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Research topic/title
Smart shopping carts by Fitting alerts

Social media attracts humans by posting cognition based advertisements. User’s shows interest mostly
in clothing area, what their consent about the product is size of cloths? Mostly designer creates
dresses as per general ethnicity , other are following free size dresses mostly under garments ,which
is not following smart clothing strategy. What this study feels about future of online clothing is poor?.
Is this any strategy which can save invested money over internet? An intelligent strategy which can
bring smile to buyer and seller. This study is taking initiative to solve this problem by combining deep
learning and neural networks. Initially this study request user to accept cookies, this is actually an
intelligent agent or we agent or a software installed on your browser as an app. Once you order
something it establishes a connection with the shopping server and browse recommended cloths for
the user by calculating or matching user fittings attributes and cloths attributes, like Chinese shoe size
is 42 but here user wear 10 size, both sizes are same but attributes are defined for china from 10 to
45+, in contrary in our country shoe sizes in general are from 0-12. Here this study proofs intelligent
agent is necessary to bridge this attribute gap to save online shopping industry. The project purpose
is to give a user idea and to predict which brand & size will be the best one or not for the customer by
using data / input provided by the customers. Optimum result will be produced by the agent which
compares user attributes with available attributes from the shopping cart, the name of this study is
fitting alerts, and follows deep learning algorithm.
Key words: clothing shopping cart, deep learning, artificial intelligent agent, attributes comparison.
The aim of this project is to:
a) Provide skilled analysis.
b) Image processing of human features.
c) High lighting Region of interest (ROI) E.g. hat or nicker etc
d) Statistical models to calculate optimum image result.
e) Mathematical model formation
f) Concluded result will be shared with dress designers for (MoS).
g) It’s beginning of smart filters.
a) Pure mathematical and statistical modeling on Python
b) Digital image processing tool box will be used
c) Stored data set as a filter will be used for analysis.
d) Parallel results will be compared to get optimum result, post filtered results will be shared
with end user/dress designer for mean opinion score (MoS).
Expected Outcome
a) It’s like GIGO Garbage in garbage out, quality images needs quality analysis.
b) This study is providing smart filter analysis.
c) Decision tree can also be used for filter selection.
d) Proposed system would be online and smart.
e) Smart computation, less battery and memory will be consumed.

1|Page by Suresh Kumar (60247) & Adnan Alam(62321)

skamrani2002@gmail.com ,write2adnanalamkhan@gmail.com
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2|Page by Suresh Kumar (60247) & Adnan Alam(62321)

skamrani2002@gmail.com ,write2adnanalamkhan@gmail.com

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