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Running head: Integrated Syllabus |1

Integrated Syllabus

PBI C 2014

Roula Annisa
Siti Hajar
Widya Zuraida
Neslihan Bilgic

Integrated Syllabus
Integrated Syllabus |2

I. Introduction

Designing a syllabus for a course is badly needed in order to achieve the course goal
and pbjectives, as well as to meet the students and stakeholder’s needs. This action
( syllabus design ) is viewed as the process of selecting , sequencing, and justifying the
content of a curriculum ( Nunan (1998) cited in Celce-Murcia,2001,p.55). This syllabus
design is used a thoroughly complete guidance for the teacher of English language at the
Junior High School 2 Kurau, Tanah Laut District, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. The design
of this syllabus is following Nation and Macalister’s inner circle of curriculum design model
which involve content and sequencing, format and presentation, monitoring and assessing,
and goals as the center of this model ( Nation and Macalister, 2010,p.3) . This means that all
the processes and activities in a course should be done in order to achieve the designed and
proposed goal. The goal of theacing and learning process of English and specically in this
course is to develop students the basic rules, common vocabularies and expressions. And
then capable of implementing them on a simple conversation.
Therefore the process of teaching and learning English sould be focused to all aspect of
language, language use and usage, fluency and accuracy , and authentic language and
context. However since this is integrated syllabus, the focus of the contents and topics for
the teaching and learning process is much more to the improvement of basic English
It is hope that the process of teaching and learning will be meaningful for students,
which means that it should be beneficial for students.

II. Parameters

This course is designed for students who are studying at grade 7 Junior High School 2
Kurau, Tanah Laut District, South Kalimantan. This is a integrated syllabus instruction
which focus to reading skills and reading comprehension, ability to communicate and
develop grammatical , these ability is very important for students to learn English just as
Integrated Syllabus |3

well as the reading can discover new vocabulary., scanning, and for speaking itself has
studied how students communicate or conduct basic conversations and understand the
pronunciation of the habit of daily use English correctly. while grammatical, students are
introduced to some forms of time.
The students learn in English class will be about 20-30 persons ,aged
between of 10-12 years, in the first semester, they should be on a basic level of English, and
besides that students should at least have learned the language 2 years for the introduction
of English vocabularies before entering to to junior high 7th grade so they at least must
master the basic vocabulary as much as 100-300 words.
This course is designed for a semester a long or 17 weeks course with 80 minutes
for each time meeting. Some methods of of ELT such as grammatical translation method,
communicative language teaching, direct method will be used in the instruction. Some
techniques and strategies which require student’s active learning or participation such as
group works,conversation practice,games, and role plays.
The assessment to the process of teaching and learning as well as the achievment
of the goal and the objectives of the course wll be gradually and continually done during the
semester. Student active participation, classroom activities and assignment, as well as mid-
term and final test will be used in the process of assessment and evaluation of this course.
Thus, this course is expected to be able to help student to improve their English skill.

III. Rational of Selecting and Sequencing the Content

Each belief system about what students need to learn in language classroom
depends on organizing a global order of presentation. in other words regardless of the
approach a teacher adopts, she or he must plan and organize and make decisions what
should be taught first, second, third, and so on (MC.kay 197,p.11) use term syllabus in a
special way that seems to apply here: “syllabus provides a focus for what should be studied,
along with a rationale for how that content should be selected and ordered . (Brown, J.D.,
Integrated Syllabus |4

Sequencing in this syllabus got materials from some sources appropriate the students
beginner levels/7th grade junior high school need and according what make them easy and
comfortable to learn, so we mix some method and technique in this course. Take grammar
translation method, Direct and so forth. Because in this level of students we should make
them to motivated and interested to learn English language. Use grammar translation
method can develop students ability of reading and writing, in grammar translation method
vocabulary taught when learn grammar. The grammar translation method advocated
economy of time through deductive teaching of language involving reading and translation,
but also the emergence of writing and speaking as ultimate goals.
Integrated Syllabus |5

IV. Syllabus for Bahasa Inggris

Bahasa Inggris
School/Faculty SMPN 2 Kurau
Course Title Bahasa Inggris
Credit Hours 2 credit hours
Level of Students 7th grade I (first) Semester Students
Instructor Roula Annisa , Siti Hajar, Widya Zuraida, Neslihan Bilgic
Office/phone Teachers’ office/ +6285249948776, +6281952768684,
+6282155740745, +6281351403000
Email , ,
Class Time
Room 7A
Status Compulsory
Course Description This course will provide students with introduce, instructions,
practices, and experience in using English as a foreign language in
their basic english language. Students will learn how to
introducing, describing, telling, greeting, and so forth. They will
learn to communicative by short conversation. This course will
make students to know many things by talking and learning about
common vocabularies and basic structures of grammatical, role
plays, discussions, presentation, and games. Students should be
actively involved in the process of teaching and learning through
student-clearning to activate their knowledge and skills.
Course Goal By the end of the course, Students can implement the basic rules,
common vocabularies and expressions on short conversation
related the topic.
Integrated Syllabus |6

Course Objectives By the end of the course:

 7th grade students are able to use simple greetings
expressions in role play or by having conversation during 3-
5 minute in the classroom with 80% fluency and accuracy
according a given a rubric.
 7th grade students are able to developt their vocabularies
skill by reading some passeges about Family and Daily
routine in the classroom while the learning and teaching
procces with at least 75% fluency and accuracy.
 7th grade students are able to developt their speaking skill
by presentation about Family, Hobby and Food during 5-10
minutes in the classroom, with 75% fluency and accuracy
according to given rubric
 7th grade students are able to developt their listening skill
by answer listening question about Place and Hobby in the
classroom while the learning and teaching proccess with
75% appropriate answer according given rubric
 7th grade students are able to developt their writing skill by
complete some sentences about Daily Routine, Hobby and
Food in the classroom while the learning and teaching
procces with at least 90% appropriate words and grammar
according given a rubric.

Content Outline This course will provide students with introduce new vocabularies,
phrases and expressions, basic grammars, practices spelling and
pronunciation, and short conversation practices. The topics/content
materials are chosen from some English textbooks, and additional
resources which are selected based on the needs and content
analysis. The focus of this course is to introduce basic english
language by talking and learning about common vocabularies and
basic structures of grammatical.
Instructional Activities The instructional activities are focused on introducing basic English
in a simple. Additionally, discussions, role-plays, games, and any
activities which may motivate students to learn and practice english
in a meaningful ways will also be implemented in this course.
Teaches, assignments, quizzes, and examinations will also be given
by the teacher following the guideline from the school.
Integrated Syllabus |7

Course Books and 1. Djamaluddin, M Amiin, dkk. 2014.Your English Partner (A).
References Banjarmasin: IAIN Antasari Press
2. Wilson, Ken.Smart Choice:Oxford University Press
3. Kumalarini,Th,dkk.2008.Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah
Pertama.:Pusa Perbukuan Perbukuan Departemen Nasional
4. Kemendikbud RI.2013.Bahasa Inggris When English Ring The
5. Davies,Paul A.Aim High 1: Oxford University Press
General Rules/Policies 1. The teacher reserves the right to implement pop quizzes should
it become evident students have neither read nor prepared for
class discussions and activities.
2. Students are expected to fully participate and involve in all
activities and discussions
3. Punctual attendance at all class meetings is required. No
students are late coming to the class more than 5 minutes,
unless with specific acceptable reason.
4. Cellular phones should be turned off during class sessions.
Students will be asked to leave the class session if this rule is
5. Electronic devices (laptops, ipad, tablets, or kindles) will NOT
be allowed to use during the class. Students will not be
permitted to text, tweet, comments on FB, email, or surf the
internet during the class, except for the class purposes or be
asked to do so.
6. Assignment must be the students’ own work (no plagiarism).
Any attempt to pass off the work anything that has been copied
in part of a book, a journal or paper, or electronic source, is
considered as plagiarism. It will result student’s fail in the
course. Please note that for most language courses, it is also
regarded as plagiarism if students submit written work for
assessment that has been checked, edited, corrected or written
by other students or their own assignment for other course.
Attendance Policy Attendance is expected in all meetings and your attendance will be
taken and recorded in all class sessions. More than one absence is
considered excessive, and every absence will lower your grade as
much as 5 points. You CANNOT walk in for the final exam which
will cause you to FAIL in this course if you miss the class three
times. Exception may be made for emergencies reasons (e.g. sick
with a note from a doctor, or other emergencies matters with a
written document).
Integrated Syllabus |8

Evaluation and Grading  Class participation, including attendance

Procedures Weighting : 10%
 Mid-Term test
When : 7th Week
Format : Written Examination
Weighting : 30%
 Assignments
Weighting : 10%

 Final Test
1. Format : Oral presentation
When : 14th Week
Weighting : 25 %
2. Format : Written Examination
Weighting : 35%
Total : 100%
 Grading Scale
: 85– 100%
A (Excellent)
: 75 – 84.99%
B (Good)
: 60 – 74.99%
C (Satisfactory)
: 00 – 59.99%
D (Failing)
Running head: Integrated Syllabus |9

Bahasa Inggris Course Outline:

Week Materials/Contents Activities Assessments/Indicators Assignments

1 Introduction to English Teacher:  Quiz about the syllabus;

Language course and  Describing the syllabus, course  Students know & understand
Course Description policy, and study contract their rights, obligation, and
 Remind students on what they class policy
have to do next week
 Listening to teacher’s
explanation & lecture;
 Introduce themselves
2 Greeting Teacher:  Students can introducing Asking students to
 Introducing vocabularies themselves or other people introduce themselves in
related the topics  Students can give response front of class
 Introducing vocabularies  Students can practice
related the topics include conversation
about introduction, etc.  Students know how to speak
 Explain about greeting formal and informal with
formal and informal people

 Listening and practicing
the conversation
 Role play : find
information to another
3 Greeting Teacher :  Students know how to speak Asking students to make
 Give example about formal and informal with conversation with their
greeting formal and people friends using formal and
informal (Audio)  Students can make formal informal greeting
Integrated Syllabus | 10

and informal request in

Students : greeting
 Listening teacher’s
 Practice conversation with
formal and informal
4 Family Teacher:  Students can introducing Asking student to
 Introducing about his/her family introduces their family.
vocabulary related the  Students can ask and give
topic information about his/her
 Give example how to family
introduce their family  Students know how to
 Checking and correcting pronounce the words
the pronunciation
 Listening and asking
about another student’s
 Make conversation with
other people in the class
about family.

5 Family Teacher:  Students can ask about other Asking students to ask
 Explain question with WH family using WH-question their friends with W-H
question question about family
 Ask the student to read the
passage about family
 Listening teacher’s
 Read the passage about
Integrated Syllabus | 11

6 Daily routine Teacher:  Students can memorize a Asking students to write

 Introducing about new vocabulary his/her activity.
vocabulary related the  Students can talk with other
topic friends about daily routine
 Ask student to read and
practice short
conversation about daily
 Listening and memorize
the vocabulary related the
 Read and practicing the
conversation with friends
in the class
 Make conversation with
friends about his/her daily

7 Daily Routine Teacher:  Students can use time Asking students to

 Introducing about time expression when write practicing time
expression his/her daily routine expression in his/her
 Give example about time  Students can use specific daily routine
expression expression when write
Students: her/his daily routine
 Listening teacher’s  Students can pronounce the
explanation words with practicing
 Practicing the time
expression with their daily
Integrated Syllabus | 12

8 Daily Routine  Students can use past tense in Asking students to

Teacher: his/her daily routine describe their daily
 Introducing about  Students be able to identify routine and write their
grammatical ( past tense ) tenses in the passage daily routine use past
 Ask student read the tense
passage about daily
routine with using tenses
 Ask student to find word
related to the tenses
 Listening and practicing
the tenses
 Read the passage about
daily routine with using
 Find the word related to
tenses in the passage

9 Mid-Term Test Written Test A 30-50 Questions and answers 80 minutes

about some topics they have
10 Hobby Teacher:  Students know new
 Introduction new vocabulary related hobby Asking students to write
vocabularies about the  Students can describe about their hobby and ask
their hobbies them to record
 Students can ask for and give
 Ask student to explain
information about their
about their hobby hobbies
 Give an exercise about
hobby and activities (
audio )
Integrated Syllabus | 13

 Listening the explanation
 Memorize the vocabulary
 Explain about his/her
 Answer the question (
audio )
 Play game related to the

11 Hobby Teacher:  Students can talk about Asking students to make

 Explain about grammar ( hobby using adverbs and conversation using
Adverbs and Frequency ) frequency expression when ask and
 Students can using give information to
 Explain about using other friend
expression when asking or
expression giving information about
 Give example about the hobby
grammar and expression

 Listening the explanation
 Practicing the grammar
related their hobby
 Practicing the expression
related their hobby
 Do short conversation
with friends related the

12 Hobby Teacher:  Students how to take adverb Asking students to read
in a sentence passage and identify the
Integrated Syllabus | 14

 Explain about the position  Students can identify adverb adverb

of grammar ( adverb in in passage
sentence )  Students can understand the
topic with answer a questions
 Ask the student to read the
related the topic
passage about the topic
 Do exercise related the
(True/False )
 Listening the explanation
 Read the passage about
the topic
 Answer the exercise
 Play games

13 Place Teacher:  Students Student can Asking students tell

 Introduction about new pronunce and spell the interesting place that
vocabulary related to the vocabularies they have visited
topic  Student know about the
 Give exercise about the
 Students know how the
topic ( audio ) function of preposition
 Explain about grammar  Students are able to using
( Preposition of Place and direction when talking about
Direction ) place
 Listen to the teacher
 Listen and do the exercise
 Memorizing and practicing
the grammar
Integrated Syllabus | 15

14 Place Teacher:  Student know about the Asking students to give

 Continue the explanation grammar direction how to get
by the grammar (  Students know how the place
Preposition and direction ) function of preposition
 Students know how to give
 Give example about the
grammar and ask student
to practicing the grammar
with friend
 Ask student to do the
exercise ( Find a place
with the map )
 Give an audio about place
and ask student to answer
 Listen to the teacher
 Practicing the grammar
with friends
 Do the exercise related to
the grammar
 Answer the audio
15 Food Teacher:  Students know vocabulary Asking students to talk
 Introduction about new related the topic about food in his/her
vocabulary related to the  Students can exchange their city
topic personal experience related
taste of food
 Introduction about taste
 Students are able to
Integrated Syllabus | 16

 Ask student to read the describing about taste of food

passage about food
 Ask student to do the
exercise related the
(True/False )
 Listen to the teacher
 Memorizing the
vocabulary with friends
 Read the passage about the
 Do the exercise related the
16 Food Teacher:  Students can use appropriate Asking students make a
 Explain the grammar ( grammar to express likes and video of food that they
Present tense and question dislikes like or dislike and
with do and does )  Students can ask with do and reason of them
does questions
 Give example about the
 Students can recognize the
grammar difference of Do and Does
 Ask the student to asking  Students can talk with other
about favorite food with friends and know how to
other friends pronounce the words
 Ask student to read and
practicing the conversation
and correcting the
Integrated Syllabus | 17

 Listen to the teacher

 Practicing the grammar
 Ask friend about their
favorite food related to the
 Practicing the conversation
in front of class
17 Final Test Oral Test A 15 – 20 minutes oral 1 x 80 minutes
18 Final Test Written Test A 30-50 Questions and answers 80 minutes
about some topics they have
Running head: Integrated Syllabus | 18

V. Closing
Thus, this syllabus is designed as the selection, sequencing, and justification of the
content of the curriculum. Those topics and contents above are selected based on the need
assessments and needs analysis toward the students, environment, and other stakeholders.
Therefore this syllabus is believed will be able to guide the whole course so the goal and the
objectives of the course can be easily achieved.

VI. References

Brown, H.D., (2007). Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy.

3rd Ed., New York. Pearson Longman
Brown, J.D., (1995). The Elements of Language Curriculum: A Systematic Approach to Program
Development. Boston, MA., Heinle & Heinle
Celce-Murcia, Marianne. (2001). (Eds). Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, 3rd ed.,
United State of America, Heinle & Heinle.
Nation, I.S.P. & Macalister, J. (2010). Language Curriculum Design. New York. Routledge

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