PM Checks in JRC RADARs

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You are on page 1of 4 MON Check 11 clickon the Menu] button on the lft Toolbar The menus disoayed 2 Click on the [Maintenance] - [Diagnosis] - [MON Check] button on the menu. eer 1) Monitor Test Pees ae een regs Reece Pema fers: Prete [1] X] button Click on this button tociose the "Diagnosis" cialog 50x [2] [Transmitter System] ‘The amount of attenuation al the racar transmitter is displayec in a bar graph as well 2s in 2 ume value [28] [3] [Receiver System] + MON Pattern Range The aistance [NMJ is displayed when the user adjusts VRM to the farthest edge of the performance monttor pattern tenvation Value The amount of attenuation at the radar receiver is a'splayed in a numerical value [48] 2138 Checking a performance monitor status Incase of equiped with Interswitch function (Option) To check the performance with the p 1ce monitor, set on a No.1 radar antenna is connected toNo ‘display unit Adjust VRM to farhestedge pertomanse Performance mantor pattern lif te performance of he rec pattem range decames short) 41 Click on the (Menu button on the left Toolbar aye Click on the [Maintenance] - [Diagnosis] - [MON Check] button on the menu. Turn the [VRM] control on the keyboard operation unit to the farthest edge of the performance monitor pattern. 1-38 Secton21. Wainterance & Inscection i 4 Check the amount of attenuation in the dialog box. Benchmarks for the amount of attenuation are as follows n Value of Transmit + When confirming the lue of the transmit box, wail for one minute, and then read its value. + Ifthe attenuation value of the transmitter is -7dB or less altenuation indicator is 248 ot lesser, itis indicates t transrmittertreceiver unit are degrading, tion by the specialized service personnelis r our dealer, the nearest service representative or JRC sales, after opening tl In this case, ins MON Check (SSR) 1 clickon the {Menu} button on the ltt Toolbar eoayed 2 click on the (taintenance] [Diagnosis] - [MON Check (SSR}] button an the men, oe i aca) Cetera 2) [1] X} button Click on [2][Transmitter System] T it ofa [3] [Receiver System) he "Diagnesis’ clalog box the rat mi at transmitter is displ The amount of atten; Secton 21. Maintenance & Inscection 1-40

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