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Unit 1

Roles and Functions of Psychiatric Nurse

What does mental health mean ?

Mental health has no clear definition.

The word Mental means of the mind; that is your thoughts, feelings and understanding of
yourself and the world around you.

 The word health means the working order of your body and mind.
Mental health = the working order of your mind.

What does mental illness mean?

American Psychiatric Association definition

“ Mental illness a clinically significant behavior or Psychological syndrome that occurs in
an individual and is associated with present distress or disability or increased risk of
suffering ,death, pain, or an important loss of freedom””

What is mental distress?

If we are having problems with our mental health then we might feel:-
Sad, worried, confused, angry, in despair, hopeless, tearful, scared, irritable, panicky, numb,
In addition we might think that we are:-  unlovable, guilty, bad, evil.

How can you tell that someone has a mental health problem?
 You may notice that someone close to you has changed. Perhaps they want to be
alone all the time and not go out.
 Some people may do or say strange things.
 They may hear or see things that nobody else can.
 They may seem sad or cross all the time.
 They may seem tired or have amazing amounts of energy.
 They may hold strange beliefs.
 They may believe someone or something is trying to harm them .so seem scared all
the time.
Amira E . Al-Othmali
1BScN , RN , N . Educator

Why do people have problems with their mental health?

 Too Much Stress
 Genes
 Bio-chemistry.
 Upbringing.

Mental Health Staff

 Psychiatric nurse
 Psychiatrist
 Psychologist
 Psychiatric social workers
 Activity therapist
 Occupational therapist
 Certified addictions counselor
 Psychiatric technician or aide
 Student nurse
Psychiatric Nurses
Registered nurses who specialize in the nursing care and treatment of people with
mental illness. Psychiatric nurses work in community mental health services and
psychiatric inpatient services.

Legal Role of psychiatric Nurse

Involves the continuous and comprehensive psychiatric disorders and health maintenance.

 Assessment
 Diagnosis
 Management
 Evaluation

Amira E . Al-Othmali
2BScN , RN , N . Educator
1- Health promotion , Health protection , Disease prevention and treatment:

A- Assessment
1- Obtain and accurately documents a relevant health history .
2-Perform a comprehensive physical and mental health assessment
3- Perform a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation
( History of violence – Suicidal - self harm behavior – substance abuse).
4- Analyzes the relationship between normal physiology and specific disorder associated
with mental health problem.
5- Identifies and analyzes factors that affect mental health such as:
 Genetics
 Gender
 Family
 Environment
 Trauma
 Culture & ethnicity
 Spiritual beliefs
 Coping skills
 Cognition
 Socioeconomic status
 Substance abuse
:Collect data from multiple sources using assessment techniques -6
 Screening evaluations
 Psychiatric rating scales
 Genogram
Family assessment -7
Assess the impact of acute and chronic illness, psychiatric disorders and stressors -8
Demonstrates effective clinical interviewing skills -9
that facilitate therapeutic relationship

Amira E . Al-Othmali
3BScN , RN , N . Educator
B- Diagnosis of Health Status

1- Order and interprets findings of relevant diagnostic and laboratory tests

2- Identifies both typical and a typical presentations of psychiatric disorder
3- Differentiates psychiatric presentations of medical conditions from psychiatric disorders
4- Diagnoses psychiatric disorders.
5- Differentiates between exacerbation and reoccurrence of a chronic psychiatric
6- Diagnoses occurring complications of mental health problem.
7- Applies standardizes taxonomy systems to the diagnosis of mental health problems.
8- Evaluates potential abuse , neglect, and risk of danger to self and others such as
suicide, homicide , and other self injurious behaviors.

C- Plan of care and implementation of treatment

1- Develop a treatment plan of mental health problem.

2- Conducts individual, group, and / or family psychotherapy.
3- Treat acute and chronic psychiatric and mental health problem.
4-Plans care to minimize the development complications.
5-Manages psychiatric emergences by determining the level of risk.
6- Applies ethical and legal principles to the treatment of patients.
7- Prescribes pharmacological agents for patients with mental health Problem.
8- Ensure patient safety through the appropriate prescription and Management.

Amira E . Al-Othmali
4BScN , RN , N . Educator

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