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Special Report

1,4-Butanediol: A Techno-commercial profile

Abstract cal and industrial safety risk. The only
4-Butanediol (BDO) is commer- precaution to be taken is for its inflam- B.G. SAMPAT
cially produced by a number of mable nature. As for consumer use, this bgsampat@gmail.com
routes, of which the major one is chemical is used as an ingredient in
the Reppe Process in which acetylene deodorants in European countries, and The process of BDO production
and formaldehyde are reacted. marketed as dietary supplement in the from maleic anhydride was intro-
US. duced by Davy. In this process, ma-
Having terminal primary hydroxyl leic anhydride is esterified with etha-
groups, BDO is widely used for pro- BDO is primarily used in the manu- nol. This ethyl ester is hydrogenated
duction of products like tetrahydro- facture of tetrahydrofuran (THF), to diethyl succinate and further to
furan (THF), polybutylene terephtha- gamma-butyrolactone (GBL) and poly- BDO; THF will be a by-product. This
late (PBT) resins, gamma-butyrolactone vinylpyrrolidinone (PVP). BDO is also process is relatively flexible as to the
(GBL), polyurethanes, pharmaceuticals used as a chain extender for polyure- three products formed in the reaction
products and other compounds. Another thanes and in the manufacture of poly- are BDO, THF and GBL, providing
major use of BDO is as solvent. (butylene terephthalate) (PBT). scope for downstream business possi-
Global BDO demand is expected to Historical background
grow at the rate of 2.8-3% per year for The first process for the production Genomatica (a San Diego-based
the next two years to about 1.6-mt. De- of BDO was introduced by Dr. Reppe company) has genetically engineered
mand in China is expected to grow at in 1930’s. The raw material used was E. coli bacteria to metabolise sugar into
5% per year, the fastest in the world. acetylene. This process is still widely BDO. They expect to build and begin
used by global BDO producers. operating a pilot plant by the end of
Asian countries are the main con- 2009.
tributors for expansion of BDO pro- Mitsubishi Chemical Industries in-
duction. troduced its new technology of produc- Storage and handling
tion of BDO using butadiene[1, 2] in BDO needs to be stored in a tightly
Introduction late 1970’s: This involves reaction of closed container, in a cool, dry, venti-
1,4-Butanediol (BDO) [CAS: 110- butadiene and acetic acid, followed by lated area, away from sources of heat
63-4], also called as 1,4-hydroxy bu- hydrogenation and hydrolysis to form or ignition. It is stored separately from
tane is a colourless liquid with the for- BDO. reactive or combustible materials, and
mula HOCH2CH2CH2CH2OH. It is one out of direct sunlight. Containers of the
of the stable isomer of butanediol. This BASF has also patented a simi- material may be hazardous when empty,
slightly viscous liquid is odourless and lar process, in which acetic acid first since they retain product residues (va-
solidifies below 20oC and is classified adds to butadiene; the product then pours, liquid).
as readily biodegradable chemical. On isomerizes to 1,4-diacetoxy-2-butene
standing in air, it absorbs moisture be- [18, 19]. According to a process prac- Since BDO solidifies at tempera-
cause of its hygroscopic nature. ticed by Toyo Soda[20] chlorine first tures below 19°C, appropriate storage
adds to butadiene to form a mixture of temperatures are required; however,
In polar solvents such as lower al- 1,4-dichloro-2-butene [764-41-0] and reliquefaction does not alter its proper-
cohols, ketones, esters, water and also 3,4-dichloro-1-butene [760-23-6]. This ties.
in glycol ethers and its acetates, BDO mixture reacts with sodium acetate to
is completely miscible. However, it form 1,4-diacetoxy-2-butene, which is BDO can be shipped and stored
is immiscible or slightly miscible in subsequently hydrogenated directly to in mild steel; however, coated tanks
hydrocarbons. BDO. or stainless steel will prolong product
consistency. Upon longer storage, wa-
BDO is neither corrosive, explosive In 1980’s, ARCO introduced another ter and iron should be avoided. It is also
nor pyrophoric in nature, so it can be production technology for BDO via advisable to store under a pad of dry
handled without any great physiologi- propylene oxide. nitrogen.

Chemical Weekly January 18, 2011 205

Special Report

logy to a Chinese company called Sich-

uan Tianhua Co. (Luzhou). This is the
first time Investa licensed there tech-
nology to a third party.

Reppe process from acetylene and

Since first commercialization the
Reppe process has been the major manu-
facturing method for preparation of
BDO, with all US & Western European
producers employing the process.

The production process is divided

in two parts.
Reaction of formaldehyde & acety-
lene to form 1,4-butynediol; and
Hydrogenation to form BDO.
Fig. 1: Reaction scheme: Reppe process
The typical yield of the process is
Process for BDO production The most prevalent route is BASF’s around 90% of the theoretical yield
BDO is currently produced by the Reppe process. Also widely used is based on acetylene.
following processes: Kvaerner John Brown’s new butane
Reppe process from acetylene and to maleic anhydride route known as Butadiene-acetic acid process
formaldehyde; the Davy process. ISP uses BP/Lurgi’s The reaction of butadiene with
Butadiene-acetic acid process; Geminox technology for production of acetic acid and oxygen in presence of
Propylene oxidation to BDO; BDO directly from butane, whereas catalysts like palladium on carbon or
From maleic anhydride; Mitsubishi Chemicals uses the butadi- tellurium on carbon produces the di-
Dichlorobutene process; and ene/acetic acid process. In 2003 Investa acetate, 1,4-diacetoxy-2-butene, which
Bio-based BDO. licensed there acetylene-based techno- is hydrogenated and hydrolyzed to
form BDO.

This is a three step process:

In first step, the catalytic reaction
of butadiene and acetic acid gives
In the second step, subsequent hy-
drogenation gives 1,4-diacetoxy-
butane; and
In third and last step, hydrolysis
leads to BDO.

Around 80-85% of the theoretical

yield, based on butadiene, has been ob-

Selective amounts of THF can be

produced as by-product by partial hy-
drolysis of the intermediate diacetate
and its further deacetocyclisation.

Propylene oxidation to BDO

Fig. 2: Reaction scheme: Butadiene-acetic acid process Kuraray Company (Japan) deve-

206 Chemical Weekly January 18, 2011

Special Report

loped this process, which was commer- However, in this case, allyl alcohol is to produce maleic anhydride, which is
cialized by ARCO Chemical Company. derived from propylene via allyl ace- then hydrogenated to give GBL, with
Allyl alcohol is produced by catalytic tate. The chemistry is similar to vinyl THF as by-product. The GBL is further
isomerisation of propylene oxide and acetate production using propylene reduced to BDO. In the mid-1990’s, Si-
this alcohol is hydroformaylated using acetoxylation. Allyl acetate is convert- sas, a small Italian company, developed
catalysts like rhodium. The resultant ed to allyl alcohol via dehydration, with and operated a process that converts
product is reduced to BDO. The yield is the recovered co-product acetic acid re- malic anhydride to GBL in one step.
very high at around 93%. cycled. The GBL is then converted to BDO,
THF or NMP depending on market re-
Analogous to this process is the From maleic anhydride quirements.
Dairen process operated in Taiwan. In this process n-butane is oxidized
Dichlorobutene process
In this process butadiene is chlori-
nated to form mixture of 1,4-dichloro-
butene & 3,4-dichlorobutene. The
3,4-dichlorobutene can be isomerised to
1,4-dichlorobutene. This 1,4-dichloro-
butene is hydrogenated to form BDO.

Bio-Based BDO
Founded in 2000 by research scien-
tists and engineers from the University
of California, San Diego, Genomatica
has developed technologies for a range
Fig. 3: Reaction scheme: Propylene oxide process of biologically produced industrial
chemicals from a variety of renewable

Genomatica first produced BDO

from glucose in February 2008, and has
since demonstrated the ability to pro-
duce BDO at high levels from sucrose
as well as from xylose, a five-carbon
sugar. Development is primarily fo-
cused on sucrose because it is a readily
available feedstock with a tradable for-
ward market and with less pricing vola-
Fig. 4: Reaction scheme: Maleic anhydride process
tility compared to hydrocarbon feed-
stocks currently in use to make BDO.

The ability to produce BDO from

both six-and five carbon sugars now
opens the way to possible second-gene-
ration BDO processes that use carbo-
hydrates derived from lignocellulosic
biomass, such as wood residue, mu-
nicipal paper waste, agricultural waste
or energy crops like switchgrass. At the
same time, company researchers have
demonstrated 20,000-fold increases
Fig. 5: Reaction scheme: Dichlorobutene process in the concentrations of BDO that

Chemical Weekly January 18, 2011 207

Special Report

microbes can produce, approaching the company one of the largest BDO Arabia). The project includes a 50,000-
commercial levels needed to manufac- producers in world. tpa BDO plant. Now Osos is seeking for
ture large volumes of BDO at reduced Investa, a world leader in chemical another partner for the project.
cost. With a cost advantage over tra- intermediates, polymers and fibres,
ditional manufacturing processes, this has signed a technology licensing The largest consumption of BDO
bio-manufacturing method for BDO agreement with Markor Chemicals is tetrahydrofuran (THF) used to make
will release chemical producers from headquartered in Urumqi (Xinji- polytetra methylene ether glycol which
the fluctuations of the hydrocarbon ang Province, China) for butane- goes in fibers, urethane elastomers and
markets and lower their overall carbon diol manufacturing technology. copolyester ethers. The next largest out-
footprint, while meeting the growing The licensing agreement covers the let is polybutylene terephthalate. Also
demand for sustainably manufactured manufacturing process, required good amount of BDO goes into the manu-
products. technology, product formula- facturing of the gamma butyarolactone
tion and engineering service for which is used in the electronic goods,
Global scenario 100,000-tpa BDO plant. pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and
Global capacity for BDO in 2009 Chinaq Chemicals (based in Zibo, high performance polymers.
was roughly 1.37-mtpa. The global mar- China) has completed their expan-
ket in 2008 was estimated to be about sion of a maleic anhydride produc- Uses of BDO
1.25-mt, worth approximately $ 4.0-bn. tion facility and started development Two-third of the total BDO is con-
Demand will grow at about 6-7% per for a 50,000-tpa BDO facility, which sumed captively for producing the
annum and will reach roughly 1.6-mt is expected to be completed in 2012. value-added products.
by 2011. In Europe demand will grow
In the Middle East, demand for BDO Tetrahydrofuran
at the rate of 2-3% whereas US demand
is growing at the rate of 1%, but there is THF is the largest use for BDO ac-
will grow at 1%/year. Demand in China
no expansion in this region. Sabic recent- counting for 45% of BDO demand. The
is growing the fastest, i.e. about 10%.
ly decided that they are not going to take major use of THF is as a monomer in
Growth in Asia is at roughly 8%, even
a 35% stake in a previously announced the production of polytetramethylene
as demand in the western hemisphere is
PBT and related intermediates complex ether glycol (PTMEG), a component
growing at 3-4%. Demand in Japan is
planned by Osos Petrochemicals (Saudi of cast and thermoplastic polyurethane
declining by 0.5-0.7% and the slump is
expected to continue at least until 2011. Total 1.37 mt
As the supply and demand is well bal- Others
anced, producers have maintained a 5%
reasonable margin in the face of rising PU
raw material prices. 9%

The last few years have seen some

dramatic changes in the global BDO
industry brought about by the introduc- THF 45 %
tion of new capacity based on techno- GBL
logy employing maleic anhydride as 15%
feedstock. Due to this process the tra-
ditional issue of safely handling acety-
lene is removed.

New BDO projects in Asia include:

SK Corp’s 40,000-tpa unit at Ulsan,
South Korea; PBT
Nan Ya Plastics 40,000-tpa in Tai- 26%
Dairen Chemicals’s plant at Mai-
Lian, which came online with
120,000-tpa capacity, making the Fig 6: Global BDO demand by application

208 Chemical Weekly January 18, 2011

Special Report

Producers of BDO
Country Company Process Capacity [ktpa]
USA BASF Reppe/acetylene 136
Invista Reppe/acetylene 109
International Specialty products Butane/Maleic anhydride 63
Lyondell chemicals Propylene oxide 55
Saudi Arabia Gulf advance chemicals al Jubail Butane/Maleic anhydride 75
Germany BASF Reppe/acetylene 190
International Specialty products Reppe/acetylene 90
Netherlands Lyondell Chemicals Propylene oxide 125
China Shanxi Sanwei group Reppe/acetylene 155
Xinjiang Markor Chemical Industry Reppe 60
China National Bluestar Group Kvaerner 55
Dairen Chemicals Reppe/Acetylene 36
Sinopec Shengli Oil Butane 60
Shangdong Jiatal Petrochemicals Kvaerner/Maleic anhydride/n-butane 13
Sichuan Tianhua Reppe/acetylene 25
Malaysia BASF Petronas Maleic anhydride/Kvaerner 66
Taiwan Dairen Chemicals Allyl acetate 220
TCC Chemicals Kvaerner/n-butane 30
Nan Ya Plastics Butadiene 60
Korea BASF Butadiene 30
Korea PTG Kvaerner/Maleic anhydride/n-butane 30
Japan BASF Reppe/Acetylene 25
Mitsubishi Chemicals Butadiene 100

elastomers, polyurethane stretch fibres

and high performance copolyester poly- Others
ether elastomers [14]. A smaller amount 27%
of THF is used as a solvent in polyvinyl
chloride cements and resin-based coat-
ings, in precision magnetic tape manu-
facturing and as a reaction solvent. PTMEG
THF dissolves virtually all plastics
with the exception for certain poly-
amides and polyfluoroethylene. Some
of the most important are polyvinyl
chloride, polyethylene, polystyrene,
polyesters resins, phenol formaldehyde Solvent
resins, epoxy resins, a number of natu- 27%
ral resins and certain polyurethanes.

GBL is derived from BDO by de- Fig. 7: Asian THF demand by end-use

Chemical Weekly January 18, 2011 209

Special Report

hydrogenation and cyclisation, prefer- GHB has two effects, at low doses it conventional TPUs are based on either
ably in the gas phase and generally over has a euphoric effect (which is why polyester or polyether polyols, 4,4’-di-
copper catalyst at 200-250 C to yield up it is sometimes referred to as liquid phenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) as
to 93% GBL. GBL is a solvent as well Ecstasy). At higher doses it acts like the isocyanate component and BDO
as precursor of another industrially im- a sedative and can make the user un- (BDO) as a chain extender[15]. Only a
portant solvent N-Methylpyrollidone conscious very quickly. GHB is classi- limited amount of BDO can be added to
(NMP), which is used as a solvent for fied as a dangerous drug and is legally the formulation. As a result, TPUs can
extraction of acetylene, butadiene and as available in the U.S. only as part of an be prepared only with hard-segment
solvent for polyphenylene sulphide and FDA-approved investigational study. content not exceeding about 25%.
as a substitute for chlorofluorocarbons. Penalties under Texas law for illegal
possession or sale of GHB are the Features of commercially available
The main use of GBL is as an inter- same as for heroin and methamphet- TPU include:
mediate in the synthesis of herbicides amines. Excellent abrasion resistance;
like 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxybutyric Outstanding low-temperature per-
acid (MCPB), growth regulators [α-(4- Polybutylene terephthalate formance;
methylbenzylidene)-γ-butyrolactone], PBT is a strong and highly crystal- Excellent mechanical properties,
gamma acetobutyrolactone (a vitamin line synthetic resin, produced by the combined with a rubber-like elasti-
B1 intermediate) and the rubber ad- polymerization of BDO and terephtha- city;
ditive thiodibutyric acid. GBL is also lic acid[12]. PBT is highly suitable Very good tear strength;
used as a polymerization catalyst in for injection-molding into solid parts. High elasticity;
hairwave compositions and sun lotions Either unmodified or reinforced with High transparency; and
and in pharmaceuticals. It is also used glass fibres or mineral fillers, it is used Good oil and grease resistance.
in printing inks, e.g. for ink-jet printing; in numerous applications, especially
as an extractant in the petroleum indus- electrical and small machine parts, ow- Copolyester-ether
try; as a stabilizer for chlorohydrocar- ing to its excellent electrical resistance, Copolyester-ether elastomer mar-
bons; and as a nematicide. surface finish and toughness. Pipe made kets and production are still predomi-
with PBT was formerly popular for nantly concentrated in the United
Other methods for production of residential plumbing as a low-cost and States, Europe and Japan. However,
GBL are hydrogenation of maleic anhy- easily handled substitute for copper, but the fastest growing market is in Asia
dride, hydrogenation of maleic esters, it was found to degrade after prolonged (excluding Japan), where demand is
process via THF[4], dihydrofuran[5], contact with oxidizing chemicals such currently growing at approximately
acetylene[6, 7], butynediol[8], olefins as chlorine in municipal water supplies, 10% per year and is forecast to grow at
[9, 10, 11], which are not industrially so it is no longer used. PBT lends ri- 7-10% per year through 2012.
important. gidity and thermoplastic properties to a
synthetic rubber known as copolyester This market accounts for about 3%
Due to its property of being a elastomer. of global BDO demand.
prodrug of gamma-hydroxybutyrate
(GHB), GBL was sold as a nutritional PBT is used as an insulator in the Copolyester-ether elastomers are
supplement after the scheduling of electrical and electronics industries used in automotive, hose and tubing,
GHB, under the names Revivarant and [13]. It is resistant to solvents, shrinks medical, and wire and cable applica-
Renewtrient in the U.S. at least until the very little during forming, is mechani- tions. Consumption of copolyester-
end of 1999. cally strong, heat-resistant up to 150°C ether elastomers in the United States is
(or 200°C with glass-fibre reinforce- fairly mature and is expected to grow
GBL (as well as GHB), when taken ment) and can be treated with flame at a moderate rate during 2007-2012.
internally in therapeutic doses without retardants to make it non-combustible. In Europe, consumption is projected to
the presence of other drugs (especially grow at a slightly faster rate. Under-
alcohol, as mixing the two can be fa- Thermoplastic polyurethanes the-hood automotive applications,
tal), has been shown to elevate growth Thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPUs) where there is an increasing need to
hormone levels in humans to at least are formed by the addition reaction meet higher temperature requirements,
five times the baseline. GHB and GBL of difunctional isocyanates, chain ex- will promote this growth. In Japan,
are often used as recreational drugs. tenders and long-chain polyols. Most where consumption is also driven by

210 Chemical Weekly January 18, 2011

Special Report

Polybutylene 1. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of
1,4-Butanediol Terephthalate Chemical Technology, John Wiley
& Sons, Inc. 1996.
2. Mitsubishi Chem., DE-OS 2345160,
Tetrahydrofuran Ethers 1974; DE-OS 2424539, 1974;
DE-OS 2504637, 1975; DE-OS
2510088, 1975; DE-OS 2510089,
Polytetramethylene 1975; DE-OS 2505749, 1975.
Ether Glycol 3. Y. Tanabe, Hydrocarbon Process.
60 (1981) no. 9, 187.
4. Quaker Oats, US 3074964, 1961
Thermoplastic (A. P. Dunlop, E. Sherman). H.
Hara, JP-Kokai 7887347, 1978.
5. BASF, DE4339269, 1993 (R.
Spandex Pinkos, R. Fischer)
Fibers 6. BASF, WO9707111, 1995 (M.
g-Butyrolactone Heider et al.)
7. BASF, DE19530549, 1995 (M.
Heider, T. Ruehl, J. Henkelmann,
S. Stutz)
Herbicides 8. Y. Shvo, Y. Blum, J. Organomet.
Foundry Resins Chem. 238 (1982) C 79–C 81.
9. Toa Nenryo Kogyo K.K., JP-Kokai
75154237, 1975 (Y. Okumura, Y.
N-Methyl- N-Vinyl- 10. Nat. Dist. and Chem. Corp.,
2-Pyrrolidone 2-Pyrrolidone 2-Pyrrolidone US4247467, 1978 (J. H. Murib)
11. Nat. Dist. and Chem. Corp.,
US4247467, 1978 (J. H. Murib)
12. Encyclopaedia Britannica
13. Supplier data by Goodfellow
Extraction Solvent
Pharmaceuticals Polyvinyl 14. Polyethers, Tetrahydrofuran and
Intermediates Pyrrolidone
Cleaning Agents Oxetane Polymers by Gerfried
Electronics Pruckmayr, P. Dreyfuss, M. P.
Dreyfuss”. Kirk Othmer Encyclo-
Fig. 8: BDO derivatives & their applications pedia of Chemical Technology.
Reference: Nexant: Butanediol/THF PERP 06/07-4 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1996.
15. H. G. Hoppe and H. G. Wussow in
automotive applications, growth will and Ticona (a business of Celanese Polyurethane Handbook, G. Oertel
be moderated from 2007 to 2012. In Corporation) in the United States; DSM editor, 2nd edition, Hanser Pub-
other Asia consumption will be driven Engineering Plastics in the Nether- lishers (1994), p. 421.
by increasing use in all applications, lands; P Group in Italy; and Toyobo 16. Butanediol (price and demand in
particularly automotive, hose and tub- Co. and Mitsubishi in Japan. market)”, Chemical Week, 12 April
ing, and wire and cable. 2006,
Other applications 17. “Malaysia: New BDO plant used
Dupont is the world’s largest pro- Miscellaneous uses as solvent, a below capacity”, Asian Textile
ducer of copolyester-ether elastomers, coating resin raw material and an inter- Business, April 2004.
with plants in the United States, Lux- mediate in chemicals and pharmaceuti- 18. BASF, DE-OS 2444004, 1976.
embourg and Japan. Other important cal production account for about 2% of 19. BASF, DE-OS 2454768, 1976.
producers include Eastman Chemical global BDO demand. 20. Toyo Soda, US 3720704, 1973.

Chemical Weekly January 18, 2011 211

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