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Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field User Manual

Design To Field
Guide to importing data into Leica SmartWorx Viva

Leica Geo Office - Version 8

Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 2

Table of Contents

1.  Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................5 

1.1  Overview..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 
1.2  Available data importers ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 
2  Installing Design to Field importers ...........................................................................................................................9 
2.1  Prerequisites.............................................................................................................................................................................. 10 
2.2  Installing the converter package ............................................................................................................................................... 10 
2.3  Managing the importers ............................................................................................................................................................ 12 
2.3.1  Registering an importer in LGO ........................................................................................................................................... 12 
3  Converting Points, Lines and Areas.........................................................................................................................13 
3.1  Overview................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 
3.2  How to create a points, lines and areas job ............................................................................................................................... 14 
3.3  Graphical Data Viewer ............................................................................................................................................................. 15 
3.3.1  Viewer Layout ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15 
3.3.2  Zoom/Pan Tools.................................................................................................................................................................... 16 
3.3.3  Layer Tool............................................................................................................................................................................. 16 
3.3.4  Graphical Settings................................................................................................................................................................. 17 
3.3.5  Saving the data...................................................................................................................................................................... 18 
3.4  Creating the onboard files......................................................................................................................................................... 19 
3.5  Importing LandXML data......................................................................................................................................................... 20 
3.6  Importing DXF data.................................................................................................................................................................. 20 
4  Converting Digital Terrain Model data .....................................................................................................................22 
4.1  Overview................................................................................................................................................................................... 23 
4.2  How to create a DTM job ......................................................................................................................................................... 23 
4.3  Importing LandXML data......................................................................................................................................................... 24 
4.4  Importing DXF data.................................................................................................................................................................. 24 
4.5  Importing GSI data ................................................................................................................................................................... 24 
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 3

5  Converting Road Data ...............................................................................................................................................25 

5.1  Overview................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 
5.2  How to create a Road job.......................................................................................................................................................... 27 
5.3  Connection Editor ..................................................................................................................................................................... 29 
5.3.1  Layout ................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 
5.3.2  Layer Tool............................................................................................................................................................................. 31 
5.3.3  Navigation Tools................................................................................................................................................................... 31 
5.3.4  Connection Tools .................................................................................................................................................................. 32 
5.4  Creating the onboard database files .......................................................................................................................................... 34 
6  Converting Rail Data..................................................................................................................................................36 
6.1  Overview................................................................................................................................................................................... 37 
6.2  How to create a rail job ............................................................................................................................................................. 37 
6.3  Rail Editor................................................................................................................................................................................. 38 
6.3.1  Single Track rail design ........................................................................................................................................................ 38 
6.3.2  Double Track rail design....................................................................................................................................................... 40 
6.4  Creating the onboard database files .......................................................................................................................................... 43 
7  Converting Tunnel Data.............................................................................................................................................44 
7.1  Overview................................................................................................................................................................................... 45 
7.2  How to create a tunnel job ........................................................................................................................................................ 45 
7.3  Tunnel Profile Editor ................................................................................................................................................................ 46 
7.3.1  Creating a profile .................................................................................................................................................................. 47 
7.3.2  Creating layers ...................................................................................................................................................................... 49 
7.3.3  Creating a profile rotation table: ........................................................................................................................................... 50 
7.3.4  Saving Tunnel Profile Editor data......................................................................................................................................... 50 
7.4  Creating the onboard database files .......................................................................................................................................... 51 
8  Appendix.....................................................................................................................................................................53 
8.1  Considerations on Points, Lines and Areas data....................................................................................................................... 54 
8.1.1  Supported LandXML entities ............................................................................................................................................... 54 
8.1.2  Supported DXF entities......................................................................................................................................................... 55 
8.2  Considerations on Digital Terrain Model data.......................................................................................................................... 59 
8.2.1  Supported LandXML data .................................................................................................................................................... 59 
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 4

8.2.2  Supported DXF data ............................................................................................................................................................. 60 

8.2.3  Supported GSI data ............................................................................................................................................................... 61 
8.3  Considerations on Road/Rail/Tunnel data ................................................................................................................................ 62 
8.3.1  Supported LandXML data .................................................................................................................................................... 62 
8.3.2  Supported GSI data ............................................................................................................................................................... 69 
8.3.3  Supported DXF data ............................................................................................................................................................. 75 
8.3.4  Supported MXGenio data ..................................................................................................................................................... 76 
8.3.5  Supported Avance data ......................................................................................................................................................... 78 
8.3.6  Supported REB data.............................................................................................................................................................. 81 
8.3.7  Supported Cartomap data...................................................................................................................................................... 83 
8.3.8  Supported Clip data............................................................................................................................................................... 85 
8.3.9  Supported InRoads data ........................................................................................................................................................ 87 
8.3.10  Supported Ispol data ......................................................................................................................................................... 89 
8.3.11  Supported Modelo Digital data......................................................................................................................................... 92 
8.3.12  Supported Multipiste data ................................................................................................................................................. 93 
8.3.13  Supported SDR data.......................................................................................................................................................... 94 
8.3.14  Supported SierraSoft data ................................................................................................................................................. 95 
8.3.15  Supported TCP data .......................................................................................................................................................... 97 
8.3.16  Supported Trazado data .................................................................................................................................................... 98 
8.3.17  Supported Vips data.......................................................................................................................................................... 99 
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1. Introduction
In this chapter

1.1 Overview
1.2 Available data converters
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1.1 Overview

Design to Field is the name of a software component contained within the Leica Geo Office (LGO) application that allows data to be imported for
SmartWorx field software used on Leica Viva & 1200 GNSS and TPS sensors.

Design to Field allows many different data types to be imported for use on board a Leica Viva sensor, so that control points, background maps,
digital terrain models and road, rail and tunnel design data can be used within the SmartWorx Viva suite of applications.

Data may be imported from industry standard data formats such as LandXML, DXF and GSI, as well as from different proprietary formats using
importers available in MyWorld@Leica Geosystems website, and thus converted into a field-readable format.

Data importers are available for the following SmartWorx Viva job types:

 Points, Lines and Areas (PLA) job:

The entities imported into this type of job may be displayed as a background map or may be staked out onboard SmartWorx Viva.

 DTM job:
DTM jobs store a digital terrain model on board a SmartWorx instrument. Each digital terrain model may be made up of one or
more surfaces or layers.

 Road job:
Road jobs store a collection of two or three dimensional lines or stringlines that define a road project for use with the SmartWorx
Viva Roads application. In many cases road projects are defined, in addition to their horizontal and vertical alignments, by cross-
sections instead of stringlines. In this case, Design to Field converts the cross-sections to stringlines based on the parameters set
by the user before storing the data onboard the sensor.

 Rail job:
Rail jobs are used in conjunction with the SmartWorx Viva Rail application. Design to Field allows the horizontal and vertical
alignments of each track to be defined as well as the superelevation or cant for each track.

 Tunnel job:
Tunnel jobs are used in conjunction with the SmartWorx Viva Tunnel application. Design to Field allows the horizontal and vertical
alignments of the tunnel to be defined as well as the design profiles of the tunnel.
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1.2 Available data importers

The data importers may be installed using the LGO installation DVD or downloaded from MyWorld@Leica Geosystems web page at the following
URL (for registered users):

At the time of writing the following converters are available:

Job Type Format converter available for the following formats:

Points, Lines & LandXML, DXF


LandXML, DXF (3D Face entities), GSI


LandXML (stringlines & cross-sections), Bentley LandXML (surfaces), Avance, Cartomap, Clip, Danish Format, DXF, GSI,
Road InRoads/InRail, Ispol, Modelo Digital, Multipiste, MxGenio, ODOS, Piste, REB, SDR Varin/Map, SierraSoft, TCP, Trazado,

LandXML, Bentley LandXML, LandXML-Rail, Avance, Cartomap, Clip, DXF, InRoads/InRail, Ispol, Modelo Digital, Multipiste,
MxGenio, ODOS, Piste, REB, SDR Varin/Map, SierraSoft, TCP, Trazado, VIPS

LandXML, Bentley LandXML, Avance, Cartomap, Clip, Danish Format, InRoads/InRail, Ispol, Modelo Digital, MxGenio,
ODOS, Piste, REB, SDR Varin/Map, SierraSoft, TCP, Trazado, VIPS
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 8

The data converters are packaged into one installation package that may be downloaded from MyWorld@Leica Geosystems website or directly
from the LGO installation DVD.

Select the Design_To_Field_Importers.exe

Save the file and install the application.

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2 Installing Design to Field importers

In this chapter

2.1 Prerequisites
2.2 Installing the converter package
2.3 Managing the converters
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 10

2.1 Prerequisites

Before installing Design to Field Importers it is required that Leica Geo Office software is already installed on the PC.

In order to guarantee compatibility of the converters and the Leica Geo office application, it is strongly recommended that the latest version of
LGO is installed.

 OS Windows 32-bit: Leica Geo Office 7.0 is recommended as a minimum

 OS Windows 64-bit: Leica Geo Office 8.0 is recommended as a minimum.

For more information on purchasing the LGO application or updates, contact your local Leica Geosystems representative.

2.2 Installing the converter package

The installation file Design To Field Importers.exe may be executed directly from the Windows® Explorer or from the Start menu.

a) Press the Start button on the taskbar and select the option Run.

b) In the dialogue box, select the button Browse and browse to the folder
where the file Design_To_Field _Importers.exe has been saved.

c) Once the file has been selected, press the OK button and the installation
procedure will commence.

d) Design To Field Importers are available in five languages: English,

French, German, Spanish and Italian. Select the language for the
installation procedure and press the Next button.
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e) Select the default folder for installing the converters or browse to a

new folder using the Change button.

f) A tree containing the available converters will appear. The

converters are divided into five groups: Points, Lines and
Area Importers, Road Importers, Rail Importers, Tunnel
importers and DTM Importers.

g) By default all of the data formats will be selected.

h) If all of the data converters are not required, deselect those

that will not be used before pressing the Next button.

i) The selected importers will be installed and registered

automatically within the LGO application. The next time the
LGO application is run, the installed converters will be
available for use.
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2.3 Managing the importers

Individual importers may be updated at any time according to changes in the definition of each format or due to the addition of new functionality. It
is recommended to update the whole Design to Field Importers package every time a new version is released. Below describes how to manage
and update individual converters if required, such as in older versions.

2.3.1 Registering an importer in LGO

If an individual importer has been saved, it needs to be registered within the LGO application. To register the importer within LGO:

a) Run LGO and select the Tools/Design to Field option.

b) Press the Manage button. A list of the importers that have already been
registered will be shown.

c) Select the existing version of the importer that will be updated and press
the > button. The importer will be moved to the Not Used list.

d) Press the Register button and select the new converter file. Press OK,
the registration of the converter is now completed. Use the < button to
then move it into the Used list.

Note: Converter files use the following naming conventions:

File extension: *. rri

Prefix: PLA files have the prefix PLA, e.g. PLA_DXF-Importer.rri

DTM files have the prefix DTM, e.g. DTM_DXF-Importer.rri
Road/Rail importers have the prefix RR, e.g. RR_Road_Clip.rri
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3 Converting Points, Lines and Areas

In this chapter

3.1 Overview
3.2 How to create a points, lines and area job
3.3 Graphical Data Viewer
3.4 Creating the onboard files
3.5 Importing LandXML data
3.6 Importing data in DXF format
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 14

3.1 Overview

Points, Lines and Areas importers allow these graphical entities to be imported into SmartWorx. The imported data may be directly staked-out or
used as a background map. However, for this last case in SmartWorx Viva it is preferable to attach the CAD file to the job (see Leica Viva
Technical Reference manual).

The information imported from each data format is format dependent as not all formats store the same data.

3.2 How to create a points, lines and areas job

The generic process of creating a PLA job is described in this section. The following screens may vary depending on the information available in
the imported data format. Any additional screens are explained in the section relating to each particular format.

a) To create a PLA job using the Design to Field component select the Tools/Design to Field option of the
Leica Geo Office PC application.

b) Select the import type Points, Lines & Areas

c) Select the design format of the data file from the Importer list box.
Additional format converters may be added using the Manage button.

d) To read the file containing the data to import, press the Import button
and browse to the file.

e) Once the data file to import has been defined, the data will be displayed graphically for review or edition before creating the onboard file.
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3.3 Graphical Data Viewer

The graphical data viewer is used to review and edit the data that has been imported.

3.3.1 Viewer Layout

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3.3.2 Zoom/Pan Tools

The zoom and pan tools may be found in the toolbar.

Zoom in

Zoom out

Zoom all

If a zoom tool is selected, it is possible to pan around the data using the scroll bars of the graphical window.

If the zoom tool is not selected, it is possible to pan around the window by clicking the mouse at a selected point and dragging the mouse in the
desired direction.

If a mouse with a scroll-wheel is being used, the scroll-wheel may also be used to zoom in and zoom out of the window.

3.3.3 Layer Tool

The Layer tool may be used to turn-on or turn-off layers in the plot window, to include or exclude layers from the export to the SmartWorx
Viva database and also to view a single layer of the data.

When the layer button is pressed, a menu is opened where all of the layers of imported data may
be viewed.
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Turn-on / turn-off the layer in the plot view. This button is only used for visualization purposes, it does not affect data export.

Export / do not export the data in the selected layer to the SmartWorx Viva job.

View only the selected layer. All layers in the job will be turned-off except for the selected layer (Only visualization).

3.3.4 Graphical Settings

This button allows the graphical settings parameters to be configured. General Settings

Scale: View the scale bar

Units: Units by default Points

Name: View the point ID

Code: View the point Code
Height: View the height of the point
Description: View the point description
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 18 Alignments

Name: View the name of the alignment elements

Start Element: View the Start Chainage
Chainage text: View the chainage of the alignment tangent points Areas

Name: Name of the area

3.3.5 Saving the data

If modifications are made to the data (e.g. deselecting layers), then changes may be saved using Save button.

Browse to the required folder and enter a filename where the data will be saved. The modified data will be saved to a file in
LandXML format. The file may be loaded at a later date should it be necessary to create a new onboard database.

Note that the original data files will not be modified by saving the data.
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3.4 Creating the onboard files

Once any modifications have been made to the data, the files to be used onboard the measurement sensor may be created by
pressing the Export button.

A new dialog will be shown where it is necessary to give a name to the job that will be used onboard the sensor and to select the folder where the
onboard files will be stored.

 Format: SmartWorx/SmartWorx Viva*

 Location: Name of the folder where the job will be stored.
Browse to the folder where the job will be stored.
 Name: Enter a name for the job to store.

 Note: If data are meant to be used in SmartWorx Viva, the generated folder containing several files can be stored as a sub-folder in
DBX folder on any supported device. If data are meant to be used in 1200 series, then generated files should be directly stored into
DBX folder on the CF card.
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3.5 Importing LandXML data

LandXML is a format that was designed to model and transfer Land Planning, Civil Engineering and Survey data between software applications. It
is now used as a standard data transfer format between most of the major software suppliers in the geomatics field. More information about
LandXML format may be found at the LandXML website:

3.6 Importing DXF data

DXF is probably the most widespread format used for interchanging geomatics data until the present time. This format is based on coordinate
geometry elements and not on survey related entities. The main limitation when importing DXF data for surveying purposes is the lack of a point
ID for each point element. Although many solutions have been implemented in various survey software’, no generic solution is available to solve
this problem. For this reason, points and lines are automatically assigned a point ID when imported from a DXF file based on the position of the
entity in the DXF file.

After selecting the DXF file to import, the user may select how the DXF
information should be imported:

Select Layers to import

This selection box allows the user to select which elements should be
imported from which layers of the DXF file.

DXF File Linear Units

Most DXF files are simply Cartesian units, so the corresponding linear
units must be chosen from the listbox.

Point/Line ID prefix
Points, lines and areas are sequentially numbered in the generated
SmartWorx Viva database, starting with the number 1 and incrementing
each point by 1. In addition, a prefix may be added to each point/line
number if required in this field.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 21

Import Points on lines and polylines as separate entities

Each line or polyline in a DXF file is made up of a series of points. It may interest the user to create these points in the SmartWorx Viva database
(e.g. to stake out the points) or not (e.g. if the DXF data is to be used simply as a background map).
If the checkbox Import Points on lines and polylines as separate entities is selected, points will be created at the vertices of all lines in the
DXF file. If the checkbox is not selected, no points will be selected.

The difference may be seen in the following screens:

Import Points on lines and polylines as separate entities selected Import Points on lines and polylines as separate entities not selected
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4 Converting Digital Terrain Model data

In this chapter

4.1 Overview
4.2 How to create a DTM job
4.3 Importing LandXML data
4.4 Importing data in DXF format
4.5 Importing data in GSI format
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 23

4.1 Overview
Digital terrain models may be imported into SmartWorx Viva to be used in the following applications:

Viva Roads
Viva Rail
Stakeout DTM
Stakeout DTM & Points

4.2 How to create a DTM job

The generic process of creating a DTM job is described in this section. The following screens may vary depending on the information available in
the imported data format.

To create a DTM job using the Design to Field component select the Tools/Design to Field option of the Leica Geo Office PC application.

a) Select the import type DTM Data

b) Select the design format from the Importer drop-down list, additional format converters can
be added using the Manage button.

c) To read the file containing the data to import, press the Import button and browse the file.

d) Once the data file to import has been defined, the data will be displayed graphically for review or edition before creating the onboard file.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 24

4.3 Importing LandXML data

The Design to Field DTM LandXML importer imports the digital terrain models in triangular format contained in the <Surfaces> section of a
LandXML file.

A single DTM job is created for each LandXML file but a separate surface is created in the Leica Viva job for each <Surface> in the <Surfaces>

4.4 Importing DXF data

Triangular digital terrain models may be imported to SmartWorx Viva from DXF files. The triangles in the DXF file should be defined by the
3DFACE DXF entity.

After defining the DXF file containing the digital terrain model the importer scans the
DXF file and presents a list of all of the layers that contain 3DFACE entities.

For each selected DXF layer, a separate surface is created in the SmartWorx Viva
DTM job.

It is also necessary to define the linear units of the DXF file so that the information is
stored correctly on the Leica Viva sensor.

4.5 Importing GSI data

Digital terrain models in GSI format may be used on previous generations of Leica Geosystems sensors. The same GSI files can be imported for
use on Leica Viva sensors using the GSI DTM importer.

DTM models in GSI format may only contain one DTM surface.

It is not possible to import a standard GSI points file as a DTM, the data must be arranged in triangles and conform to the GSI DTM format
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5 Converting Road Data

In this chapter

5.1 Overview
5.2 How to create a road job
5.3 Connection Editor
5.4 Connection Tools
5.5 Creating the onboard database
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 26

5.1 Overview

Design to Field is able to import road projects from a wide range of different formats and convert them into SmartWorx Viva format to be used in
Viva Roads application.

Road projects are generally defined by a Horizontal and a Vertical alignment. The rest of the project may be defined by Cross-sections at given
intervals along the horizontal alignment or by a series of longitudinal lines known as Lines or Stringlines.

Each Line is a 3D line defining an edge of the road model. A Line model is created from a collection of cross-sections by joining the vertices of
each cross-section to the preceding and following cross-section.

Design to Field can import both Cross-sections and Stringline data. Cross-section data are then converted into Stringlines during the import/export
process since SmartWorx Road data is Stringline based.

Given that a Cross-section may have more or less points than the vertex
previous or next Cross-section, conflicts may arise when generating
Stringlines from Cross-section data. These conflicts need to be solved
before a Stringline model can be produced. Design to Field uses a Stringline
software component called Connection Editor to solve these conflicts.

When Cross-section data are imported from the original data files, Cross-
section vertices are joined together by Connection Editor in order to create
Stringlines using a series of criteria such as the distance from the vertex to
the centreline or the relative position of the vertex along the Cross-section.

In such cases, it is strongly recommended to check the connections

before creating the onboard files, in order to ensure that the conflicts have Possible conflict
been solved adequately or modify any erroneous connection, if required.
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5.2 How to create a Road job

The generic process of creating a Road job from imported cross-sections is described in this section. The following screens may vary depending
on the information available in the imported data format. Any additional screens are explained in the section relating to each particular format. The
process of importing stringline data is similar but does not involve use of the Connection Editor.

a) To create a Road job using the Design to Field component select the Tools/Design to Field option of the Leica
Geo Office PC application.

b) Select the Importer Type Road Data.

c) Select the design format from the Importer drop-down list,

additional format converters can be added using the
Manage button.

d) To start the conversion, press the Import button.

e) If cross-sections are to be imported, browse to the files containing the horizontal alignment, vertical alignment and cross-sections and
press the Next button. Note that it is not required to work with a vertical alignment or cross-sections if these data are not available. If
stringlines are to be imported, then browse the main alignment and press Next.

Example of cross-section importation (Ispol) Example of stringline importation (MxGenio)

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f) Enter the checking tolerances and press the Next button. During the importing
process, Design to Field reads the data selected in the previous step and checks
everything is geometrically coherent. If these horizontal and vertical tolerances are
exceeded during this process, an error sign will be displayed so as the user knows
where the error has occurred. In this case data should be verified and the importing
process restarted.

g) Once the data has been read successfully, a summary of the data is shown. The Finish button
should be pressed to close the import wizard. The data will now be displayed in the graphical
viewer for review and modification before creating the onboard files.

h) At this stage the data has been read from the file and the vertices of each cross-section have
been joined to the vertices in the preceding and following cross-section automatically. It is now
required to check the connections and modify them should the algorithm that connects the
vertices uses different criteria from the required ones. This may be done using the Connection

Graphical plan view of a cross-section importation Graphical plan view of a stringline importation
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 29

5.3 Connection Editor

The Connection Editor allows cross-section based Road data to be converted to three-dimensional lines (stringlines) for use on SmartWorx Viva.

When cross-section data is imported from the original data files, the cross-section vertices are joined together in order to create stringlines using a
series of criteria such as the distance of the vertex from the centreline and the relative position of the vertex along the cross-section.
Created stringlines can be displayed and, if required, edited using the Connection Editor, accessible by clicking the icon.

Note: The Connection Editor may only be accessed after importing cross-section based data.

5.3.1 Layout
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 30

The Connection Editor is divided into three panels, from left to right:

A > Plan View

B > Cross-section View
C > Cross-section Data

Three consecutive Cross-sections are displayed simultaneously.

Plan View

The Plan View displays a 1D representation of the road design from above where all of the curves in the alignment have been taken away. This
view is focused on how the vertices of the cross-sections have been joined to create stringlines.

The zoom and pan tools in this view work in the same way as in the Viewer application, except that the vertical axis of the window is not scaled.

Any cross-section vertex may be selected with a mouse click. The corresponding vertex will also be highlighted in the Cross-Section View.

Cross-section View

The Cross-section View graphically displays cross-section data at chainages contained in the original data.

The zoom and pan tools in this view work in the same way as in the Viewer application in all three cross-section views.

Any cross-section vertex may be selected with a mouse click. The corresponding vertex will also be highlighted in the Plan View.

Cross-section Data

Numeric values of the cross-section data may be viewed in this section. Chainage of the cross-section as well as the distance from centreline and
absolute height of the selected vertex are displayed.
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5.3.2 Layer Tool

The Layer Tool works in a similar way to the one in the Viewer.

When the layer button is pressed, a menu is opened where all of the layers of imported data may be

Turn-on / turn-off the layer in the plot view.

This button is only used for visualization purposes, but does not affect the exporting process.

Join / split vertices in the cross-section across the centreline.

View only the selected layer. All layers in the job will be turned-off except for the selected layer.

5.3.3 Navigation Tools

Navigation tools allow each of the cross-sections in the job to be viewed.

Go to the first/last cross-section in the job

Go to the previous/next cross-section in the job

Play/Stop buttons start/stop an animation displaying every cross-section throughout the job.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 32 Selecting a vertex

A vertex may be selected in any of the three panels (Plan View, Cross-Section View, Cross-section data).

To select a vertex graphically in the plan view or the cross-section view, simply click on the vertex, the corresponding vertex will be highlighted in
the adjacent view and the centreline offset and the height of the point will be shown in the cross-section data panel.

To navigate across the section, use the arrow keys in the cross-section data panel.

To move to a given chainage, type the chainage into the chainage field and press the arrow key.

5.3.4 Connection Tools

Connection tools may be used to connect or disconnect points in the cross-section should they have been connected erroneously. To manually connect / disconnect two vertices

To disconnect two vertices in adjacent cross-sections, select the required vertex in the middle cross-section and the corresponding vertex
in the preceding or following cross-section. If both vertices are connected, the disconnect button will be enabled. Click on the
disconnect button to disconnect them.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 33

To connect two vertices in adjacent cross-sections, select the required vertex in the middle cross-section and the corresponding vertex in
the preceding or following cross-section. If both vertices are disconnected, the connect button will be enabled. Click on the connect button
to connect them. To manually continue / discontinue a vertex

In some cases it is required to continue a stringline to the next cross-section instead of joining the vertex to another vertex.

In the following example, the vertices 1, 2 and 4 are connected to the corresponding vertex in the next cross-section whereas the vertex 3 is
continued at the same distance and height offset from
the centreline.

To continue a vertex until the next cross-section, the vertex must be disconnected from all other vertices. Select the vertex in the middle
cross section and press the continue button.

To discontinue a vertex that has been continued until the next cross-section, select the vertex in the middle cross section and press the
discontinue button. To automatically connect/disconnect vertices

To automatically connect or disconnect all vertices in the cross-section press the buttons from the toolbar. Note that the current
connections will be lost.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 34

5.4 Creating the onboard database files

Once all the connections have been verified, the onboard database may be created on
returning to the graphical viewer and using the Export button.

 Name: Enter a name for the job to store.

Browse to the folder where the job will be stored.

 Location: Name of the folder where the job will be stored.

 Allow chainages greater than 214000.0m:

If chainages greater than 214000m are to be used on the job, this

checkbox should be selected.

Chord-Curve Tolerances

a Given that stringlines are lines described by a collection of three-dimensional

points, enough number of points along the stringline must be stored so that the
b stored line is a close representation of the original data. On the other hand, the
Stringline larger the number of points stored onboard the sensor, the larger the size of the
generated Road job. In order to strike a balance between the true representation
of the design model and the size of the onboard database, it is possible to enter
a maximum tolerance value that ensures the stored model will not deviate from
the original model by more than the stipulated value. Separate tolerance values
Outermost may be specified for horizontal and vertical values.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 35

The maximum horizontal tolerance is the value applied to the stringline furthest from the centreline. Using the diagram as a reference, the
horizontal chord-curve difference that will be checked during conversion will be the value a.

It should be noted that the outermost stringline always has the maximum horizontal chord-curve difference (a) and that the innermost stringlines
will always have a chord-curve difference less than this maximum value (i.e. a will always be greater than b).

Once all conflicts have been solved, press the OK button to create the onboard data.

Note: If data are meant to be used in SmartWorx Viva, the generated folder containing several files can be stored as a sub-folder in DBX folder on
any supported device. If data are meant to be used in 1200 series, then generated files should be directly stored into DBX folder on the CF card.If
the path of the folder used for the new job was not the CF card used by the sensor, copy the newly created files to the DBX folder of the CF card
of the sensor.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 36

6 Converting Rail Data

In this chapter

6.1 Overview
6.2 How to create a rail job
6.3 Rail Editor
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 37

6.1 Overview
Design to Field is able to import rail projects from a wide range of different formats and convert them into SmartWorx Viva format to be used in the
Viva Rail application.

Rail projects generally consist of a track design defined by a Horizontal and a Vertical alignment. Additionally, some parameters to define the
height of the rails relative to horizontal and vertical alignment are known as Superelevation or cant, and may be included in the project.

Design to Field allows the import of Superelevation parameters from a standard format as well as its manual definition, which can done by using
Rail Editor tool, embedded in Design to Field.

6.2 How to create a rail job

The generic process of creating a Rail job is described in this section. The following screens may vary depending on the information available in
the imported data format.

a) To create a Rail job using the Design to Field component select the Tools/Design to Field option of the Leica Geo Office PC application.

b) Select the Importer Type Rail Data.

c) Select the design format from the Importer drop-down list, additional format
converters can be added using the Manage button.

d) To start the conversion, press the Import button. This will open Rail Editor.

e) Select the rail design between Single or Double Track. Double track
definition is available for rail data with more than one track and each
having its own geometric definition. Alternatively, a third horizontal
alignment can also be defined and used for calculating the chainage of
both tracks (chainage centreline). Once the rail design is selected, press
Next. This will open Rail Editor tool.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 38

6.3 Rail Editor

Rail Editor allows superelevation parameters be imported or entered manually and assigned to the corresponding chainages in the rail design.

6.3.1 Single Track rail design

Browse to the files containing the horizontal alignment, vertical alignment and
superelevation parameters and press Next key. Note that the superelevation file must have
been saved within Rail Editor previously. Superelevation values can be imported or entered
manually by pressing the key. This will open the Rail Editor tool.

Rail Editor layout as follows:

Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 39

In the upper part of the menu Track Information is required. This comprises the following fields:

 Superelevation type:

 Left and Right: To define the height of the rails using one superelevation value for the left rail and another one for the right
 By curve: To define the rails using a rotation point and a superelevation value.

 Co-Planar: When using double tracks and projecting the vertical alignment to a different track, this defines the height of the rails of the
second track by extending the plane which runs through the rails of the first track.

 Nominal Gauge: The default nominal distance between the active (internal) faces of the left and right rails. This value can be changed
if necessary for any rail definition (superelevation).

 Superelevation Base: The distance over which the superlevation is applied. This distance is normally the distance between the
centres of both rails. This value can be changed if necessary for any rail definition.

 Chainage Type: Defines the source of chainage values, in case an additional alignment is being used.

 Default Rotation Axis: If a rotation point is used (superelevation by curve), this selection will be used as the default for all new rail
definitions. This value can be changed if necessary for any rail definition.

 Default interpolation type: Linear, cubic or reverse curve, defines how different superelevation parameters are interpolated in between
two chainage definitions.

 Superelevation format: Units in which the superelevation values are entered.

In the lower part of the menu Chainage Assignment is done. For this purpose, all four fields must be filled:

 Chainage: Chainage value where these parameters must be applied.

 Superelevation Left & Right: Only if ‘Superelevation left and right’ was previously selected in Track Information
 Superelevation & Rotation Point (select from list): Only if ‘Superelevation by curve’ was previously selected in Track Information.
 Interpolation: Linear, cubic or reverse curve.

Once the parameters have been entered for a chainage value, press . This will update the list of assignments.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 40

Assignments can be modified by clicking on it, modifying the field and pressing , or can be deleted pressing button.

To extract Superelevation data from an external LandXML file, such as that from a
Bentley InRail XML file, go to File, Import LandXML. The imported Superelevation
data will populate the table.

Once all values have been entered for the entire alignment, the superelevation file
can be saved in an XML format using Save from the File menu (from here it can be
later re-opened using Load).

To return to the Design To Field converter, select Exit from the File menu.

Ensure the saved Superelevation file is selected. Press Next.

At this point, the process is the same as for Road jobs. Checking tolerances are asked and, if the whole dataset is geometrically coherent and fits
the tolerances, a summary of the data will be shown. Press Finish button and this will display the graphical viewer of the designed rail.

6.3.2 Double Track rail design

When a rail design consists of a double track then Double Track rail design is selected.

This option allows the definition of two different tracks (left and right) and, additionally, an optional separate chainage centreline.

The first menu defines a chainage centreline. Note that this is non-compulsory.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 41 Defining the chainage centreline

a) Browse the Horizontal and Vertical alignments for this centreline

b) Select whether the Vertical alignment is used to define the vertical values of
the Left and Right tracks or not. When enabled, how the chainages
correspond must be defined. Select whether this calculation will be done by
projecting the values to the tracks (square to the tracks), or intersecting to
the tracks (square from this CL). Note that superelevation information is
required for both tracks in order for this projection to work.

c) Select if the vertical definition is given by the centreline (axis), the lowest or
the highest rail. Defining the Left and Right tracks

In the lower part of the menu a scheme shows the current step:
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 42

Press the > (right) arrow and this will go to the next step regarding Left track definition.

The process to define the Left track is as below:

a) Browse to the Horizontal and Vertical alignments for the left track.

b) If no Vertical alignment is available, it can be selected to be calculated from the

Right track.

c) When calculating from the other track, how the chainages correspond must be
defined. Select whether this calculation will be done by projecting the values
from the right track (square to left track) or by intersecting from the right track
(square from the right track). Note that superelevation information is needed
for both tracks for this projection to work.

Superelevation for this track is defined by one of these two actions:

a) Browse an existing superelevation file (*.xml)

b) Click to define the superelevation, as described for Single track.

Once the Left track has been defined, press the > (right) arrow to define the Right track. The definition for the Right track is similar to that for the
Left track.

When all tracks are defined, press Next.

At this point, the process is the same as for Road jobs. Checking tolerances are asked and, if the whole dataset is geometrically coherent and fits
the tolerances, a summary of the data will be shown. Press Finish and this will display the graphical viewer of the designed rail project.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 43

6.4 Creating the onboard database files

Before creating the onboard SmartWorx Viva files, it is possible to save the whole rail project in LandXML format, so it can later be imported in
case any modification has to be done. To do this, use Save button in the toolbar of Design to Field: Graphical View.

On the same toolbar, the Export button creates the onboard database, following the same process described on 5.5 in order to use this Rail job in
Viva Rail application within SmartWorx Viva.

 Name: Enter a name for the job to store.

Browse to the folder where the job will be stored.

 Location Name of the folder where the job will be stored.

 Allow chainages greater than 214000.0m

If chainages greater than 214000m are to be used on the job, this

checkbox should be selected.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 44

7 Converting Tunnel Data

In this chapter

7.1 Overview
7.2 How to create a tunnel job
7.3 Tunnel Profile Editor
7.4 Creating the onboard database files
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 45

7.1 Overview
Design to Field is able to import tunnel projects from a wide range of different formats and convert them into SmartWorx Viva format to be used in
Viva Tunnel application.

Tunnel projects generally consist of a Horizontal and a Vertical alignment, as well as a Tunnel Profile template including at least a layer, each of
which contains the tunnel profile parameters and its assignment to chainages along the alignment.

Design to Field allows the import of Tunnel Profile templates defined in a standard format as well as its manual definition, which can done by using
Tunnel Profile Editor tool, embedded in Design to Field.

7.2 How to create a tunnel job

The generic process of creating a tunnel job is described in this section. The following screens may vary depending on the information available in
the imported data format.

a) To create a Tunnel job using the Design to Field component select the Tools/Design to Field option of the Leica Geo Office PC

b) Select the Importer Type Tunnel Data.

c) Select the design format from the Importer drop-down list, additional format
converters can be added using the Manage button.

d) To start the conversion, press the Import button.

e) Browse the files containing the horizontal and vertical alignment of the tunnel
centreline. Press Next.

f) Enter the checking tolerances and press Next. During the importing process, Design
to Field reads the data selected in the previous step and checks everything is
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 46

geometrically coherent. If these horizontal and vertical tolerances are exceeded during this process, an error message will be displayed so
as the user knows where the error has occurred. In this case data should be verified and the importing process restarted.

g) A summary of the data and then the Graphical Viewer showing the imported alignment is displayed.

7.3 Tunnel Profile Editor

Tunnel Profile Editor allows attaching tunnel profiles to alignment data (tunnel axis) and storing of the data as a *.tpe file or a LandXML file, as well
as exporting the whole tunnel design to SmartWorx Viva format, in order to be used onboard in Viva Tunnel application.

To launch the Tunnel Profile Editor press icon in the toolbar of the Graphical Viewer:
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 47

In order to create a new tunnel profile template three tabs are available in the Table View:

 Profiles: A profile defines the shape of the tunnel at a certain chainage.

 Layers: A Layer defines the shape of the tunnel by Profile assignments and Rotations for a certain construction phase (e.g. the initial cut
or the final concrete layer).
 Rotations: Rotations define if and how a tunnel profile has to be rotated. This allows a profile to be used in curves where it can be tilted to
the left or to the right.

7.3.1 Creating a profile

a) Enter the Profiles Overview tab to view current profiles. In the lower half of
the screen, right-click and select Add from the context menu to create a new
profile. Name the profile and double-click on it to open the Profile Definition

b) The profile definition is shown. Right-click into the lower half of the screen and select Add from the context menu to create the
segments of the tunnel profile. The profile will be displayed in the Graphical view showing the selected segment highlighted in red.

c) The segments are defined by segment type (Line or Curve) and its Start
and End point coordinates relative to the tunnel axis. The x-axis is the
horizontal axis and the y-axis is the vertical axis. As any segment is defined,
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 48

it will be displayed in the graphical view. Note that curve segments must not exceed 180°, and should be entered in a clockwise

d) As many profiles as needed can be created following the same procedure.

An existing profile can be also imported. Open and Import from the File menu are available to do so. Open is valid for a *.tpe file
previously created with the Tunnel Profile Editor. Import is able to read LandXML files containing tunnel profile information, as well as
simple ASCII files (*.txt), with the following format corresponding the image above:
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 49

7.3.2 Creating layers

a) Enter the Layers Overview tab. In the lower half of the screen,
right-click and select Add from the context menu to add a new

b) The layer name, the profile type (Vertical or Perpendicular to the

tunnel axis) and rotation table can be chosen. Double-click onto
a layer definition to assign profiles to that layer.

c) The layer definition is shown. Right-click on the lower left of

the screen and select Add from the context menu to define the
profile assignments for the new layer. If there is a profile
change between two chainage values, then an interpolation will
be applied between. A scheme of the layer definition is
displayed on the upper part of the menu.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 50

7.3.3 Creating a profile rotation table:

a) Enter the Rotation Tables tab. In the lower left of the screen, right-
click and select Add to enter a new rotation table. Name the
Rotation table via in-line editing and click on it to open the editting in
the bottom right pane.
b) Right-click into the bottom right pane and select Add from the
context menu to define the rotation values and their offsets from the
tunnel axis. The units will be set as indicated in the status bar
(Options menu). The rotation will be displayed in the Graphical view.

Once the Rotation table is defined, it can be assigned to the Layer.

7.3.4 Saving Tunnel Profile Editor data

In the File Menu there are two saving options for the generated dataset.

 Save: This will save a *.tpe file containing the data imported or generated during the working session. *.tpe files are exclusive for
Tunnel Profile Editor.
 Export to XML: This will save a *.xml file containing the data imported or generated during the working session.
 Exit: This will exit Tunnel Profile Editor, but generated data will still remain in the Design to Field project, regardless of whether it has
been already saved or not. The tunnel profile definition is then displayed in the Graphical Viewer.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 51

7.4 Creating the onboard database files

Before creating the onboard SmartWorx Viva files, it is possible to save the whole tunnel project in LandXML format, so it can later be imported in
case any modification has to be done. To do this, use Save button in the toolbar of Design to Field: Graphical View.

On the same toolbar, the Export button creates the onboard database, following the same process described on 5.5 in order to use this Tunnel
job in Viva Tunnel application within SmartWorx Viva.

 Name: Enter a name for the job to store.

Browse to the folder where the job will be stored.

 Location Name of the folder where the job will be stored.

 Allow chainages greater than 214000.0m

If chainages greater than 214000m are to be used on the job, this
checkbox should be selected.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 52
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 53

8 Appendix
In this chapter

8.1 Considerations on Points, Lines and Areas data

8.2 Considerations on DTM data
8.3 Considerations on Road/Rail/Tunnel data
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 54

8.1 Considerations on Points, Lines and Areas data

8.1.1 Supported LandXML entities

The Design to Field PLA LandXML importer imports the following LandXML entities:

 Points

Points contained in the <CgPoints> section of a LandXML file are imported as points to the SmartWorx Viva database. An example of the CgPoints section of a
LandXML file that may be imported follows:

<CgPoint name="PtID1" oID="Pk436" code="" desc="">4600896.000 308783.000 740.000</CgPoint>
<CgPoint name="PtID2" oID="0001" code="" desc="">4600776.019 308740.897 740.501</CgPoint>
<CgPoint name="PtID3" oID="0002" code="" desc="">4600776.019 308740.897 740.501</CgPoint>

 Lines

The following LandXML entities are imported as lines to the SmartWorx Viva database from the <CoordGeom> section of the LandXML file:

<Line>, e.g.

<Line staStart="5704.481000">
<Start>674066.231000 329437.258000</Start>
<End>674311.422000 329511.122000</End>

<IrregularLine> e.g.

<Start>187241.2000 278792.0500</Start>
<End>187246.3500 278783.4500</End>
<PntList2D>187241.2000 278792.0500 187242.2500 278790.3000 187246.3500 278783.4500 </PntList2D>

LandXML <Curve> elements are imported as arcs in the SmartWorx Viva database, e.g.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 55

<Curve staStart="6045.683000" rot="cw" crvType="arc" radius="600.000000">

<Start>674392.309000 329537.591000</Start>
<Center>674178.960144 330098.378184</Center>
<End>674495.830000 329588.875000</End>

8.1.2 Supported DXF entities

The Design to Field DXF points, lines and area importer imports the following DXF elements:

 Points

The following DXF entities are imported as points in the Leica Viva job:


The co-ordinates of a DXF POINT entity are imported to the Leica Viva database as a point. The point ID of each point is assigned automatically based on the
order of the POINT entities in the DXF file. Point ID’s may be assigned a prefix during the conversion if required.

Each point is given a point code with the same name as the DXF layer from which it was imported.

The POINT entity in the DXF file resembles the following excerpt. The layer and attributes for each point may change with respect to the example:

Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 56


DXF BLOCK entities are often used in DXF files to contain symbol information, given that this information is normally superfluous in the field and would interfere
with the selection of points and lines on the sensor screen, only the insertion point of the BLOCK entity is imported into the Leica Viva database. The point ID of
each point is assigned automatically based on the order of the BLOCK entities in the DXF file.

Each Leica Viva point imported from a DXF BLOCK is given a point code with the same name as the BLOCK. The point code is included in a point group with the
same name as the DXF layer of the BLOCK. The point code description of every DXF BLOCK imported into Leica Viva is set to the text DXF Block.

In the following example, the DXF BLOCK would be imported with the point code BENCHM. This point code would be placed in the point code group

 Lines

The following DXF entities are imported as lines in the Leica Viva job:


A DXF LINE entity is imported to the Leica Viva database as a line. The line ID of each line is assigned automatically based on the order of the LINE entities in the
DXF file. Line ID’s may be assigned a prefix during the conversion if required.

Each line is given a line code with the same name as the DXF layer from which it was imported.

The LINE entity in the DXF file resembles the following excerpt. The layer and attributes for each line may change with respect to the example:

Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 57



A DXF ARC entity is imported to the Leica Viva database as a line with an arc flag. Each arc will be drawn as such onboard the Leica Viva sensor. The line ID of
each line is assigned automatically based on the order of the ARC entities in the DXF file. Line ID’s may be assigned a prefix during the conversion if required.

Each line is given a line code with the same name as the DXF layer from which it was imported.

The ARC entity in the DXF file resembles the following excerpt. The layer and attributes for each line may change with respect to the example:



A DXF POLYLINE or LWPOLYLINE entity is imported to the Leica Viva database as a line. The treatment of an LWPOLYLINE is exactly the same as a normal
polyline during import. The importer takes into account any arcs that may be defined within the polyline and draws them as arcs onboard the Leica Viva sensor.
Closed polylines and lwpolylines are also imported.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 58

The line ID of each line is assigned automatically based on the order of the LINE entities in the DXF file. Line ID’s may be assigned a prefix during the conversion
if required.

Each line is given a line code with the same name as the DXF layer from which it was imported.

The POLYLINE entity in the DXF file resembles the following excerpt. The layer and attributes for each line may change with respect to the example. The
LWPOLYLINE is virtually identical to the POLYLINE definition:

Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 59

8.2 Considerations on Digital Terrain Model data

8.2.1 Supported LandXML data

An example surface imported by the LandXML DTM importer is given below:

<Surface name="OTRA"> <!- - Surface name - ->
<Definition surfType="TIN">
<Pnts> <!- - List of coordinates - ->
<P id="1">4478409.3940 447171.3450 654.3630</P>
<P id="2">4478415.7820 447168.4900 654.6290</P>
<P id="3">4478409.4370 447171.2810 654.4690</P>
<P id="4">4478382.4190 447143.7010 655.3650</P>
<P id="5">4478384.6360 447142.9310 655.1490</P>
<P id="6">4478384.5900 447142.8620 655.2830</P>
<P id="7">4478386.4610 447142.0530 655.1500</P>
<P id="8">4478386.5500 447141.9590 655.2570</P>
<P id="9">4478409.4370 447171.2810 654.4690</P>
<P id="10">4478394.1060 447138.5250 655.2670</P>
<P id="11">4478394.0290 447138.5640 655.1360</P>
<Faces> <!- - List of triangles - ->
<F>1 2 3</F>
<F>4 5 6</F>
<F>6 7 8</F>
<F>9 10 11</F>
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 60

8.2.2 Supported DXF data

An excerpt of a DXF file containing 3DFACE entities is shown below:

0 Start of record.
3DFACE Record is a 3D face entity.
TRIANGLE 3D face type.
10 X coordinate, first point.
723573.984000 X value.
20 Y coordinate, first point.
7663192.178000 Y value.
30 Z coordinate, first point.
23.383000 Z value.
11 X coordinate, second point.
723576.998000 X value.
21 Y coordinate, second point.
7663191.120000 Y value.
31 Z coordinate, second point.
23.029000 Z value.
12 X coordinate, third point.
723572.684000 X value.
22 Y coordinate, third point.
7663189.966000 Y value.
32 Z coordinate, third point.
24629.000 Z value.
0 End of record.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 61

8.2.3 Supported GSI data

An example of GSI DTM data is given:

*41....+00000CHARRON2003 42....+00000000DTMNTWRK 43....+00000000DTMCOORD 44....+0000000000000000 45....+0000000000000000

*11....+0000000000003076 71....+TRI0000000000001 81..10+0000000305426640 82..10+0000005049311074 83..10+0000000000005663
*11....+0000000000003077 71....+TRI0000000000001 81..10+0000000305425426 82..10+0000005049311546 83..10+0000000000005696
*11....+0000000000004299 71....+TRI0000000000001 81..10+0000000305428849 82..10+0000005049312771 83..10+0000000000006347
*11....+0000000000003077 71....+TRI0000000000002 81..10+0000000305425426 82..10+0000005049311546 83..10+0000000000005696
*11....+0000000000003076 71....+TRI0000000000002 81..10+0000000305426640 82..10+0000005049311074 83..10+0000000000005663
*11....+0000000000003082 71....+TRI0000000000002 81..10+0000000305419640 82..10+0000005049313345 83..10+0000000000005603
*11....+0000000000004299 71....+TRI0000000000003 81..10+0000000305428849 82..10+0000005049312771 83..10+0000000000006347
*11....+0000000000003077 71....+TRI0000000000003 81..10+0000000305425426 82..10+0000005049311546 83..10+0000000000005696
*11....+0000000000004306 71....+TRI0000000000003 81..10+0000000305424385 82..10+0000005049313713 83..10+0000000000006107

WI41 Job identification, maximum 8 characters, may be defined by user.

WI42 Identification of DTM file, may not be changed by user. This entry must be +DTMNTWRK.
WI43 Identification of principal point type, may not be changed by user. This entry must be +DTMCOORD.
WI44 Optional easting offset. May be defined by user.
WI45 Optional northing offset. May be defined by user.

WI11 Point identification, ignored by the application.

WI71 Triangle number, indicates triangle the coordinates belong to.
WI81 Easting of the triangle vertex.
WI82 Northing of the triangle vertex.
WI83 Elevation of the triangle vertex.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 62

8.3 Considerations on Road/Rail/Tunnel data

8.3.1 Supported LandXML data

The Design to Field LandXML road data importer imports data in both stringline and cross-section format. The definition for the horizontal and
vertical alignments is identical for all types of alignment models.

The horizontal and vertical alignments are contained in the <Alignment> section of the LandXML file which has the following format:

<Alignment name="Centerline" length="619.253000" staStart="100.000000">


The horizontal alignment is contained in the <CoordGeom> section and the vertical alignment is contained in the <Profile> section.

a) Horizontal alignment

It is possible to define the horizontal alignment with the following LandXML entities:

– Line
– Curve
– Spiral

 Line
The Line element defines the make up of a straight component in the stringline. The attribute staStart can be written to the element. This is the
start station (chainage) of the element.

For each Line element the following sub-elements are required:

Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 63

– Start (2D coordinate defining the beginning of the line)

– End (2D coordinate defining the end of the line)


A line element should look like:

<Line staStart="0.000000">
<Start>2000.000000 6000.000000</Start>
<End>2186.841000 6068.005000</End>

 Curve
The Curve element is used to define curves in the horizontal alignment of a stringline.

For each Curve element the following sub-elements are required:

– Start (2D coordinate defining the beginning of the curve)

– Center (2D coordinate defining the center of the curve)
– End (2D coordinate defining the end of the curve)

The following attributes are required for the Curve element:

– rot (rotation; can have the values “cw” or “ccw”)

– radius

The following optional attributes are also supported:

– staStart
– crvType (Should be entered as “arc”)

A curve element should look like:
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 64

<Curve staStart="348.832000" rot="cw" crvType="arc" radius="100.000000">

<Start>2307.751000 6150.344000</Start>
<Center>2218.672427 6195.786357</Center>
<End>2304.071000 6247.816000</End>

 Spiral
The element Spiral is used to define any spiral in the horizontal alignment.

For each Spiral element the following sub-elements are required:

– Start (2D coordinate defining the beginning of the spiral)

– PI (2D coordinate defining the “Point of Interest” of the spiral)
– End (2D coordinate defining the end of the spiral)

The PI (Point of Interest) is related only to the spiral element.


The following attributes are required when defining a Spiral element:

– Length (length of the curve)

– RadiusStart
– radiusEnd
– rot
– spiType (“clothoid”, “bloss” and “cubic” are supported)

The following optional attributes are also supported:

Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 65

– staStart
– desc
– constant

“INF” is used to define a tangent (radius = infinity). The “rot” attribute defines whether the arc travels clockwise or counter-clockwise from the Start
to End point. The “constant” attribute can store the spiral constant. If the constant cannot be provided (through calculations or input or due to the
spiType) then the attribute value should be left blank.


This example is for a curve to tangent clothoid spiral:

<Spiral staStart="450.724000" desc="CurveToTangent" length="100.001000" radiusStart="99.999000" radiusEnd="INF" rot="cw" spiType="clothoid" constant="100">

<Start>2304.071000 6247.816000</Start>
<PI>2286.304084 6276.978259</PI>
<End>2227.794000 6310.759000</End>

b) Vertical alignment
The element Prof must contain only one sub-element ProfAlign. Within this sub-element the vertical alignment is defined.


 ProfAlign
The ProfAlign element contains the definition of the vertical alignment of the stringline.

There must be at least on sub-element in the ProfAlign. The ProfAlign element must contain one of the sub-elements:

– PVI (Point of Vertical Interest)

Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 66

– CircCurve (Circular Curve)

– ParaCurve (Parabolic Curve)


This example contains the three supported elements:

<ProfAlign name="VERT">
<PVI>0.000000 0.000000</PVI>
<PVI>25.000000 5.000000</PVI>
<CircCurve length="15.047489" radius="100.000000">32.462310 6.065348</CircCurve>
<PVI>40.000000 6.000000</PVI>
<PVI>60.000000 6.500000</PVI>
<ParaCurve length="150.0000" desc="-2225.000000">110.000000 7.748596</ParaCurve>
<PVI>160.000000 6.750000</PVI>

 PVI (Point of Vertical Interest)

The PVI point represents the start or end point of any straight, circular curve, parabolic curve or any point on the vertical alignment. The PVI
contains a space delimited station (chainage) of the stringline and elevation.


In this example the PVI elements act as the start and end points for a straight running between station (chainage) 0.000 and 25.000.

<ProfAlign name="VERT">
<PVI>0.000000 0.000000</PVI>
<PVI>25.000000 5.000000</PVI>

 CircCurve
The CircCurve element represents part of what is needed to define a circular curve. The start and end coordinates are included in PVIs.
The CircCurve element requires the attributes:
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 67

– length (length of the curve) The length is defined by the chainage difference between the start PVI point and end PVI point.
– Radius

A typical vertical circular curve would be defined by:



 ParaCurve
The ParaCurve represents a point of vertical interest that is used to define a vertical parabolic curve.

The ParaCurve element requires the attributes:

– Length (The length is defined by the chainage difference A to B)

A typical ParaCurv would be defined in a similar way to the CircCurve.


Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 68

c) Cross-sections
Cross-section data may be imported using the LandXML <CrossSects> entity.

An example of a LandXML cross-section follows. A layer is created in the SmatWorx Viva database for each unique <CrossSectSurf> in the
LandXML file. The name of the layer onboard is the same as the <CrossSectSurf > name attribute (Layer 4 in the example).

<CrossSect sta="11270.000000">
<CrossSectSurf name="Layer 4">
<PntList2D>-3.500000 509.024000 0.000000 509.148000 6.949000 509.287000</PntList2D>

d) Stringlines
Each stringlines in the LandXML file is stored as an <Alignment> with the following format:
<Alignment name="RL01" length="12684.981550" staStart="0.000000">
<IrregularLine staStart="0.000000">
<Start>383106.333122 335289.793813</Start>
<End>389361.759948 345490.807029</End>
<ProfAlign name="RL01">

The horizontal part of the alignment consists of a two dimensional list of points and the vertical part of the stringline is stored as <Profile>.
Onboard the Leica Viva sensor, the stringline is given the same name as the corresponding <Alignment> in the LandXML file.

Note: A LandXML “add-on” software component is available for selected 3rd party road design software. This component reads a LandXML file
and converts the data to the Leica Viva onboard format. A more comprehensive description of the LandXML format used by Design to Field is
included with the add-on. Contact your local Leica Geosystems representative for more information.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 69

8.3.2 Supported GSI data

Road data in GSI format may be used on previous generations of Leica Geosystems sensors. The same GSI files can be imported for use on
Leica Viva sensors using the GSI road importer.

Road models in GSI format may only contain one layer per cross-section.

a) Horizontal Alignment
The following geometric elements are supported:

Tangent point: Station, Beginning (X,Y) "STRAIGHT"

Circular curve: Station, Beginning of arc (X,Y), Radius, "000CURVE"
Spiral in: Station, Beginning of curve (X,Y), A-Parameter (A= LxR) "00SPIRIN"
Spiral out: Station, Beginning of curve (X,Y), A-Parameter (A= LxR) "0SPIROUT"
Curve in: Station, Beginning of curve (X,Y), Radius 1, Radius 2 "0CURVEIN"
Curve out: Station, Beginning of curve (X,Y), Radius 1, Radius 2 "CURVEOUT"
End of Project: Station, Coordinates (X,Y) "00000EOP"

 Header of the Horizontal Alignment File:

41....+000JOBID 42....+HZALIGNM 43......+STACOORD

WI 41 Job-Identification. Max. 8 ASCII-characters, may be defined by user.

WI 42 Identification of Horizontal Alignment file. May not be changed by user.
WI 43 Identification of principal point type file. May not be changed by user.

 Data block

11....+KILOMETR 71....+0NEXTGEO 72....+0NEXTRAD 73....+0TEMPLNR 81..10+00000000 82..10+00000000

WI 11 Station (chainage) of the point.

WI 71 Type of the following geometric element.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 70

WI 72 Radius of the next horizontal geometric element, Radius 1 for a compound curve, or the A-Parameter for spirals.
WI 73 Number of a cross-section (Template) assigned to the next geometric element.
WI 74 Radius 2 for compound curves.
WI 81 E-Coordinate of the point.
WI 82 N-Coordinate of the point.

h) The header consists of a single block at the start of a data file.
i) Tangents and the EOP contain “00000NON” in WI72
j) Data units and decimal places in WI’s 11, 72 and 74 are defined by WI81 and WI82.
k) If the radius point for a curve (circular or spiral) is to the left of the alignment (looking in the direction of increasing stations) the radius is
l) If the radius point for a curve (circular or spiral) is to the right of the alignment (looking in the direction of increasing stations) the radius is
m) A cross section (Template) may be assigned to more than one location.
n) An alignment file must contain at least two elements. The last element must be "EOP".
o) There is no limitation on the size of the Hz-alignment file. If a file is created/edited using the program "ROAD+FILE EDITOR" on the
TPS1100, there is a limitation of 200 data blocks.

*41....+000000000000A6-B 42....+00000000HZALIGNM 43....+00000000STACOORD
*11....+0000000094562793 71....+00000000000CURVE 72....-0000000010200000 73....+0000000000000NON 81..10+0000000521157487 82..10+0000000494803311
*11....+0000000095222400 71....+00000000STRAIGHT 72....+0000000000000NON 73....+0000000000000NON 81..10+0000000521767106 82..10+0000000495054894
*11....+0000000095629192 71....+0000000000SPIRIN 72....+0000000000350000 73....+0000000000000NON 81..10+0000000522137922 82..10+0000000495222153
*11....+0000000095751692 71....+00000000000CURVE 72....+0000000001000000 73....+0000000000000NON 81..10+0000000522250574 82..10+0000000495270222

b) Vertical Alignment

The following geometric elements are supported:

Tangent point: Station, H "STRAIGHT"

Circular curve: Station, Radius, H "000CURVE"
Parabola: Station, Parabola parameter, H "0PARABOL"
End of Project: Station, H "00000EOP"
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 71

 Header of the Horizontal Alignment File:

41....+000JOBID 42....+0VALIGNM 43......+STACOORD

WI 41 Job-Identification. Max. 8 ASCII-characters, may be defined by user.

WI 42 Identification of Vertical Alignment file. May not be changed by user.
WI 43 Identification of principal point type file. May not be changed by user.

 Data block

11...+KILOMETR 71...+0NEXTGEO 72...+0NEXTRAD 83..10+00000000

WI 11 Station (chainage) of a vertical alignment point
WI 71 Type of the following geometric element
WI 72 Radius of the following geometric element or parabola parameter
WI 83 Elevation of the point block.

p) Tangents and the EOP contain “00000NON” in WI72
q) Data units and decimal places in WI’s 11 and 72 are defined by WI83.
r) Tangent and arc lengths are calculated from the stationing.
s) The stationing is projected onto a horizontal plane.
t) If the curve radius point lies above the centerline, the radius is positive.
u) If the curve radius lies beneath the centerline, the radius is negative.
v) An alignment file must contain at least two elements.


41....+0example 42....+0VALIGNM 43....+STACOORD

11....+00000000 71....+STRAIGHT 72....+00000NON 83..10+00400000
11....+00300000 71....+0PARABOL 72....-01142932 83..10+00422500
11....+00500000 71....+STRAIGHT 72....+00000NON 83..10+00420000
11....+00550000 71....+0PARABOL 72....+02091126 83..10+00415000
11....+00850000 71....+STRAIGHT 72....+00000NON 83..10+00406522
11....+01127904 71....+00000EOP 72....+00000NON 83..10+00418605
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 72

c) Cross-sections

The following geometric elements are supported:

Height difference: Height difference from the vertical alignment

Horizontal distance: Distance from the horizontal alignment.
Cross section type: Differentiate between CUT and FILL cross sections
Slope: Slope ratio

 Header of the cross-section file:

41....+00JOB_ID 42....+TEMPLATE

WI 41 Job identification. Max. 8 ASCII characters, user definable.

WI 42 Template file identification. May not be changed by user.

 Data block

11....+0PROF_NR 35..10+DISTANCE 36..10+000HDIFF 71....+0000FILL 72....+00002000

WI 11 The cross section number.

WI 35 Horizontal distance from the centerline.
WI 36 Height difference from the centerline.
WI 71 Cross section type.
WI 72 Slope ratio.


w) All data blocks having the same cross section number (WI11) belong together.
x) All data blocks belonging to a cross section must be consecutive in the file to minimize file access.
y) The data blocks for a cross section must be sorted from left to right across the section.
z) Data units defined by WI 35+36.
aa) Cross-sections do not have to be sorted by number.
bb) A negative distance (WI35) indicates a point to the left of the centerline.
cc) A positive distance (WI35) indicates a point to the right of the centerline.
dd) The entries for cross section type and slope are optional.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 73

ee) The non-zero slope entry must be attached only to the last point on each side of the cross section.
ff) A negative height difference (WI36) indicates a point below the centerline.
gg) A positive height difference indicates a point above the centerline.
hh) A cross-section may contain up to 48 points.
ii) A template file must contain at least one cross-section.


41....+0EXAMPLE 42....+TEMPLATE
11....+QP000123 35..10-00013000 36..10-00003000
11....+QP000123 35..10-00010000 36..10-00005000
11....+QP000123 35..10-00004000 36..10-00000100
11....+QP000123 35..10+00004000 36..10+00000100
11....+QP000123 35..10+00010000 36..10-00006000
11....+QP000123 35..10+00013000 36..10-00003500
11....+QP000124 35..10-00012000 36..10-00002000
11....+QP000124 35..10-00011000 36..10-00004000
11....+QP000124 35..10-00004000 36..10+00000100
11....+QP000124 35..10+00004000 36..10-00000100
11....+QP000124 35..10+00011000 36..10-00005000
11....+QP000124 35..10+00012000 36..10-00002500
11....+QP000125 35..10-00012000 36..10-00002000
11....+QP000125 35..10-00011000 36..10-00002500
11....+QP000125 35..10-00004000 36..10-00000070
11....+QP000125 35..10+00004000 36..10-00000070
11....+QP000125 35..10+00011000 36..10-00002500
11....+QP000125 35..10+00012000 36..10-00002000
11....+TEMPLATE 35..41-00002000 36..11+00000000 71....+0000FILL 72....+00002000
11....+TEMPLATE 35..41-00000500 36..11+00000000 71....+0000FILL 72....+00000000
11....+TEMPLATE 35..41+00000000 36..11+00000000 71....+0000FILL 72....+00000000

d) Cross-section assignment

The following geometric elements are supported:

Cross Section number: The number or identifier of the cross section

Chainage: The chainage from which the cross section is applied must have a corresponding cross-section file.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 74

 Header of the cross-section assignment file:

410001+000ASKER 42..10+ASSIGNMT 43....+CRSASKER

WI41 Job identification. Max. 8 ASCII characters, user definable.

WI42 Cross section assignment file identification. May not be changed by user. Data units are defined by characters 6+7 of WI42.
WI43 Name of the corresponding cross section file.

 Data block:

110002+0000NORM 71....+00382000

WI 11 The cross section number or identifier

WI 71 Start chainage for that cross section

jj) A cross section assignment file must have a corresponding cross section file.
kk) A cross section remains valid until a new cross section is assigned.
ll) A given cross section may be assigned more than once.
mm) The units for station (chainage) are defined in WI 42 in the file header.


410001+000asker 42..10+ASSIGNMT 43....+CRSASKER

110002+0000NORM 71....+00382000
110003+0000NORM 71....+00552000
110004+00000568 71....+00568000
110005+000568.1 71....+00568100
110006+000585.1 71....+00585100
110007+000585.2 71....+00585200
110008+0000NORM 71....+00611000
110009+0000NORM 71....+00775000
110010+00000811 71....+00811000
110011+000826.9 71....+00826900
110012+00000827 71....+00827000
110013+00000827 71....+00844000
110014+000826.9 71....+00844100
110015+00000860 71....+00860000
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 75

8.3.3 Supported DXF data

Although the DXF format does not directly support road alignments, many infrastructure projects (e.g. housing estates) may be designed in CAD
programs that export DXF files with the aim of staking out the linear entities (e.g. walls, kerbs etc.) that the project contains. For this reason, it is
possible to read a DXF file and stakeout the linear entities of the DXF file using the Roads Line method.

The Design to Field DXF road data importer converts the following DXF entities into stringlines:


For a more detailed description of these entities, see 3.4.

After defining the DXF file to import, a list of the layers in the DXF file
that contain polylines is displayed.

Select the layers to import

Select the layers to export to the SmartWorx Viva job. A layer will be
created with the same name as the DXF layer and will contain all of
the polylines that correspond to that layer.

DXF File Linear Units

The majority of DXF files do not contain information regarding the
linear units of the file. Given that this information is required in the
SmartWorx Viva database it is necessary to select the units in which
the DXF file was written.

Line ID prefix
Lines imported from the DXF do not have identifiers. The points, lines
and area importer numbers the lines sequentially in the SmartWorx
Viva database starting with the number 1 and incrementing each line
by 1. In addition, a prefix may be added to each line number if
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 76

8.3.4 Supported MXGenio data

The MX Genio format is a stringline based format thus no conversion from cross-sections to stringlines is necessary.

All data, horizontal alignment, vertical alignment and all stringlines are contained within the same data file.

After selecting the MX Genio data file, it is necessary to select the

horizontal alignment from the stringlines in the file.

The horizontal and vertical alignment is generally not flagged in an MX
Genio file. It is necessary therefore to select one of the stringlines in
the file as the centreline.

Choose from
Any stringline may selected as the centreline but in order to simplify
the choice when a file contains many strings, it is possible to filter the
stringlines by displaying the M strings, the G strings and the co-
ordinate strings or any combination of these strings using the
corresponding check boxes.

When the centreline has been selected, press the Next button.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 77

Any combination of stringlines may be exported from the MX Genio

file. The Sort and select stringlines dialog allows the strings to be
exported to the SmartWorx Viva database to be selected.

There are some differences in the way the Viva Roads and MX handle stringlines. Users should be aware of these differences when making a
conversion from an MX/Moss file in GENIO format:

- Only one instance of a stringline can be used in Viva Roads. The stringline may have gaps and appear and disappear throughout the job but the
relative position of the stringline in the design cannot change. In MX it is possible for a stringline with the same name to appear in an infinite
number of positions in the design.
- In MX a stringline may crossover itself (e.g. an exit ramp), if the exact chainage where this occurs is selected in the Viva Roads application, the
relative order of the stringlines may not be maintained.
- MX allows different stringlines to cross over each other, if the exact chainage where this occurs is selected in the Viva Roads application, the
relative order of the stringlines may not be maintained.
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 78

8.3.5 Supported Avance data

a) Horizontal alignment

The horizontal alignment data should be separated by spaces.

Element_Number Chainage Eastings Northings Bearing Radius Parameter Length

Element_Number (Integer) : Correlative number of element within file. Should start with 1 and increment in steps of 1.
Chainage (Double) : Chainage at start of element
Eastings (Double) : Eastings ordinate at start of element
Northings (Double) : Northings ordinate at start of element
Bearing (Double) : Bearing of alignment at start of element
Radius (Double) : Radius of curvature of element.
Parameter (Double): The value of the clothoid parameter (always positive)
Length (Double): The length of the element.

nn) If the curve is towards the left in the direction of increasing chainage, the radius is negative.
oo) If the element is a straight the radius is 0.
pp) If the element is the start of a clothoid (spiral) whose radius is infinite at the start of the element, the radius should have a value of 0.001 if
it turns to the right and -0.001 if it turns left.
qq) If the element is the start of a clothoid (spiral) whose radius is a known value, the known radius at the start of the clothoid should be used.

1 0.000 501972.519 792983.872 226.6746 -400.000 0.000 55.290
2 55.290 501953.581 792931.973 217.8750 -400.000 -130.002 42.251
3 97.541 501943.311 792890.995 214.5127 0.000 0.000 199.169
4 296.710 501898.299 792696.979 214.5127 0.001 130.000 60.357
5 357.067 501882.564 792638.741 221.3742 280.000 0.000 329.687
6 686.755 501634.316 792451.458 296.3333 280.000 -130.000 60.357
7 747.112 501573.996 792452.318 303.1948 0.000 0.000 159.764
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 79

b) Vertical alignment file

The vertical alignment data should be separated by spaces.

Element_Number Chainage Height Slope Parameter Length

Element_Number (Integer) : Correlative number of element within file. Should start with 1 and increment in steps of 1.
Chainage (Double) : Chainage at start of element
Height (Double) : Height at start of element
Slope (Double) : Slope in %, positive if element rises, negative if element falls
Parameter (Double) : Parabolic parameter (kV)
Length (Double): The length of the element.

rr) If the element is a straight, the parameter has a value of 0
ss) If the element is a parabola, the sign of the parameter is given by subtracting the entry slope from the exit slope (p1 – p2). If the result of
the subtraction is negative, the value of the parameter will also be negative.


1 1000.000 146.933 0.004994 0.000 21.914

2 1021.914 147.042 0.004994 -15065.000 49.486
3 1071.400 147.208 0.001709 0.000 31.626
4 1103.026 147.262 0.001709 3003.000 19.496
5 1122.522 147.359 0.008203 0.000 26.613
6 1149.135 147.577 0.008203 -1000.000 88.200
7 1237.335 144.411 -0.08006 0.000 19.019
8 1256.354 142.889 -0.08006 900.000 72.098
9 1328.452 140.009 0.000107 0.000 1.234
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 80

c) Cross-section

For each cross-section the following data is required:

Cross-section chainage
Distance_to_CL Height

Empty line

Cross-section chainage: Chainage at which cross-section starts in format xxx+xxx.xx

Distance_to_CL: Distance from point to centreline, negative if to left.
Height: Absolute height of point


-5.650 922.000
-4.500 930.100
-3.500 931.100
-2.500 931.180
3.000 931.280
4.500 931.490
5.000 931.700
6.000 931.700

-5.650 938.000
-4.500 990.100
-3.500 921.100
-2.500 926.180
3.000 931.280
4.500 931.490
5.000 931.700
6.0 1.700
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 81

8.3.6 Supported REB data

The REB format is a cross-section based format that allows the import of cross-sections in layers. Up to 99 layers may be imported. A layer is
created in the SmartWorx Viva database for each layer in the REB cross-section file.

a) Horizontal alignment

The horizontal alignment file should have the extension *.040 or *.d40


040 1 412.697 0.000 0.0000 0.000 184.0374948 3504880.526 5373134.370

040 1 437.810 25.113 0.0000 500.000 184.0374948 3504886.757 5373110.043
040 1 637.810 200.000 -1250.0000 0.000 178.9445367 3504941.513 5372917.744
040 1 696.516 58.706 -1250.0000 -500.000 175.9546517 3504961.874 5372862.687
040 1 896.516 200.000 0.0000 440.000 170.8616935 3505045.413 5372681.032
040 1 1090.116 193.600 1000.0000 0.000 177.0241729 3505125.283 5372504.764
040 1 1256.392 166.276 825.0000 0.000 187.6095874 3505170.824 5372345.046
040 1768.629 512.237 825.0000 -400.000 227.1368911 3505112.577 5371844.374

b) Vertical alignment

The vertical alignment file should have the extension *.021 or *.d21


021 0 649219 61791 0

021 0 825607 62827 176470
021 0 1587709 62129 214020
021 0 1900000 58582 0

c) Cross-section
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 82

The cross-section alignment file should have the extension *.055, *.d55, *.066 or *.d66

The cross-section file may contain layers. It is possible to export any number of layers from the REB file.


D66 format:

66 20 780000 1 -5500 62587 -4000 62534 0000 62394 4000 62254

66 20 780000 2 5500 62202
66 20 800000 1 -5500 62650 -4000 62598 0000 62458 4000 62318
66 20 800000 2 5500 62265
66 20 820000 1 -5500 62706 -4000 62653 0000 62513 4000 62373
66 20 820000 2 5500 62321
66 20 840000 1 -5500 62754 -4000 62701 0000 62561 4000 62421
66 20 840000 2 5500 62369

D55 format:

055-1 810.000 0.00 42.62 2.63 42.55 4.37 42.51

055 1 810.000 0.00 42.62 1.38 42.65 3.27 42.57
055-1 820.000 0.00 42.60 2.63 42.53 4.37 42.49
055 1 820.000 0.00 42.60 1.38 42.63 3.27 42.56
055-1 830.000 0.00 42.58 2.63 42.51 4.37 42.47
055 1 830.000 0.00 42.58 1.38 42.61 3.27 42.54
055-1 840.000 0.00 42.56 2.63 42.49 4.37 42.45
055 1 840.000 0.00 42.56 1.38 42.59 3.27 42.52
055-1 850.000 0.00 42.53 2.63 42.47 4.37 42.42
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 83

8.3.7 Supported Cartomap data

Cartomap format is a cross-section based format that allows the import of cross-sections in layers. A layer is created in the SmartWorx Viva
database for each layer in the Cartomap cross-section file.

Cross-section layers are available from Cartomap v5.0 onwards, the Cartomap road data importer also accepts data files from previous versions
of Cartomap.

a) Horizontal alignment

definição do traçado em planta de: Eje_1

P.K. X Y Cota Rumo Comprimento Tipo raio Parâmetro

0+000.000 6196.694 7591.315 804.494 76.6817 247.281 Recta
0+050.000 6243.377 7609.222 800.569 76.6817
0+062.125 6254.698 7613.565 799.122 76.6817
0+100.000 6290.061 7627.130 795.446 76.6817
0+101.790 6291.732 7627.771 795.339 76.6817
0+150.000 6336.744 7645.037 790.425 76.6817
0+200.000 6383.427 7662.944 789.697 76.6817
0+216.423 6398.761 7668.826 790.923 76.6817
0+247.281 6427.571 7679.878 791.960 76.6817 108.000 Clotóide -300.000 180.000
0+250.000 6430.110 7680.852 791.943 76.6744
0+265.644 6444.705 7686.484 792.583 76.3504

b) Vertical alignment

definição do traçado em alçado de: Eje_1

P.K. Cota terreno RASANTE EJE_1 Dif. Cotas Inclinação Kv Cota vértice
0+000.000 804.494 802.085 -2.409 -4.770000
0+050.000 800.569 799.700 -0.869 -4.770000
0+062.125 799.122 799.122 -0.000 -4.770000
0+100.000 795.446 797.315 1.869 -4.770000
0+101.790 795.339 797.230 1.891 -4.770000 1900.858
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 84

0+150.000 790.425 795.545 5.120 -2.233778 1900.858

0+200.000 789.697 795.085 5.388 0.396613 1900.858
0+216.423 790.923 795.222 4.299 1.260616 1900.858
0+247.281 791.960 795.861 3.901 2.883942 1900.858
0+250.000 791.943 795.941 3.999 3.027003 1900.858
0+265.644 792.583 796.479 3.896 3.850000 1900.858

c) Cross-section file

pontos singulares da secção tipo: Eje_1

P.K. Nivel X Y distância Cota terreno Cota secção Dif. cotas

0+000.000 Nivel 1 6193.539 7599.539 -8.809 803.573 801.494 -2.079
6193.784 7598.901 -8.125 803.629 801.153 -2.476
6194.142 7597.967 -7.125 803.744 801.153 -2.591
6194.321 7597.501 -6.625 803.796 801.403 -2.394
6194.724 7596.450 -5.500 803.915 801.965 -1.950
6194.903 7595.983 -5.000 803.968 801.985 -1.983
6195.440 7594.583 -3.500 804.126 802.015 -2.111
6196.694 7591.315 0.000 804.494 802.085 -2.409
6197.948 7588.047 3.500 804.863 802.015 -2.848
6198.485 7586.647 5.000 805.021 801.985 -3.036
6198.664 7586.180 5.500 805.074 801.965 -3.109
6199.067 7585.129 6.625 805.192 801.403 -3.790
6199.246 7584.663 7.125 805.245 801.153 -4.092
6199.604 7583.729 8.125 805.350 801.153 -4.198
6199.849 7583.091 8.809 805.422 801.494 -3.928
Nivel 2 6194.329 7597.481 -6.604 803.799 801.413 -2.386
6194.508 7597.014 -6.104 803.851 801.663 -2.188
6196.694 7591.315 0.000 804.494 801.785 -2.709
6198.880 7585.616 6.104 805.137 801.663 -3.474
6199.059 7585.149 6.604 805.190 801.413 -3.777
Nivel 3 6194.321 7597.501 -6.625 803.796 801.403 -2.394
6196.694 7591.315 0.000 804.494 801.535 -2.959
6199.067 7585.129 6.625 805.192 801.403 -3.790
0+050.000 Nivel 1 6240.227 7617.436 -8.797 800.254 797.569 -2.684
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 85

8.3.8 Supported Clip data

The Clip format is a cross-section based format that allows the import of cross-sections in layers. A layer is created in the SmartWorx Viva
database for each layer in the Clip cross-section file.

a) Horizontal alignment


Eje Nueva Carretera.Tronco
0.0000 , 441000.0100 , 4453916.6870 , 99.0251 , 0.0000 , 0.0000
494.4770 , 441494.4290 , 4453924.2590 , 99.0251 , 0.0000 , 0.0000
574.4770 , 441574.4011 , 4453923.3511 , 104.1181 , 500.0000 , 200.0000
1254.0872 , 442036.6960 , 4453497.5778 , 190.6487 , 500.0000 , 0.0000
1334.0872 , 442044.1674 , 4453417.9503 , 195.7417 , 0.0000 , 200.0000
1430.6586 , 442052.8339 , 4453321.7891 , 191.3503 , -700.0000 , 260.0000
2381.9624 , 442693.2885 , 4452718.6216 , 104.8333 , -700.0000 , 0.0000

b) Vertical alignment


 Variante de la C-736.Claznica 23-05-2000 P g. 1


N§ P.K. TE Cota TE pE(%) Longi. Kv

Cota TS Cota TS pS(%) Flecha Theta(%)
=== =========== =========== ======== ======== ======== ========

1 700.000
634.567 700.000 634.567 6.0000

2 1082.017 800.767 640.613 6.0000 562.500 -7500

657.488 1363.267 653.269 -1.5000 -5.273 -7.5000

3 2769.005 2494.006 636.308 -1.5000 549.998 25000

632.186 3044.004 634.108 0.7000 1.512 2.2000
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 86

c) Cross-section


 C-736.Calznica. 23-05-2000 P g. 1


P.K. 1100


Dist. Cota Talud Dist. Cota Pend. Dist. Cota
======= ======== ======= ======= ======== ====== ======= ========
-25.89 647.123
-17.90 652.450 -1.500 -17.90 652.450
-16.00 653.718 -4.00
-15.00 653.758 8.00
-12.50 653.558 8.00 -12.50 652.558
-5.50 652.998 8.00
-4.50 652.918
0.00 651.323
4.50 652.278
5.50 652.198 -8.00 5.50 651.198
12.50 651.638 -8.00
15.00 651.438 -8.00
16.00 651.358 -8.00
17.71 650.221 17.71 650.221
23.24 646.533 -1.500

P.K. 1120


Dist. Cota Talud Dist. Cota Pend. Dist. Cota
======= ======== ======= ======= ======== ====== ======= ========
-27.19 646.633
-17.90 652.825 -1.500 -17.90 652.825
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 87

8.3.9 Supported InRoads data

The InRoads format is a cross-section based format that allows the import of cross-sections in layers. A layer is created in the SmartWorx Viva
database for each layer in the InRoads cross-section file. The data exported from the InRail application is exported in the same format as InRoads.

a) Horizontal alignment



* Nombre de la alineación: leica
* Descripción de la alineación:
* Estilo de alineación: default
LIN 0+000.000 0.000 521173.471 4716474.259 292.09 0.000
SPI 0+081.530 0.000 521092.570 4716464.154 292.09 15.000
CIR 0+096.530 75.000 521077.639 4716462.792 298.46 0.000
SPI 0+131.801 0.000 521043.466 4716470.107 328.39 15.000
LIN 0+146.801 0.000 521030.400 4716477.462 334.76 0.000

b) Vertical alignment



* Nombre de la alineación: rasante
* Descripción de la alineación:
* Estilo de alineación: default
LIN 0+002.821 619.746 -0.144 0.000
PAR 0+029.766 615.867 -0.144 50.000
LIN 0+079.766 613.524 0.050 0.000
LIN 0+139.197 616.510 -0.080 0.000
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 88

c) Cross-section

Example :

Date: miércoles, 18 de abril de 2001 11:14:12

Surface Name: FIRME1
Alignment Name: EJE-1
0+100,00 -30,650 922,000
0+100,00 -18,500 930,100
0+100,00 -17,500 931,100
0+100,00 -16,500 931,180
0+100,00 -14,000 931,280
0+100,00 -10,500 931,490
0+100,00 -7,000 931,700
0+100,00 -6,000 931,700
0+100,00 10,500 932,460
0+100,00 14,000 932,670
0+100,00 16,500 932,570
0+100,00 17,500 932,490
0+100,00 18,500 931,490
0+100,00 34,670 924,160

0+120,00 -31,040 921,700

0+120,00 -18,500 930,050
0+120,00 -17,500 931,050
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 89

8.3.10 Supported Ispol data

The Ispol format is a cross-section based format that allows the import of cross-sections in layers. A layer is created in the SmartWorx Viva
database for each layer in the Ispol cross-section file.

a) Horizontal alignment


ispol-V.7.08 3 Oct 2001 15:57 612 pagina 1

EJE : 27: Enlace T672. Ramal 1.


---- ----- --------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
1 RECTA 1.671 0.000 450686.112 4473164.070 135.0241 0.8524422 -0.5228215
2 CIRC. 143.204 1.671 450687.536 4473163.196 1500.000 135.0241 449903.304 4471884.533
3 CIRC. 132.107 144.875 450805.853 4473082.617 -1500.000 141.1019 451708.402 4474280.701
4 RECTA 67.700 276.982 450914.731 4473007.874 135.4951 0.8485509 -0.5291137

b) Vertical alignment

ispol-V.7.08 3 Oct 2001 15:57 612 pagina 1
EJE : 27: Enlace T672. Ramal 1.

Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 90



(%) (m) ( kv ) p.k. cota p.k. cota p.k. cota
------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
0.002 648.977
-2.022805 76.710 7500.000 199.334 644.945 160.979 645.721 237.690 644.562
-1.000000 77.575 6000.000 276.763 644.171 237.975 644.559 315.550 643.282
-2.292914 159.291 10000.000 703.743 634.381 624.098 636.207 783.389 633.823
-0.700000 127.300 1900.000 1035.627 632.058 971.977 632.503 1099.277 635.877
6.000000 198.750 3750.000 1222.923 643.295 1123.548 637.333 1322.298 643.991
0.700000 180.000 15000.000 1678.081 646.481 1588.081 645.851 1768.081 646.031
-0.500000 126.207 20000.000 1915.489 645.294 1852.386 645.610 1978.593 645.377

c) Cross-section file

ispol-V.7.08 3 Oct 2001 15:57 612 pagina 1
EJE : 27: Enlace T672. Ramal 1.


P.K. Inicial : 0.000

P.K. Final : 2320.000
Intervalo : 0.000
---------------- PUNTOS DE CONTROL EN ALZADO---------------------
------------------------------- --------------------------------
X: 450686.112 Dist.: 0.000 Cota: 648.977 Dist.: 0.000 Cota: 648.978
Y: 4473164.070 Dist.: 0.000 Cota: 648.977 Dist.: 0.000 Cota: 648.978
Az: 135.0241


---------------------- ---------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------
Dist. Cota Talud Dist. Cota Dist. Cota Cod Pend% Dist. Cota Cod Pend%
------- -------- ----- ------- -------- ------- -------- ----- ------ ------- -------- ----- ------
-21.01 639.415
-3.00 648.417
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 91

-2.00 648.917
-3.00 648.417 100.0 -2.00 648.917 50.0
2.00 4.00
-1.00 648.458 11.0 -1.00 648.958 11.0
2.00 2.00
0.00 648.477 1.0 0.00 648.977 1.0
-2.00 -2.00
3.50 648.407 2.0 3.50 648.907 2.0
-2.00 -2.00
6.00 648.357 11.0 6.00 648.857 11.0
-1.99 -3.99
8.00 648.318 100.0 7.00 648.818 50.0

7.00 648.818

ispol-V.7.08 3 Oct 2001 15:57 612 pagina 1

EJE : 27: Enlace T672. Ramal 1.

pk: 0.000
8.00 648.318
24.94 639.846

ispol-V.7.08 3 Oct 2001 15:57 612 pagina 1

EJE : 27: Enlace T672. Ramal 1.


P.K. Inicial : 0.000

P.K. Final : 2320.000
Intervalo : 0.000
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 92

8.3.11 Supported Modelo Digital data

The Modelo Digital format is a cross-section based format that allows the import of cross-sections in layers. Up to 4 layers may be imported. A
layer is created in the SmartWorx Viva database for each layer in the Modelo Digital cross-section file.

a) Horizontal alignment
1 0 476472.034 4480056.675 74.4488 0 0 378.541099999973
2 378.5411 476820.493 4480204.559 74.4488 -0.001 1826.2 460.000800000038
3 838.5419 477241.9955 4480388.7262 72.4292 -7250 0 4024.48099999997
4 863.0229 480253.3366 4482980.3717 37.0904 -7250 1826.2 460.000900000043
5 5323.0238 480498.2422 4483369.7341 35.0707 0 0 612.517999999982
6 5935.5418 480818.862 4483891.6357 35.0707 0.001 1826.2 460.000899999985
7 6395.5427 481063.7675 4484280.9982 37.0904 7250 0 1146.60499999998
8 7542.1477 481767.5662 4485184.6753 47.1586 7250 1826.2 460.000800000038
9 8002.1485 482085.0947 4485517.4779 49.1783 0 0 3.89500000001863
10 8006.0435 482087.8131 4485520.2674 49.1783 0 0 0.0017

b) Vertical alignment

1 0.000 121.090 -0.01 0 1000.0

2 1000.000 111.090 0 0 10000.0
3 11000.000 111.090 0 0 1000.0
4 12000.000 111.090 0 0 500

c) Cross-section file
-40.146 629.781
-30.786 629.596
-12.549 629.218
-7.203 629.397
-7.000 628.990 628.990
-6.315 628.175 628.175
-6.250 628.490
-6.037 629.435
-5.500 628.990 628.990
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 93

8.3.12 Supported Multipiste data

The Multipiste format is a cross-section based format that allows the import of cross-sections without layers.

a) Horizontal alignment
D;AO= 0.000;L= 494.477;X= 441000.010;Y= 4453916.687;G= 99.0251
A;AO= 494.477;L= 80.000;X= 441494.429;Y= 4453924.259;G= 99.0251;R= -0.000;A= -200.000
C;AO= 574.477;L= 679.610;X= 441574.401;Y= 4453923.351;G= 104.1181;R= -500.000
A;AO= 1254.087;L= 80.000;X= 442036.696;Y= 4453497.578;G= 190.6487;R= -500.000;A= 200.000
A;AO= 1334.087;L= 96.571;X= 442044.167;Y= 4453417.950;G= 195.7417;R= 0.000;A= 260.000
C;AO= 1430.659;L= 951.304;X= 442052.834;Y= 4453321.789;G= 191.3503;R= 700.000
A;AO= 2381.962;L= 96.571;X= 442693.289;Y= 4452718.622;G= 104.8333;R= 700.000;A= -260.000

b) Vertical alignment
D:S=700.000;SL= 100.767;Z= 634.567;P= 6.0000
P:S=800.767;SL= 562.500;Z= 640.613;P= 6.0000;RP= -7500.000;SJ=1250.767;ZJ=654.113
D:S=1363.267;SL= 1130.739;Z= 653.269;P= -1.5000
P:S=2494.006;SL= 549.998;Z= 636.308;P= -1.5000;RP= 25000.000;SJ=2869.006;ZJ=633.496
D:S=3044.004;SL= 621.327;Z= 634.108;P= 0.7000
P:S=3665.331;SL= 619.986;Z= 638.457;P= 0.7000;RP= -40000.000;SJ=3945.331;ZJ=639.437
D:S=4285.317;SL= 945.132;Z= 637.992;P= -0.8500

c) Cross-section
P;L=GAUCHE;PMDEV=1100.000;TPC=non;D1=4.500;P1=7.111;D2=1.000;P2=8.000;D3=7.000;P3=8.000;D4=2.500;P4=8.000;D5=1.000;P5=-4.000;N= 5
P;L=DROITE;PMDEV=1100.000;TPC=non;D1=4.500;P1=-7.111;D2=1.000;P2=-8.000;D3=7.000;P3=-8.000;D4=2.500;P4=-8.000;D5=1.000;P5=-8.000;N= 5
P;L=GAUCHE;PMDEV=1240.000;TPC=non;D1=4.500;P1=7.111;D2=1.000;P2=8.000;D3=7.000;P3=8.000;D4=2.500;P4=8.000;D5=1.000;P5=-4.000;N= 5
P;L=DROITE;PMDEV=1240.000;TPC=non;D1=4.500;P1=-7.111;D2=1.000;P2=-8.000;D3=7.000;P3=-8.000;D4=2.500;P4=-8.000;D5=1.000;P5=-8.000;N= 5
P;L=GAUCHE;PMDEV=1260.000;TPC=non;D1=4.500;P1=6.600;D2=1.000;P2=7.400;D3=7.000;P3=7.400;D4=2.500;P4=7.440;D5=1.000;P5=-4.000;N= 5
P;L=DROITE;PMDEV=1260.000;TPC=non;D1=4.500;P1=-6.578;D2=1.000;P2=-7.400;D3=7.000;P3=-7.414;D4=2.500;P4=-7.400;D5=1.000;P5=-7.400;N= 5
P;L=GAUCHE;PMDEV=1280.000;TPC=non;D1=4.500;P1=4.800;D2=1.000;P2=5.400;D3=7.000;P3=5.414;D4=2.500;P4=5.400;D5=1.000;P5=-4.000;N= 5
P;L=DROITE;PMDEV=1280.000;TPC=non;D1=4.500;P1=-4.800;D2=1.000;P2=-5.400;D3=7.000;P3=-5.414;D4=2.500;P4=-5.400;D5=1.000;P5=-5.400;N= 5
P;L=GAUCHE;PMDEV=1300.000;TPC=non;D1=4.500;P1=3.044;D2=1.000;P2=3.400;D3=7.000;P3=3.400;D4=2.500;P4=3.440;D5=1.000;P5=-4.000;N= 5
P;L=DROITE;PMDEV=1300.000;TPC=non;D1=4.500;P1=-3.022;D2=1.000;P2=-3.400;D3=7.000;P3=-3.414;D4=2.500;P4=-3.400;D5=1.000;P5=-4.000;N= 5
P;L=GAUCHE;PMDEV=1320.000;TPC=non;D1=4.500;P1=1.267;D2=1.000;P2=1.400;D3=7.000;P3=1.400;D4=2.500;P4=1.440;D5=1.000;P5=-4.000;N= 5
P;L=DROITE;PMDEV=1320.000;TPC=non;D1=4.500;P1=-1.244;D2=1.000;P2=-1.400;D3=7.000;P3=-1.414;D4=2.500;P4=-1.400;D5=1.000;P5=-4.000;N= 5
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 94

8.3.13 Supported SDR data

Horizontal and vertical alignment s may be imported from files in the SDR Varin / Map format. This format uses a single file to define both the
horizontal and vertical alignment.

a) Horizontal and vertical alignment

00NMSDR33 V04-030000 2-FEB-01 16:32 213121
28KIbaranbio 1
29NM15720.000 313.8178999999994814.765 2328.828
32NM209.570 400.000
33NM73.333 400.000
32NM248.663 1500.000
33NM92.045 -550.000
32NM421.525 -550.000
33NM92.045 -550.000
33NM101.250 500.000
32NM338.141 500.000
33NM101.250 500.000
33NM88.889 -450.000
32NM494.312 -450.000
33NM82.735 -450.000
32NM685.605 -6500.000
32NM157.108 5000.000
34NM16578.429 94.457
36NM18372.227 79.313 217.211
36NM19239.833 109.679 300.003
36NM19636.659 99.758 175.005
37NM20193.656 105.328
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 95

8.3.14 Supported SierraSoft data

The SierraSoft format is a cross-section based format that allows the import of cross-sections. The horizontal and vertical alignments are exported
in the same file.

a) Horizontal and vertical alignment

NAME "Eixo 0"


Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 96

b) Cross-section

#SEZ 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 224.599 248417.213 151769.600
0.000 224.349 0 0
-3.673 224.257 0 0
-3.870 224.102 0 0
-3.870 224.102 0 0
-3.673 224.257 0 0
-3.870 224.102 0 0
-3.870 224.102 0 0
-4.200 223.772 0 0
-4.200 223.772 0 0
-4.680 224.102 0 0
-4.680 224.102 0 0
-4.680 224.102 0 1
0.000 224.349 0 0
3.673 224.257 0 0
3.870 224.102 0 0
3.870 224.102 0 0
3.673 224.257 0 0
3.870 224.102 0 0
3.870 224.102 0 0
4.200 223.772 0 0
4.200 223.772 0 0
4.680 224.102 0 0
4.680 224.102 0 0
4.680 224.102 0 1
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 97

8.3.15 Supported TCP data

The TCP format is a cross-section based format that allows the import of cross-sections.

a) Horizontal alignment
0.000 517074.576 4151633.92 106.1004 0.000 0.000
71.228 517145.478 4151627.11 106.1004 75.00 100.000
127.478 517200.526 4151616.55 124.0054 0.000 100.000
232.701 517262.707 4151537.68 190.9925 50.00 0.000
257.701 517264.159 4151512.74 198.9503 0.000 0.000
263.562 517264.255 4151506.88 198.9503 25.00 -100.000

b) Vertical alignment
0.000 466.306 0.000 0.000 0.000
421.191 532.524 1000.000 144.969 10.508
868.541 473.151 1200.000 144.128 8.655
1213.935 510.277 0.000 0.000 0.000

c) Cross-section
0.000 -7.230 656.396 99
0.000 -7.010 656.176 59
0.000 -6.010 655.676 58
0.000 -5.010 656.176 20
0.000 -3.010 656.216 19
0.000 -3.000 655.966 18
0.000 0.000 656.026 0
0.000 3.000 655.966 18
0.000 3.010 656.216 19
0.000 5.010 656.176 20
0.000 6.344 655.287 50
10.000 -6.670 656.507 99
10.000 -6.669 656.507 59
10.0 -6.010 656.178 58
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 98

8.3.16 Supported Trazado data

Horizontal and vertical alignments may be imported from files in the Trazado format

a) Horizontal alignment

Fichero: C:\TEMP\COR\WIN\V1-2801
Título: v1-2801
Fecha: 28/01/2003 19:04:08



1 RECTA -248.631 283.216 495697.785 4393751.138 132.6287 0.000

0.000 0.000

2 CIRC. 34.585 30.200 495944.609 4393612.253 132.6287 -500.000

496189.802 4394048.006

3 RECTA 64.785 7.062 495971.360 4393598.247 128.7836 0.000

0.000 0.000

b) Vertical alignment file

Nombre del fichero del alzado : C:\TEMP\COR\WIN\V1-2801
Título: V1-2801
Fecha/hora última modificación: 11/11/2002 20:38:08


P.K. INICIO -500.0000 84.7370 -1.0680

TANGENTE ENTRADA -252.6782 82.0956 -1.0680

1 VERTICE -198.8937 81.5212 11116.0000
TANGENTE SALIDA -145.1091 81.4672 -0.1003
Data Import into SmartWorx Viva Design to Field 99

8.3.17 Supported Vips data

Horizontal and vertical alignments may be imported from files in the VIPS format

a) Horizontal alignment

10 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
10 266531.655 -51813.887 266531.742 -51750.228 63.660 0.000
10 2.000 63.660 25.000 25.000 0.000 0.000
10 266531.742 -51750.228 266530.114 -51741.320 72.765 0.000
10 3.000 72.765 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
10 266530.114 -51741.320 266521.390 -51718.339 97.346 0.000

b) Vertical alignment file

0.0000 10.0000 85.1000
0.0000 212.6300 0.0000
44.1600 214.1891 350.0000
85.1630 213.2000 0.0000

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