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PROGRAM EQUALIZER ~ PULTEC’ MODEL EQP-1IA USED BY RADIO STATIONS, RECORD COMPANIES ‘AND RECORDING STUDIOS . . . TO ADD THAT “FINAL TOUCH” TO THE BALANCE OF GOOD PROGRAM MATERIAL, AND TO GREATLY IMPROVE THE QUAUTY OF PROGRAM MATERIAL PRE- VIOUSLY RECORDED ON EQUIPMENT OF INFERIOR QUALITY OR DIFFERING CHAR. ACTERISTICS. The wide range of equalization curves pro- vided makes it possible to boost the very low or very high frequency notes of the orchestra without “muddying up” the middle register instruments. Continuously variable controls permit changing the amount of equalization on sustained tones without steps in level, or noise. All controls are clickless and a key permits cutting the equalizer in and out on cue, 20, 30, 60, 100 cps shelf boost, 0 to 13.5 db. 20, 30, 60, 100 cps shelf attenuate, 0 to 17.5 db. 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 16 kes peak boost, 0 to 18 db, 5,10, 20 kcs shelf attenuate, 0 to 16 db. INPUT TRANSFORMER: 600, 250 and 150 ohms. (OUTPUT TRANSFORMER: For use into loads of 600, 250 and 150 ohms. NOISE: 92 db below + 10 dom. DISTORTION: 0.15% at + 10 dbm into 600 ohms. Specifications NO LOSS: Passive equalizer plus push-pull amplifier. VERSATILE: pa i Boost frequencies. see, i Attenuate frequencies. SHAPE CONTROL: High boost curves variable sharp to broad. IN-OUT KEY: Switches equalization in and out without clicks or changes in level LOSS: None. Insertion loss restored by amplifier. AMPLIFIER: Flat, 20 cps to 20 kes; +0, —1 db, ‘TUBES: 1 each ECC-82/12AU7, ECC-83/12AX7, 6X4 included. POWER REQUIRED: 117 volts, 50/60 cps, 25 watts. PANEL SIZE: 5%" x 19”. Depth behind pene! 724". PANEL FINISH: Pultec blue-gray baked enamel. Engraved, MOUNTING: Standard EIA rack mount. NET WEIGHT: 15 pounds, Licensed under patents of the Western Electric Company fet PuLsE TECHNIQUES, fc. 1411 PALISADE AVE., WEST ENGLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY 201 TEANECK 7-2575 PULTEC’ PROGRAM EQUALIZER Solid State MODEL EQP-1A3 User _°% RADIO STATIONS, necoRD COMPANIES NO LOSS: Passive equalizer ‘AND RECORDING STUDIOS . plus operational amplifier To ADD THAT “FINAL TOUCH” TO THE BALABICE OF GOOD PROGRAM MATERIAL, AND TO GreaTty VERSATILE: IMPROVE THE QUAUITY OF PROGRAM MATERIAL PRE- 4 low Boost frequencies VIOUSLY RECORDED ON EQUIPMENT OF 7 high a INFERIOR QUAUTY OR DIFFERING CHAR- ACTERISTICS. Ae Attenuate frequencie 3 high tenuate frequencies The wide range of equalization curves pro- vided makes it possible to boost the very low or SHAPE CONTRO! very high frequency notes of the orchestrawithout muddying up" the middle register instruments. High boost curves variable sharp to Continuously variable controls permit changing ee the amount of equalization on sustained tones without steps in level, or clicks. A key permits IN-OUT KEY: Switches equalization in and cutting the equalizer in and out on cue out without clicks Specifications PEAK BOOST: 3, 4,5,8, 10, 12, 16 kHa; 0 to 18 08. LOSS: None. Equalizer los restored by operational ‘amplifier. Overall result ie no lose and no gain INPUT LEVEL: -20 dBm provides greater than 60 48 SHELF BOOST: 20, 30, 60, 100 Hz; 0 to 13.5 48. signal to noise ratio, +4 dBm allows generously for signal poaks without clipping, SHELF ATTENUATE: 20, 30, 60, 100 Hz: 0 to 175 8. OUTPUT LEVEL: +21 dBm maximum BOISE Gelony goo cam INPUT TRANSFORMER: 600 ohms, matching. Con: DIET Or riGee tea tft ea Gem aan Gooicnee rections can be changed for 250 or 150 ohms OUTPUT TRANSFORMER: Feeds 2 600 ohm loa. Con: nections can be changed for 250 oF 150 ohms. PANEL FINISH: Brushed aluminum satintone, AMPLIFIER RESPONSE: Including input and output SIA rack moun Transformers, 20 Hz to 20 kH2; #0, 1 dB from MOUNTING: Standard EIA rack mount. 4000 Hz reference. Transformers have 70.48 mag POWER REQUIRED: 117 volts, 50/60 Hz, 5 watts etic shielding 234 volts, 50/60 Hz available on order. NET WEIGHT: 9 pounds. SHELF ATTENUATE: 5, 10, 20 kHz: 0 t0 16 dB. PANEL SIZE: 3% x 19 in, Depth behind pane! is 7% in. Licensed under patents of the Western Electric Company PuLse TECHNIQUES. INC. = 1411 PALISADE AVENUE, TEANECK, NEW JERSEY 07666 (201) 837-2575 (CABLE ADDRESS: PULTEC, TEANECK, NEW JERSEY Stee HEHE Tho hie waziwnda nvuDoNs vada 1300" 23L4nd $048 100 600, “128 J0>/dK puatavdar aye ur sone a 9 108 Kjsnenusiuos 210 p09 pus syomuei

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