CV Europass 20181121 RadmanFunarić HR 21.11.2018.

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Curriculum vitae


Eugena Kvaternika 56, 35000 Slavonski Brod (Croatia)


Sex Female | Date of birth 30 Jan 1967 | Nationality Croatian

POSITION Economist


2014–Present Collegiate Professor & Research Scientist

Polytechnic in Pozega
Social Sciences area, field Economy, branch Economic Mathematics and Statistics

Business or sector Professional, scientific and technical activities

2001–Present The authorized court financial-accounting expert

2009–2014 Higher Lecturer

University of Applied Sciences in Pozega, Požega (Croatia)
Social Sciences area, field Economy, branch Economics of Entrepreneurship

Business or sector Statistics, Economics of Entrepreneurship

2006–2009 Lecturer
University of Applied Sciences in Pozega, Požega (Croatia)
Organization and Management, Statistics, Economics of Entrepreneurship and Cost of Operations

Business or sector Social Sciences area, field Economy, branch Organization and Management

20/09/2018–26/09/2018 Invited/guest lecturer

Baku Eurasian University 135 A Ak. Həsən Əliyev küçəsi, Bakı 1073 Baku (Azerbaijan)

2005–2006 Head of the Financial Department

Lauenborg vejle Ltd, Slavonski Brod (Croatia)

Business or sector Transportation and storage

2001–2005 Head of the Financial-Accounting Department

Brodtekstil Ltd, Slavonski Brod (Croatia)

Business or sector Manufacturing

1999–2002 Higher education teaching professional - External associate

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Curriculum vitae Mirjana Radman-Funarić

University of Applied Sciences in Pozega, Požega (Croatia)

Teaching: Informatics and Information Technology in Distribution Channels, Procurement Business

1995–2001 Director and chief executive

Argo Ltd, Slavonski Brod (Croatia)

Business or sector Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicules and motorcycles

1992–1995 Financial director

Argo Ltd, Slavonski Brod (Croatia)

1988–1992 Tax Inspector

Bosanski Brod (Bosnia and Herzegovina)


11/10/2013 PhD - Social Sciences/ Economics EQF level 8

Faculty of Economics in Osijek, J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, Postgraduate
Doctoral Study Management, Osijek (Croatia)
Thesis/Dissertation title: Strengthening social capital in order to encourage economic development of
Croatian regions
Supervised by: Đula Borozan, PhD, full professor, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, J.J. Strossmayer
University in Osijek, (Croatia)
Research area: Role of social capital in regional economic development, Application of statistical
methods in economics
Scientific area/field by ERC classification:
SH1 Individuals,Institutions and Markets: Economics, finance and management
SH1_2 Development, economic growth

12/11/2003 MSc - Social Sciences/ Economics EQF level 7

Faculty of Economics in Osijek, J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, Osijek (Croatia)
Thesis: Importance of the entrepreneurship development in Brod-posavina and Pozega-slavonia
Supervised by: Slavica Singer, PhD, full professor,Faculty of Economics in Osijek, J.J. Strossmayer
University in Osijek, (Croatia)

06/07/1988 BSc - Social Sciences/ Economics EQF level 6

SFaculty of Economics in Osijek, J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, Osijek (Croatia)
Major: Organization

18/02/2018–25/02/2018 Professional Training within The ERASMUS+ program

Uzhhorod National University, Ukraine

2014 Professional Training within The ERASMUS program

at Tinbergen Institute Amsterdam, Netherland, Markets with asymmetric information,
profesor Jonathan Levin and profesor Liran Einav (Stanford University) 1-7. June 2014.

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Curriculum vitae Mirjana Radman-Funarić

2014 Study Visit Programme Dublin, business park Park West and Trinity
College Dublin
within the project Students Business Incubator: By the knowledge to the Workplace
((IPA4. Local employment development initiatives)

2014 CARNet Moodle MOOC, Professional Training

2013–2014 E-learning Academy – program E-learning Tutoring

Croatian Academic and Research Network, CARNet, Zagreb (Croatia)

2013 Evaluator of the project according to IPMA Project Excellence

IPMA Croatian Project Excellence Award, Zagreb

2011 Professional Training within The Erasmus program

University of Malta (Malta)

2010 Study Visit Emilia-Romagna, Italy

2009 Project Strengthening local capacities for Structural Funds

Slavonski Brod (Croatia)

2008 Croatian County Development Partnerships, Study Visit

Programme Ireland
Ecorys, Rotterdam (Netherlands)

2006 Training to develop and implement projects based on partnership

and Project cycle management - EU CARDS 2004
Ecorys, Rotterdam (Netherlands)

2001 Financial and accounting Forensic expert licence

1992 Specialized exam for operative at State administration office


Mother tongue(s) Croatian


Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production

English B2 B2 B2 B2 B2
Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

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Curriculum vitae Mirjana Radman-Funarić

Communication skills Team work

Communication/Mediating skills
Adaptation/Intercultural skills

Organisational / managerial skills ▪ Managing and organization in a business environment -30 years work experience
▪ Managed and coordinated several projects and collaborations in parallel, planned work to achieve
goals and targets on time, set realistic objectives, developed creative solutions to problems.
Supervised and taught bachelor and specialist graduate professional students, adapting to different
scientific levels and backgrounds, stimulating discussion and reflexion. Participated in evaluation
juries and marked essays, final exams and master thesis.

Job-related skills Financial analysis, accounting, taxation, statistics, business simulations

Digital skills SELF-ASSESSMENT

Information Content Problem

Communication Safety
processing creation solving

Independent user Independent user Independent user

Digital skills - Self-assessment grid

Competent with MS Office Microsoft Office™ (Word™, Excel™ and PowerPoint™), Google tools,

Driving licence AM, BE


Research Scientist 23rd February, 2018

Social sciences area, field economy

Research Associate 10th July, 2014

Social sciences area, field economy


Book chapters

1. Radman-Funarić, M., Budić, H., Đokić K. (2018) Zadovoljstva studenata kvalitetom

usluga obrazovanja na Veleučilištu u Požeg i , in: Zima, D., Andrlić, B., Pisker, B., Radišić, B.,
Marinclin, A., Del Vechio, M., Mlađenović, J. (Eds.), Požeško obrazovanje i školstvo u prošlosti,
sadašnjosti i budućnosti, Požega, Veleučilište u Požegi, pp. 47-66.

2. Radman-Funarić, M. (2014) Metode amortizacije , Start-up priručnik za strateški

razvoj poduzetništva, Veleučilište u Požegi : Veleučilište u Požegi, pp. 108-118.

Textbooks and scripts

1. Radman-Funarić, M. (2018) Uvod u gospodarsku statistiku, Tko kaže da lažem? u potpisu

– Statistika, e-Edition, Pozega, Polytechnic in Pozega, ISBN 978-953-7744-39-7, http://e-

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Curriculum vitae Mirjana Radman-Funarić

Scientific papers
1. Radman-Funarić, M., Pisker, B., Crnković, H. (2018) Human Development Index and Economic
Indicators, in: Katalinić, B. (Ed.), Proceedings of 6th International Conference "Vallis Aurea" Focus on:
Research & Innovation, Požega, Vienna: Polytechnic in Pozega, Croatia & DAAAM International
Vienna, Austria, pp. 327-336.

2. Radman-Funarić, M., Pisker, B., Radman, M. I. (2017) Social Trust and Economic Growth
in Croatia, in: Usai, A., Porcheddu, D., Morandi, F., Cardinali, S., Del Giudice, M. (Eds),
Research Symposium Proceedings Entrepreneurship & SMEs in Emerging Markets:
Competitiveness & Innovation in Knowledge Economy, Sassari, Olbia: University of Sassari, pp. 40-

3. Štavlić, K., Potnik Galić, K., Radman Funarić, M. (2017) Identifying the Key Factors of Success of
Micro Family Enterprises in the Republic of Croatia, in: Usai, A., Porcheddu, D., Morandi, F., Cardinali,
S., Del Giudice, M. (Eds), Research Symposium Proceedings Entrepreneurship & SMEs in Emerging
Markets: Competitiveness & Innovation in Knowledge Economy, Sassari, Olbia: University of Sassari,
pp. 67-84.

4. Radman-Funarić, M., Pisker, B., Rendić, N. (2017) Corporate Social Responsibility Case Study
Analysis: Multiple Regression Model Application in Hartmann Group, in: Kolaković, M.
(Ed).Conference Proceedings 2nd Business & Entrepreneurial Economics Conference, BEE
Conference, Zagreb: Student Business Incubator at the University of Zagreb, pp. 182-191.

5. Radman-Funarić, M. (2016) Uloga socijalnog kapitala menadžera u postizanju poslovnih rezultata,

in: Katalinic, B. (Ed.) The Proceedings of the 5th International Conference "Vallis Aurea" Focus on:
Research & Innovation, Pozega - Vienna, Croatia - Austria: Polytechnic of Pozega,
DAAAM International Vienna, Austria, pp. 429-437.

6. Borozan, Đ., Radman-Funarić, M. (2016) Social capital in Croatia : Measurement and

regional distribution, Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 29, (4), pp. 479-
503. doi:10.1080/13511610.2016.1159945

7. Borozan, Đ., Radman-Funarić, M., Pekanov Starčević, D. (2016) Social Capital and
Household Electricity Consumption in Croatia: A Regional Perspective, in: Černa, I. (Ed.),
Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference "Central and Eastern Europe in the Changing
Business Environment", Prag: Oeconomica Publishing House, University of Economics, Prague, pp.

8. Đokić, K., Radman-Funarić, M., Potnik Galić, K. (2015) The Relationship between
the Cryptocurrency Value (Bitcoin) and Interest for it in the Region, in: Baćović, M., Milković, M., Pejić
Bach, M., Peković, S. (Eds.), Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA - ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion
Conference, Kotor: IRENET, pp. 391-398.

9. Borozan, Đ.; Radman-Funarić, M. (2015) The effect of active participation in associations on social
capital formation in Croatia, in: Burcin E. (Ed.), Sociology and critical perspectives on social
movements, Istanbul: DAKAM, 2015. pp. 279-292.

10. Radman-Funarić, M. (2014), Regionalna neravnoteža u Republici Hrvatskoj – Z test, in: Cini, V.,
Borozan, Đ., Ferenčak, I. (Eds.), Zbornik radova Peta interfakultetska znanstvena
konferencija Konkurentnost, ekonomski rast i blagostanje, Osijek 10-11 October 2014., pp. 214-238;
ISBN: 978-953-253-128-2.

11. Mahaček, D., Radman-Funarić, M. (2013), Application of Statistical Analysis in

Audited Companies Owned by Local Governments, in: Jurevičienė, D. (Ed.), 3rd
International Scientific Conference, “Whither Our economies” Conference Proceedings, Vilnius:
Mykolas Romeris University, Faculty of Economics and Finance Management, Vilnius, Litva, 24-25
October 2013, pp. 43-50; eISSN 2029-8501.

12. Pisker, B., Radman-Funarić, M. (2013) Beyond the Inconsistency of the Croatian Primary Energy

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Curriculum vitae Mirjana Radman-Funarić

Production Data: A Method to Improve its Statistical Analysis, in: Jurevičienė, D. (Ed.), 3rd
International Scientific Conference, “Whither Our economies” Conference Proceedings, Vilnius:
Mykolas Romeris University, Faculty of Economics and Finance Managemen, Vilnius, Litva, 24-25
October 2013, pp. 61-68; eISSN 2029-8501.

13. Radman-Funarić, M. Babler, V. (2013) Primjena metode najmanjih kvadrata u

razdvajanju troškova, in: Šutić, B. (Ed.) Zbornik radova 1. interdisciplinarna znanstveno-stručna
konferencija s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Održivi razvoj ruralnih krajeva, Veleučilište Nikola Tesla
u Gospiću, Gospić, 17-18 October 2013, pp. 269-278, ISBN: 978-953-56202-3-5.

14. Radman-Funarić, M. Šalek, K. (2013) Primjena aritmetičkog i geometrijskog niza u obračunu

degresivne i progresivne metode amortizacije, in: Šutić, B. (Ed.) Zbornik radova 1. interdisciplinarna
znanstveno-stručna konferencija s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem, Održivi razvoj ruralnih krajeva,
Veleučilište Nikola Tesla u Gospiću, Gospić, 17-18 October 2013, pp. 279-290, ISBN: 978-953-

15. Radman-Funarić, M., Kurtagić, E. (2013) Statistička analiza podataka o investicijama u zaštitu
okoliša u Republici Hrvatskoj, in: Čala, I. (Ed.) Zbornik radova 19. International conference
Maintenance 2013. HDO - Hrvatsko društvo održavatelja, Croatian Maintenance Society,
Šibenik, June 3-5, 2013., pp. 179-186; ISSN 1848-4867; ISBN: 978-953-55219-2-1.

16. Radman-Funarić, M. (2013) Application of the Regression Model in Determination of the Relation
Between the Quantity of Production, Import, Export and Availability of Electrical Power and its Final
Consumption in Croatia, in: Barković, D. i Runzheimer, B. (Eds.), Conference Proceedings of
International Conference Interdisciplinary Management Research IX, Opatija, 10-12 May 2013,
Osijek: J. J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Croatia, Postgraduate
Studies Management; Hochschule Pforzheim University, Germany; pp. 805-814; ISSN: 1874-0408;
ISBN: 978-953-253-117-6. (EBSCOhost, RePEc, EconPapers, Socionet).

17. Radman-Funarić, M., Karapandza, M., (2012) The Impact of Appliance of

Contemporary Accounting Cost Model to Operating Result, Journal of International Research
Publications: Economy & Business. 6 (3),pp. 22-29, ISSN 1313-2555; (ABI/INFORM; EconLit;
Directory of open access journals (DOAJ).

18. Radman-Funarić, M., Karapandza, M. (2012) Matematički model ABC metode u

upravljanju troškovima malih poduzeća, in: Katalinić, B. (Ed.), The Proceedings of the 3RD
International Conference "Vallis Aurea" Focus on: Regional Development, Požega, 5th October 2012.,
Polytechnic of Požega, DAAAM International Vienna, Austria, pp. 827-835, ISSN 1847-8204, ISBN,
978-953-7744-16-8, ISBN 978-3-901509-78-0.
19. Radman-Funarić, M. (2011) Information, Innovation and Connection – Limitation in the Cluster
Development in Pannonian Croatia, Poslovna izvrsnost- Business Excellence, 5 (1), pp. 77-99;
Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb, Hrvatski institut za kvalitetu, UDK: 658.56, ISSN 1846-3355; (ABI/Inform,
CAB Abstracts, EconLit, Journal of Economic Literature (JEL); EBSCO Publishing, Inc., ProQuest).

20. Radman-Funarić, M., Potnik Galić, K. (2011) Research of Potential Cluster Development
in Pannonian Croatia, World academy of Science, Engineering and Tehnology, International
Science Index: Online Special Journal Issues 5 (5), pp. 706–712; ISSN 2010-376X, eISSN 2010-
3778 (Scopus).

21. Radman-Funarić, M. (2011) Identification of Critical Industrial Ativities Concentration in

the Croatian Pannonian Region, in: Barković, D. i Runzheimer, B. (Eds.), Conference Proceedings
of VII interdisciplinarnog simpozija: Interdisciplinary Management Research VII, Poreč, 13–15 May
2011, J. J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Croatia, Postgraduate
Studies Management; Hochschule Pforzheim University, Germany; pp. 947-955; ISSN: 1874-
0408; ISBN: 978-953-253-096-4. (EBSCOhost, RePEc, EconPapers, Socionet).

22. Radman-Funarić, M. (2010) Social Capital in Function of Cluster Development, in: Katalinić, B.
(Ed.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference "Vallis Aurea" Focus on: Regional
Development, Požega: Polythnics of Požega, 3th Semptember 2010, Croatia & DAAAM
International Vienna, Austria, pp. 1211-1217; ISBN, 978-953-7744-06-9 , ISBN 978-3-901509-76-6.

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Curriculum vitae Mirjana Radman-Funarić

23. Potnik Galić, K., Radman-Funarić, M.,Štavlić, K. (2009) An Analysis of Working

Capital Management Efficiency, in: Dobroka, M. i Lehoczky, L. (Eds.), The Proceedings of the
XXIII. microCAD International Scientific Conference, Company Competitiveness in the XXI Century,
University of Miskolc, Miškolc, Hungary, 19-20 March 2009, pp. 89-194;ISBN: 978-963-661-866-
7, ISBN: 978-963-661-881-0.

24. Radman-Funarić, M., Potnik Galić, K., (2009) Assessment Methods for Development Projects in
Eu's Preaccess Programme, in: Kandžija, V. i Kumar, A. (Eds.),
Conference Proceedings Economic integrations, competition and cooperation, Rijeka: University of
Rijeka – Faculty of Economics – Chair Jean Monnet University Library Rijeka, 2-3 April 2009; pp. 1-
11, ISBN: 978-953-6148-82-0.

25. Radman-Funarić, M. (2009) Procjena razvojnih projekata u poljoprivredi, Računovodstvo, revizija i

financije. 19 (3), pp. 126-132, ISSN 0353-8087.

26. Potnik Galić, K., Radman-Funarić, M. (2008) Development of leasing in transitional economies, in:
Trivun, V. (Ed.), CD ROOM with full Papers and Proceedings Book of Extended Abstract Transitional
Challenges of EU Integration and Globalization, iCES 2008. 9-10 October 2008.,School of Economics
and Business, University of Sarajevo, pp. 1-13, ISBN: 978-9958-25-015-6 (Business Source

27. Radman-Funarić, M. Pisker, B. (2008) The Combination Selection of the Most

Adequate Development Projects in a Constraint Budget Investment, in: Katalinić, B. (Ed.).
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference "Vallis Aurea" Focus on: Regional Development /
Vienna: Polythnics of Požega, Croatia & DAAAM International Vienna, Austria, Požega 19th
September 2008, pp. 813-817, ISBN: 978-953-98762-7-0.

28. Lacković Z., Andrlić B., Radman-Funarić, M. (2007) The Role of Marketing Researches
in Strategic Planning in Confectionery Industry, in: Rajkovič, V., Jereb, E. i Vukovič, G. (Eds.),
CDwith full papers of the 26th International conference on organizational science development –
Creative Organization, Kranj: University of Maribor, Portorož, 28-30 March 2007, eISBN: 978-931-
232-200-7, pp. 925-934.

Other papers with recension

1. Radman-Funarić, M. (2017) Smjernice Europske komisije za kvantificiranje štete – Regresijski
model, Zbornik radova V. kongresa sudskih vještaka i procjenitelja s međunarodnim učešćem, in:
Bestvina, M., Orbanić Sapundžić, N., Polak Živković, K. (Eds.). Zagreb : Hrvatsko društvo
sudskih vještaka i procjenitelja, pp. 117-126.

2. Radman, A., Radman-Funarić, M. (2011) Potencijali obnovljivih izvora energije i

njihova iskorištenost u Republici Hrvatskoj, in: Lacković, Z. (Ed.), Zbornik radova 20. znanstveno
stručnog skupa Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja: OTO 2011. Osijek, Društvo održavatelja
Osijek, Elektrotehnički fakultet Osijek, Hrvatska gospodarska komora Osijek, 6 May 2011, pp. 109-
113; ISBN: 978-953-6032-76-1.

3. Radman-Funarić, M. (2010) Izračun zateznih kamata prema vjerodostojnom tumačenju Zakona o

zateznim kamatama, Informator: instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja, 58
(5910), 27 October 2010, pp. 7-10, ISSN 0537-6645.

4. Radman-Funarić, M. Radman, A., Lacković, K. (2010) Akcije i poticaji u poboljšanju energetske

učinkovitosti, in: Čala, I. (Ed.) Zbornik radova Maintenance 201., HDO - Hrvatsko društvo
održavatelja, Croatian Maintenance Society, Šibenik, 25-27 May 2010, pp. 222-228; ISBN

5. Radman, A., Radman-Funarić, M. (2010) Milenijski razvojni ciljevi, in: Lacković, Z. (Ed.),
Zbornik radova sa znanstveno stručnog skupa Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja: OTO 2010
Osijek, Društvo održavatelja Osijek, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Petrokemija d.d. K, 23 April
2010, pp. 121-127, ISBN 978-953-6331-82-6.

6. Radišić, B., Radman-Funarić, M. (2010) Otplata kredita u jednakim anuitetima ili jednakim otplatnim

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Curriculum vitae Mirjana Radman-Funarić

kvotama, Informator: instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja, 58 (5871), 12

june 2010, pp. 7-10, ISSN 0537-6645.

7. Radišić, B., Radman-Funarić, M. (2010), Usporedna analiza relativne i konformne kamatne stope,
Informator: instruktivno-informativni list za ekonomska i pravna pitanja, 58 (5861), 8 May 2010, pp. 6-
11, ISSN 0537-6645.

8. Radman-Funarić, M. (2010) Simulacijski model utvrđivanja troškova radnika u održavanju voznog

parka, in: Lacković, Z. (Ed.), Zbornik radova 19. znanstveno stručnog skupa Organizacija i tehnologija
održavanja: OTO 2010, Osijek: Društvo održavatelja Osijek, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku,
Petrokemija d.d. Kutina, 23 April 2010, pp. 113-119; ISBN: 978-953-6331-82-6.

9. Potnik Galić, K. Župan, M. Radman-Funarić, M. (2009) Primjena modela analize vrijednosti

pri upravljanju troškovima u proizvodnim djelatnostima, in: Banaj, Đ. i Tadić, V. (Eds.) Zbornik
radova sa znanstveno stručnog skupa Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja: OTO 2009 Osijek:
Društvo održavatelja Osijek, Poljoprivredni fakultet Osijek, 8 May 2009, pp. 50-56, ISBN 978-953-

10. Radman-Funarić, M. (2009) Zakonodavni okvir za sustav slobodnih zona u Republici Hrvatskoj,
Računovodstvo i financije, 45 (3), pp. 107-114, ISSN 0350-4506.

11. Radman-Funarić, M. (2009) Primjena Zakona o poticanju ulaganja, RRIF, Pravo i porezi, časopis
za pravnu i ekonomsku praksu, 18 (2), pp. 19-25, ISSN 1331-2235.

12. Radman-Funarić, M., Vulić, V. Čulo, I. (2007) Izračun cijene koštanja usluga održavanja in: Banaj,
Đ. (Ed.), Zbornik radova 16. znanstveno stručnog skupa Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja: OTO
2007, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Veleučilište u Požegi, Društvo održavatelja Osijek, Požega 13
April 2007, pp. 43-53; ISBN: 978-953-6331-54-3.

13. Radman-Funarić, M., Čarapović, L. Učinkovito održavanje strojeva i opreme

u metaloprerađivačkoj industriji, in: Banaj, Đ. (Ed.), Zbornik radova 15. znanstveno stručnog
skupa Organizacija i tehnologija održavanja: OTO 2006, Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku, Društvo
održavatelja Osijek, Vinkovci, 7 April 2006, pp. 99-107; ISBN: 953-6331-43-8.

14. Potnik Galić, K., Radman-Funarić, M. (2008) Obilježja leasinga, Informator: poslovno-
pravni magazin. 45 (5315), 9 June 2008, pp.13-22, ISSN 1333-5499.

15. Radman-Funarić, M (2001) Poticaji ulaganja-kako ih ostvariti, Računovodstvo, revizija i financije,

11 (12), pp. 76-79; ISSN 0353-8087.

16. Radman-Funarić, M (2000) Organizacija poslovnog sustava u trgovini, Slobodno poduzetništvo,

časopis za promicanje poduzetništva i tržišnog gospodarstva, 7 (23-24), pp. 95-105, ISSN 1330-

1. 6th International Conference "Vallis Aurea" Focus on: Research & Innovation, Požega,
Vienna: Polytechnic in Pozega, Croatia & DAAAM International Vienna, Austria, Pozega, Croatia, 20-
22 September 2018.

2. V. kongresa sudskih vještaka i procjenitelja s međunarodnim učešćem, Hrvatsko društvo sudskih

vještaka i procjenitelja, Zagreb, 3-4 November 2017.

3. 6th International Research Symposium Entrepreneurship & SMEs in Emerging Markets:

Competitiveness & Innovation in Knowledge Economy, University of Sassari, Sassari, Olbia, 4–6
October 2017.

4. 2nd Business & Entrepreneurial Economics Conference, BEE Conference, Zagreb:

Student Business Incubator at the University of Zagreb, Brijuni National Park, Croatia, 24-26

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Curriculum vitae Mirjana Radman-Funarić

May 2017.

5. 5th International Conference "Vallis Aurea" Focus on: Research &

Innovation, Požega, Vienna: Polytechnic in Pozega, Croatia & DAAAM International Vienna,
Austria, Pozega, Croatia, 22-24 September 2016.

6. ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference, ENTRENOVA '15, Kotor, Monenegro, 10-11

September 2015.

7. Sociology and Critical Perspectives Conference, organized by DAKAM Eastern

Mediterranean Academic Research Center, Istanbul, Turkey, 2-4 July 2015.

8. Peta interfakultetska znanstvena konferencija Konkurentnost, ekonomski rast i blagostanje,

Osijek 10-11 October 2014.

9. International Parallel Conferences on Researches in Industrial and Applied Sciences, (IARIAS),

Dubai, UAE, 25-26 April 2014.

10. 3rd International Scientific Conference, “Whither Our economies” Mykolas Romeris
University, Faculty of Economics and Finance Management, Vilnius, Litva, 24-25 October 2013.

11. 9th Interdisciplinary Symposium International Conference Interdisciplinary Management

Research IX, Faculty of Economics in Osijek and Hochschule Pforzheim University, Poreč, 10-12
May 2013.

12. 3rd International Conference "Vallis Aurea" Focus on: Regional Development, Polytechnic
of Požega and DAAAM International Vienna, Austria, Požega, 5 October 2012.

13. International Conferenceon Business, Economics, Management and Maketing. ICBEMM

2011, Academic scientific research, Paris, France, 24-26 June 2011.

14. 7th Interdisciplinary Symposium International Conference Interdisciplinary Management

Research VII, Faculty of Economics in Osijek and Hochschule Pforzheim University, Poreč, 13-15
May 2011.

15. International Conference for Academic Disciplines at the University of Malta, Cumberland,
USA: International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Gozo, Malta, 6-10 March 2011.

16. 2nd International Conference "Vallis Aurea" Focus on: Regional Development, Polythnics
of Požega, Croatia & DAAAM International Vienna, Austria, Požega, 3 September 2010.

17. 7th International Conference Economic integrations, competition and cooperation,

Rijeka: University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics,
CEMIDES Paris, Centre d'Etudes du Développement International et des Mouvements Economiques
et Sociaux and Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at the University of Antwerp, Rijeka, 2-3 April 2009.

18. 4th International Conference of the School of Economics and Business in Sarajevo
iCES2008, Transitional Challenges of EU Integration and Globalization, School of Economics and
University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 9-10 October 2008.

19. 1st International Conference "Vallis Aurea" Focus on: Regional Development Polythnics
of Požega, Croatia & DAAAM International Vienna, Austria, 19 September 2008.

Honours and awards ▪ Study Visit Programme Ireland, EU CARDS 2004, Ecorys
▪ Dean reward for efficient study, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, J.J. Strossmayer University in

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Curriculum vitae Mirjana Radman-Funarić

▪ Dean reward for efficient study, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, J.J. Strossmayer University in

Memberships ▪ Partnership Committee - Regional Operational Program (ROP) for Brod-Posavina County 2004-
▪ Thematic Working Group (ROP) for the human resources development of Brod-Posavina County
▪ Association Court expert and appraiser, Osijek, P. Pejačevića 3.
▪ Croatian union of court experts, Zagreb, Trg Marka Marulića 10.

Projects Projects

▪ Mentor within the Project Students Business Incubator: By the knowledge to the Workplace
(IPA4. Local employment development initiatives)

▪ Participated in the development of ROP Regional Operational Programme (ROP) for Brod-
Posavina County, and as a member of the Partnership Committee coordinated the process of
implementation of the mentioned project in the period of September 2004 to June 2010.

▪ As part of the project Local Partnership for Employment, as a member of the TWG ROP in the
period from September 2005 to October 2006 participated in the development of Human Resource
Development Strategy for Brod Posavina County from 2006-2012.

▪ Project coordinator
"Increasing employability of working age population in Pozega – Slavonia and Koprivnica -
Krizevci", (IPA; Funded by: European union (2010-2011)

▪ Project participant
„Mini entrepreneur" Funded by: Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Crafts of The Republic of Croatia;
Grant holder: Kindergarden St. Leopold Mandic in cooperation with University of Applied Sciences
in Pozega (2013-2014)

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