December 2018 Cornerstone

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= > ‘en rsdchue fcr fe croequoeicnsen ise vet Hat 2 ret in ASS contitnsrene ) December BOLE _ ‘rermicmam prreasstPasrage 207-290 ‘try Bums Se tet a eae i ' Minister's Musings By the time you read this Thanksgiving will have passed and well be traveling at the speed of light towards Christmas. Before we blink, Christmas will have come and gone and we'll be stuck with the bleakness of winter. Ok, that might have been alittle harsh January and February are not completely wasted months. But italways seems a litle sad when Christmes passes for another year doesn’t it? ‘Seems like we gothrough the same emotions and thoughts each year around the holiday least do. "We don't need more stuff.” "We need to slow down and enjoy the season.” “How are we going to see all our family and friends?” “How do ‘keep Tracy from the spiked egg nog this year” *We really need to remember the reason for the season.” Any of this sound familiar? I mean people can really do some weird stuff when they get intotoo much “adult” eg nog! It seems like Christmas has become a season to survive instead of a season to really slow down and enjoy. There's the old complaint that stores are set up for Christmas earlier and eerlier each year and I believe it because November 1 there were stores decorated for Christmas. Then there comes the Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping, getting preseats for friends and relatives, baking for holiday parties, feeling silty because last year you said you'd weigh “x" number of pounds les, and of course ‘we need to cram Christin there somewhere too, Oh the humanity. [saw a quote today on Facebook from Albert Einstein, so I can’t guarantee it's really from him. What Ian guarantee is the truth behind it though. It reads: "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created ther.” ‘That Einstein guy was smart, and I'm going to apply his thinking to this holiday season. 'm not going to grumble about the materialism, the commercials, the ENDLESS Hallmark movie channel watching, the missing reason for the season. Nope not gonna, doit. This year I'm going to count my blessings instead. live ina country where Ican celebrate any holiday I wish. I'm blessed to be able to buy presents. I'm blessed because Thave family to buy presents for and for family that eares enough to buy presents for me. Tam able to watch movies with the EXACT same plot over and over because I have ‘my health and a wonderful spouse who likes to spend time me. I'm blessed to be able to preach a few times during the holiday season and try to remind people ofthe birth of our wonderful Savior. I am blessed because my unlost weight helps keep me warm ducing the bleak winter months on a cold bus. ‘This year no grunbling, I'm going to sit back and enjoy the season because I only havea limited number f them. I'll enjoy it with family and friends and be mindful to ‘give thanks instead of grumble. Who's with me? Spoiler alert..the woman will fall in love with her hometown baker instead of the big city CEO! ¢vents in our Church Life Decemher 5 ~ Group 3:16, 6-7:30 @ Minden December 9 Congregational Budget Voting Meeting Dezember 9- Board Meeting 11:15 December 16 ~ Sunday School Christmas Program 10:00 December 19 - Group 3:16, 6 ~ 7:30, @ Neola December 24 - Christmas Eve Service — 6:00 p.m. Pastor Brian ond ope The Minden Ucc, Thanhke.. Thank-you So very _ Much for She Target with ifs Cord. Epub + c : i very good use| a caprtal Your thougnrfulness - \" Was APOreci ated ! : aT : Wy Cperiy ht eSgek me so om ONS” iS Sen)

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