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Geunziu si infinitiv

1)Can’t, bear, like, dislike, hate prefer - vb ing/ inf

Ex: I can’t bear to see you cry/ I can’t bear to riding

Not like to + inf lung = ex: i don’t like to disturb Tom in the middle of the night

2) continue, attempt(a interzice) , begin, propose, stari, intend + vb ing/ vb inf lung

Ex: he continued reading

He continued to read

3) Forget, remember –

- vb ing (actiune trecuta, incheiata)

- inf lung (act. viitoare)

I remember giving Tom my phone number

Remember to lock the door when you leave (nu uita sa inchizi usa cand pleci)

4) Try :

- vb cu ing – incearca, experimenteaza

- inf lung – cand se cunoaste consecintele

Try jogging every day! You must feel better

I tried to open the door but i couldn’t

5) GO ON:

- vb. Ing- a continua o actiune(deja inceputa)

-inf. Lung: a trece de la o stare la aalta/de la un subiect la altul

GO ON reading= continua sa citesti

She went on ↗ to praise her month

↘to become the president of the....

6)MEAN ↗a avea intentia(+INF LUNG)

↘a inemna, a presupune(+VB ING)

I meant to tell about the party but i forgot.

Getting to school at 8 a.m., means getting up at 7 a.m.

A ajunge loa scoala la 8 dimineata,inseamna sa ma trezesc la 7.

7)REGRET ↗INF LUNG= act. Viitoare

↘VB ING= actiune trecuta

I regret to tell you that your som broke a win (regret sa va informez ca...)

I regret giving Tom my phone number.(regret ca i-am dat lui Tom nr. Meu de telefon )

8)STOP ↗VB CU INGa inceta o activitate

↘INF LUNG=arata scopul

Stop smoking!= inceteaza sa mai fumezi!

She stopped to smoke a cigarette= s-a oprit sa fumeze o tigara

9)HEAR, SEE, WATCH –VB cu ING=actiune in desfassurare

-INF SCURT= actiune in desfassurare

I heard them↗crying=I-am auzit plangand

↘cry=I-am auzit plangand

10)CONSIDER ↗INF LUNG=a fi considerat

↘VB ING= a-i trece prin cap sa...

She is considering to be the best= ea este considerata a fi cea mai buna

She is considering moving aboard – se gandeste sa, ii trece prin cap sa

11) Imagine ↗ + CD + INF LUNG

↘ vb cu ing – imaginati-va

I imagine the book to be interesting

Imagine living in a place like that

12) Require, want, need + vb cu ing = necesita, trebuie

My house needs painting

13) Let, make, have ↗ inf scurt (diateza activa)

↘ inf lung (diateza pasiva)

My sister - lets me go out

- Has me wash the deshes diateza activa

- makes me read books

I am made to stufy by my mother

I am allowed to go out every day

14) Have + inf scurt

I had my secretary tape some letters ( am pus-o pe secretara mea sa bata la masina niste

Get + inf lung

I got my secretary to type some letters

15) Expresii gerunziale

a) It’s no use – nu are rost sa

b) There is no point in – nu are rost sa

c) to get used to

d) to be used to

e) To get accustomed to a se obisnui cu

f) to be accutomed to

g) to look forward to

h) worth – merita sa

i) can’t help – nu ma pot abtine sa nu ajut

j) cand’t stand – nu suport sa

k) can’t bear – nu suport sa

l) risk

m) deny ↗ vb cu ing

↘ having +vb 3/ed

He denied breaking into the house

having broken into the house

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