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1. Who is the father of modern computers?

Answer: Charles Babbage
2. What does HTTP stands for?
Answer: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
3. Who developed Facebook?
Answer: Mark Zuckerberg

4. The process of transferring files from a computer on the Internet to your

computer is called
Answer: Downloading/Download
5. RAM stands for
Answer: Random Access Memory
6. What animal symbolizes the logo of Linux?
Answer: Penguin
7. 1024 bytes is equal to
Answer: 1KB/1 Kilobyte
8. What is the default extension of file created in MS-Word?
Answer: .docx
9. Google, Bing, and Yahoo are examples of
Answer: Search Engine
10. PDF stands for
Answer: Portable Document Format
11. What is the default font in Microsoft Word?
Answer: Calibri (Body)
12. Color of the 5th letter in GOOGLE?
Answer: Green

1. Unit of measurement for the speed and movement direction of a computer

Answer: Mickey

2. What is the commonly used unit for measuring the speed of data
Answer: Bits per second/BPS
3. A byte is consist of how many bits.
Answer: 8 bits
4. It is a printed circuit card inside the computer.
Answer: Motherboard
5. BIOS stands for
Answer: Basic Input Output System
6. Each Web address is actually a series of numbers, which is usually called
Answer: IP Address
7. Who invented World Wide Web?
Answer: Tim Berners Lee
8. The linking of computers with a communication system is called
Answer: Networking
9. Software, such as Explorer and Firefox, are referred to as _____.
Answer: Browser/Web Browser

10. It was a computer worm that attacked tens of millions of Windows personal
computers on and after 5 May 2000 local time in the Philippines and was
invented by Onel De Guzman who is a Filipino
Answer: ILOVEYOU/Love Bug/Love Letter
11. JPEG stands for
Answer: Joint Photographic Experts Group
12. What is the 5th android version released?
Answer: Eclair
1. First super computer in the world is
Answer: CRAY – 1
2. The first computer language developed was
3. A computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world.
Answer: Augmented Reality/AR/Virtual Reality/VR

4. What is the name of the robot that was developed by Hong Kong-based firm
Hanson Robotics, was granted citizenship in the Middle Eastern nation last
Answer: Sophia
5. JavaScript is a trademark of which company?
Answer: Sun Microsystems/Sun
6. In what year did Facebook bought Instagram?
Answer: 2012
7. WIFI stands for
Answer: Wireless Fidelity
8. What country has the fastest internet connection in the world as of 2017?
Answer: South Korea
9. 1 Terabyte is equal to how many gigabytes?
Answer: 1024
10. In printers, the colors CMYK, C stands for?
Answer: Cyan

11. A small electronic device containing flash memory that is used for storing
data or transferring it to or from a computer, digital camera, etc.
Answer: Flashdrive
12. It is the executive department of the Philippine government responsible for
the planning, development and promotion of the country's information and
communications technology (ICT) agenda in support of national development.
Answer: Department of Communication and Information Technology/DICT

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