Project Description: Motorized Curtain System

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Project Description

The sun emits all kinds of rays: cosmetic rays, gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet rays,
infrared rays, microwaves, short radio waves and long radio waves. The ultraviolet
(UV)rays produce UV radiation, which has three main components: ultraviolet A (UV-A),
ultraviolet B (UV-B) and ultraviolet C (UV-C). The sun’s most dangerous burning rays are UV-A
and UV-B. UV-B results in skin burns, erythma (reddening of the skin) and darkening of the skin,
according to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety. UV-A causes darkening of
the skin. Prolonged exposure to the sun causes the premature aging of the skin. Ninety percent
of the skin carcinomas are attributed to UV-B exposure, according to NASA. Overexposure to
UV rays from the Sun may result in three types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous
cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma. Malignant melanoma is the most dangerous form of
skin cancer. This can prove to be fatal if not treated in early stages. Basal cell carcinomas
develop from continuous exposure of face, neck or hands to the sun. This rarely causes death
and it does not spread to other parts of the body.

This project aims to mitigate the harmful effects of the sun’s UV rays to the population. The
students aspire to apply the knowledge involving dc machines derived from class EEEC – 413
(Energy Conversion).

In this project, the students intend to design an automatic motorized curtain system that
responds to the intensity of the sun’s light outside a specific window. The system utilizes
a light-dependent resistor (LDR) to detect the level of light. The LDR, via Arduino Uno,
uploads data to an array. A dc motor (unknown rating) will be turned on and rotate
clockwise/counter-clockwise once the system decides that there’s an alarming level of
light. Curtain(s?) connected to the dc motor(s?) closes and opens as the dc motor(s?)
rotates. The system monitors the data in the array every n minutes/seconds/hours????.
Curtain(s?) closes once the system detects a very low level of sunlight.

The students also plan to implement a “manual mode”. In this mode, the curtain opens
and closes whenever the user wants it to, via wireless means. Bla blab la Bluetooth???
Antenna???? App sa phone?????

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