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CIVL 1101 Proportioning and Mixing Concrete 1/3

Proportioning Concrete Proportioning Concrete

] Concrete mix designs are often given by the following ] Part of your design for this project is to develop mix
ratio: ratios that lead to high compression stresses at
Coarse Aggregate
A t – crushed
h d rock
k ] The
Th ttwo criteria
it i f for a successful
f l mix
i ratio
ti are:

Fine Aggregate – sand (1) high compressive stress

Cement (2) adequate workability

] In this case, the ratio implies 1 part (by weight) of
cement to 2 parts coarse aggregate to 2 parts fine

Proportioning Concrete Proportioning Concrete

] Once a mix ratio is selected, you need to compute the ] The volume of a cylindrical mold is:
amounts of cement, water, and aggregates required
π hD 2
Volumecyclinder =
] To start, we need to estimate the volume of concrete where D is the diameter of the cylinder
y and h is the
i df for th
the jjob.
b height
3 inches

] In your work, we used cylinder molds to form our ] The cylinders for Project 2 are
concrete specimens always 6 inches in height and 3
inches in diameter 6 inches

Proportioning Concrete Proportioning Concrete

] How much concrete do we need to make 5 cylinders? ] Next, we need to convert this volume to cubic feet and account
for any errors
⎛ 1ft 3 ⎞ 212in 3ft 3
⎡ π ( 6in )(3in ) ⎤
2 VolumeTotal = 212 in 3 ⎜ ⎟ =
⎜ (12in )3 ⎟ 1, 728in 3
Volumecyclinder = 5⎢ ⎥ = 212 in 3 ⎝ ⎠
⎣⎢ ⎥⎦ Make sure you have
enough factor

We need 5 cylinders VolumeTotal = ( 0.122ft 3 ) × MSYHEF

VolumeTotal = 212 in 3
VolumeTotal = ( 0.122ft 3 ) × 2 = 0.25ft 3
CIVL 1101 Proportioning and Mixing Concrete 2/3

Proportioning Concrete Proportioning Concrete

] Next, we need to convert this volume to an equivalent weight of ] Next, we need to convert this volume to an equivalent weight of
concrete concrete

⎛ 150 lbs ⎞ ⎛ 150 lbs ⎞

Weightconcrete = 0.25ft 3 ⎜ ⎟ = 37.5 lbs Weightconcrete = 0.25ft 3 ⎜ ⎟ = 37.5 lbs
⎝ ft ⎝ ft
3 3
⎠ ⎠
] To compute the amount of each component required for this mix, ] To compute the amount of each component required for this mix,
use the ratio of the each component to the sum of all components use the ratio of the each component to the sum of all components

] For a 1:2:2 mix, the weight of cement required is 1/5 of the total ] For a 1:2:2 mix, the weight of fine aggregate required is 2/5 of
weight the total weight

⎛1⎞ ⎛2⎞
Weightcement = ⎜ ⎟ × 37.5 lbs = 7.5 lbs Weightfine aggreagte = ⎜ ⎟ × 37.5 lbs = 15 lbs
5 ⎝ ⎠ 5 ⎝ ⎠

Proportioning Concrete Proportioning Concrete

] Next, we need to convert this volume to an equivalent weight of
concrete ] Next, we need determine the amount of water required

⎛ 150 lbs ⎞
Weightconcrete = 0.25ft 3 ⎜ ⎟ = 37.5 lbs ] The weight of water is specified by the w/c ratio
⎝ ft

] In this example, the w/c = 0.45
] To compute the amount of each component required for this mix,
use the ratio of the each component to the sum of all components
] For this mix, the weight of cement is 7.5 lbs. Therefore, the
] For a 1:2:2 mix, the weight of coarse aggregate required is 2/5 of weight of water required is:
the total weight

⎛2⎞ Weightwater = 7.5 lbs ( 0.45 ) = 3.38lbs

Weightcoarse aggreagte = ⎜ ⎟ × 37.5 lbs = 15 lbs

Proportioning Concrete Proportioning Concrete

] In summary, the weight of each component in 1:2:2 mix ] Typical mixing procedure:
with w/c = 0.45 is:
1. Clean mixer
2. Add aggregates and mix for 2 minutes
m n
] Cement 7.5
. lbs
Fine aggregate 15 lbs 3. Add cement and mix for 2 minutes
Coarse aggregate 15 lbs 4. Add ½ of the mixing water and mix for 2 minutes
Water 3.38 lbs = 3 41 lbs
5. Add remaining mixing water and mix for 5 minutes
(pay close attention to the concrete in the back of the mixer and make sure
that all the materials are well mixed and as homogeneous as possible)
] In the lab we will round each weight to the nearest ¼
pound increment.
CIVL 1101 Proportioning and Mixing Concrete 3/3

Proportioning Concrete

The End

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