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6.1 Story, ploand situation 197 Ferenc ca be hon oad te me oranda © Garibvame nore ped tox det dT Soy enlyig Carnpte tncrvcls nord onde Berka _ ito. lorcunpl, bers tandnedoo te medal Game (1981 by | Van Dana eda of egal ob ‘chore (66) by) Maser} Kander ander esane ‘ute no te nechamot h-mnby ay Ain nd Bo Fos 97. “etc thr mach lew pic node coc a ny 0 _ eon that ar promntdinsrmascoconnanetese repens 6. Story and plot 6.3 Sor pltandsitaton pothtavron ithe eas th vor of abreviaed smmary othe ‘coment skaching oie she woportant turer ad laste that pear in relrence work or ery dinars cnet he tory thant the dramatic ox fl Bat ot even this Rnd ol aba? 9 © ee othe sty, whichea ony be raspy meats ofan een re era and schematic modd, Hower the mthodelogs that bare teen devloped in the ls of cra! sehropolgy folklore sis ds ry to reste such 8 mol are wlan ely Hage of © Eedopmene™ 61 Sony (6:1. Story the bis of dramaicand narrative ext, ve since Aisotle's Poets (che 6 and 14) ~ dha i rm dhe very fepnning ol emai ory ~ eis have pred unaninonsiy chat ‘conc of every data et sued ona story, how of pete a aly omy hag ene ‘Sho tng of cre negation varying comida ean Td brett, Ar ths out we should Hee to dee sory Formal ‘ning tint rsh tee following greens oe or ore Inman ootbropamorpiceubees,asemporal dimension ndesting th Pasagol une ond septal dimensioning sease of pce Inept Fis wey, sry powder london undryng nol evr rams ‘rte bt ae eey narrative, On he basso tis criterion aloe, then ‘isnt pole singushberwce thse wo types of et ough Dott hem apa rbot angmersere exe, whose acoso {bed en's logaly oe paycologcalycobten ow of argument. {Gay tet, semen, Bective poetry ec) an fom despots (Sor Eocene and sae object or states fafa oposaph, ‘atom ara decpton cc) seporbletdintngshbeween oe three Creare on which the macromrocure of ext may be bse = Slory, atgamest and dction~ by esablahing wheter the tenor nd Spaal dimensions ave paent.Te following mati should cay sha we sn 6.112. Story ver mpthoror plot lcs forthe presnation wha sors for the abject ofthe presentation ‘Whi ocy cna the rly cvonclogealy srangedeocson | roots and cocrencs, te lot sendy contains impor arc ESovcs, uch at cor and ober Hinds of ranigil sloop, © egmeretonin phase emporl anda erouping et. Thi din thn was tabled by the Rusnn Tommy whe soled the two ner fae’ and et, bd wa ken up gan by) M- Loman | tm mtn hacen (Gomaring wth he tc ge tee crenata prt Sheath ar emanation ‘Apart rom the rather ons einai inversion —Tomasher- sb descebes aT wat we ll eoy aod jer what we call poe this coincide with our ow dines. In Ago Aes ear, | ‘heey cameos to he dion been ay ad plo that hy | ben developed with eat othe theory a he ol in parte. The | Ssencion spas that soy ecu of ves tha flows tine _ uc nice ar wa deciney on aoa comet of | Stale ‘What we call plo conesponds to Arad’ ance of mth is story argument dewcption temporal dimension elaine + . 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Ar the abject of he preset rove the bas fr the preeaion andra e record rome [revouion theese From thi wc onl tata numberof 198 6 Soryand plot wcrcremonte e ye bte ‘orb aaeioencmete eed Siehdtaty Capen Oe Seniee etece amet at ta sau ‘rt’ dtm of begining dead end make ea tha tbe ‘nrhoe epee # unig second ena content: Aging ths wich in seal commento ath Heer ickcgmtting cc rere nett, iettig della scdelons sucha cxcsnionete ow fom “pers 7) psionic wc Ane halbeenguarstecd mot bras the mor re SS Ceram bnganerateaare ee seins rata mem aterred Beeinseeeateces SRese beh caeieetosccmes ee “Of course, we cannot regard these ells for trait, unity apd coved occa ira ents ae pee cneresmncry cance cae naehearevaewee Srnec acer tien cee tines hoelatita dase couuenatoasneat Sore neta os hero onscesetacs = Aloughh sor fates tees ingsn hth ‘ater sone hs omsthng sping bare enone en Sho ool tay one rie Sematary whch ‘amt ben wh clase ey amano am + ‘Tatanng liao Whee be image cone y ht erie at ‘iyo cae goer a rel nec ‘Boag tt ne pots dal stage wil ehh ‘Sur hay be anor pe aera eo pepo a ee ol dens hate a cy ie ere {triton Autom hes rane obecnegn tae ‘Sone quays dems thy cn ha chaser fy” 6 Story, pean ation 9 612. Action | Mich the cone of ory we nace conc of terry ther that [best ben dicosed at allinany gent kn Theconcetofseson, © an partly is Garman oavaleat, Handing, ome ober anh ‘Srsiealy les seaghforwardaace es encanberedby slong snd sot ‘Solely icone aeons anne ony 61.21, Aeon action sequence ction pase “tof al te word acon i ambiguos when sed wth efeeace to | hana ot nanaie sexe for he simple reson tha, ns nal wage “ean teal to docribe oth aig ston by a parca fare a parila satin and the oe cen of he whol ex. nore 0 ‘ole this ambiguity we shal nr the erin tothe ft ne [> freaion sod deere the second inwhich amber of sions ike oper aran ‘acon sequence When we ually gr a far analysing _ Free wb eceny to nt fash: eel efvepmeeation, which [We would ike cal scion phase in bewoon the to etpisof ‘eso’ andncon sequence’ The cei fining ths fra of aes (61.22, Action snd story ere, we would Bist Uke 19 deine the conc of ‘action! mae "prety and anys reatonehi with story We would age wth | Mb who dete sin rh ietetonaly chosen dt ually etn anston fom ne sanon fo thee” An ation hectare lays deonstater sadist, whan fet component co > Soft esingstuson te auenpt tochangeiean there saan, Ths parte pater isa reurene etae of os strat def tions ofaeton. Thus Bremond delisted seqoence hin the ourseof an acon sya seesof thee ep that ofthe sation at Allows an acton vo take plc, va he elaine possi ot [> sucess change the sation” In he sun vin Todorov dees Fhe clomeeaysacryt of narntve ms tanstion Hog one bleed ‘ition to anothee Loman character the vet nt the Emule dio ctv eugene Soto - Aone of he meas te ae bre le Secon eo sf a Tepchicur see sa et dans ha we we 2006 Sroryand plot lop par cf ory (a human soba nd she dimensions of ie od space bet the tena choice imple human bjs he sa ‘Ei sipatal meson andi ttn fom ov avon anothers ‘Empoal dneson rom the we my conc that every acon aod very ation quent ary or prt of oy hit dows not ean, ower chat etry sory wheter entirely or partly, consis of eon ranlorsgeenet Fur theese unt ramen or seshropomee hic sujet of ou dition of ory pec inchedefnion of action fra aac bat mes» deliberate ce. "Seory’ thar prove to be he troader onepta th two snd acton reared kom he coer compo. ens oe ary bythe pci tat ica amines to change Seaton 6123. Aton vem vet ‘One gaa we should ke o fallow A. Hubler’ ad and describe these ‘other fort o component of he sory a event" Tee always cent ‘thenever the presondons for x or have Bon fll bt ne tone {ran acon. Thi appli to those tor, oF pars of en which ther the hamansubjes are incapable of making aerate cole or ‘estuion doe nor alow any change. Nataly, thse vo poses ‘ronal exclave in fa, fen the ae acon pei ‘ose upon te ote. The anunent ote abor have two cnseuenes for dram: 1) “Theory on which dramas bed dow not eed to exhaust el nt ‘ecuene of scons slone bt anand thier oen the are comrit of¢ ‘ses of actos and event 2 There anetber ype a amas hat [theoretic concenable and bes even become ely ~ one none ‘macotacar determined by evens rather th ation This Kod of ‘Gronlendrama bar become cecil common een tine Ini, ‘Bs lac of acon, the reduc of acon wo eveat one the moat Imporanreracual rnslormaton in treticb-onary deme, Naser ale play were monet the iso projet concep igre tht sa tbe ‘edi as nor astonomows bang dtesine by varus genet od ‘oxalcondon and thar on capablof making debe chs ina ‘renal nite way. This severly erie he possible for ation ‘pent hem ad ed othe vet = which afl aod tke place with ian ngs = becoming eri! athe pedominant pracig of ‘ory This alo applies to teany moder one-act lay, whos sacar ‘geal deurmined by sige sustn Inthe lay cre domsnates ‘re acto sb dtnonsesonprenepose + aczion of erent ‘sedan Of cour, he eset abd bre known example aang the redaction ofthe sory to sees of evens are the lays of Samu 6:2, Prseating theory 20 _ cen Watin for Gods, nun oc Hay Daythcimtbiley the snonin which te Seater tem seeing _ Sache seta forge cot iconv od _ ei acy are bo longs diged fo tig bout # change ih "Bhuton through sasonbthsve decayedine mf pase thar nee ‘Setpatiine nse hence oni fomofe 62, Pseting the tory 621, Resicions ox pening the stny © Ae we have seen, every domatic tee rset story which ber « "ego of inn ase o vent ors combine two As was ‘orca te preseason of igure sa ahove 322th cea / tstnconsffetng the preston of retin die ow the com ‘Euicave and medal condons pest rama =the sence of Seiing sommuniaton etm, mule ned he sale he © Geof podacon an recrpton The tetatons become parla ‘kar when they are compared othowtha ply omar et They fe, presen ry, bt alike dams he so we cowed hs _ reiting communication stem exdaivey onthe rane of ‘eal ilematon ae gencaly price and eee on am nde [Sass and vary conde oko 62.3. The principe of coon ‘he sence ofa mating comico ate in dea meas that the sons preseced acsorlng the principle of susan Although it | posible open acon paves ante ether inert atte fig, he pnp of scastion ays tol ston | thas tha are proemel cecal fh no more tan a han ‘itr expermenal exceptions x beow, 742) Wain econ _ iinet oe een lo actos and cents ar they on ine ery. Ths pele io cools the sequence of sees, Gntally speaking two soc Sees present wo scene phe ofthe soy seve do ores ‘cu when the pass nae iene fees The prince __ scceson therfore precdeste ne of asatan wih ae secs ‘Semon err nar tex an iy nd ests th puso © sally presen smutancous acon and eens to oe tha ie Found one and thsameloei Thos sdramacpreeatn aso)

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