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Submitted to Fulfil English 1 Assignment

Lecturer: Mr. Ruslan Riyadi, S.Pd, M.Pd.

Written by 5th Group:

1. Dimas Hayat Pratama (Leader) (1181060014)
2. Anadita Veria Sandi (Secretary) (1181060008)
3. Alfi Falhi Ramadhan (1181060005)
4. Alisha Andriyani (1181060006)
5. Fahmi Aziz Nurrahman (1181060016)
6. Herdiyana (1181060025)
7. Iqdam Mauludi (1181060029)
8. Kurniawan Aziz Indarto (1181060031)
9. Muhammad Akbar (1181060041)



By mentioning the name of Allah ‫ ﷻ‬the most gracious, most merciful, we

offer worship and praise for the presence of Him, who has bestowed His mercy,
guidance and blessings on us, we can arrange papers on “Dyscalculia and The
Auxiliary Verb”
We have compiled this paper by maximizing and getting help from various
parties that can facilitate the making of this paper. For this reason, we express our
gratitude to all those who have contributed to the making of this paper.
Of all that, we realize that there are still shortcomings in terms of both the
wording and the grammar. Therefore with open arms we accept various
suggestions and criticisms from readers so that we can make this paper.
Finally, we hope that this paper can provide benefits and inspiration to

Bandung, November 10th 2018

The Writers


PREFACE ......................................................................................................... i
CONTENTS ....................................................................................................... ii
LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................ iii
CHAPTER 1 READING TOPIC ...................................................................... 1
1.1 Dyscalculia (English) ................................................................... 1
1.2 Dyscalculia (Translation Bahasa) ................................................ 2
1.3 Grammar Point (Auxiliary Verbs) ............................................... 3
CHAPTER 2 CONCLUSION ........................................................................... 5
2.1 Conclusion ................................................................................... 5
REFERENCE ..................................................................................................... 6


Table 1.1 Modals and Their Meanings ................................................................ i


1.1 Dyscalculia (English)

Dyscalculia refers to the difficulties one experience when performing
Math calculation. When referring to language difficulties, the term Dyslexia
is used. However, for Math, the term Dyscalculia is used. Essentially, Math
dyscalculia is a learning disability for mathematical or arithmetic concepts.
The rules for special education and dyscalculia will vary from state to
state. Typically a student must be experiencing significant difficulties that
are specific to Math before special education diagnosis will be made which
will then often enable them received special education support. Currently,
there is no clear cut diagnostic test or defined criteria that are used to define
dyscalculia. Student with dyscalculia often are not diagnosed in the public
school system due to the lack of measurable framework or criteria.
For the most part, people experiencing Math difficulties often have
a form of visual processing difficulties. In some cases, difficulties in Math
stem from sequencing difficulties, math requires a set of procedures thet
must be followed in a sequential manner, this too can relate to memory
dificits. Those experiencing difficulties remembering things will have
difficulties remembering the order of operations to be followed or the
specific sequence of steps to be taken to solve a Math problem. Lastly,
difficulties in Math are often related to a form of math phobia. This often
stems from the belief that one ‘cannot to Math’. This will stem same
negative experience in the past or is often due to a lack of confidence. We
know all too that a positive attitude leads to better performance.
(Written by Deb,

1.2 Dyscalculia (Translation Bahasa)
Diskalkulia mengacu kepada kesulitan dalam suatu percobaan saat
melakukan perhitungan matematika. Saat mengacu kepada kesulitan dalam
bahasa, istilah disleksia digunakan. Namun, untuk matematika, istilah
diskalkulia itu digunakan. Pada dasarnya, matematika diskalkulia
merupakan ketidakmampuan dalam belajar matematika atau konsep
Peraturan untuk pendidikan khusus dan diskalkulia akan bervariasi
dari Negara ke Negara. Biasanya pelajar harus merasakan kesulitan yang
signifikan yang spesifik kepada matematika sebelum diagnosis pendidikan
khusus itu dibuat yang akan memungkinkan mereka menerima dukungan
pendidikan khusus. Saat ini tidak ada diagnosa atau kriteria jelas yang
digunakan untuk mendefinisikan diskalkulia. Pelajar dengan diskalkulia
tidak sering didiagnosa di sistem sekolah umum disebabkan kekurangan dari
kerangka atau kriteria dapat diukur.
Sebagian besar, orang sering merasakan kesulitan untuk membuat
bentuk proses visual. Dibeberapa kasus, kesulitan dalam matematika berasal
dari mengurutkan, matematika membutuhkan satu set prosedur yang harus
diikuti secara berurutan, ini juga berhubungan dengan defisit ingatan.
Merasa kesulitan dalam mengingat sesuatu akan kesulitan juga mengingat
urutan operasi yang harus diikuti atau urutan yang spesifik dari langkah-
langkah yang diambil untuk menyelesaikan masalah matematika. Ini sering
berasal dari kepercayaan bahwa seseorang “tidak bisa matematika”. Ini
berasal dari pengalaman negatif dimasa lalu atau sering juga karena
kurangnya kepercayaan diri. Kita juga semua tahu bahwa semua sikap
positif mengarah kepada kinerja yang lebih baik.
(Ditulis oleh Deb,

1.3 Grammar Point (Auxiliary Verbs)
Auxiliary verb are verbs which help other verbs to form different
tenses is known as auxiliary verb. Auxiliary verb can be listed as follows :
a) Be and its forms: am, is, are, was, were
b) Have and its forms: have, has, had
c) Do and its forms: do, does, did, done
d) Shall, should; will, would
e) Can, could; may, might
f) Must, ought, need, dare, used to

Kinds of auxiliary verbs :

1) Primary auxiliary refers to verbs used to form negatives, question, and
tenses, for example am, are, do, does, did, was, were, been, have, has,
2) Modal auxiliary refers to verbs used to express various moods and
mental attitudes like hope, expectation, possibility, and futurity, such as
can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, need, dare,
ought to, used to.

Main features of modal auxiliary are :

a) Modal auxiliary cannot be used alone, they should be combined with
principal verbs
b) They have only a single form
c) Modal auxiliaries have no infinitive or participle form

Modals and their meaning
Modal Auxiliary Meaning Attached
Can Ability, permission, request, possibility
Could Ability, request, possibility
Shall Futurity, willingness, intention, suggestion
Should Obligation, advisability, necessity, expectation,
willingness, intention, prediction, request
Will Willingness, habitual action in the past
Would Possibility, wishes, desire
May Permission, possibility, wishes, purpose
Might Permission, possibility
Must Necessity, obligation, certainty
Ought (to) Duty, necessity, desirability
Used (to) Past discontinued habit
Need Dare Challenge, courage
Table 1.1 Modals and their meanings


2.1 Conclusion
Dyscalculia refers to difficulties in an experiment when doing
mathematical calculation. Basically dyscalculia mathematics is an inability
to learn mathematics or arithmetic concepts.
Difficulties in solving mathematical problems often come from
someone’s belief “cannot be math”. This come from negative experiences in
the past of often because of a lack of confidence. So be positive so that it
can lead to better performance.


Kurniawati, N., Ekawati, D., Abdurrahman, M., Imani, A., & Jamaludin, A.
(2018). LITERATE . Bandung.

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