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How do you decide to buy a particular brand?


How loyal are you to the brands you have chosen?

For example. when you buy jeans, do you always

buy Levi's? Why do people buy brands?


Why do you think some people dislike brands?


Pick some of the brands which interest you. What

image and qualities does each one have?


How can companies create brand loyalty?


What are the advantages and disadvantages for

companies of product endorsements?


What has been the most significant change in

your life so far?


What is important when selling a new product?

 Price

 Quality

 Advertising


How is China changing the future of shopping?


What should you prepare if you are asked to

relocate to a foreign country?


Your company language becomes English. Will

this be your advantage or disadvantage?


Talk about recent changes that have happened in

your town, company or country.


Do you think that changes of ownership and

management style will bring benefits to a


Do you think that staff are always enthusiastic

about company’s changes?


If you were meeting a group of business people

for the first time in a social setting, e.g. in the

bar of a hotel or the restaurant at a conference,

what subjects would you discuss in the first half



Young employees do better than elder ones. To

what extent do you agree or disagree with this


How would you describe your future ideal workplace?


Would you like to work in a company like Google?

Why? / Why not?


Which people in an organisation have their own

office? Do they have their own office because of: a)

seniority; b) a need for confidentiality; c) the type of

work they do?


To what extent do you agree with the following


People remember advertisements, not products.


To what extent do you agree with the following


Advertising has a bad influence on children.

22. To what extent do you agree with the following


Advertising tells you a lot about the culture of a

particular society.


What reasons are there for advertising, apart from

selling a product?


What factors do you need to consider when

preparing a business presentation?

25. How would you open the following


Your company is launching a new product.

(Audience: a group of potential customers)


How would you open the following presentation?

You are presenting your place of work o r study.

(Audience: a group of potential customers or



How would you open the following presentation?

Your company/organisation is introducing a new

way of working.

(Audience: a group of colleagues)


Which three areas do you think are identified as

causing problems in international meetings?


How important do you think cultural awareness is

in international business?


What is culture? Choose the four factors that you

think are the most im portant in creating a

culture. Give your reasons.


What can cause problems for Americans when

they do business with Asian cultures?

What qualities do you think companies should look
for when sending staff abroad?
If you could be sent anywhere i n the world to
work, which country would you choose? What
aspects of its culture do you particularly like?
What tips do you have for breaking the ice at
meetings with new clients/people from other
What is 'cultural awareness'? Do you think culture
shock is good or bad for people doing business
If you are attending a cultural training course, what
do you think should be covered in this course?

Can you name some “safe topics” in small talks in

business? What topics should you avoid when

talking to people from other cultures in business?


What do you think about advertising? Is it an art

or a science? Why?


Imagine you are at the breaktime in a business

conference. How would you introduce yourself in

to other people at the conference?


How is networking important in business?


Do you think that you would encounter some

difficulties if you live in another country for

either study or work?


Should we stay loyal to a certain product? Why



Should parents buy branded products for their

children? Why (not)?

In pairs, plan a large meeting involving people from several departments.
First, decide what your meeting will be about. You can use these ideas to help
 What is your organisation? What do you make / do?
 What is your role in the organisation?
 Is the meeting about something that is going to happen (e.g. a new
project or procedure) or something that has happened (e.g. an accident,
a failure)? Be as specific as possible.
 Is it a one-off meeting or the first of a series?
 How long do you expect the meeting will last?
 Who are you going to invite? Why do you want them to come?
 How can you persuade people to come to your meeting?

In pairs, plan a large meeting involving people from several departments.
First, decide what your meeting will be about. You can use these ideas to help
 What is your organisation? What do you make / do?
 What is your role in the organisation?
 Is the meeting about something that is going to happen (e.g. a new
project or procedure) or something that has happened (e.g. an accident,
a failure)? Be as specific as possible.
 Is it a one-off meeting or the first of a series?
 How long do you expect the meeting will last?
 Who are you going to invite? Why do you want them to come?
 How can you persuade people to come to your meeting?
Role-play a meeting about the following situation.
To cut costs, the Chief Executive of a bank wants to close the least profitable
branches and invest more elsewhere.
Student A is the Chief Executive of the bank. Student B is the Head of Retail Banking,
with responsibility for the bank branches. You meet to discuss the Chief Executive's

Student A: Chief Executive of the Bank

You want to close branches (10 percent of the total number):
 In town where are too many;
 Where building cound be sold to developers for other uses, for example to be
transformed into bars or restaurants.
This allow the bank to invest more in its online banking operations and other
Role-play a meeting about the following situation.
To cut costs, the Chief Executive of a bank wants to close the least profitable
branches and invest more elsewhere.
Student A is the Chief Executive of the bank. Student B is the Head of Retail Banking,
with responsibility for the bank branches. You meet to discuss the Chief Executive's

Student B: Head of Retail Banking

You are against branch closures because the bank:
 Needs to be visible everywhere, even if some branches are unprofitable;
 Cannot depend completely on its website. For example, customers need somewhere
to pay in cheques. (They don’t like paying them in by post.)
 Can make good profits in branch banking – what you call ‘good old-fashioned
In pairs, role play the following situation.
• Your partner (A) wants to buy a present for her/his mom’s
birthday. She/he wants to buy a brand name product.
• You (B) offer her/him some suggestions and clarify them. You
should ask about hiss/her mom’s likes and dislikes as well as the
budget that he/she has for the present. Then, compare prices and
product qualities/features of each suggestion.
• A thanks B for his/her help. Then confirm your choice. Remember
to explain it clearly. You may need to agree or disagree with B at
some time.
In pairs, role play the following situation.
• Your partner (A) wants to buy a present for her/his mom’s
birthday. She/he wants to buy a brand name product.
• You (B) offer her/him some suggestions and clarify them. You
should ask about hiss/her mom’s likes and dislikes as well as the
budget that he/she has for the present. Then, compare prices and
product qualities/features of each suggestion.
• A thanks B for his/her help. Then confirm your choice. Remember
to explain it clearly. You may need to agree or disagree with B at
some time.

Role-play the following discussion:
You are two fresh graduates from Banking University. Discuss what
is important when looking for a job. You can include the following
issues in your discussion.
 Salary and bonuses
 Location of the job
 Posibility of making business trips
Student A starts the conversation.
You may need to agree and disagree with each other properly.
Sometime you may interrupt if necessary.
Role-play the following discussion:
You are two fresh graduates from Banking University. Discuss what
is important when looking for a job. You can include the following
issues in your discussion.
 Salary and bonuses
 Location of the job
 Posibility of making business trips
Student A starts the conversation.
You may need to agree and disagree with each other properly.
Sometime you may interrupt if necessary.
Role-play the following discussion.
Your company has performed very well this year, and the managers want to thank all the staff.
Talk together about ways of rewarding staff and decide one is the best. Here are some ideas for
you to discuss:
 Bonus payment
 Party
 Day trip
 Gift
 Shares in the company
 Extra day’s holiday
You may need to consider the following questions during your discussion.
 Is there any other reward you would like? (Why?)
 Is it important for all staff to receive the same type of reward? (Why/ Why not?)
 What kind of place would be suitable for a company trip? (Why?)
 How important is it to reward staff for good work? (Why/ Why not?)
 Should companies have a regular programme for social events for staff? (Why/ Why not?)
Student A: You are the company director. Student B: You are the HR manager.
Student A starts the conversation.
Role-play the following discussion.
Your company has performed very well this year, and the managers want to thank all the staff.
Talk together about ways of rewarding staff and decide one is the best. Here are some ideas for
you to discuss:
 Bonus payment
 Party
 Day trip
 Gift
 Shares in the company
 Extra day’s holiday
You may need to consider the following questions during your discussion.
 Is there any other reward you would like? (Why?)
 Is it important for all staff to receive the same type of reward? (Why/ Why not?)
 What kind of place would be suitable for a company trip? (Why?)
 How important is it to reward staff for good work? (Why/ Why not?)
 Should companies have a regular programme for social events for staff? (Why/ Why not?)
Student A: You are the company director. Student B: You are the HR manager.
Student A starts the conversation.

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