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Summary of Article

Submitted to:
Sir, Sajid Tufail

Submitted by:
Mubashir Ali

Mba 1.5(Eve)
Roll no 09
Models of National
Culture - A Management Review
Tony Morden

In this article author discuss various models of national culture and their relevance
to the local and international management practices. Author define national
culture, cross cultural purpose of these models. Three models comprehensively
discuss by author, Single dimension model, multiple dimension model, historical
social model.
In the start definition of national culture by Hofstede; collective mental
programming of the people of any particular nationality and this include values,
attitudes, competences and behaviors etc. Hofstede further explain that authors
shows little bit reflection of culture in theories or writings .He also states that not
only organization are not culture bounded but theories about organization are
equally is not necessary that one management theory develop in one
country or culture can be applied to other .Author of this article suggest that
managers and international firms may apply best fit approach to solve the problem
.second one is polycentric approach instead of ethnocentric .polycentrism focus on
the acceptance and use of the cultural diversity.
Single Dimension Model
In this model some points are discussed in detail like High and low context culture,
Monochronic and polychromic cultures and analysis of trust by Fukuyama.
Context is defined in high and low context culture in terms of how people and their
societies get information and knowledge .individuals of high context culture are
more social ,extrovert and more friendly .they gossip with others and get
important knowledge what they want ,whereas in low context culture individuals
are rational .they observe things in logical or authentic way ,although they have
social circle .mostly they get information via internet ,e mails ,reports etc. After this
second important point is monochromic vs polychromic cultures .in monochromic
culture people are more focused ,more professional and they have clear to do one
thing at a time period in a set time frame. Like in Germany, Finland and north USA
people are monochromic and perform task in a schedules .For them time is money.
In Polychronic societies time has no value in terms of resource and opportunity cost
.people are lazy and they think that work will be done tomorrow so rest today and
never focus planning ,time schedules etc. Arabs and south Asian societies lies in
this category. And mixing of both these cultures may arise culture clash and
disagreement, but it can build synergies between both. Fukuyama analyses the
relationship between trust social capital and other and he examine low and high
trust societies, and he claim that workplaces of high tryst societies are flexible,
group based and lower level people are given some part of responsibility whereas
in low trust societies some rules are for people. He share example of Toyota that in
their manufacturing system they made improvements and show community and
efficiency can be achieved. Today the era of technology can not eliminate single
type of organization that followed by all .so who is more friendly (community) may
become efficient. Some societies are feministic in which all focus on family like
tribes etc. He find some facts about Latin Catholic countries which have strong
connection between family and business ,strong government sector ,he also find
that French businesses are very slow to adapt modern style of doing business which
have professionals in it and some facts are behind in establishment of large scale
enterprises like people don’t trust each other, difficult to make connection with
other due to culture and due to some strict rules in management .He also find a
correlation among hierarchy and lack of trust that characteristics the low trust
societies. Hierarchies are important because everyone not follows rule so someone
is appointed for guidance and supervision of the people .he said that every country
has some associations like NGOs, and other professionals associations which have
part of economy and are beyond the family and in these countries like Japan and
USA social groups lie between the middle of family and state and this is not in china
and other countries which are low trust societies. In contrast high trust societies
not possessed saddle shaped distribution at the poles of family and private
business formed .In the last Fukuyama tell that effective firms are based on ethical
values rather than legal rules and regulation .if people in organization trust each
other and follow ethics then cost of doing business will be less and these type of
organization adopt innovation fast. And when people don’t trust each other then
they co-operate with some rules and regulation which can be negotiated and
enforced this legal framework is substitute of trust that is said to be transaction
cost. He also describe free riding concept.
Multiple Dimension Model
In multiple dimension model three models are discussed Hofstede
model,Hampden-Turner &Trompenaars analysis and Lessem &Nebauer’s analysis.
Hofstede explain four variables first one is power distance how people see the un
equality in social status and how deal this truth, then uncertainty avoidance which
is about uncertainty in future and to tackle this reality of risk, third one is
Collectivism vs Individualism that describe relationship between members of
society and last one is Masculinity vs Femininity which measure role of men and
women and their equality in culture.
Hampden-Turner &Trompenaars analysis the nature of enterprise value system
and some judgments associated with this and give seven dilemmas .They said that
there must be some rules and regulation in enterprise for consistency and levels in
bureaucracy will make reliable the the second dilemma first analyze
the single concept and integrate it in broader context. Third dilemma is about is to
support of people within a firm organization should support and motivate all
employees at all levels and then their contribution to the whole part of organization
.Issues regarding this arises in individualistic societies. fourth is how enterprise
make contact with outside the world there is concept that many firms are
conservative in making relation with other .fifth is how enterprise see time and how
use that time in efficient way ,two sub points are given length of time horizon and
speed. Sixth enterprise give status or reward to people either it is given on
performance or on the base of age, experience etc. Last is about how an enterprise
give Authority, what is hierarchy.
Lessem &Nebauer analyze European management system .They discuss the four
inter related criteria which effect the national culture. First one is pragmatism
which shows management is formal and professional and have clear principles,
rules, focus on competition, task oriented. Managers are self-motivated. Second is
rationalism which means that see things in a logical manner rather than emotion
or experience. Always focus on planning, logics and scientific methods. Hampden-
Turner &Trompenaars also discuss rationalism in a way that it has set of rules and
formal structure, focus on ascribed status etc. wholism is a complex unity or mostly related to Germans. In wholism there is systematic co- ordination
and integration,co-operation ,a process of development in it, private and public
entities are partner and work together .Humanism over all relations of people with
other and it emphasis on family group and personal duty, flexible, focus on friendly
places etc.
Historical social model
In the European management study some features of European managers are
discussed for example they are very brilliant and know to tackle different nations
.They respect outsiders and use them accordingly, they also respect people and
give significance important to them ,provide them better facilities in health
,education etc. European managers are more socially responsible than others, they
spend on society .They always follow rules and regulations and always follow
internal negotiation. After this there is south East Asian management practices
.Some important points are discussed and mostly belong to China. Like Taoism
emphasis on inter relationship and connection of everything .Two Chinese terms
are used yin and yang .It focus on harmony of every aspect and emphasis on change
.Confucianism is religious system and tell about ethics. Provide benefits to others
and to get social harmony are two main points of Confucianism. Then mandarin
comes which mean to command. They considered as a hard worker, leaders.
Guanxi relate with Maintaining, Developing personal relationships during favors,
whereas friendship considered as secondary. Then the person’s dignity self-respect
comes out which is said to be a Face of person and important like organs of a body
.Five cardinal relations are discussed in detail these are ;sincerity between son &
father ,righteousness between subject & ruler, sincerity between friends,
difference between younger and older brother and husband and wife separation.
Two types of this relation model predetermined relationships and voluntary
In the last of this article some points from Sun Tzu’s book are given and these are
given to defeat the opposition in war because Chinese think market place as a
battle field. These strategies are; with the effective planning and effective
management you can achieve every-thing what you want and avoid certain
conflicts. Moral support and trust among all the parties is important and upper
management should take into confidence the lower level employees. Sun Tzu
further tell abilities of generals like wisdom, sincerity etc. Supreme leader or boss
termed as Taipans .Taipans have great respect due to work and achievements. They
are autocratic leaders, always prefer entrepreneurship and take risks in business
and appreciate innovation , they use their connections, references in field .get all
necessary details what they want and see all pros and cons of particular task.

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