Basic Psychological Needs Ways of Creating A Supportive Environment Specific Activity Autonomy

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Name: ________________________________________________ Division: ________________________ School: ___________________________________

Instructions: Using the table, how can you create a supportive climate where LIFE SKILLS are nurtured in the classroom/ school? Give at least three ways and

Basic Psychological Needs Ways of Creating a supportive environment Specific Activity

- Problem solving, coping skills, positive
thinking, independent thinking, self-
directed learning, self- control, self-
regulation, self-determination

- Coping with stress, self-learning, cognitive
tasks, social competencies, physical tasks

- Cooperation with others, consideration for
others feelings, increased social interests,
social responsibility, feeling of connection

Please submit to the Class FACILITATOR on Day 2 until 9 am. Thank you. #careerguidance #parasaKabataan

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