, with the tape adjacent to the reference height gauge point, lower the tape slowly
until the tip of the bob just touches the datum plate.
5. Record the tape reading at the reference gauge point and note any variance from the
reference gauge height of the tank. The comparison of the reference gauge point tape
reading to tank reference gauge height is an indication that the gauge bob is suspended
in a vertical position while in contact with the datum plate or tank bottom.
6. When obtaining innage gauges, be sure the tape is lowered at the same reference gauge
point for both the opening and closing gauges.
7. Withdraw the tape from the tank until the liquid cut is observed. Read the tape scale at
the liquid cut and note this reading as the innage gauge.

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Next Planned Update: 7 September 2016 Radar Tank Gauging System Verification Requirements

Appendix C - Procedure for Using an Electronic Thermometer

in ATT Sensor Verification

Because it may not be possible to position the thermometer close to the temperature element
and because slight horizontal temperature stratification may exist, the measurement by the
thermometer may not agree completely. In general, for fluid temperatures close to ambient, if
the sensor of the PET can be placed within 1 m (3 ft) of the spot ATT sensor, calibration by a
Portable Electronic Thermometer (PET) is acceptable.

The following procedure is recommended for verifying individual sensor readings with an
electronic thermometer:
1. Verify the condition of the battery before and after each use.
2. Attach an electrical ground between the thermometer and the tank before opening the hatch.
3. Set the temperature range selector as appropriate.
4. Lower the sensing probe to the sensor’s level.
5. Raise and lower the probe 0.3 meters (1 foot) above and below the predetermined level to
allow rapid stabilization.
6. After temperature has stabilized, read and record the temperature at the measured depth.
7. Repeat steps 4, 5, and 6 at each level if multiple temperatures are required.
8. Determine the average temperature.
9. Report the average temperature to the nearest 0.1°C or 0.1°F.
10. After use, clean all parts of the thermometer assembly with a suitable solvent and dry it
with a cloth to prevent the formation of insulating film.

Recommended Immersion Times for Electronic Thermometer

Temperature Differential
API Gravity at 60ºF In Motion
< 2.5ºC (< 5ºF)
> 50 30 seconds 5 minutes

40 to 49 30 seconds 5 minutes

30 to 39 45 seconds 12 minutes

20 to 29 45 seconds 20 minutes

< 20 75 seconds 45 minutes

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Issue Date: 21 August 2014
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2016 Radar Tank Gauging System Verification Requirements

The following procedure is recommended for comparing multiple-spot (averaging) ATTsensor

readings with an electronic thermometer:
1. Verify the condition of the electronic thermometer battery before and after each use.
2. Attach an electrical ground between the thermometer and the tank before opening the
3. Set the temperature range selector as appropriate.
4. Take ten temperature readings evenly spaced, or every 0.7 m (2 ft) for tank levels less than
7.7 m (22 ft) covering the entire liquid level. The average of the temperature readings
using the PET is compared to the average temperature of all ATT temperature sensors
submerged in the liquid. The difference of these two average temperatures shall be within
the tolerance given in the table below:

By Component
Resolution Activity Transmitter As a System
Sensor (Conversion
0.1ºC (0.1ºF) Subsequent Verification ±0.4ºC ±0.25ºC ± 0.5ºC (±1ºF)

NOTE: An “Upper-Middle-Lower” ATT system, which automatically adjusts according to the

liquid level, does not require the tank to be full.

The following procedure is recommended for comparing variable length ATT sensor readings
with an electronic thermometer:
1. Verify the condition of the electronic thermometer battery before and after each use.
2. Attach an electrical ground between the thermometer and the tank before opening the
3. Set the temperature range selector as appropriate.
4. The tank should preferably be nearly full, with all temperature sensors submerged.
Take ten temperature readings evenly spaced, or every 0.7 m (2 ft), for tank levels less
than 7.7 m (22 ft) covering the entire liquid level.
5. Manually select each temperature sensor (either by a software or hardware switch).
Compare the average temperature calculated from the appropriate PET readings against the
average temperature measured by the temperature sensor selected and displayed by the
ATT display. Each of these should be verified to within the tolerance for initial field
verification as given in the table below:

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Next Planned Update: 7 September 2016 Radar Tank Gauging System Verification Requirements

By Component
Resolution Activity Transmitter As a System
Sensor (Conversion
0.1ºC (0.1ºF) Subsequent Verification ±0.4ºC ±0.25ºC ± 0.5ºC (±1ºF)

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Appendix D - Procedure for Initial Setting of the RTG Level by Manufacturer

The following procedure is recommended for the initial setting of the RTG level device by the
1. Initial setting shall be done when the tank is approximately half-full, and the RTG level
unit shall be set to the average of the manual readings, as described in the next step.
2. The level of the tank contents must be determined by reference manual measurements
from the same gauging access point (using the same measurement tape and weight) until
3 consecutive measurements agree within a range of 1 mm (1/16 inch) inch or
5 consecutive measurements within a range of 3 mm (1/8 inch).
3. The RTG Level reading shall be compared with the manual average readings in the Tank
Calibration Length field in order to obtain agreement between measurement and actual
4. Tank Reference Height shall be checked in the software interface to ensure the system is
presenting the correct value. between RTG and manual measurement within 3 mm
(1/8 inch).
5. Tank reference height must be measured at the official gauging access position unit until
three consecutive measurements agree within the range of 1 mm (1/16 inch) or five
consecutive measurements agree within a range of 3 mm (1/8 inch). The allowable
tolerance between the measured and calibration reference height in 1/8 inch.
6. The level of the tank contents must be determined by reference manual measurements
from the same gauging access point (using the same measurement tape and weight) until
3 consecutive measurements agree within a range of 1 mm (1/16 inch) inch or
5 consecutive measurements within a range of 3 mm (1/8 inch).
7. When setting is made, the ATG reading shall coincide with the manually measured level.
8. Adjustment shall be performed once at the initial setting, and shall not be repeated unless
the tank conditions are altered.

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Appendix E - Procedure for Initial Setting

of the Automatic Tank Thermometer (ATT)

1. During the initial setting of the ATT, a Portable Electronic Thermometer (PET) meeting
the requirements specified in Appendix C shall be used to collect temperature readings as
specific Resistance temperature Detectors (RTD) locations. The allowable tolerance
between each submerged RTD and PET reading is ±1.0ºF (±0.5ºC).
2. The thermometer may be considered to have reached stability if, with a moving probe, the
readout varies by no more than ±0.2ºF (±0.1ºC) for 30 seconds.
3. Before each use, the PET shall be spot checked by comparing it against a certified ASTM
glass stem thermometer. If the readings differ by more than ± 0.5ºF (±0.2ºC), the PET
shall be re-calibrated.
4. After using the PET in heavy oils, all parts of the thermometer shall be cleaned with a
suitable solvent and dried with a cloth to prevent formation of an insulating film.
5. The condition of the battery shall be checked before and after each use.

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Next Planned Update: 7 September 2016 Radar Tank Gauging System Verification Requirements

Appendix F - Procedure for Third Party Verification of the RTG System

F.1 Third Party level calibration shall be performed per the instructions below:
1. The reference height shall be measured using a master gauge tape, which extends
all the way to the datum plate. The reference height shall be determined as the
average of 3 consecutive measurements agree within a range of 1 mm (1/16 inch)
inch or 5 consecutive measurements within a range of 4 mm (3/16 inch), in
accordance with the method detailed in API 3.1B.6.2.
2. The tank shall be filled with liquid to the top of the tank measurement range.
If the liquid used for this verification test is at a temperature other than ambient
(i.e., hot crude oil), the tank shall remain full for a minimum of 2 hours prior to
the test. This is to allow the stilling well to come to thermal equilibrium.
3. The tank level shall be drawn off at a rate that is similar to the actual loading rate,
when in service. When the level reaches 1/3 full or less the draw off will stop and
the tank will be allowed to set for ½ hour.
4. If the reference height changes by more than 2 mm (2/16 in) from official
reference height, from full to empty, the stilling well is unsuitable for
Custody/Royalty Transfer Measurement. Refer to API 3.1B.4.5 for possible
reasons that the reference height may be changing. The most common one is that
stilling well is too close to the sidewall of the tank and the tank is bulging.
5. The current reference height, measured above, will be verified against official
reference height prior to modification. This verification will be performed and
documented by an independent third party. If this verification is not performed,
re-strapping of the tank will be required prior to use. In the event the current
reference height is not the same as the official reference height, the suitability of
the tank for the installation of an RTG is questionable and requires CMU review
and approval.

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F.2 Third Party Temperature Field Verification by Components

Separate calibration checks of the temperature element and the temperature transmitter
are performed performed on a full tank level (all temperature sensors are submerged
below liquid level) as follows:
1. Temperature Element

Use a calibrated electronic digital thermometer to verify the measurement from

the ATT temperature element. Lower the thermometer to the depth at which the
element is located located within 1m (3 ft). The temperature measured by the
thermometer and by the element should be within ±0.5°C or 1°F.
2. Temperature Transmitter

The ATT system, excluding the temperature element, can be verified by using a
temperature calibrator (for example, precision resistors or a thermal calibrator) to
simulate temperature input a three or more temperatures covering the expected
tank operating temperatures. The ATT output or display should agree with the
calibrator within ± 0.25°C (0.5°F) at each temperature. The temperature calibrator
and precision resistors should be previously calibrated against a reference certified
by NIST.

F.3 Third Party Temperature Field Verification as a System

As an alternate to separate calibration checks of the temperature element and the

transmitter, a portable electronic digital thermometer, calibrated immediately before
verification, may be used to verify the entire ATT system when performed on a full tank
level (all temperature sensors are submerged below liquid level). Because it may not be
possible to position the thermometer close to the temperature element and because
slight horizontal temperature stratification may exist, the measurement by the
thermometer may not agree completely. In general, for ambient storage tanks, if the
sensing element of the portable electronic thermometer can be placed within 1 meter
(3 feet) of the fixed temperature element, calibration by a portable electronic
thermometer is acceptable. If the temperature measured by the thermometer and by the
fixed temperature element is within ± 0.5ºC (or 1ºF), the ATT system is considered
within calibration.

This method should not be used in heated tanks where uneven heating by heating coils
is often encountered.

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Issue Date: 21 August 2014
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2016 Radar Tank Gauging System Verification Requirements

Appendix G - Procedure for Subsequent Verifications

of the RTG System by Operations

G.1 General
1. The allowable tolerance for level is 4 mm (3/16 inch) and for the temperature is
±0.5ºC (1.0ºF).
2. Only certified measurement tape and weight combination and certified portable
electronic thermometer shall be used during the verifications.
3. Each tank shall be verified at a single level for the liquid measurement once per
4. The liquid level where the RTG level gauge is verified shall be randomly chosen
and shall be within the normal opening and closing gauges of the tank.
5. The ATT system shall be checked each quarter by comparison of PET and RTD
6. The RTG units shall be verified as follows: three times in the first month of
installation and once each month thereafter.
7. ATT verifications shall cover submerged temperature sensors, and free water
(if applicable).

G.2 Level Verification Procedure

Dedicated operations personnel shall perform the following actions for monthly field
level verifications:
1. Ensure the measurement equipment (identified in G.1) has current certifications
and is in good condition.
2. Ensure all appropriate paperwork is completed and filed as required by local
procedures. This required information includes recording the reference height that
is registered in the tank strapping table, recording the Distributed Control System
(DCS) reading of the oil level, individual submerged temperature sensor readings,
and free water.
3. Check that Data Acquisition Unit before climbing the tank and ensure both
readings (DCS & DAU) are the same.
4. The stenciled reference height on the side of the tank near the stairway and on (or
near) the gauging platform is (are) the same as the one recorded in the tanks
strapping table.
5. After climbing the tank to the gauging platform and standing upwind, ensure that

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Issue Date: 21 August 2014
Next Planned Update: 7 September 2016 Radar Tank Gauging System Verification Requirements

RTG cone (if applicable) is installed properly and sealed.

6. After proper grounding, break the seals and remove the RTG cone for manual
7. Perform gauging actions in accordance with Appendix A - Manual Gauging
Procedure for RTG Systems.
8. Repeat Step 8 the required number of times (3 times within 1 mm (1/16 in) or 5
times within 4 mm (3/16 in) and record the oil cut to the nearest 1 mm (1/16 inch).
9. Compare the manual gauging reading to the reported level from the RTG system.
If the difference is within 4 mm, the system is considered within tolerance.
10. After measuring the reference height, oil level, and free water, the tape shall be
wiped clean and stored in a safe place.

G.3 Temperature Verification Procedure

Dedicated operations personnel shall perform the following actions for quarterly
monthly field temperature verifications:

“ATT verifications can be performed either by API Chapter 7, Section Initial
Field Verification, Component Method or As a System.”
1. By the Component Method, record each submerged temperature sensors reading
in accordance with the procedure specified in Appendix C - Procedure for using
an Electronic Thermometer in ATT Sensor Verification.
2. For the System Method, with the tank nearly full take taking ten temperature
readings evenly spaced covering the entire liquid level. The average temperature
reported the portable thermometer and the average reported by the ATT system
(System Test) or individual temperature element (Component Test) must be
within ±0.5ºC or 1ºF.
3. After verifying all the submerged temperature sensors, retain the RTG cone
(if applicable) to its place and ensure it is secured properly.
4. The RTG unit must be sealed if the results are within the allowable tolerance.
If the results are out of the allowable tolerance, the failed RTG unit shall be
reported to the General Supervisor for checking and re-calibration. CMU shall
also be notified of the failed system.
5. Confirm temperature reading with the control room.
6. If the System Test fails repeat with the Component Test to determine if a
temperature sensor has failed.
7. Report and file all applicable paperwork associated with the verification.

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