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Class:4B/ math Number of learners: 26 Age of learners: 9 Length of lesson: 45min

Activity Resources Where from? Presentation Interaction Why/Notes

Multiply by a White boards- markers The school resources First teacher shows Students The aim of this activity is
two-digit students how to write the to make the students
number multiply tow digit on answer on know how to multiply tow
the board their digit
Teacher write an
equation on the board
for students to
Multiply Colour book- pincels The school resources The teacher shows Students The aim of this activity is
sentence students how to solve solve the to know how to solve
multiplication sentence multiplication sentence
sentence then let by
them to answer the themselves
question on their on their
books books and
correct the
answer for
cards The school resources they will be equations Students The aim of this activity is
cards and answers match to know how to solve
Matching cards
cards equations multiplication equations
cards with
The teacher shows
students how to
match equation with
correct answer
Class: 4D/English Number of learners:27 Age of learners: 9 Length of lesson: 45min

Activity Resources Where from? Presentation Interaction Why/Notes

Picture on their learner The school resources The teacher shows Students To know what impossible
book students the picture answer the means is
That is
on the board and ask teacher
impossible Pencils
them if it impossible and they
datashow or not say what
they think

Let's find out Pictures The school resources Teacher ask students Students To know the difference
which picture real and answer the between real and
which picture is teacher by impossible
impossible raise their

Word study Pictures The school resources Teacher shows Students To know the difference
students a picture answer the between un and im
with words and let teacher by
them to say if the raise their
word will be hands
beginning with im or
un for example,
impossible and
Class: 4c/ sciences Number of learners:27 Age of learners: 9 Length of lesson: 45min

Activity Resources Where from? Presentation Interaction Why/Notes

Solve Pictures The school resources The teacher shows Students To know more about
questions on students the question answer the animals lifes
the board with picture on the teacher
about animals datashow board and read the and they
lifes question for them to say what
solve it they think

What is Pictures The school resources Teacher ask students Students To know what hibernation
hibernation what hibernation is if answer the is
they know and what teacher by
they think raise their

Draw the Pictures The school resources Teacher shows Students To know the hibernation
hibernation students a picture draw the steps
steps about hibernation hibernation
Board steps and let them to steps and
draw that on their colour them
Pencils paper

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