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a) Senaraikan Setiap Program Survelan Penyakit Kebangsaan merujuk kepada perkara berikut

b) Kenalpasti kepentingan Setiap Program Survelan Penyakit Kebangsaan merujuk kepada

perkara berikut

i. Mengesan kewujudan penyakit dalam negara?

ii. Kawalan penyakit endemic dalam negara ?

iii. Keperluan perdagangan ?

iv. Kesihatan Awam ?

Jenis Nota
Bil Penyakit Haiwan Kepentingan
Lembu, babi, Keperluan Serum / Detection Exposed
kambing perdagangan of Non-structural (vaccination )
(Cloven hooved ) Kawalan penyakit protein (NSP)
Penyakit Kuku dan
1. 1 endemic dalam To compare with
negara/ LPBE (due to
Highly contagious vaccination titter)
High morbidity
Lembu Kawalan penyakit Serum Vaccination /
endemic dalam Test and
2. Brucellosis
Negara/ Abortion in slaughter policy
late trimester
Babi Mengesan Serum / To detect
kewujudan penyakit SNT/\ transmission of
3. Nipah
3 Virus Infection dalam Negara/ ELISA virus from
Kesihatan Awam flying foxes tro
pig population
Lembu Kesihatan Awam Caudal Fold test Comparative
4. Tuberculosis
Ayam Mengesan Cloacal swab Depopulation
kewujudan penyakit of flock
Highly pathogenic avian
5. 5 dalam Negara/
influenza (HPAI)
Kesihatan Awam
High mortality
Ayam Affect productivity Cloacal Swab To determine
6. Newcastle
6 disease effectiveness of
Ayam Salmonella Cloacal swab Salmonella
Enteritidis Control and
7. Avian
7 Salmonella (Zoonoses) Eradication
Program /
Lembu Affect productivity Serum Test and
8. Johne’s disease /Complement slaughter policy
Fixation test (CFT)
Lembu Keguguran in late Serum Exposure to
trimester /Kesihatan Microscopic reservoir (rats)
9. Leptospirosis
Awam agglutination test
Lembu Menunjukkan Brain (Obex) for Exposure to
ketiadaan penyakit presence of prion Meat and bone
Bovine spongiform atau jangkitan Using meal (MBM)
10. Immunohistochemi
encephalitis Keperluan
Kesihatan Awam
Anjing Menunjukkan Otak anjing / Vaccination in
berlakunya atau Fluorescent immune belt/
11. Rabies sebaran penyakit Antibody test (FAT) border control
atau jangkitan
Kesihatan Awam
Kambing Herd productivity/ Agar Gel Diffusion Glanvac
Meat pricing test (AGDT) vaccination?
12. Caseous lymphedenitis
Kambing Zoonoses Serum Exposure to
13. Melioidosis Manusia agglutination test subsoil
Kambing Kawalan penyakit Serum Immuno-
endemic dalam Enzyme linked histochemistry
negara / Zoonoses immunosorbent for presence of
14. Q fever
assay (ELISA) organism –
Babi Highly contagious Serum Highly
Serun contagious
15. Swine fever
Neutralisation Test
Lembu Preputial washing
16. Campylobacteriosis (bull more than 3
years old)

1. Menunjukkan ketiadaan penyakit atau jangkitan

(demonstrate absence of disease or infection)

2. Menunjukkan berlakunya atau sebaran penyakit atau jangkitan

(show the occurrence or distribution of the disease or infection)

3. Pengesanan awal penyakit eksotik atau baru muncul

(Early detection of exotic or emerging diseases)

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