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Experimental study on the selection of access

point for localization in indoor environments

Martin M. Soto-Cordova †1 and Julio C. Manco-Vásquez∗2
† Departamento de Investigación, Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades
Av. Universitaria 5175, Los Olivos, Lima, Perú

Abstract—Nowadays, the popular adoption of smart phones RSSI measurements RSSI measurements
has enabled the development of several location-based applica- Database
at known positions
tions such as indoor localization for shopping centers, airports,
hospitals, among others. Typically, these services are based on
Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs), where the selection of
RSSI measurements
access points (APs) plays an important role for the localization RSSI measurements
at unknown locations
accuracy. In this paper, we evaluate different criteria of AP
selection as well as the number of required APs, the impact of
AP power transmission and the usage of different frequency
bands. The results are obtained by means of experimental
User localization
evaluations that provide more realistic comparisons. Finally,
we provide novel guidelines for the design of improved indoor
positioning systems. Fig. 1. Fingerprint matching scheme where RSS measurements are stored
at the database, and then compared to the online measurements to estimate
I. I NTRODUCTION the user position.

Nowadays, the adoption of smart phones has enabled

the development of several location-based applications. some classifiers achieves a better performance. Moreover,
The global positioning system (GPS) is probably the the infrastructure of indoor environments is quite complex,
most popular technology that has changed the way and often full of APs, where not all available APs provides
mobile users navigate outdoors. Nevertheless, this useful information making it more difficult to estimate
predominant positioning system can not be utilized in indoor the user’s position. In fact, some criteria for AP selection
environments, since the radio signals coming from satellites have been suggested in [12], and some bounds have been
are blocked by several obstacles. This has motivated the characterized for different deployments to provide useful
interest for the development of new approaches based on insights [13], [14]. This allows us to identify the key
radio signals commonly available indoors, where Wi-Fi is features for the accuracy of user localization’s estimates
one of the most employed infrastructure-based technologies. such as the number of APs, the bandwidth of the signal or
the angle of the receiver signal, among others.
Typically fingerprint matching schemes have been
devised for implementing indoor-localization systems. In this paper, we focus on indoor localization based
These scheme consists in collecting features (also known on WLAN. Concretely, we address an scenario full of APs,
as fingerprints) at every location to build a database, after and present guidelines to select the most relevant APs that
which the user’s location is estimated by matching online provide significant gains in terms of accuracy. Moreover,
measurements against the stored ones in the database [1]– several comparisons among different criteria are examined
[5]. A typical feature is the received signal strength (RSS), and evaluated taking into account their performance for
as it is often available at any mobile phone. However, the different parameters such as different AP transmission
performance of RSS-based localization schemes are also power, different frequency bands, and the number of APs.
degraded by the environmental noise, multipath fading, and
the uncertainty introduced by obstacles such as furniture, II. L OCALIZATION BASED ON RSS MEASUREMENTS
doors and walls [4]. Fingerprint-based positioning methods comprise two
stages: first, a fingerprint database is created using mea-
For that end, the position accuracy is of interest in surements acquired at known locations. In this stage, known
the design of indoor positioning system. In this regard, as an offline stage, RSS measurements are collected during
the experimental evaluation of localization algorithms short periods of time and at different points within the
is reported in some works to confirm the accuracy and indoor environment. Then, during a second online stage,
effectiveness of the approaches [6]–[9]. In [10] the authors a matching algorithm allows us to estimate the user po-
propose to employ different sensors to improve its accuracy, sition by comparing the real time measurements with those
while in [8], [11] a Kriging interpolation method is applied ones stored in the database. This process is summarized
to the data collected during an off-line training phase to and illustrated in Fig.1. In this way, a collection of RSS
construct an interpolated fingerprint database that along with measurements is obtained at a mobile equipment after which
1.2 m

Building A 6.3 m

Fig. 2. The buildings A and B are in front of each other.

it is compared against a database of fingerprint, so that
the user position is estimated. Let us representing this
collection as a vector composed of RSS measurements 8.9 m
r(z) = {r1 (z), r2 (z), r3 (z), ..., rM (z)} at the position z =
(x, y), where rk (z) refers to the measured RSS due to the Fig. 3. The established grid for collecting the measurements at each room.
kth access point APk , and each of these measurements rk Typically a grid resolution of 1.2m x 1m is considered.
follows a shadowing model [15] given by,
rk = tk + 10 log10 (K) − 10γ log10 ( ) − ψdB (1) measurements at each position are quite different. In fact,
measurements from APs that provide similar features within
where tk denotes the transmitted power in dBm, K is a
an indoor environments should be avoided [7]. In this work,
unitless constant that depends on the antenna characteristics
we evaluate different AP selection criteria which are applied
and the average channel attenuation, γ is the path loss
to both the fingerprint database, as well as to the online data.
exponent, d and do are the distance to the target location and
The following criteria are considered:
reference distance for the antenna far-field, respectively, and
ψdB is a random variable following a Gaussian distribution, • Energy: The APs are selected in a descending order
N (0, σk2 ). according to the average energy of the measurements
rk .
The estimation of the user location is obtained by • Maximum RSS: this criterion selects APs in a descend-
measuring the similarity between the current measurement ing order according to the maximum RSS value.
and the stored one. An estimator for the position ẑ is • Entropy: APs are sorted in descending order ac-
obtained by minimizing the error E = ẑ − z for a given cording to the calculated entropy, i.e. H(rk ) =
cost function C(E), i.e. minJ (E) = min E {C(E)}. From a
s∈ψ P (s)log(P (s)), where ψ is the alphabet of pos-
Bayesian point of view, the optimal estimator
R is given by sible values for the random variable rk , and P (s) the
the mean of the posterior P(z/r), i.e. ẑ = zP(z/r)dz. probability mass function.
For a more practical approach, the maximum likelihood is • RSS variance: with this criterion, APs with larger
commonly employed, which is given by, variance in their corresponding RSS measurements are
"M # selected. It follows a Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization
1 X −(rk (z) − µk (z))2
P(r/z) = QM exp . and is given by,
k=1 (2πσk (z))
1/2 2σk2 (z) 1: procedure RSS variance (G)
(2) 2: S ← set of APs
where µk (z) refers to the received signal attenuated by 3: Vc ← constant
the free-space path loss (i.e. µk (z) = tk + 10 log10 (K) − 4: for each index in the set S do
10γ log10 ( ddo )), and σk2 (z) the variance of the received 5: Vr⊥k ← Vrk − P royVc k
signal rk (z). Nevertheless, the variance estimates requires 6: end for
collecting a large amount of data, and the uncertainty of its 7: I ← argmax Vr⊥k 2
estimation is increased as few measurements are available. 8: V c ← V rk
For this reason, it is replaced by a constant. Thus, the max- 9: S ←S\k
imum likelihood reduces to the minimization of euclidean 10: if S is empty then
distance between the current measurement rk (z) and the 11: return I
stored one at the database, µk (z)1 . 12: else
13: go to 4
14: end if
Ideally, it is desirable to select APs that provide useful 15: end procedure
information for the user localization, i.e. where the collected where G = {Vr1 , Vr2 , ..., VrM }, Vrk is a vector com-
1 It is usually obtained by averaging several times the received signal posed by measurements of the kth AP which are
rk (z), so that the shadowing effect can be mitigated. collected within one room, and Vc a constant vector.
Criteria Energy Max. RSS Entropy Variance Optimal Criteria Energy Max. RSS Entropy Variance

Mean 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.97 1.48 Mean 2.6 2.76 2.56 2.27
error error
(m) (m)

Number 6 6 6 4.5 2.94 TABLE II



6 APs 1.97 1.99 1.96

• Optimal: in this case, the APs with the best localization 5 APs 1.93 2.01 1.98
results are obtained by brute force.
4 APs 2.17 2.16 2.06
The experiments were conducted at the buildings of TABLE III
the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, where RSS T HE OBTAINED RESULTS WHILE OPERATING IN THE 5 GH Z BAND OF
measurements were collected in geographical points that FREQUENCY, AND FOR DIFFERENT NUMBERS OF AP S

comprise indoors places such as classrooms, corridors

hallways, etc. Particularly, for the present experimental
evaluation, the measurements were taken within two
buildings (See Fig. 2). Each of them is composed of five included. We observe that the best performance is attained
floors, and 36 rooms where each of them has an AP. for a given number of APs, since they provide relevant
information for the user localization, whereas the rest of
The Wi-Fi network is composed of dual band APs APs may introduce errors. In fact, it can be observed that
that transmit signals following IEEE 802.11ac and IEE AP selection methods such as the energy, the maximum
802.11gn standard. The employed equipment during our RSS, and the entropy show similar errors. Nevertheless,
measurement campaigns includes a USB wireless adapter the performance for the RSS variance method is achieved
Proxim 8494 [16] and the software AirMagnet Survey with a less number of APs. This can be explained by the
PRO [17]. With this software, the map location of user is fact that this strategy selects more relevant APs. In fact, we
converted into Cartesian coordinates, while walking through can expect to improve the user localization by using RSS
the rooms. measurements quite different at each position, which is
exploited by the RSS variance method. On the other hand,
Fingerprint database: The measurements are collected the best results given by the optimal strategy reveals that
at each room following equidistant geographical points, there is enough room to look for improvements in the AP
as it is shown in Fig.3. By doing this, a total of 2188 selection.
fingerprints are collected. For each geographical point, we
collect four measurements which are taken at different We also consider an scenario where different transmission
times to avoid any correlation among the data. It allows us powers are often configured in a Wi-Fi network. For this
to consider the average of the collected measurements, so case, the addition of transmission power is emulated and
that uncertainties are reduced. the results for the same number of APs are showed in
Table II. As we expected, the variance RSS method is able
After building our database, the online measurements to achieve a better performance, as it selects more relevant
are obtained by extracting them from the fingerprint APs. Finally, we address the experimental evaluation in the
database. However, these measurements require to be band of 5 GHz. In this case, the transmission power of each
replaced at the database. One way of doing this is by AP is different to that employed in the band of 2.4 GHz,
applying an interpolation method taking into account the which does not allow us to compare both results. However,
features of the random variable RSS. In this context, a the different performances among the exposed methods can
Kriging interpolation method [11] turns out to be suitable, be observed in Table III. One common feature is the lower
since it allows us to predict values based on the spatial performance as the number of APs is decreased. In spite
dependence where nearby points are more similar than of this behavior, the variance RSS method still obtains an
those that are far away. error of 1.95m. with an average number of 4.94 APs. To
sum up, we believe that the user position may be better
V. P OSITIONING RESULTS estimated by taking into account APs providing different
In what follows, the experimental results of the 2D RSS measurements at each position. In fact, the variance
positioning are detailed and discussed. In table I, we method provides a reduced number of APs in comparison to
compare the obtained performance of each AP selection other strategies, since it selects APs providing distinct RSS
technique, where the number of APs required is also measurements. Moreover, this feature enables a significant
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