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6th/7th Literacy 2018-19 Lesson Plan

11/26 - 11/30 Warm-up: Lesson: Exit Slip: H/ Work:

Monday Close Read of This Week’s Nonfiction Text Annotation ReadWork
Pre-Read Magazine Assignment
Tuesday Pick your top 3 Today’s Notes:
details Completed Notesl ⇓
Text Structure

Wednesday Read-Aloud Today’s writing lesson: Nonfiction

Chapter ___ Summary
Adding in the details ⇓
(10 pts)
Thursday Word Wall This Week’s Focus Words Completed 4-
& square
4-square activity ⇓

Friday None Completed Probe

Reading Comprehension Probe
& Readworks
& Due Today
Friday Letter
Friday Letter
Coming-up Next Week:

• Next BOok Check-out: December 20th

COming Soon::

● Counselor’s COrner - ____________

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