Comparatives and Superlatives

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Comparatives and Superlatives

Here are some basic rules for spelling comparatives and superlatives:

Rule 1 - one syllable adjectives or adverbs:

Comparatives Superlatives
Simply add -er Use THE and add -est
Examples: Examples:
smart = smarter smart = the smartest
young = younger young = the youngest
fast = faster fast = the fastest
Rule 1B - One syllable adjectives with a Consonant-Vowel-
Consonant Pattern:
(Review Consonants and Vowels)
If the adjective has a CVC If the adjective has a CVC
pattern, double the consonant and pattern, double the consonant and add -est.
add -er. Don't forget THE!
Examples: Examples:
wet = wetter wet = the wettest
big = bigger big = the biggest
sad = sadder sad = the saddest

Rule 2 - two syllable adjectives ending in Y
Change the Y to I and add -er Change the Y to I and add -est.
Don't forget to use THE!
Examples: Examples:
pretty = prettier pretty = the prettiest
happy = happier happy = the happiest
busy = busier busy = the busiest
Rule 3 - Adjectives or adverbs with two or more syllables (not ending in Y):
Examples: Examples:
famous = more famous famous = the most famous
interesting = more interesting interesting = the most interesting
expensive = more expensive expensive = the most expensive
. .

1 The Mississippi's longer than the Thames. (long)

2 This hotel's more comfortable than the other one. (comfortable)
3 I think this shop is ___________________________________ that one. (good)
4 The restaurant is ___________________________________ the café. (expensive)
5 Simon's ___________________________________ Mark. (old)
6 I think Scotland is ___________________________________ England. (beautiful)
7 My brother's ___________________________________ I am. (young)
8 1 like this school because it's ________________________________ the other one. (big)
9 The hotels here are __________________________________ in my country. (expensive)
10 The weather here is ___________________________________ at home. (cold)
11 I think you're ___________________________________ your father now. (tall)
12 His homework was ___________________________________ mine (bad)
13 This film is _____________________________the one you wanted to see. (interesting)
14 The journey is ___________________________________ I thought. (long)
15 This lesson is ___________________________________ the last one. (difficult)


1 This is the biggest building in the world, (big building)

2 This is ___________________________________________ here. (comfortable chair)
3 He bought _____________________________________ in the shop. (expensive flowers)
4 I think she's _______________________________________ of the group. (good singer)
5 He's _________________________________________ of the company. (careful driver)
6 Who's __________________________________________ in the class? (old student)
7 It's ____________________________________________ I've ever seen. (bad film)
8 She's __________________________________________ of all the students. (intelligent)
9 It was ______________________________________ I had ever heard. (beautiful music)
10 He's _________________________________________ of all the assistants. (helpful)
11 He's__________________________________________ in his class. (young)
12 This is __________________________________________ in the world. (poor country)
13 She's ________________________________________ I've ever met. (strange person)
14 I didn't answer __________________________________________ questions. (difficult)
15 Peter's __________________________________________ of them all. (old)

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